"Are you hungry?"

"I mean this flying creature." Altarel pointed to the griffon. The griffon also looked at the elf riding on it, tilting its head slightly: "Let it rest here, and the other one will carry us. , We can arrive at Isengard at noon tomorrow."

"If we rode a horse, we haven't crossed the Misty Mountains yet." Zelin shook his head. He bent down and picked up some sticks and dead grass on the ground: "Saruman would not have thought that we were so fast, he His gaze may still be staring at the Misty Mountains. We can directly hit him by surprise. While he is still looking at the Luohan Pass and the mountains in the north, while waiting for the preceptor to appear, we will recharge here first. Rui, go to Isengard tomorrow."

Zelin stacked all the weeds and branches on top of each other and surrounded them with a few stones to avoid burning them elsewhere. Finally, he snapped his fingers, and flames emerged from the pile of rocks. The griffin pecked the white feathers under its neck with its beak.

"Take a five-hour break before leaving. If possible, I hope I can see some villages tomorrow. I want to find out about Rohan."

"First of all Isinger?"

"Of course, it is certain."

Zelin decided not to go to the capital of Rohan first. The Throne of King Theyudon is in Edoras at the foot of the Misty Mountains. Although Saruman has rebelled, the news of this world is not so fast. Maybe the Rohan people are about it. Still ignorant, maybe they still regard Saruman as an important and reliable ally. The demon hunter did not know King Rohan, nor did he have any interaction with the people in Rohan's court. He could not directly rush into the hall of the Golden Palace, asking the king, his generals and courtiers to believe that one had maintained a kingdom with the kingdom for hundreds of years. Allies, and the well-known white-robed wizard on the mainland became Sauron's servant.

There is no evidence, Ze Lin has nothing to say.

But since Saruman has decided to do it, he will definitely not continue to hide it. Just go to Isengard, cause him some trouble, and then bring the evidence, and then warn Rohan about it.

"I saw a team of horses." Suddenly, Altarel said, and she frowned: "In the south, dust is raised, and the speed is very fast."

The 2405th chapter hussar assembly

"The horse team?"

"There are about fifty riders." Altariel narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. In the dim twilight, Zelin could only see the undulating hills in the distance: "They are marching eastward, at full speed. Wearing a dark green cloak and holding a spear, I saw their shield hanging next to the saddle. , With the white horse logo on it."

"Is it Rohan's cavalry?"

"Come with it?" The elf ranger regained his gaze. Zelin knew that even the eyes of a demon hunter could not match the eyesight of an elf. Not to mention, the more powerful and noble population branches of Middle-earth elves. Zelin thought that the elves here are just like the elves in the world of demon hunters, there is no difference, but then he learned that most of the elves he had met were Silvan elves, and the king of Thranduyi who ruled them It is the more noble Sindar Elf.

"No." Zelin shook his head: "No need now. The plan remains unchanged, and I will go directly to Isengard tomorrow. Besides, do you think they are faster than us?"

The next morning, before the sun rose, they extinguished the campfire and rode on the Griffin and set off. Zelin only ate a piece of dried meat and drank the spirits from the kettle to warm himself up. Altariel didn't eat anything, she just drank some water.

The trail left by the horse team proves that the eyes of the elf ranger are as sharp as a falcon.

After observing the traces of horseshoes, Zelin decided to temporarily change the flight route to avoid being spotted by others. Griffins do not belong to this world, and it is difficult for people to take the appearance of such flying creatures as normal. He does not want to cause too many rumors and panic in Rohan, at least after he tells everyone that this is his mount and Before it can help people fight against Sauron's army, avoid being seen by too many unknown people.

"If there are more such mounts, the Ring Spirit will not be so terrible. Offset to the left, there is a camp in the valley on the right. I saw seventy riders stationed in the camp, and there was a sentry on a horse. Moving in this direction."

"I understand."

Zelin held the reins, and the Griffin flapped its wings and flew higher.

"Can you provide more?"

"Don't even think about it." The high-altitude cold wind made Zelin's voice more subtle, and he could only speak as loudly as possible: "I only have this one. It's not that simple."

"You have many flying creatures. They have no obvious difference between good and evil. Why can't you ask their leader to join this war?"

"I said, it's not that simple." Zelin pursed his mouth: "You know, there is no Middle-earth. The crows have no masters and no spirituality. Flying beasts. I guess you are talking about the demon bird with human face. They have a certain amount of wisdom, but their only interest is to eat. Or a catfish? It's just a beast, really a beast. It is expected that these unrealistic issues should be considered, and it is better to think about it when Isengard has any plans. ."

In just one morning, they saw four cavalry units rushing to the south nearby. Fully armed Rohan knights are in groups, with the largest number of 90 and the smallest number of almost 30. The traces left by these knights, or the direction they were heading, all pointed to the same place.

