"It's still meaningless." The elf ranger still insisted, but his tone was obviously lacking in confidence: "Kill them all, who cares if the corpse has ever felt fear."


Zelin took out another glass bottle with half a bottle of liquid in it, emitting a light blue fluorescence: "Take it."

He handed it to the ranger, and waited until Altariel said impatiently that she had grasped it tightly before letting go.

"Be careful, this is to be given to the orcs here as a gift for a while. Don't break it near us, otherwise it will directly turn you into an ice sculpture, unless your shield against the ring spirit can cut off the air. ."

"Are you going to climb back and reignite the bomb?"

"No, no, I don't need to be close to the target now to ignite some flammable substances. This is what I discovered during my last adventure. Maybe it's because I exercised for long enough, like this ......"

At the same time--

At the mouth of the Eisen River, the Rohan people who had assembled in an emergency were quickly entering their position, and the herald was running on horseback, passing Siyoud's orders to every corner of the battlefield.

"Saruman's army forward is two kilometers away from us." Siyod rode a horse, his cloak was blown by the night wind and hunted behind him: "Elfheim, summon the cavalry of your four companies, Go over the transition and go to the West Bank to prepare for the enemy. Let all the strong infantry stay on the sandbank and send them a company of archers."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

A general riding a horse pulled the reins and left the team and ran towards the camp.

"Grim, you lead the remaining four cavalry companies, along with a team of archers, to cross the river behind Helm and line up on the West Bank."

Siyud led his guard to run up a hill, and the Rohan knights and soldiers were moving in the dark underneath, holding torches, like entangled fiery snakes. In the distance, a piece of darkness covers the ground, and is advancing in neat steps.

"That must be Saruman's army." Siyoud raised his hand and set up a shed in front of him to look into the distance: "All infantry and archers...I didn't see the spear."

"His Royal Highness, the scout reported that there were at least five orcs in a square array in front of Isengard's Gate."

"Waiting for them to move outward, they are mainly distributed on the West Bank. The scout is right. Since the sandbar is in our hands, it is impossible for Saruman's main force to cross the river beach and actively attack our camp." With the reins, the four hundred cavalry underneath have begun to cross the river. On the sandbar, the infantry holding wooden shields and axes stand shoulder to shoulder behind the barricades and spiked fences: "Ensure the safety of the sandbar. I will lead my troops to defeat the enemy on the West Bank!"

The land on the west bank of the river beach is relatively flat and spacious, and there are many hills on the east. The orcs who were advancing on two legs had not yet approached, and the Rohan Knights had already assembled. The archers are still crossing the river, and the archers who have crossed the river are waiting for their companions on the bank, ready to assemble and then throw into the battlefield.

"His Royal Highness, the speed of the enemy is very slow." A guard raised his hand and pointed at the shadow-shrouded orc phalanx in the distance: "From just now to now, they have not shown any signs of advancing."

"Have the scouts from the East Bank come back?" Siyoud asked, "Saruman hid the wolf cavalry behind the hills of the West Bank?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Send another scout. I must know if there are other troops hidden in the hills behind Isengard. Let them cross the river as soon as possible, order the archers not to leave the riverbank, and all the cavalry will bring enough supplies. If Saru Man’s reinforcements appeared, and they could pass through the Rohan Pass on their own and detour towards Gondor."

"His Royal Highness! Those orcs... they retreat?"

"Did you see clearly?"

Xiu De straightened her neck in surprise, straightened her chest, and wanted to see the situation farther away clearly.

"Yes, your Highness, you see, they have shrunk back to Isengard's gate again!"

The 2410th chapter Dunlanders

The dam burst into flames, and accompanied by the jerky creaking sound, the scaffolding burned by flames finally couldn't hold it, collapsed, and smashed heavily on the rocks below, torn apart. The burning and shattered wooden stakes rolled down, and the orcs below screamed and fled.

"Master, master!"

An orc hurriedly broke into the tower: "There are intruders, there are intruders!"

"Rohan's troops are lined up at the mouth of the Eisen River, I need you to yell here?" Saruman's arrogant voice was full of anger: "Why haven't I heard the Rohan's request for surrender?! "

Siyud and Iomo, each is a stumbling block for him to seize the Kingdom of Rohan.

