If he dispatched orcs to attack, his recent failure at the mouth of the Eisen River may not have enough troops in his hands to attack a camp with walls and fences, but if he chooses to ignore the camp and go straight across the pass and get closer to Rohan, then While attacking Rohan, he also left an army to guard against the attacks of Rohan Legion outside Isengard. Zelin didn't think that Saruman's power was strong enough to deal with two battlefields and win at the same time, nor did he think he would really use this stupid method.

After shrinking the line of defense, Siud can rely on his infantry and archers to defend the fortress and send more cavalry out to hunt down the wandering Orcs and Dunlanders, instead of arranging infantry to guard the camp at the same time, It is also necessary to send enough cavalry to protect the river bank and monitor the plains on both sides, lest the wolf cavalry will divide them and surround them when they are not paying attention.

In the end, Xiyoude decided to retreat, relying on the sandbar and the hills behind the sandbar, to build a stronger fort, build soil and rocks, and use a wall of almost two meters in height to prepare to confront Saruman.

"I can't stand up for a long time. There is only enough food for this camp to last for 50 days. In 50 days, if Saruman is still hiding behind the high wall, and I get no reinforcements, I can only withdraw." Xi Youde rubbed the corners of his eyes that were sore by the wind and sand: "I don't know why Iomo hasn't arrived yet. He must be entangled in more important things, but I really don't know anything more than fighting against Saruman. Important, I hope you can bring me good news, wizard."

"No problem, Your Highness, I will rush to Edoras as soon as possible." Zelin nodded: "I hope you don't fight Saruman here. If Saruman's power is strong enough, he won't be still gathering now. The army will not use harassment to weaken the strength of Luohan. This means that his power is not strong enough to be sure to take Luohan. So I suspect that he is happy to advise you to fight him here. It is better for him to deal with a part of Rohan first than to attack Isengard after the hussars assemble."

"But I can't be indifferent to Saruman's provocations." Xiud said coldly: "When he sent wolf cavalry to hunt down my subjects, this day should have been thought of."

"I just hope that you will not act rashly before I come back and bring back reinforcements or other news." Zelin smiled bitterly: "I will set out now. If I'm lucky, I will be able to do so within ten days. Come back."

The demon hunter didn’t know the efficiency of Rohan’s court, but he doubted that when an army was scowling at the border and sent cavalry into the hinterland to burn, kill, and looting, only one prince led his private soldiers and followers on the expedition. Is the court still working?

"Where is Gandalf the Grey?" Xiyoude asked again: "He once came to the Golden Temple and met with his father. Maybe only he can convince his father to change his mind."

"Gandalf has more important things to do." Zelin has never revealed the whereabouts of Gandalf. Although he knows the route planned by the gray-robed wizard, the fewer people who know the whereabouts of the gray-robed wizard, the better. Gandalf once revealed the whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Ring to Saruman, and Saruman colluded with Sauron. As long as they know the whereabouts of Gandalf, they can lock the position of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. The time spent in Rivendell's repair for so long is not only to hold a meeting, but also to avoid the devil's gaze. Perhaps Rivendell is a place where the power of a few demons cannot penetrate.

"I can't understand the thoughts of wizards. Wizards are all wise, although I don't even understand why Saruman turned to Sauron. He has been Rohan's ally for the past few decades."

"Everyone will change."

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the tent, people's exclamation sounded one after another, and the originally quiet camp was full of disturbed whispers and conversations.

"What's the matter?!"

Xiu De shook off the wind-scrolled curtain and walked out of the camp to look around. Zelin followed him out, the ground was covered with a shadow.

"Damn..." Zelin raised his head and looked at Isinger in the distance. The wind was violent, and the felt spread on the tent rattled under the blast of the wind.

Dark clouds obscured the sun, and the sky became gloomy.

In the sky north of Isengard, dark dark clouds formed a vortex, floating on the top of the Misty Mountains. A muffled and terrible roar echoed in the air. The horses in the stables neighed in shock, and the riders couldn't comfort them anyway. The infantry held their weapons nervously, as if the wooden shield in their hands could protect them from the disaster that followed. The archer vigilantly looked around, as if the place where the sun could not shine, terrifying monsters might appear out of thin air.

The dark clouds gradually spread, and soon completely enveloped the summit of the Misty Mountains.

"What is this? What is Saruman doing?"

"He is waking up the mountains." Before Zelin could speak, Altariel, who was not sure when he would return, appeared beside him: "He was making the mountains angry, the wind and snow, the mountains, and the lightning. "

"Why would he do this?" Zelin frowned, "Aim at the Misty Mountains."

