The black-haired elf bent down and bowed again.

Hearing the footsteps of his subordinates leaving behind him, Colonel Iron Wolf exhaled softly. Fingers rubbed the scars on his cheeks subconsciously. There was more than one scar on his body. He could tell in which war each scar was left, and he was proud of the sacrifice he had made. Every battle he fights is for the future of the elves. The humans who persecute the elves will tremble at hearing his name, and the butchers who raise their butcher knives will think about the coming revenge before swinging them down.

Retreat and forbearance can never be exchanged for true peace and respect.

If a realm ruled by elves cannot be established, in human society, elves will always be second-class citizens, but they can be used to transfer the victims of conflicts between the ruler and the people at any time. All declarations, treaties, promises and oaths are unreliable. The only thing that really matters is power. Only kingship and power can ensure the safety of the people, instead of placing hope on the kindness of foreign races!

Following the order, the long mine was filled with collective footsteps and shouts of orders.

He was one of the first elves to form the Squirrel Party. He fought in his commando team for three years and fought under the banner of the Nilfgaard Empire for four years. He participated in the Battle of Brenner and was betrayed by the Nilfgaards after the war, but he broke out of the Hydra Canyon, broke through the execution ground and became one of the only two survivors of the execution. One. He later fled to Hackland and spent two years resting among the prairie tribes.

Now, Nilfgaard will face a true avenger!


A tired human voice came to my ears, Isenglin turned around, and a man in a black scholar robe stood behind him. When the elf noticed him, the scholar pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose.

"Your Excellency, are your troops leaving now?"

"Yes, sir." Isengrin nodded, "Dana Mida will not forgive me, nor will I pray for her forgiveness. Tomorrow, the world will be shocked."

"I may not be able to see the death of the executioner who sent soldiers into the college, but I hope you can bring me such good news." The scholar sighed softly, "But I hope to remind you again, you We must send soldiers who can resist the plague to carry, and if the news is leaked, it may injure those soldiers who have not been able to receive the help of the spell."

"I will remember." Isenglin's gaze turned towards the cave entrance room: "The emperor sent his lackeys to catch you. They may already know your hiding place. I will leave some warriors to guard until I'm in Vige. Ma stand firm and I will order them to **** you to Vizima immediately."

"Great Sun Wheel, your revenge will surely be victorious."

Chapter 2331: The Danger of Convergence

"Isengrin found a scholar who had defected in Nilfgaard. The scholar's ship ran aground on the shore of Willen. The commando of the Squirrel Party rescued him, and he brought a gift to the Squirrel Party. ...Is a plague weapon. The Nilfgaards have been studying how to use plague as a weapon in the past."

"How come?" Francesca's voice couldn't hide the surprise: "I have never heard of this."

"I've heard of it." Zelin's voice made the two female warlocks who were talking in a low voice stopped and turned their heads to look at him.


"Where did you hear about it?"

"It's in Lomugne." Zelin took a few steps and followed them: "Tishaya, do you remember one of Philippa's apprentices? It's Cynthia."

After learning that the Squirrel Party was going to attack Vizima with a plague weapon, they immediately decided to stop them in the Devil's Den. This is not just a matter of the image of the elves in front of other races, it may involve a magic disaster. Tisaya doubted the existence of the plague weapon. The Squirrel Party soldiers might not be able to learn much, so the understanding of the weapon was incorrect. This may be a spell of mass destruction, but no matter what it is, preventing it is one of the duties of the Warlock Order: to avoid magical disasters.

"I remember." Tisaya thought for a while and nodded: "But then Cynthia disappeared. I haven't heard from her for a year."

"Philippa didn't tell you?" This time it was Zelin's turn to be surprised: "I thought she did. Cynthia was Philippa's apprentice, but in fact, she was from the Nilfgaard Empire Intelligence Agency. Agent. The approach to Philiba was to spy on Redania's intelligence and to find a chance to assassinate her. Later, Cynthia's assassination operation at Forge failed, but she..."

"Zelin." Francesca stretched out a finger: "Just like you did before, just say the point."

"I'm just explaining her identity." Zelin sighed: "Later Cynthia had a new mission: to sneak into the laboratory of Lomugne to study the mystery of the extinction of the lizard people and steal the virus strains in the laboratory. And brought it back to Nilfgaard. Later I met her in the laboratory, she gave up this plan, and only took away a Dihenner projector, one that allows users to immediately see what they think they are doing. What kind of magic machine. And, I remember, Enid, you sent Gnaiya to clean up the laboratory in advance?"

"Yes, because there is a precious golem core in the laboratory, I don't worry about falling into the hands of other people."

Tisha Yabai glanced at Francesca: "Enid, I'll go back and ask you for an explanation."

