"No, Bilbo, I, I can't wear this ring with other people." Frodo struggled, he turned around and turned his back to Bilbo: "I want to avoid everyone and go alone. Mordor."

"You can't go to Mordor alone, Frodo. A hero also needs the help of many ordinary people. We have all come here."

Bilbo stepped forward and looked at the other person's back. Frodo didn't say anything, he just walked to the canoe and threw the packages and luggage inside. Seeing that Frodo did not let go, he sighed and walked over to push the canoe with Frodo: "Okay, then let's go."

"Go? Where are you going, Bilbo?"

They pushed the canoe into the river and trot a few steps. Frodo jumped into the canoe first, and Bilbo grabbed the edge and jumped up. They didn't use pulp and let the canoe go south under the influence of the current.

"Go to Mordor, Frodo." Bilbo sighed: "I told them before, I'm coming to you, don't worry about me. Even if we go south along this river, we have to be near Gondor. Go ashore. If you can, we can meet them in Minas Tirith. To enter Mordor, you have to ask Zelin, yes, that’s the wizard who uses the sword. He has been to Mordor, but I fought in it for a while."

"I don't want to..."

"He also carried a ring, and that ring is now on my body." Bilbo said seriously: "Don't put all the responsibility on yourself. When Thorin recovered the lonely mountain, he called a group Comrades. You will need the help of your friends..."

"Mr. Frodo!"

Just as the canoe was drifting along the river bank, another sound rang from the bank. Bilbo and Frodo turned their heads and saw Sam with a travel backpack: "Mr. Frodo!"

"Sam!" Frodo turned around, leaning on the side of the boat: "Go back, Sam!"

"No, Mr. Frodo!" Sam walked to the river, he just hesitated for a moment, and immediately strode into the river.

"I'm going to send the ring to Mordor, it's not your responsibility, Sam, go back!"

"No problem, Mr. Frodo, but I want to go with you!" Sam didn't stop, he stepped forward, and the river gradually covered his ankles, knees, waist, and then his chest.

"You can't swim!" Frodo yelled, "Hurry back!"

"No, Mr. Frodo, this is my responsibility!"

"Damn..." Bilbo grabbed the oars and paddled back vigorously: "He can't swim? He'll be drowned, hurry up!"

Sam walked into the river step by step, the water gradually covering his chest and chin, and when his head disappeared under the water, one hand grabbed his raised arm.

When Sam was pulled onto the boat, he coughed heavily. Watching Frodo help Sam pat his back, Bilbo chuckled and shook his head.

"You really don't need to come, Sam."

"I said, Mr. Frodo, I made a promise." Sam said earnestly: "That is:'Don't leave it, Sam Wes Jenge.' I will never leave you, absolutely No." He repeated it again.


Frodo and Sam embraced each other.

Bilbo watched all this and breathed a sigh of relief. He paddled the paddle and controlled the canoe slowly drifting to the other side.

People on the battlefield collected the remaining corpses, piled them all together, lit a fire, and the black smoke of the flames penetrated the forest canopy and floated into the blue sky.

"Why haven't they come back?" Jinli used the orc's corpse to wipe the blood from the axe: "It's been an hour already."

"Bilbo said, if it takes more than an hour, don't wait for him anymore." The Dragonborn sat on a rock, picking his nails with a dagger: "Also, if he doesn't come back, we can continue to the south. Go ahead and meet him at Minas Tirith in Gondor."

"What?!" Virginia exclaimed, "You just let him go? He wears the Lord of the Rings and there are so many orcs staring at him in the nearby forest. He is alone... .."

"I have persuaded. But he said that if Frodo disappears suddenly, there must be a reason." Dragonborn said slowly, she didn't look at the surprised face of Virginia, just focused her attention. At the fingertips: "I said we might be able to help him, but he doesn't think so. He is very grateful that we can send him here, but he wants to talk to Frodo alone. Such a responsibility is to Frodo. It's too heavy to say, he left the Lord of the Rings to Frodo, but he couldn't just leave it like this. So, since he decided to do this, I naturally have no need to object."

"You are crazy!" The mage girl stomped her feet: "How can you just let him..."

"I don't know why he wants to do this, Virginia." Gnaiya interrupted the mage's words. She put down her dagger and raised her head: "But you know, if he can, he can wear that ring. Then get rid of everyone, just like Frid. When she was invisible, you could still notice her presence in the first few days, but later? I can’t stare at the air every moment, looking for someone. The figure who knows whether to stay by your side. This is his decision, and I respect his decision. When a person resolutely steps into a dangerous place for his honor and responsibility, how can you refuse his request? This is his glory."

"It's glory again. You didn't even discuss it with the rest of us. Just when we dealt with the remaining strong orcs, we let Bilbo go!" Virginia leaned her forehead, raised her head and closed her eyes, giving herself up. Angrily said: "The Holy Spirit is on. When Luohan, when you see Zelin, go and explain to him why there is no Bilbo in the team!"