"But at least he didn't attack my camp." Hidden took a deep breath, and the prince looked worriedly at the clouded sky: "I must gather the soldiers as soon as possible, order them to return to the camp and build a defense."

After the prince left, Zelin asked Altariel.

"I'm going to Edoras, how about you?"

"I'll follow you." Altarel stretched out two fingers, and the emerald cord on the glove passed between the index finger and the middle finger: "Until the ring is destroyed, or you finally can't bear the temptation of the ring."

"Can't bear the temptation?"

"You will be killed by me then, will the corpse move?"

"Well, let's go then."

Chapter 2417 Decision

Gandalf stopped, his shoulders and pointed cap were covered with snow, and the snow on the ground had almost covered his knees.

He pressed his hat with one hand and his wand in the other. This is a narrow mountain road, but it is covered by wind and snow. Only Gandalf can see the existence of that road in the snow. Other people only see the cliff and the abyss below.

Behind Gandalf is Aragorn. He holds Sam and Frodo in both hands, while Pomorro is carrying Meri and Pipin in the back. Such thickness of snow can completely bury the Hobbit underneath. At the back of the team, the dwarf Golden Thunder used the axe as a walking stick, and followed Pomorro hard against the wind.

The sky was full of snowflakes, making it difficult to see the snowy road that Gandalf drove. The cloak of the person in front almost disappeared in the white wind and snow, and the team had to slow down to prevent anyone from being left behind.

On the snow beside the group of people, Legolas walked on the snow, like a silent ghost. The wind did not affect him in any way, and the snow under his feet did not even leave footprints.


Aragorn raised his head, and the wind blowing from the side overturned his hood and blocked half of his cheek: "What do you see?!"

Legolas walked past Gandalf and walked to the front to look at the snow-covered mountains, with a little worry in his sight.

"There is a terrible sound in the air."

Gandalf raised his head in surprise, and made a stop gesture to the person behind him.

"It's Saruman!"

The top of the mountain was rumbling, and large pieces of snow collapsed and rolled down the cliffs. Others hid on the rock. The sturdy ice rock smashed on the edge of the mountain road like raindrops, and a large area of ​​snow collapsed.

"He wants to cause a landslide, Gandalf!" Aragorn shouted loudly, "We must look back!"


Holding the magic wand, the gray-robed wizard walked to the edge of the mountain road, squeezed the wand on the ground, and shouted at the mountains incomprehensible words.

Unspeakable power stood in the air and stood in a stalemate. Everyone held their breath and waited.

Saruman stands on the circular platform between the four spires of the Isinger Tower. He held the wand in one hand, and the top of the black iron wand was inlaid with a striking gem. The white-robed wizard opened his arms, and the beard hanging on his chest fluttered in the wind.

Who can face natural anger?

If Hongjiaofeng cannot be crossed, how many roads are left?

The pale electric light echoed in the dark cloud vortex.

"We must leave the top of the mountain!"

The wind and snow became more and more violent, and it was not at all eased by Gandalf's spell. Polomo protected the two hobbits around him so that they would not be blown down by the wind and fall into the abyss: "Go south to Rohan Pass and go west to my city!" The prince of Gondor shouted loudly, whistling. In the wind and snow, his voice still seemed so small: "We can reach Gondor directly!"

"Rohan Pass is too close to Isengard!" Aragorn waved his hands feebly: "We can't walk directly to Saruman's gate!"

"Since you can't walk up there, let's go down!" Jin Pei suggested, his beard dyed white by the snow: "Just deal with some orcs, and you can walk to the other side of the door in a day. It's my watch. Goblin told me! They once taught the orcs severely in the mine, and then the elves in the opposite forest watched the door, unless the group of elves were scared by the corpses of the orcs killed by the dwarves and fled collectively. Otherwise, it only takes a day for that road to pass through the misty mountains and into the forest on the opposite side!"

"Then we should go to Rohan Pass, which is also very close to my city! If there is a threat of half-orcs, why not go along the plain?! We can even borrow a few horses in Rohan and ride to the rice Go Nastilis! At least we are sure that there are orcs in Moria, who will risk a day to pass through the orcs gathering place, but Rohan Pass has never been orcs in the past!"

Gandalf was silent for a while, this silence seemed particularly long in the wind and snow: "It is up to the preceptor to decide."

Finally, the gray-robed wizard looked at Frodo.

Others followed his gaze and looked at the hobbit holding the Lord of the Rings.

"Uh..." Frodo was a little hard to decide for a while.

"We absolutely can't stay here. The hobbits can't bear such wind and snow, they will die here!"

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