Zelin and Tishaya bent slightly to greet Tancred.

"Your Majesty, how did you get to such a dangerous place?" Zelin raised his head. He had seen Tancred from a distance before, but compared with last year, the pressure after his enthronement obviously made the young king even more serious. For maturity. "I heard the news before that you have been staying in the winter capital of Corville."

"I'm here for many things, Master Demon Hunter. The world is undergoing tremendous changes. I can't sit in the palace and wait for my subordinates to send me news." The young king shook his head, his cloak was a solid board. A. "But I'm here for my own business. My mother's best friend, my mentor, Xier, has lost track in Novigrad, so my mother hopes that I can find her. And...I also want to know, my What on earth is your ally Ladovide planning."

Chapter 2265: Friends from Fujian

"My father can control the situation of the entire continent in the Kovir's palace, but I can't, I don't have that ability yet. So I have to come forward. The Nilfgaards assassinated my father. There is insufficient evidence, I cannot tear up the treaty, but I can send volunteers and mercenaries to Fujian, Aden and Temoria." Tancred rubbed his forehead, he looked tired: "I signed with Ladovide After the Shouwang Mutual Assistance Agreement, his mother was my grandmother’s cousin. I used to trust him, thinking that he was just like me, just to lead the country to become stronger, so I used some radical methods."

"Ladooved's methods have long been beyond the scope of radicalism."

"So I informed the Order of the Warlocks. Kovir is willing to provide shelter for any warlock, alchemist, and any good people who have mastered their talents but are persecuted in their homeland, just like my ancestors left Redania at the foot of the Dragon Mountain. It did when the country was founded independently." Tancred spread his hands and looked at Zelin: "And you too, master demon hunter. In the past, there was a master demon hunter named Cohen in Cowell. He and A mining prospector teamed up to establish Powys’s most famous mining company. If you have many, Cowell welcomes any demon hunters at any time."

"I saw Cohen before the Battle of Brunner."

"His sacrifice is a loss." Tancred sighed: "I hope this kind of thing will never happen again. When I was young, I had heard the legend about him."

"It's rare to see anyone who thinks like you, Your Majesty."

"The Earl of Troyden, who founded the Kingdom of Corvell, was himself a brother exiled by King Rydania. The first batch of people who arrived in the frozen ground were scholars and miners who were regarded as lunatics and heretics. All Corvell knew about this. Prejudice is meaningless." Tancred said, "Ladooved wants everyone to believe in the eternal fire, and then he becomes the patron of the church, so that all farmers will respect him extremely. I brought it. Several ships, and I have applied for Ms. Merigold as my court warlock and magic advisor. If you rescue some warlocks, you can use the ship I prepared to transport them to Kerviel."

This is good news for Zelin. Not long ago, he was still considering how to obtain a ship that could help the warlock evacuate. Now, the Order of Warlocks sent Triss over, and the King of Corvell is willing to provide ships and shelters. Then, the rest is much easier.

In the early morning of the same day, when Zelin walked closer to the bathhouse, a city guard stepped forward and stopped the demon hunter. The brown eyes under the helmet looked at it, and the light brown beard covering his mouth squirmed slightly.

"You're an outsider, aren't you? Then take out your pass and I want to check it again."

Zelin frowned, he looked left and right, but he didn't find Dikoschi. There were only a few minutes left before the agreed time, and the door of the bathhouse was still closed.

He didn't want to cause trouble at this time, and he didn't know why someone would check the pass in the city. But Yaxie Fayin should be able to solve the trouble for him.

Seeing that Zelin did not move, the city guard blinked vigorously. "Is this your pass?" He pointed to the bandage that the demon hunter carried with him. "I must check your pass, otherwise I cannot be sure of your origin."

Pedestrians around have quickened their pace, as if avoiding lepers.

"Are you talking about this?" Zelin slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Or something else?"

"Do you guys who use swords to make a living don't understand? Yes, that's it." The city guard took the paper. He lowered his head, checked it for a few seconds, and then handed it back: "You must carry your passport with you, otherwise you They will be driven out as spies and refugees. There are enough **** refugees here, and if you come some more, the walls will be crushed by them."

The paper was folded, and Zelin could feel what was inserted inside.

The guard passed by Zelin, and the moment he passed by, a deep voice came into his ears.

"Sigi Ruben's greetings to you."

Zelin turned around, and the guards had already found another elf who looked hurriedly.

"Hey, you! Stop, I want to check your pass!"

The demon hunter walked out a few steps, listening to the voice behind him gradually disappearing into the hustle and bustle of the citizens, he opened the paper, which contained a paper and a folded ID, he took out the paper, the font inside was obviously Dikoscher wrote it himself, because the handwriting of the essayist would certainly not be so scribbled.

"The team will leave this afternoon. Manji will not follow. He will stay at the headquarters for a banquet."

Basically the same information as Amelia got.

Thinking about this, Zelin continued to look down along the note.

"At the bottom, I show you their route map. You must leave Novigrad. This pass can help you return to the city."

At the bottom, the names and trails of several villages are written, and the specific departure time that Dick Sicher learned about, and the estimated number of guards in the **** team are written. Eternal Fire will send about 30 witch hunters and city guards in charge. Dikoscher’s people did not investigate the specific escort. The level of confidentiality seems to be very high. He could not investigate more in a short time. Clues, this is everything that can be found.

