She greeted Altarel very kindly before, but the elf ranger just dealt with it in business, as if she didn't care about her existence at all. As a result, Xisali was embarrassed. It was the first time she met someone with such a cold attitude, and she also became their companion.

"I don't know. An elf may be a ranger. It is very close to the land of the elf. They often send rangers to patrol the forest."

Jin Peng helped the helmet: "Daddy doesn't know her either. It's definitely not Rivendell's. Don't worry, the elves here will definitely entertain us with food. When dealing with orcs, even if I hate elves, They will be allowed to fight side by side with me. But you must know that we dwarves will always be the main force in this kind of thing, madam, you must remember this."

With the guidance of Alta Reall, the next road after crossing the old ferry is very easy. After only two days, they approached Rivendell. These days, the elf ranger has not been with them most of the time, as if deliberately staying away, but Zelin knew that she was nearby. Frid seemed to be dissatisfied with another person doing the same job as herself, so she often walked a long way before returning.

When Zelin stood on the cliff and saw Rivendell in the valley for the first time, even if he was mentally prepared, he was still surprised.

Standing on a ladder cut out of the mountainside, holding the ladder fence with one hand and looking out, there is a wide stream at the bottom of the mountain. A city constructed of white marble and gray bricks. This city is like the legendary cities described in the story of the bard, surrounded by white and silver walls, shining in the warm sun.

The city is backed by the cliffs, and the jade-clear river pours down from the rock walls and converges into small creeks among the limestones. It becomes a river in Rivendell, and from around the city becomes a new waterfall, which flows below. Brook water. The trees in the valley merge with the city, and the emerald green leaves are dyed with a touch of golden in the sunset.

Zelin saw many long houses and chapels. The river divides the city into different areas, connected by a wonderful long arch bridge. He can see the carved patterns on the bridge and the statues at both ends of the long bridge. One of the most striking is the statue of the guard located at the entrance of the city. A long bridge connects the city with the mountain road, and the statue is located at the other end of the long bridge, with eyes drooping as if watching every visitor entering Rivendell.

After a while, Zelin exhaled.

"Are we here?"

"If this isn't Rivendell." Groyin walked to Zelin: "Then where can I be worthy of this name?"

"Zelin, my friend!"

Suddenly, Zelin heard Bilbo's voice. He looked at the voice, the Hobbit with a happy smile, walking like flying, walking up the mountain stairs step by step: "Gluoyin, Zelin, you have been too late, why are you here? It’s my 112th birthday!"

Chapter 2381: A Faraway Messenger

Every moment in Rivendell is a refreshing scenery, but if one must choose the most beautiful moment, for Zelin, it must be the evening sunset.

"I like the scenery here, my old friend." Bilbo sat on the bench, leaned back on his back, took a deep breath of his pipe, and then slowly exhaled: "Mountains, waterfalls, streams, day It’s sunset. In the first five years of returning to the Shire, I have been feeling that I can return to a peaceful life. Later, I started to feel bored and I began to miss the days of the past. Of course, at that time it just appeared sometimes. , The idea of ​​whether I should go for a walk. But then, I always couldn’t suppress the idea. I really wanted to look at the towering mountains again and find a quiet place to write a book. No place is more perfect than here. Up!"

"To be honest, your body doesn't look like a hundred and twelve years old at all."

Zelin stretched out comfortably and put the pipe mouth at the corner of his mouth. He told Hisalie not to tell other people about his smoking here, especially Yusefka.

"But it's not so good recently. During the time I left the Shire, I always felt as if I had forgotten something." Bilbo knocked on his forehead: "It's not bad, I don't know what's going on, there is no other influence. , I don’t bother to think about it. They said that my age is one hundred and twelve, but my memory is like one hundred and twenty, but only eighty. The elf here said, if I don’t have the hair Grey Silk, looks exactly the same as when she first came to Rivendell."

Zelin still remembered Gandalf saying that when he arrived, he would take out the ring and put it on the parliament, and everyone would discuss together how to deal with it. King Elrond told Zelin that Gandalf had not appeared, and he did not even send a message. No one knows where he went, but this is the style of the gray-robed wizard. He may stay in one place for several months, or hurriedly rush to an uninhabited wilderness to investigate something. King Elrond did not know Gandalf's whereabouts, but he was not worried.

"His Majesty Elrond said, considering the time, Frodo should also come." Bilbo sighed lightly: "I didn't expect to involve this child."

"It's not your fault, Bilbo. Your ring at the time was a big help in Gushan."

"Ah, don't mention it. I feel very strange." Bilbo shrugged: "I always feel that something is missing, it's very empty, but as long as I think about it and feel it, I have a heartfelt disgust. This paragraph I can’t write when I have time to write. I’m just sitting here, smoking a cigarette, and passing the boring time. I’m glad you can come here to chat with me. There seems to be nothing to excite me now. After seeing the mountains, I missed us fighting side by side against the war against the orcs. At that time, the wolves were chasing us, and you rode towards Azog, and you said that I threw stones accurately."

"Yes, it is accurate, Bilbo, not everyone can be like you, without practice, only rely on the talent to throw the fast-moving orc head. Oh, yes!" Zelin suddenly thought of something, A smile appeared on his face: "Bilbo, do you want to try the entertainment I used to train? Let's throw darts, how about?"

Bilbo opened his eyes wide: "Why not? Don't talk about throwing darts, I still carry the previous sword with me!"