"After that incident, Cynthia told me that the empire had been looking for a tool that could replace soldiers and break through enemy lines. It was a plague weapon. But I thought they had given up long ago."

"Maybe I never gave up. As a result, you all know about it, but I don't know anything about it." Tisaya rubbed her forehead: "Philippa is still like this. Whenever she thinks telling others means leaking secrets, we must You can rest assured by doing it yourself. Enid, so do you, when this matter is over, when we hold the cult meeting again, I will ask for a proposal to pass. The members of the cult must inform each other of the magical information they know, you You must vote for it at the meeting."

"I will, Tishaya, but this is not the time to discuss these things, right?"

"Yes, Zelin, how many helpers can you find?" Tishaya asked the demon hunter: "I discussed a plan with Enid and I need your cooperation. She said you have some friends in Willen , Right? Can you summon them? Enid and I can provide them with magical support, stealth spells or long-range bombing to cover them from attacking the demon pit."

"Helpers are okay." Zelin nodded: "A female knight I know is nearby. I think she will be there soon. There is also a warrior who can use a sickle and a long sword. She is also not far away. Place."

Facing Enid's curious look, Zelin pursed his mouth: "It's Hillis, have you forgotten?"

"Oh, I think of it, the female knight who chose to be loyal to you after you saved her life."

"Horsewoman? What a surprise." Tisaya chuckled lightly.

Normally, no women are named knights. In history, only the saint Arondola is a female knight recognized by various countries.

"I sealed it." Francesca explained expressionlessly, "Don't mind. In this case, Zelin, you go call up other people, and Tishaya and I will go to the camp near the camp to prepare magic. Then we will be in the devil's pit. Meet on the south hillside."

"No problem."

Seeing the backs of the two female warlocks leaving, Zelin sighed lightly and moved forward on another road as if to find a friend. He hadn't asked Siris for help for a while, and she might not be able to help many times, but this kind of time was indeed suitable for her to come forward. After all, compared with other people, it is difficult for a knight in human appearance and armor to associate with other worlds.

When Zelin walked to a bush, he looked around, making sure that there should be no other people, he squatted down and prepared to depict Siris' summoning charm.

The next moment, the sound of iron boots stepping on the weeds caught his attention.

Pressing one hand on the hilt of the ebony blade, Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly. The breathing he heard was very messy, and the sound of footsteps was heavy and dense, which meant that there were at least ten people.

When the bushes on the opposite side were separated and the people inside crossed the bushes and appeared on the flat ground in front of the demon hunter, Zelin's vigilance instantly became surprised.


"Who? Hey, Demon Hunter, it's you."

The werewolf captain is holding a sword, wearing a chain mail, and a black jersey on the outside. A golden sun wheel is depicted in the middle: "Didn't you already go back to Thor Tisha?"

"The situation has changed. I received a commission a few days ago to hunt monsters and earn some travel expenses. I heard that the rear of the Imperial Army is not stable recently, and there are robbers who were starved in the winter, so I thought about it late. We will leave in two days." Zelin casually made up a reason: "What about you, Vincent? Why are you here with so many soldiers, what are these Nilfgaards doing?"

The soldiers behind Vincent all had southern faces.

"I'm an Atlas, a demon hunter." A soldier corrected: "I'm not from Nilfgaard."

"We are the scholars who came to hunt down the rebellion." Vincent explained: "The emperor’s spy in Willen gave me a piece of information, saying that the traitor was probably hiding in a nearby mine called the Devil’s Pit by the villagers. I'll arrest him and bring him to justice."

Chapter 2332 Assault on the Devil's Pit

"Devil's Pit?"

"What's wrong, you sound surprised?"

"Yes, I was a little surprised." Zelin nodded, "I didn't expect the Empire to plant a spy in such a remote and desolate place. Moreover, I received a commission and the destination was also in the Devil's Pit."

"Villager's commission? Let you go hunting the devil in the devil's pit?"

"No, it was commissioned by the warlock." Zelin considered the words: "A man in the devil's pit stole the treasure of the warlock. Now a warlock has entrusted me to find it here."

"That's great, we can go together. I miss you when you can fight side by side. Your fighting skills and swordsmanship are impressive." Vincent laughed and patted Zelin on the shoulder: "The intelligence said, The defector hired some desperadoes. There may be more than twenty people, more than us, but the equipment is definitely not much better. With you, even if there are twenty more people, we can handle it."

Several southerners behind Vincent showed disdain.

"It seems that your spy information is wrong. If there were only twenty or so people, I would have stood in the devil's pit and got the things back. By the way, the fugitive may have been chopped down so that you can't deal with each other." Ze Lin shakes He shook his head: "The number of people inside will be doubled by adding zero. There may be four hundred people."

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