Zelin was a little surprised.

Not only because of the information Dijkstra told him, but Amelia had access to what Dijkstra could find.

"I'm telling you, Dandreen, this must be a scam. You will always think of this kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing, even if it does, it will not hit you in the head."

"You always underestimate your friend's abilities, Zoltan. I, Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount Leitianharp, it is quite normal to have a distant relative who runs a tavern. These years, wars can easily cause an old man to lose his son, and a wealthy businessman to lose his heir. When there is no son, it is undoubtedly the wisest decision to hand over the property to relatives. After all, blood is thicker than water."

"Let me say that in two more days, you may find yourself penniless, chased by a group of creditors to collect debts, and signed countless IOUs without knowing it. This was a **** during the war. Nilfgaard’s slave hunting team is here again. In Aden, Saqiya killed a lot of slave hunting teams, but I bet that Ladovide is definitely not so kind. Before going to see your relative’s estate lawyer, why Why don't you go to Dudu for a drink first? Find out the truth or not of this incident. He has lived in Novigrad for twenty years, and he must know more than us."

"You may not believe it, I have lived in Novigrad for a long time and..."

"And finally escaped from this city, right?" Zelin walked behind the poet and the dwarf: "If I hadn't heard your voices, I would never have imagined you coming to Novigrad at this time. I am. I thought you should enjoy life in Forge."

Zoltan turned around, then opened his eyes wide and opened his arms: "Isn't this the master demon hunter we are everywhere and never know where we went?"

"Sounds like I am a warlock." Zelin looked at Dandrien: "The last time I saw you, weren't you still at Frjan, writing poems for Saqiya's revolution?"

"Of course, I have always been willing to write poems for beautiful and brave ladies." Dandrien straightened his chest: "But sometimes, I also care more about family and family affairs."

"Stop it, Dandrien, if it weren't for inheriting a tavern, you wouldn't have left Forge." Zoltan said unceremoniously, "But liars like people like you, and a letter can do it. I told you to come here and I almost forgot to find a few friends, otherwise you won’t even be able to give you a ransom."

"How many times do you want me to say that no one can pretend to be a family crest, otherwise this would be a violation of the law set by the first wise kings. Believe me, this is just a distant relative who wants to see me again before his death. "Dandreen paused: "But you're right, first go to Dudu for a good drink. I need to tidy up my clothes a bit, fill up my stomach, and then go to see my relatives."

"Wait, Du Du?" Zelin found this person's name in his memory as much as possible: "Who is he?"

"You may not know him, Zelin, he is a shapeshifter, right in Novigrad." Dandrien lowered his voice: "He is very talented in business. He is a friend of Geralt's. The halfling businessman recognized him as his cousin and asked him to take care of the family’s business in Novigrad. I haven’t seen him for a while, but I still miss that day after we solved this problem, I and Geralt and Du Du went to the most famous brothel in Novigrad..."

"Okay, okay, I don't need to elaborate on the rest of the content." Zelin raised his hand: "Can you contact Du Du? He is... the secret society guest? Can he have free time to do me a favor? Right?"

"It's impossible for me to promise you in place of Dudu, but I can take you to meet, how about at the Kingfisher Tavern?"

"No problem, the sooner the better, um...I may not be able to see him today. Can you tell him about this? I hope to meet him and discuss something with him." Ze Lin Thinking about time: "Kingfisher Hotel, right? I will go to the hotel to find you until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"You seem to be always busy, Zelin." Zoltan shook his head: "Since I saw you in Vizima two years ago, you have been running around."

"Aren't you the same? From Vizima to Floating Harbor, then to Fojian, and finally to Novigrad." Zelin raised his head and looked at the rising sun that was climbing up the sky: "It's not early. See you later."

The 2266th chapter rescue team

Goose Yin Bar——

"Sir, this is the foie gras you want."

The waiter put the plate on the table and looked at the strangely-dressed guest twice. The duties and manners made him quickly look away. "Please enjoy."

The hotel is deserted and deserted, and before the evening rests, the regulars here still work in the farmland and workshops to earn money for the evening drinks. The name of this hotel was taken by the former owner. His personality is swagger and noisy, hoping to attract guests who are similar to him. Fortunately, he suffered from liver poisoning a few years ago and handed over the management rights to a distant relative, so the goose-yin bar turned from a run-down country tavern into the most famous roast goose restaurant in Novigrad.

Sitting at the wooden table behind the corner of the hotel, Zelin looked at the waiter's back disappearing behind the counter before turning his head.

"Try the food here and how it compares to yours."

Simon and Irene sat across from each other. Young Yusevka poked the chicken leg in front of him with a fork bored. Heyzer, who was wearing a tall hat, took a sip of juice and slid the hat back. She quickly put down the cup and helped. Hold the hat. Zelin moved his shoulders, knowing that Maria would never stay outside at this kind of banquet. Alfred sat on the other side, as if attending a formal banquet, straightened up.

"There, there are no such creatures as geese." Irene licked the corners of her mouth, her pale cheeks and her lips seemed to be bloodshot, a pair of dark pupils staring at the food on the table: "Stayed here for a few days. Time, I don’t want to go back to Yanan. It would be better if Yanan’s blood can be found here."

With that, she licked the corner of her mouth again.

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