There are many palaces in Rivendell, or in other words, every building is like a palace. By the time Zelin returned to his room, it was already night.

Pushing the door open, the candle in the room was burning, but there was no one inside. Zelin looked around, walked in, and closed the door easily.

Most rooms in Rivendell do not need candles. The wide valley faces the moon. The design of the long house allows the bright moonlight to pass through the skylight and spread in the hall of the room. Provide enough light without affecting night rest. Xisali was very satisfied with the design here. She said that if Zelin had a chance to reach Nasus, there would surely be a lot of surprises for the demon hunters.

"Fred, are you here?"

Zelin heard the rustling of the hem of his robe rubbing against the floor.

Turning his head, there was a figure on the empty wooden chair just now.

"I knew you were here." Zelin walked over, sat on another wooden chair, and moved his aching shoulders. There are two cups on the wooden carved small round table: "Did you not go for a walk today? The scenery here is not so common. There is no need to be invisible here, there are no enemies. The elf here asked me today, why did I have an extra room? You can only tell them that they are waiting for friends. You don't have to hide in the shadows all the time, Gnaiya can often make friends elsewhere."

Bilbo’s throwing skills are as good as ever. This is probably the hobbit’s talent, but for other hobbits, his sword is also good. Although he is not a good swordsman, he is in Middle-earth. , There is no problem with dealing with some orcs. After all, on the way to Lonely Mountain, Bilbo was not as simple as stealing a gem from Lonely Mountain under the **** of dwarves.

Frid glanced at Zelin, then lowered his gaze: "Yeah."

"Are you a little unhappy? What's the matter?"

The nun shook her head.

She pursed her mouth and asked Zelin's gaze. After a while, she replied in a low voice: "I just stay here. If there is no fighting, why travel."

"It's impossible for your life to be left with only fighting, Frid. No one's fate should be to be with the fight, until the death." Zelin coughed lightly and cleared his throat: "I don't need it either. You become a sword..."

Frid raised his eyes slightly.

"I don't want to use anyone as a tool. So are you, Frid. Both you and Hillis have been unable to let go of the things in Rhodes. Everything is over, why can't we start again? She is no longer Knight of the Green Church, you are no longer a nun of the Black Church. Give yourself a chance and forget about the past."

As he said, he stretched out his hand forward, took off Frid's hood, and the gray silk hung down along his cheek: "I always wear this hood, isn't it hot?"

"Ashes..." Fride's words just jumped out of her thin bloodless lips, and she was forcibly swallowed. She remembered that the excuse that Ash was not aware was useless to Zelin: "It's not hot."

"Wait, the tips of your hair..." At this time, Zelin noticed that there was a hint of gold in the tips of Frid's ears: "Did you dye it?"

"... accidentally bumped into it."

Fried said stiffly.

"I like blond hair very much, but I feel that the white hair of the past is more suitable for you." Zelin said jokingly. He wanted to make the atmosphere less rigid, but Fred did not respond to his words. After a while, he scratched the back of his head: "Well, rest early, Frid. I know some things can't be done overnight, you can go out for a walk, if they ask who you are, you say you are with me. If they get up, if they have any problems, just let them come to me."


Zelin no longer knows how many times he has persuaded them, but now it seems that this kind of acquired hostility can't be solved by words alone.

"Resume, relax, now there is no trouble here."

Before going to bed, Zelin patted Frid on the shoulder.

After the demon hunter left, Freid immediately found a mirror nearby, holding the sword, pinching the ends of her hair, cutting off a strand of gold beside her cheeks, and throwing the golden dye in the bottle into it. In the valley.

Gandalf never came to Rivendell, and the nearby elves did not find the gray-robed wizard appearing on their border.

Zelin is very strange. It’s not like Gandalf would do. He has always been punctual. Although he doesn’t say where and when he will appear most of the time, he will definitely appear in time when other people gather. . Only this time, Zelin and Bilbo waited for several days in Rivendell, but they didn't see any signs of the gray-robed wizard appearing.

The elves of Rivendell watched the valley. In the past, orcs rarely approached the border of Rivendell. The last time Elrond led the elves to hunt the orcs, a group of orcs followed after Thorin and his party arrived in Rivendell. . But now, King Elrond is constantly sending sentries to the outside world, as if he was worried that the orcs would suddenly be killed, just like they did when they attacked Moria.

Hisalie was disappointed to hear that Rivendell had no treants, and all treants lived in the Fargon Forest. The elves once awakened the trees and taught them words, but this was a long time ago. According to Hisalie, in the night elf city of Darnassus, ancient trees living with Kaldorei can be seen everywhere, and some ancient trees even sell goods like Kaldorei.

"Will you go to Darnassus with me in the future?"

Sitting on the edge of the stream, the waterfall roared in my ears.

"Danasus, you mean the city that sits on a giant tree?"

"Yes, I'll be your guide then, you must take a good look at the majestic World Tree on Mount Hyjal, and our Moon Temple." Xisali stretched lazily on the pebbles. Waist: "I now understand why people around you like this world so much. I also like it here. The rich natural power and the residents who are friendly to nature. You said that there is war in this world, but I only saw a group of people who were The orcs defeated by the beasts, the orcs here are too weak, Zelin. In past wars, to deal with a tribal orc warrior, three well-trained human soldiers were needed."

"Just think of the orcs here as goblins with the same height as humans."

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