Zelin snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the solid shield burst suddenly, Kayan flew out, and the room fell into darkness, leaving only the white candles on the six-pointed star with a weird flame.

Zelin took a step forward, then stopped, leaving a scratch on the dusty ground with the soles of his boots.

The moment Kayan fell to the ground, he bounced again. He shook his body and ran towards him briskly. His other arm swayed unconsciously to cover up his true attack intentions. Zelin formed the rune of the Kunen's Seal with one hand, his eyes fixed on Kaiyan's every movement.

Suddenly, a rapid spell echoed in the secret room, and Kaiyan's movements stopped. The rough ground seemed to lose friction in an instant, and Kaiyan’s sensitive movements suddenly became comical. He took a step forward, but the range of his movements was too great, so he had to lean back again, and almost fell. Down.

Zelin seized the opportunity, and the gesture of forming the Kunen's seal instantly turned into an Alder rune, and the biting cold wind suddenly burst, slamming the enemy close at hand.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking, Kayan's chest sank, and his body was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ice hadn't completely covered the body, and it was full of cracks under the impact.

In the blink of an eye, Kayan's body, with only muscles and bones left, was torn apart in the impact.

The broken body of the upper body knelt to the ground, without a trace of blood flowing out. The black mist gushes out from the crack, and outlines a distorted outline under the candlelight of the six-pointed star magic circle.

Zelin took a step back. The number of spirit-type demons is endless. Even the most experienced demon hunter can only choose to use the most secure way to exorcise monsters, or according to the most common spirit-type demons, they will encounter The enemies of the country are roughly classified into different categories and adopt corresponding tactics.

Tisaya crossed Zelin and walked towards the demon, with a gleam in her wide-open eyes.

"His heart is full of friend's kindness!" Her voice echoed in the secret room, step by step towards the cracked corpse: "His heart is full of hatred for the enemy!"

"We only have friendship and joy, there is no pain here." Tisaya's voice gradually became high, and the magic of chaos was concentrated in her palm. She raised her right hand with five fingers together, and there was nothing in front of her, but Zelin noticed that the candlelight was projecting on the wall, and a towering body was standing in front of Tisaya's shadow.

"There is no place for you here, leave and never come back!"

Tisaya's arms slammed forward, her fingers spread out, as if throwing something out. There was a piercing scream from the black mist, like a punctured balloon, which fell to the ground with a pop, the candle went out, and the black mist disappeared into the thick shadow.

Following the brief spell, a soft ball of cold light appeared in her hand. She lifted her arm upwards, and the ball of light flew into the sky, glued to the wall, and re-illuminated the secret room.

"What is this?" Zelin asked, "I thought it was Sim, but it didn't seem to be the result."

"A similar kind of food that feeds on pain and tries to create more pain is also the most common guest of Demon Summoning." Tishaya sighed lightly, and walked to the six-pointed star. The magic circle has lost its luster and dimmed completely. Bending down, he looked carefully at the warlock lying on the ground: "Another idiot who sees black magic and thinks he has power. Wild magicians often think that the sect’s prohibition of black magic is because they are afraid that they have powerful power, but in fact it is Because black magic will kill the user and cause disaster where the user is. If it is just power, mass destruction spells will be banned."

"It looks like he is dead."

"Yes, another person who died of overpowering." Tisaya shook her head. She stood up and patted the hem of the tight dress to make sure that there was no dust on it: "It seems that Ladovide is hitting. When he was a warlock, he was still recruiting wild warlocks to work for him. This is by no means the work of eternal fire. Ladovide controls the church. This is the order of King Rydania."

"How did you weaken his power?"

"Let's talk later. Zelin, go to the witch hunter's corpse at the door to find a key. The key to the cage is on one of them." Tishaya looked around and looked at the nearby bookshelf full of books: "I want to investigate if there are any remaining magical powers and other clues nearby."

Soon, Zelin found a key on the witch hunter at the door.

Xi'er sat sideways in the cage, with an extra piece of clothing on his body. Zelin didn't know where he got it from, but after living with Francesca for so long, he knew that the clothes on the female warlock might also be magical.

"Thank you and Tisya for coming to rescue me." Xier exhaled slowly: "These bastards... they thought of more ways to deal with us, even mixing anti-magical metal powder in the water. I drink it. I can't imagine what will happen to you if you come a few days late."