"I won't go to Luohan. If you want to, you can find him. I'm going south along this big river." Long Yi stood up, put the sword in the scabbard, and picked up the shield under her body: " I will not walk with them, but I will protect them all the way, I promised Zelin, I will do this. I will kill all the strong orcs I see along the way, and kill every enemy who tries to attack them until they Enter Gondor."

Gnaiya looked serious: "If you are willing to come with me, follow me. If you don't want to, do what you think you should do. I will deal with the orcs and continue to deal with them until my task is completed. ."

With that said, Gnaiya lifted the package containing the elven biscuits and potion supplements, stepped on her shoulders, and walked towards the river beach.

Frid looked at Virginia and faced the mage girl. The nun shrugged, took the weapon that had been transformed into a long sword into her waist, and followed along the way Gnaiya had left.

"You guys...!" Virginia pursed her lips, she wanted to say a lot, but in the end she just sighed, mixed with helplessness and anger.

"I'm sorry." She looked at Aragorn to the side: "If you see Zelin, please tell him what happened here, we may not be able to meet him in Rohan on time."

"It must be done." Aragorn nodded, and he reached out his hand and touched his forehead: "Good luck to you."

When Virginia left, only the wounded Polomo's dull cough remained in the woodland.

"I saw the Lord of the Rings take a boat to the other side of the river, we should set off to catch up!" Legolas found another canoe, he pushed the canoe into the river hard, turned around, but was surprised to find God Gong did not act, and Jin Li just stood in place: "Aren't you going to catch up?"

"The fate of the ring-bearer is no longer in my control. That is his way." Aragorn muttered: "There are things that cannot be forced, and fate requires so."

"And our mission completely failed." Jin Li mumbled: "The expedition team fell apart, and our journey ends here."

"No, although the mission of the expedition is over, we still have something to do." Aragorn stepped forward and patted Jinli and Legolas on the shoulders: "Wait for Boromo to be sent to a safe place to recover. , Let's rescue Meili and Pipin, friends, let us hunt the strong orcs! Go to Rohan!"

The 2430th chapter of the twin towers


Edoras was still immersed in a weird silence.

As always, King Haydon will sit on the throne in the palace until night falls. In the past, he would welcome every guest who came to visit with kindness in the Golden Palace, listen to the suggestions and warnings of his subjects, and meet their needs. Now King Haydon is still on the throne, but the Golden Palace has already closed its doors to all outsiders.

"The orcs brazenly burned, killed, looted, and even attacked fortresses and villages in our country. They were all orcs from Isengard with white palm traces on their armor." Iomo threw the helmet in his hand to his feet, leaving behind the helmet. With blood stains and a white palm printed on the top: "Saruman has declared war on us. His Royal Highness Siyud fought against the enemy at the mouth of the Eisen River, but he was outnumbered. Your Majesty, must gather more troops to mobilize Rohan’s forces. Defeat Saruman!"

Iomo has a neatly trimmed black beard, his blond hair hangs from the back of his head to the sides of his shoulders, and a pair of slender eyes are full of worry and anger. Lines representing clouds are depicted on the leather armor on the chest, and the gleaming plate armor can be seen under the hollow lines. He was dusty, with the dust and dirt left on his body.

"Prince Siyoud has persisted for a long time at the mouth of the Eisen River. Saruman has been gathering his dark army. If there is no reinforcement, Siyud can't hold on for long."

"Grimar..." King Xiurton lowered his head, did not respond to Iomo's words, and just whispered the consultant's name: "Grimar..."

"Your uncle has long been tired of your wanton and aggressive behavior." Grima's cold voice echoed in the hall, and the black velvet robe rustled on the ground, and Grima walked to it step by step. Next to Hidden, he slowly lowered his body and held the king's withered arms with both hands: "So many lies, you are stationed in the north, and you have heard so many lies woven by the golden forest witches. Didn't you see it? Your uncle Enough of your evil deeds"

"Cruel and combative?" Iomo narrowed his eyes slightly, a fierce flash flashed in his eyes, and deliberately lowered his voice: "What are you talking about?!"

"There are lies everywhere, instigating the relationship between our country and the white-robed wizard." Grima didn't care about Iomo. He looked up at King Hiurdon, as if whispering to the king: "Saruman has always been Rohan's best. A steadfast ally, your Majesty has troubled your mind to deal with these rumors, but you have to make your Majesty more annoyed when he is worried..."

Before Grima could finish speaking, Iomo stepped forward suddenly, wrapped Grima's collar with both hands, and pulled him up.

"How long has Saruman bought you?!" He gritted his teeth and asked: "What did he promise to give you, Grima? You will be able to divide up the treasure when the humans die?! Or give you a seat on the throne?! "

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor beside him.

Eowyn's footsteps stopped when he saw the situation in the hall.

Grima broke away from Iomo's arm, took two steps back, and took a deep breath: "You have too much control, Iomo, son of Iomond!" He sorted out his messy collar: "You control it. There are too many, you will be banished outside the Luo Khanate until you die in pain."

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