"In this battle, I must see Siyoud's head, armed with strong orcs, and the mouth of the Eisen River must be his burial place!"

"Master, it's the river dam." The orc said incoherently to the east: "The river dam was on fire, and the waterwheel below was also burned! The others didn't know what was going on, they all stayed in front of the gate and didn't know if it was right. Continue to attack."

"Send some people over to find the guys who made mistakes, punish them, warn others, not to make the same mistakes again!" Saruman stretched out his finger: "As many slaves die, send more slaves to repair the water. Car, I don’t allow the flames in the blast furnace to go out for a moment, and prepare for more troops. I don’t allow anyone to retreat and move forward as planned. The battle is imminent!"

The number of Denland savages gathered on Isinger Square was increasing. They cheered and screamed fanatically. Even the orcs did not dare to approach these savages, who were on average close to two meters in height. When Saruman appeared, the cheer reached its peak. People flocked to the white-robed wizard who walked out of Isengard's tower like a tide.

"Loop down!"

Zelin pressed Altariel's shoulders and let her squat down with herself, hiding behind the battlements. There were hardly many guards on the walls of the fortress. All the strong orcs capable of fighting gathered on the plain in front of the gate, while the other half-orcs kept beating the red iron blocks in the underground forge, and the molten metal followed. The groove flows into the mold, like a never-ending river. Only a few weaker orc slaves were left to maintain the walls, or draped in crude bones and leather, and patrolled with wooden spears.

No one would have thought that the threat would come from the city wall located at the foot of the Misty Mountains.

"It's Saruman."

"The distance here is very close." Altariel took a deep breath and calmed down some of the rapid breathing: "I can use an arrow..."

She tried to stand up, but the force in the hands of the Demon Hunter was even heavier.

"He is holding a magic wand." Zelin shook his head: "There are his people everywhere. If you can't kill him before he chants, our plan will fail."

"Anything has the possibility of failure, and there is also a probability of success."

Altariel gritted her teeth and argued: "If Saruman dies, Isengard will naturally fall apart. How can a stream without a source last forever?"

"I know you want to wash away the shame in Mordor with your credit, but now is not the time to do things with blood." Zelin lifted his head slightly, looked over the battlements, and cautiously looked at the square.

"It has nothing to do with that. You are guessing what I think. I don't want to wash away the shame that doesn't exist."

"No, you think."

"I don't want to."

"You think, then, I suggest you wait now. I never knew any elf that values ​​honor this way." Zelin interrupted the meaningless controversy directly: "Wait, then remember, our goal It is the underground forge. The success rate of assassinating Saruman is too low. I prefer to choose a safe and high rate of success. The result we want is to hinder their speed of dispatch, rather than relying on two people to risk disintegrating Isengard. Don’t forget, if we fail, there will be more than 3,000 people outside who will face a large army that rushes out without any scruples.”

Altarel broke free from Zelin's hand. She stood up, under her eagle beak hood, her blue eyes looked at the white robe figure surrounded by savages on the square. Saruman looked very tall, even among a group of Dunlanders, he still stood out from the crowd.

After getting out of Isengard, Saruman did not stand on the balcony, or stood on the stairs to speak to the Dunlanders, but walked directly onto the square, allowing the Dunlanders to surround him. His voice is loud and clear, and it can be clearly transmitted to every corner of the square, producing echoes on the ring-shaped city wall.

"The Hussars took away the land that belonged to you! You were driven into the mountains by them to live a difficult life!"

When Saruman's voice sounded, every Dunlander looked at the wizard enthusiastically, and some savages gritted their teeth angrily, and the muscles of the arms that clenched the pitchfork and the spear were stretched.

"They let your offspring die in hardships and abandon the corpse in the wilderness!"

A Dunlander with a beard and disheveled hair held a torch high.

"The murderer died!"

"The murderer died!"

The remaining Dunlanders shouted.

"Taking back your land! Taking back every piece of land that should belong to you!" Saruman took a few steps forward. The Denlanders in front of him subconsciously separated a road, while the rest of them still followed him closely. : "Burn every village! The murderer is at the door, making them pay for it!"

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