"Are there any monsters?"

Zelin noticed the scratches of sharp claws on the floor of the attic of the church. The last time he left Eredel, he didn't remember such a trace on the ground.

"Everywhere." The knight raised his head, his eyes resting on the roof. Zelin couldn't see him, but he could guess that he didn't just become interested in the roof suddenly: "A distorted and sad creature after losing the flame."

"If you can't persist here, maybe it's better to change the place?"

The knight was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"This is a curse, a foreigner." He said: "The flame will give prosperity, prosperity and strength, but it will take away everything. The burned ashes nourish the soil and give birth to new vitality. The chance of life blooms in the new flame, and then Withered again. This is a curse. I ignite myself to gain warmth, and I will also die. I meditated for a long time. I once threw myself into flames. Many people think this is a gift, no, this is not."

The knight turned his head and looked at Zelin: "Leave the curse here. It is not firewood, but the world."

"Is there no way to solve it?" Zelin looked at the flames leaping in the brazier: "This is really... weird."

When the flame is lost, the sun in this world will even disappear. Zelin once talked about this with Francesca, who thought it was completely impossible, how could the flames on one planet affect another burning star. Unless Rodland said that the sun that can be seen is not the sun, maybe everything in this world is brought out by flames, including the four seasons of the year, the sun, the moon, gravity, and various natural rules. After the flame is lost, the world will inevitably go to extinction. Corruption is the best fuel. This is the growth of decaying giant trees, that is, plants, until they burn again, eventually forming a cycle.

The idea of ​​warlocks has always been strange, but it is undeniable that some warlocks have indeed turned fantasy into reality.

The knight didn't speak, he just shook his head.

"If you can meet other people, take me to say hello to them and tell them that Gwendelin has rebuilt the Green Church on another land."

The knight nodded.


The location of the portal has always been strange. If it weren't for Zelin's insistence, Francesca would want to close the portal with Rhodes, just as she closed the portal with Saidarth. Such a portal means danger. But considering that there are ashes guarding the other side, Zelin doesn't think there are any monsters that can threaten the portal for the time being.

Putting the Lord of the Rings in a small cloth bag prepared in advance, Zelin left Eredel. The drifting portal finally stopped at Irushiel. Compared with other places, the space here is the most stable. Perhaps the establishment of the Royal City here is not without reason.

When Zelin returned to Mahakam, it was afternoon.

"So, everyone is ready?... Xisally, what do you want?"

Zelin looked at Gneia, Virginia, and Altea, and the night elf druid stood aside, eager to try.

"I, I heard Vinnie say that in the world you are going to, there are also a group of treants? They are ancient trees, right?" Hisalie's eyes were bright, although her eyes were always glowing in the dark. "I have discussed with Her Majesty the Queen. She said I can postpone my meeting with the Dryad and the Druids here until I come back. Can I go with you? I want to see the trees in Middle-earth. Jing, compared with our ancient trees, what are the differences and similarities."

"Uh...why do I feel like you are going on a vacation." Zelin showed a helpless look: "This is a war, a real war."

"If there is a war, I should be able to help." Altea said: "You have a friend over there leading an elite force, isn't it? In squad operations, maybe I'm a little arrogant to say that. , But I do have some experience. I should be able to help."

"Well, I don’t know what will happen, but... come if you want. Hesally, come on too. I have seen a treant, if you have the patience with them Words of communication."

Zelin sighed slightly, he really didn't know what to say. It seems that everyone wants to understand another world, and it is really difficult for him to agree to some people and then reject others.

Gneia gave Virginia a vicious look, and the latter rolled her eyes.

"It's not just you who can know about Middle-earth. Is there any problem?"

"No, nothing." Gnaiya said coldly: "You are so smart, you can make the most sensible and correct decision every time."


Suddenly, Zelin thought of a question: "Where is Hillis?"

"She decided to stay."

The invisible Freid suddenly appeared behind Zelin: "Help Yusevka handle affairs and guard the castle."


Zelin frowned, his gaze swept across the others, no one showed a confident expression: "Where is she now?"

"Resting in your own tower."

There was no expression on Frid's face.

"Oh, that's it."

Hearing that he was in the sentry tower, Zelin was relieved: "Let's go, without further ado, when we are talking here, a whole day may have passed over there."

"Go, target Northrend!" Xisali raised her arm happily.

The people around looked at her. The night elf retracted his hand in embarrassment: "Sorry, this is Azeroth's most famous expedition slogan."

"Okay, it's time to go." Altea patted her friend on the shoulder: "This is not Northrend, this is Delano."

As the light of the portal shrank, Mahakam Castle returned to silence.

Later that evening, Yusevka finished dinner and found Siris who had been knocked unconscious and tied to the single bed in the sentry tower.

纟工萌馆 2⑨83①63⑤4

ps: This closed post is finally over

The 2375th chapter is ambitious

"Welcome, wizard. It's really time for you to come back. I'm going to set off with the others the day after tomorrow to Rivendell. Ah, is this beautiful apprentice wizard also here? Groin is here for you, noble lady ."

"Virginia is at your service, sir."

Virginia took Zelin's arm gracefully and bowed her head in salute to the dwarf.

The wind moved the sand and rocks on the wasteland, crackling against the wall of the wooden house.

"It's an unknown omen, wizard." Groyin patted his hat, jumped up and sat on the chair. Among Thorin’s closest companions of dwarves, he is in the best physical condition and is also the representative who deals most often with outsiders: "I know that wizards are always indeterminate, but they will definitely appear at the most important time and the most critical time. The road is very dangerous, sorcerers, only the best fighters can avoid the shadows on the roadside. It is undoubtedly a wise move to walk in company."

"Has it been so bad?"

Zelin raised his eyebrows. Calculated according to his world time, this is only more than a week, less than half a month: "I saw a lot less travellers on the wasteland."

"It's not just a wasteland, wizard." Groyin slapped his thigh vigorously. "The ships on the river are gone. Rumors from the south say that the orcs rushed out of the misty mountains and attacked merchant ships. Rumors said that in the wasteland. The savages also began to attack the villages on both sides of the river. The situation is messed up. Iruba needs help, but it sounds like every part of the world needs help. Brand's sentry can bring worse news from the east every day, Dan's The same goes for the Iron Hills. He is farther east of us, where the dwarves almost see the spears and pitchforks of the Roen savages and the reflection of the daggers during the day."

"War is on the verge."

Jaques said dryly: "I'm surprised that the enemy on the border waited for a few months instead of attacking after the snow melted."

"Because their leader must find something very important." Zelin took a deep breath: "Have Gandalf been to Gushan during this time?"

"No, the gray-robed wizard has never appeared, and no one knows where he went." Groyin shook his head: "You may see him in Rivendell. I don't like going to the territory of the elves, but this disaster It may not be possible that the dwarves of Irubb and the humans of River Valley alone can resist. Dan's iron foot army is very strong, but there are too many enemies."

"Leave the day after tomorrow?"

"If you are a wizard, I suggest leaving tomorrow, the sooner the better."

"No problem, we will meet in Changhu Town tomorrow."

Zelin had just arrived, just when Groin went to River Valley City to discuss the military alliance with Brand. "I originally planned to wait one more day. If you don't show up, I will set off with my son and two other soldiers. This is really a coincidence. I will go back and tell Golden Thunder that we will set off immediately tomorrow and try to get to Switzerland as soon as possible. Wendell. See you tomorrow, wizard."

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