Zelin couldn't see the situation clearly below, and Altarel looked farther, even if she was flying at a high altitude, she could see what people and things were on the hills below.

"This is not right."

When it was about noon, Zelin thought about the traces left by the Rohan people they encountered along the way: "What is Rohan doing? They are gathering people? Where does the knight come from?"

"This must be a warrior provided by the nomads." Altaril knew Rohan better than Zellin. The demon hunter only passed by once, and Rohan was just north of Rohan, and the elf ranger was in Keller in the south of the forest. In the Brant Wilderness, you can come across the nomadic tent at the northernmost tip of Rohan: "Perhaps Siemnet, this is a grassland, and it is also close to the most densely populated area of ​​Edolas in Rohan."

Looking west, Zelin can see the misty mountains shrouded in clouds, and the endless Fagong forest at the foot of the mountains forms a dark trace on the ground, like asphalt dripping on the canvas. Zelin did not choose to fly from above the Fargon Forest. He knew the size of the forest. It would take at least one day and one night to fly to see the end.

And he doubted that Saruman's fall was just an accident, or Sauron had premeditated? Suspended that Saruman was actually the last wizard in this land to be seduced by Sauron, and before that, the kingdom and forest around him had already been infiltrated by Sauron. Zelin still remembers the last time he talked with the tree people. The tree people trust the white-robed wizard very much and often exchange wisdom and opinions with the wizard.

He entrusted Hisalie to go to the Fargon Forest, just wanting to know the situation of the tree man. It's a pity that Hesally said that she is not a druid of the raptor, but a druid of the claws. Those druids of the raptor who can become birds are better at detecting. If possible, she is willing to communicate with the trees in the Fargon Forest. After all, only she has the experience of dealing with trees.

"You are in Lothlorien, haven't you heard about Rohan?"

"The Rohan people have no communication with Lothlorien. There is a vicious rumor among them that there is a queen who can weave conspiracies and cobwebs in the Lothlorian Forest, and that no one can get out of the forest alive."

"If every ranger stationed at the border of the forest is like you, no one can really get out of that forest."

Zelin joked: "No, it should be said that no one can approach."

"You should be thankful that you are only insulting me. I can still accept it, but if you are insulting the respected Ms. Galadriel, I will ask you to stop first, swear an apology to her, and then move on."

Zelin sighed: "You don't have any sense of humor at all."

"What's that?"

"No, nothing. What did you see? This is important."

Zellin remembered the land under the Griffin. He used to track a group of orcs through it with Virginia before: "I heard Gandalf say that the crows near Isengard are gathering intelligence for Saruman."

"I didn't see the crow." Altariel raised his hand and pointed to the hill on the left front: "But I saw a huge camp."

"A group of knights again?"

"Knights, but not a group."

Zelin controlled the griffin to dive down, and soon, in his line of sight, a huge camp by the river came into view.

"It's an army of Rohan. If you continue to descend, their scouts will see you soon."

"There is something wrong with this." Zelin pulled the reins and made the Griffon land in a different direction: "It's only two days away from Isengard and riding horses. Why are there so many Rohan cavalry?"

"We must go to Isengard first." Altariel reminded: "Saruman is still planning a conspiracy in his fortress!"

"The weird situation must have something to do." Zelin ignored the elf ranger's protest: "I want to figure out what is going on, in a place so close to Isengard...what exactly is this group of Rohan people? Who are you loyal to? Don’t forget, it’s not far from the capital of Rohan."

Chapter 2406: Xiyoude

A huge camp is located in the Hetao area, and the Eisen River forms a horseshoe-shaped arc on this plain. The camp is located by the river, and there is also a small reconnaissance camp on the opposite side of the river. White blanket tents are neatly arranged behind the fence built by wooden piles. Countless bonfires are distributed in the camp, echoing the stars in the sky.

"How many people are there?"

A man with blond hair, probably in his twenties, was riding on the horse and asked his entourage. The leather breastplate is decorated with symmetrical patterns, and the left and right sides are like two pairs of horns touching each other. The shoulder armor is covered with a layer of chain mail. The blond hair was covered with dust from the journey, and was stained black and gray by sweat: "It has been thirty days, how many people are there?"

"Now there are a thousand horsemen in the camp, and three hundred infantrymen from West Valley. There are more cavalrymen on the way, Your Highness."

Another knight in chain mail and a red cloak rode side by side with him, slightly behind him. Behind them were twelve cavalrymen wearing green cloaks, six in a row, following them in two rows.

"Speed ​​up the time and continue to send messengers to other places, asking them to send more soldiers to support the Eisen Estuary as soon as possible." The blond man said sharply, "What's the news about Edoras?"

"There is no news from Edoras, Your Highness. We sent two messengers, but His Majesty the King has not replied yet."

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