"Claudia, have you met her?"

"Looks as tired as you were then."

"I told her that she should also think about taking a break. The Way of the Assassin is a difficult road. I'm glad that she doesn't need to try the Hidden Blade herself. Did you know? After we defeated the Portia family in Rome, West Zell also kidnapped Claudia once, and in the end I chased him to Spain to completely smash his ambitions." Ezio clutched his waist and sighed: "If you didn't show up, I'll take this memory completely. Buried in time."

"Claudia said you are completely reclusive."

"Yeah, I don't want to get involved with these things anymore. Outside Masyaf's library, I thought about it for a long time." Ezio exclaimed, "I thought about it a lot. This is... .... Your friend?"

Ezio's sight fell on Shao Yun.

"We met ten minutes ago." Zelin said, "Shao Yun, I'm here to visit you. Let her introduce myself. Just now, when I walked to the door of your vineyard, I just met her, so I just met her. Come in together."

When Shao Yun re-introduced his origin and purpose to Ezio, the hospitality and softness on Ezio's face disappeared.

He was silent for a while, did not say anything, just patted Zelin on the shoulder: "The manor you haven't been to yet, right? Come on, you can rest here for a few days and tell me about this paragraph. Where did you go by time. Sophia took the child to the city to visit Claudia. She didn't tell you, is she going to Florence to rest soon?"

"I really don't know this."

Zelin and Ezio walked to the manor together, and the latter carried his basket with some picked grapes in it. Shao Yun looked at Anais.

"Is he also a master assassin?"

Her voice was a little stiff, but she didn't know how to describe Zelin's identity. When Ezio faced the assassin from the east, his attitude was obviously cold, but he was very hospitable to Zelin.

"He is very powerful." Anais said without hesitation: "Better than some kings."

Having personally experienced so many things about Lomune and living under Irene's guidance and protection for half a year, Aneth knew a lot. Although not much, it was enough to impress the young girl.

Ezio gave Zelin a warm hospitality. The manor was very large and very large. For the four Ezio family, many rooms could be spared. He invited Zelin to rest in the manor for a few days. Aneth couldn’t wait to ask Ezio for the answer. She only heard part of what Ezio had done, but this part alone was enough to make her feel Worship.

As a leader, he alone confronted Cizaire Pogia, who had an army and gold. The latter received military help from Louis XII, King of France, and tried to unify Italy with French soldiers with the gold of the Papal Kingdom and become a new Italy. The king. But such a powerful careerist was ultimately defeated by Ezio. Although the number of Nilfgaards and the legion, including the territorial scope, exceeds the number of French soldiers employed, and the city-state controlled by Cizaire. But being able to do this kind of thing, Aneth believes more and more that she can get valuable experience and instruction from Ezio.

But before she had time to do so, Ezio and Zelin had a lot to say.

That night, Sofia returned from Florence with her daughter.

Compared with the previous bookstore hostess in Constantinople, Sophia has not changed much, but he is less brisk, calm and gentle as a mother. Ezio has been learning from Zelin about what he has done during this time, and Aneth seems to want to hear it too. This actually made Zelin somewhat difficult to handle. If there was only Ezio, he could evade many things to places where the Assassin Brotherhood didn't set much footing, such as a land called Africa. It sounds similar to the environment of Serekania, deserts, oasis towns, and worship of animal gods. But when Aneth was here, Zelin could only not mention place names as much as possible.

Fortunately, this seemed very happy but the time that Zelin suffered very much did not last long.

"I can't promise you anything, Shao Yun. I don't know what to say, sorry, I don't want to get involved."

Ezio leaned on his knees with one hand. Past battles and experiences seem to have caused irreversible damage to his waist. He often suffers from back pain and his body is weaker than ever. Compared with the time in Constantinople, he might not be able to deal with so many Templars alone, or climb and leap between houses.

"I, I just want to understand..."

Shao Yun wanted to speak but stopped.

"Understand what?"

"How to lead and rebuild my brotherhood."

Shao Yun repeated the request she had said before that she didn't know how many times.

"Stop here." Ezio raised his hand: "You can rest here for the night, or leave now. I don't want to be involved in these things, and I don't want to know about it anymore."

"Ezio." Sophia, who has been staying by her husband's side, said, "She came over a long distance."

Shao Yun's experience in the East and her female identity seemed to fill Sophia with sympathy for her: "She came here a long distance."

"Shao Yun, is my pronunciation correct?"

Shao Yun nodded slightly and bowed, saluting Sophia.

"We happen to have a spare room here. You can rest here for a few nights."

"Thank you." Shao Yun said seriously.