"You should thank Tisya and your good students."


"That's right. He personally found the members of the Warlock Order, and even went to Novigrad a few days ago, asking for rescue."

Xi'er was silent for a while, and Zelin helped her out of the cage slowly. Her fingernails were pulled out, her toes too, her calves were slumped weakly, unable to move at all. But she didn't show the appearance of pain. The powerful female warlock could even suppress the pain with spells while wearing anti-magic metal. In Lomugne, Zelin had already seen Philiba once.

After getting out of the cage, she sighed long.

"If his learning ability is better, I will call him my best student."

"As far as I know, you are only a student of Tancred, and you only taught him for the sake of Queen Zulka." Tisaya walked over, her expression was a little serious, and she handed over a book. : "Zelin, you should look at this."

"What is this?" Zelin opened the cover: "Notebook?"

"The experiment on this demon hunter is recorded above, I think you should know."

Zelin lowered his eyes and opened the notebook.

It is recorded in the notebook that this warlock named Irenius V. Steingard pretended to be a passenger on board when he knew that a cat school demon hunter named Kayan was working as an **** on the Flying Bucks to make a living. After using some spells to make Kaiyan passed out, he kidnapped the demon hunter to the laboratory through the portal to conduct experiments.

The records for one month are all about endurance experiments conducted on demon hunters, including incineration, freezing, poison, dehydration, and skinning.

[The first day.

Fortunately, the portal sent us directly to my laboratory. It's nice to go home. I'm so tired of that broken ship. I hope the storm I summoned will make it hit the reef off the grassy mound and make it completely shattered.

When I was away, the results of the student's experiment on the water ghost were not as good as expected. I still have to do everything myself.

I first administer a dose of medicinal opium on the subject. This "milk of poppy" will make the demon hunter half awake and half faint, unable to resist, and then start researching.

Note: I must suspend research when I clean up the ruined part of the laboratory. I have retrieved the broken bone in the arm for a research assistant, and now apply four doses of "Poppy Milk" to the Demon Hunter. 】

Will poppy milk make the demon hunter lose his resistance? Zelin frowned, he had never heard of it. And this warlock obviously succeeded, otherwise a member of the cat school who is proficient in swordsmanship and assassination, even if he is in shackles, could take his life when he is not paying attention.

[Fourth day.

The subject has a very high tolerance for pain. Only after two consecutive days of punishment did he completely succumbed. The result of the interrogation was fairly satisfactory, and I got information about the training of demon hunters and the cat school. As I suspect, most of the demon hunters of the cat school have elven blood. This school must have something to do with the ancient races (note: maybe the founder was a member of the Ain Sidi race?)

The subject is no longer suitable for further research. I have stopped applying poppies to him.

The seventh day.

Use extracts of Elongated Bamboo and Pansy. Usually in humans and Ain Sidi elves, such a mixture can paralyze the peripheral nervous system, and then paralyze nerve endings, paralyze muscles, bones, breathing, and heart, and eventually suffocate to death.

But demon hunters are not ordinary people. Although the toxin did slightly stimulate his nervous system, his mutated body quickly neutralized the harmful alkaline substances.

The fifteenth day.

Injection of jellyfish toxin did not produce the expected effect. To enhance the toxicity of the toxin, I also poured alcohol on the wound. His nervous system does not seem to have any effect.

The twenty-sixth day.

The research subject has now experienced abuse, poison, burning, freezing, starvation, and dehydration, but even so, his body continues to function, and he can eat, drink, move around the room alone, and speak simple words. 】

Zelin frowned, but what really caught his attention was the last blood-stained record.

[Conclusion: As I guessed, the Demon Hunter is a great energy collection! If a demon is trapped in such a sophisticated body, he will surely become a **** of death! Such a perfect demon container, everything is under my control! Since Malaspien and Alsul, no one has created such a powerful individual.

What a great moment for science!

It's time to start chanting the incantation. 】

Devil container? This warlock is studying how to make the demon lean over the demon hunter and control the demon hunter by controlling the demon.

"Here is also a manuscript and report." Tishaya walked over and stuffed a stack of paper into Zelin's hands: "It is a report for Ladovide and Heimfa."

"It seems that Ladovide has not only placed the recruiting plan in Osenfurt College." Zelin took the paper and glanced at the content on it: "Is this the research of the warlock in the past?"

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