As soon as the archer beside it turned his head, a crack appeared on his body, from his head to his legs, and then blood and shattered internal organs gushed out, spilling the rest of the orcs.

The figure of Frid appeared in the air, and the long sword in his hand had already changed into a giant sickle. An orc subconsciously wanted to draw out the short sword from his waist, but then his arm was cut off. Another orc tried to shoot an arrow at the nun as quickly as possible, but it shot nothing. Frid bent down to avoid the blow, and then rushed forward. The sickle traversed a deadly cold light along the route she dashed, splitting the orc in two from his waist.

The last orc yelled and raised a short knife and rushed towards the nun, but then a throwing knife was inserted into its temple. Frid turned his head, and the Dragonborn still kept throwing a throwing knife.

"In the name of Talos, a coward who only knows the attack should taste the taste of being attacked!"

Lightning flashed in the forest. Dragonborn and Frid turned around at the same time. About ten meters away from Virginia, two electro-focused corpses were lying on the ground, their limbs twitching slightly from time to time.

"I've solved it here." The chief mage put down the caster's right hand and looked at the other people: "What about you?"

"That's all?" The Dragonborn frowned, and the only sound of water and wind left in the sudden assault on the battlefield, as well as the wailing of two undead orcs. Frid walked over and silently chopped off their heads one by one with a scythe: "I thought there would be more. Check the surroundings to see if there are anyone who has escaped or the footprints of leaving."

The 2427th chapter white palm orc

Tracking is never a simple thing. It tests a person's patience and care, finds the clues needed in a messy environment, and uses them for reasoning.

For Virginia, who has been in the laboratory and library all year round, this is completely beyond her ability. Frid knows nothing about this, she can fight, but for Rodland's warriors, investigation is obviously not one of the necessary personal abilities. As for Bilbo, he has been a thief in the past, but hobbits are good at sneaking and throwing instead of checking their footprints.

Fortunately, the Dragonborn had learned this part, so everyone waited on the shore to guard the canoe. Frid went to the nearby area to investigate in stealth, looking for any enemies hidden in the forest.

"When I was not an adult, my father taught me archery and the skills of searching and hiding in the forest. He thought I was not suitable for being a farmer, and more suitable for being a hunter. I did learn a bit, but later I learned After a lot of work, I found that being an adventurer is more suitable for me than being a hunter. Talos is on it." Dragonborn crouched on the ground, carefully sweeping away the bushes in front of him with the palm of his hand: "I decided to sell what my parents left behind. , I changed my equipment and supplies to go to Skyrim, but I did not practice tracking skills less on the road. At that time, I really found a trace."

"Oh?" Virginia raised her eyebrows. "What then? Did you find a snow troll stalking?"

"No, the guy I followed was called Ulfric Stormcloak, and then I walked into the imperial legion's ambush circle, was knocked out and threw it in the prison car, pulled Helgen and chopped his head." Ya made a cutting gesture on her neck: "You should know what happened afterwards. Ha, it's fate, I really don't know whether this is good or bad. If not, I might miss Zelin. .Hey, come and take a look here."

Virginia and Bilbo leaned in.

"What's wrong...oh, a camp!"

In the clearing surrounded by bushes, some rotten leather exuded a disgusting smell, and a few flies flew back and forth, buzzing.

"There are a lot of orcs here, and they have eaten something."

"It's a poor deer." Bilbo hung his hands in front of him and sighed: "I'm glad I haven't seen any unlucky humans or dwarves here. These orcs will bring bad luck wherever they go. I hope they will always Won't go near the Shire."

"Look at this camp, and the footprints left on the ground." The Dragonborn spread his hands: "If there are only ten enemies, how many orcs have we eliminated? Twelve? Or fourteen? If there are only ten. Four enemies, their camp is too big and they eat too much. Virginia, would you put fourteen empty plates, knives and forks when you eat alone?"

"What do you mean?"

"What else do you mean?" Dragonborn said seriously: "Do you think we ran into the ambusher or the camp guard?"

"Maybe it's just a group of orcs camping here." Virginia turned her head and looked at the battlefield just now: "Halda of Lothlorien said that this river is very unsafe. We are almost upstream. Every few days I can meet orcs, more or less. There is nothing surprising about the orcs here. Search here and if there is nothing interesting to find, we should go."

"I don't think so." Gnaiya shook her head: "The orcs here are in the south, I...I don't know how to say it, but even if it feels wrong."

"Are there few orcs we encountered along the way? When we were in the swamp, we resolved how many enemies that attacked us." Virginia patted the leather belt around her waist, and there was a collision of glass bottles inside. Voice: "The potion bottle I prepared has almost used up to half, I don't know if I can stick to Gondor. There is no good place to mix potion here, and it will be dangerous if you start a fire in the wild."

"If Zelin was here, he would definitely not leave, he would go to figure out what's going on." Long Yi took a deep breath: "You can go first, you and the others, I'm going to take a look. Talos is on, I will never let any group of enemies go, especially when I can kill them. Pretend not to see? Who knows what they will do next."