"I want to go for a walk." Ezio coughed heavily, and he raised his hand and refused Sofia's escort: "Just take a walk and be back soon."

The 2360th chapter Ezio's emotion

Into the night.

Tuscany's undulating hills are shrouded in stars.

Sitting on the bench, Ezio looked at the bright moon in the sky, the breeze blew the white hair on his forehead, and the old assassin slowly exhaled.

Hearing the sound of footsteps on the side, Ezio didn't turn his head, he still looked at the sky.

"You really brought me a thorny problem."

"I thought you would welcome assassins from far away." Zelin walked over to Ezio and sat on the edge of the vineyard on a rock that was used to form a boundary: "I knew you were so unwilling to see them, I When you meet her, tell her that this is not Ezio Auditore’s manor."

"Don't be like this, she will definitely go to other places to find, and then fail." Ezio said, "I'm surprised. It's a long distance from China to Italy. Shao Yun is actually willing to organize for the revival of thousands of miles. Arrive to Florence. Only an assassin who is loyal to the Brotherhood and has a sense of responsibility can do this. It takes nearly a year, not just ten days from Rome to Constantinople. She can do it. After a career, I can see that I saw many young people with high morale in Rome, but none of them could be like her."

"But you keep driving her away. Is this some kind of test?"

Zelin bent down and patted the dust on his boots.

"No, Zelin, this is not a test. I really don't want to be involved in the war with the assassins and the Templars." My wife, my children, I cannot put them in danger. I cannot give them more, but if they are involved in more dangerous things because of my past... I want to give them one A stable growth environment. I have been an assassin for too long, and when I realize that someone may attack me or my family at any time, I must be cautious."

"I understand what you think."

Zelin didn't want to let wild hunting threaten his castle. However, he does not intend to evade. If Wild Hunt really intends to attack, he will do everything possible to let Wild Hunt know that attacking his castle is not worth the loss. After Francesca analyzed Ain El's internal situation and divisions to him, he was much more relaxed.

Wild Hunt is just a cavalry team under Eredin, with only more than one hundred members, and the number of outstanding Red Knights is even smaller. Most of these knights are scattered in many different worlds, monitoring and gathering intelligence for Ayn El, and hunting down targets. The endless wild hunting warriors under the tree of ghosts were hanged because Eredin mobilized soldiers from within the kingdom.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Ezio moved his shoulders, and his brows curled together: "If I'm lucky enough to survive the three seasons. Recently, this old bone is getting weaker and weaker. Look at this vineyard. , I often find someone to help harvest grapes. Time to push forward, I can solve these problems alone. I envy your current state, Ze Lin, you must have not considered retirement."

"I can't retire in a hurry." Zelin turned his head and looked at the manor: "This is really a nice place. The scenery is good, and the environment is good. You are too tired to take a good rest, depending on your physical fitness. , Your current age is nothing to you."

"I used to think that if I let go of my duties, I could be separated from the past, but then I knew I was wrong." Ezio exhaled long: "When I was young, I had everything, but I never cared. I waited until I was old. After that, I realized what I missed. People say that the older people are, the more nostalgic they are. Sometimes, I can think of many people as long as I close my eyes. Leonardo, Bartololio, Mali O, Katerina. I used to stride forward for my goals, and when I finished everything, I looked back and saw how much I had overlooked."

"Do you regret it?" Zelin asked, "After doing all this?"

"No, I won't regret it." Ezio shook his head: "If God asks me to make a choice again, I will still follow this path, but if...if I am on the way, I can walk Slow down a bit, get along with people around you more, maybe... that girl, you brought her, you don't want her to be an assassin, do you?"

"This is how she requested of me. She hopes to learn the power to attract people and the skill that can scare the enemy."

Zelin sighed lightly: "She...her family has encountered a very difficult thing. You can think of the feeling that the country is about to fall. She hopes to learn the technique of killing people and kill her father’s enemies. Protect her family and country. Probably that's it."

"She was wrong." Ezio frowned. "It is not personal strength and fear that wants to lead the people forward. Sooner or later, the power of fear will collapse after losing its deterrence. The Templars have always thought they can rely on it. Implant fear into the hearts of the people to maintain the rule. The real power comes from people’s unity, support and mutual help, and recognition of the group, rather than relying on a person with superior strength to deal with all enemies by one person. Even if it is A piece of steel will break up sooner or later."

"Yes, but I can't tell her directly like this, it will only make her think that I don't want to teach her." Zelin nodded in agreement: "Personal strength is very important, but sometimes, the support of comrades in arms and others can What she cannot do with her own strength. Only when she truly understands this will she realize what to do and learn. If she is not convinced in her heart, I say nothing."

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