"Maybe they just want to go to Lothlorien. They will be killed by the rangers at the forest border." Virginia rubbed her forehead. "Don't forget, what we have to do is help Mr. Bilbo reach Gondor. , Before that, you can join Zelin as soon as possible in Rohan. It's just a small group of orcs, maybe fifty, and Lothlorien's rangers can shoot them all like hares in the forest."

"Then you go first." Longyi walked to the side of the boat and picked up his own equipment. A leather belt was hung with throwing knives, daggers and spare daggers: "I went to take a look nearby. I remember that there was a river valley downstream near Gondor, and there was a bend in the river. If you want to stop, , Just wait for me there, I will walk all the way along the river, if you don’t want to, just go directly to Gondor, I will find a way to walk along the river to Minas Tirith. These fairy biscuits It’s really as magical as they claim, and I can rely on them to fill my stomach."

"Hi, ladies, this is not the time to split." Bilbo said worriedly: "This road is still long, maybe the orcs want you to separate. I, I know there is no evidence for this, but it does. Possibly. When you are together against the enemy, they are not your opponents at all. But if you separate, they may...send people to surround? What should I say?"

Virginia and Gnaya stood in a stalemate with each other. They stared at each other for many seconds. Finally, the wizard girl waved her hands: "The Holy Spirit is up, have you always been so stubborn? Okay, let's go together, but we have to Pull the boat to the shore first, so as not to be washed away by the river. If you have to lean on two legs, it will take at least a month to reach Gondor. Fred? Where is she?"

"I just came back."

Like a ghost, Frid appeared beside the ship.

Gneia's eyes widened in surprise, she looked at Virginia, who shrugged, "You won't leave at all, are you?"

"No, I came back when you quarreled." Frid said, "I'll talk about it when you finish. I saw more traces of orcs in the south. There are a lot of them, and the footprints are dense, ranging from 200 to 300. Time."

Virginia raised her eyebrows: "So many?"

"Unless they are running laps where they are."

"Very good..." Dragonborn cast an inquiring gaze to Virginia: "Now, do you want to go together?"

The sound of the muffled horn vibrated back and forth between the valleys, even overwhelming the huge sound of the waterfall.

In the forest, Pomorro held the white horn to his lips and blew it hard. The sound of Gondor's horn filled every corner of the forest.

Pipin and Meili hid behind him. A strong orc tried to bypass Polom and reached out to catch the Hobbit, but then he was chopped off by a sword.


Pomorro made a backhand sword, and the strong orc head fell heavily to the ground. Another strong orc stabbed a sword from the side, but was hit in the head by a hobbit stone. Pipin threw another stone and slammed it on the strong orc's face door with a bang. Pomorro blocked the attack from the other side, turned over and pierced the enemy's chest with a sword.

"Back!" On the hills between the forests, dozens of strong orcs appeared among the woods, rushing towards Pomorro and the two hobbits: "Back!"

A strong orc suddenly rushed out from behind the rock and rushed towards Pomorro's back with an axe in both hands. Pipin bent down abruptly, rushed to grab the enemy's calf, and pulled out with all his strength. The strong orc who lost his balance fell to the ground, while Meili took the opportunity to drew his short sword and threw it on the strong orc, pressing it while piercing the gap between the armor with the tip of the sword.

"Don't stop!"

Poromo swung his sword and bounced the machete on the left, and another strong orc swept the blade across and swept it towards Pomorro's neck. Pomorro squatted down and cut off the enemy's calf with a sword. The strong orc armor was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the shimmering sword. But before Poromo had time to make up for a blow, more strong orcs rushed up.

The stone hit the head of the strong orc in the front, and Boromo took a step back, and another strong orc was hit by the rock, clutching his head and falling to the ground. The third strong orc tripped over the companion who suddenly fell in front of him. Poromo did not let go of this opportunity. He pierced the enemy's chest with a sword, then raised his leg and kicked the enemy's chest while pulling out the sword. . The strong orc fell backwards and bumped into another enemy.

"Retreat and go to the river!" Polomo and the hobbit were standing downhill. On the hillside, strong orcs surrounded from all directions. Polomo waved his sword and retreated as he fought: "Stay behind me!"

A strong orc jumped down from the rock, holding an axe in both hands and slashing fiercely towards Polom. Polomo threw away the sword, grabbed the axe handle with both hands, and kicked it at the base of the enemy's leg. The orc bent down in pain, and Poromo grabbed the weapon with both hands, slashing the axe into the gap between the orc's helmet and shoulder armor, and blood immediately gushed out.

A new strong orc appeared beside Poromo. Poromo tried to draw out the axe, but the blade of the axe got stuck in the enemy's body.


Polomo turned around, and Meili threw the sword he had picked up.

"Catch it!"

Polomo took the sword in midair, bounced the blow from the right side, and slashed the enemy's chest backhand.

The forest covered with fallen leaves was almost dyed black by the orc armor, and countless black shadows walked through the forest.

"Find the Hobbit!"

A strong orc holding a long bow grinned, showing sharp teeth: "Find the hobbit and kill the rest!"

Chapter 2428 The Missing Hobbit

"Look here."

Behind the rock lying on the soil slope, the dragonborn slightly pushed aside the weeds in front of him, and looked at the orcs below: "There are so many."

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