Sitting straddling the ogre's neck, while the monster under him hadn't reacted yet, Altariel drew the dagger from his waist and stabbed it into the ogre's eye.

The ogre screamed in pain, his arms backward trying to grab the elf behind him. Altariel took the opportunity to twist his wrist, and the more severe pain directly shattered the ogre’s sanity. The frantic monster waved its arms indiscriminately. The more chaotic crowd trampled. Some half-orcs used spears to attack the ogres, but the rough-skinned monsters now became their nightmare.

More than sixty orcs holding short bows, bent over and rushed over, bending their bows and shooting arrows to aim at Altariel.

The next moment, the shadow fell from the sky.

The ranger drew his dagger, then raised his hand, and a rope bounced out of the sleeve arrows, shooting towards the Griffin beast that fell among the archers. Zelin swung a sword with his right hand to cut off a pierced spear, and grabbed the rope with his left hand. The griffon flapped its wings and knocked down the enemies on both sides, pressing the divided corpse under its sharp claws, and the sharp beak picked up the other half-orc. The scream of the half-orc almost overwhelmed the escape of the remaining archers. , It shook it twice, and the scream stopped abruptly. Then, before another group of orcs with spears rushed over, it threw the corpse over and knocked down the enemy in front of them, causing them to join together. The corpses fell to the ground together, and tripped over the same clan who was too late to stop.

Altarel stabbed the other eye of the ogre again, and when the **** monster fell, the gear fixed in the wrist turned and pulled the ranger up. The demon hunter also took the opportunity to pull the reins. Before being surrounded, the Griffin flapped its wings and flew into the sky, pulling the elf ranger out of the enemy's encirclement.

"You did a good job!" Zelin turned his head slightly and glanced at the ranger. The elf had only the thick and black blood of the orc: "Hold on!"

The Griffon leaned sideways abruptly, avoiding a few arrows shot from below. He spread his wings again and dived straight down.

Fifty half-orcs gathered together, shoulders against shoulders, back against their chests, and raised wooden spears upwards.

The griffin had not fallen yet, and the stream of flames gushing out of the Ignifa Seal instantly enveloped the half-orcs in flames.

In the air about ten meters away from the ground, the Griffin spread its wings again, changed the direction of its dive, and flew parallel to the ground over the head of the orc army, leaving only the enemy who was screaming and fleeing in the flames behind it.

The ranger's arrow has not stopped, and every time he pulls the bow and arrow, an orc will fall down. Her gaze was fixed on every corner of the camp, the vehicles piled up with materials were burning, and the thick smoke that was flying up could be seen clearly from far away. Near the bonfire for the dinner, many orcs fell to the ground, rolling in pain. Some half-orcs were already dead, their cups scattered on the ground, and poisoned wine soaked on the **** grassland. Whenever a half-orc leader assembles soldiers, an arrow will immediately hit its head without error.

"Bottom left!"

A team of orc archers ran up the hillside, trying to shoot the griffins in the sky. But it is undoubtedly difficult for an archer with inexperienced skills to shoot a fast-flying target. But Zelin didn't care, he drew out the rune of Kunen's seal, and tried his best to inject the magic of chaos into the rune between his fingers. The circular barrier gradually expanded, eventually completely enclosing the Griffin Beast.

"Kill their leader!"

As soon as Zelin's voice fell, the orc leader in the front of the archer fell straight down, with an arrow stuck in his chest, straight into the feather. The Griffin swooped down, and many half-orc archers fled out of fear before shooting their arrows. Of the remaining half of the archers, only a dozen or so hit the behemoths that swooped down, and their arrows hit the Quinn shield. The upper part broke off one after another.

The griffin spread its wings covered in armor and swept across.

"Damn it!"

Blood splattered.

The elven ranger subconsciously pulled up the cloak to block the blood gushing like a fountain around him. Only the shattered corpse of the upper body was left. The blood flowed along the hillside, and gathered into a pool of blood where the hillside meets the plain.

"Can't you get away from the other party? It's dangerous!"

"Is it dangerous to us or your cloak?" Zelin laughed, and the **** smell excited the demon hunter: "How many arrows do you have? I want to completely defeat this group of enemies! Attack the deserter who flees to the east. They rush to the Misty Mountains!"

Chapter 2446: Edoras under the Clouds

Eowyn walked to the edge of the square in front of the Golden Temple. The wind from the north sent the smell of dinner cooking into the nose, trying to blow the hem of the white dress and the pearl embroidery on the edge of the black shirt. In the past, Eowyn always liked to stand here, watching the people living in Edoras, watching the desolate and empty land of Rohan in the distance, watching the pastures that breed livestock and horses in the distance, and more. Many Luohan people living outside.

At this moment, the appreciation of the scenery has long ceased to exist.

The crowds below the square stood in front of their homes, or gathered together with relatives and friends in twos and threes, and pointed at the smoke rising in the distance in the west.

At dusk, the sentry noticed thick smoke rising from the hills to the west. When the king and prince set off, Eowyn was the leader here, and the sentry immediately asked her for orders. But before she decided to give the order, the smoke became more violent, so that every resident of Edoras could see the changes in the distance. Some people stayed by the city wall, trying to figure out what was happening outside, and some people gathered under the steps of the Golden Temple, hoping to hear Eowyn's order the first time.

In the end, Eowyn’s order was to first distribute the remaining weapons and armor to the men still in Idoras. Let all those who can afford weapons to fight, men over the age of sixteen and under sixty, go to the armory to receive chain mail, shields, long swords and bows and arrows. Prepare to protect the royal city from possible enemies.

An atmosphere of surprise and fear permeated the crowd.

Not long ago, King Haydon led the Hussars on the expedition to Isengard, but now, there are traces of gunpowder near Edoras.

Eowyn frowned, her face solemnly staring into the distance.

There are not many guards left. Luohan has no real city. Even the royal city is built on a hillside and protected by a fenced wall made of logs. If there is an invasion, such a simple defense will not last long, and only the Saint Helm Valley in West Valley can block the army's attack. But when the enemy was so close, how could the civilians in the city escape to West Valley?

Not to mention, West Valley is west of Edoras, and even more west is Isinger. If Isinger wins, perhaps West Valley has already fallen.

"His Royal Highness."

A guard salutes Eowyn. His cloak looked very shabby, there were gaps in the hem, and a long sword hung from his waist. He was almost fifty years old.

"How many people can participate in the battle now?"

Eowyn asked, "How many old people, children, and women are left who can't fight?"

"There are one hundred and eighty-six soldiers, but only thirty-seven are good at archery. After your majesty goes out, there are only 1,000 arrows left in the armory. Everyone may not be able to get 30 arrows." He took a deep breath: "There are still twenty-five horses. Your Majesty, if you ride on a horse and have a rotating mount, you will be able to reach Gondor by galloping day and night for three days."

"We need to send a letter to the Prime Minister of Gondor asking for his assistance, but these horses can only survive a few people, unless I can hold the invaders in Edoras and buy time for the rest. Let them escape along the river to the Andros Fortress. The Gondor have a garrison there." Eowyn frowned: "By the way, Mr. Guard, leave me a piece of armor and weapon, sword and shield."

"His Royal Highness, do you want to stay here?"

The guard was very surprised: "His Royal Highness, you can lead the people here to Gondor for help. We will stay here to block the orcs and kill as many enemies as possible so that they can't continue to pursue them."

"During the long winter, the Son of the Sacred Valley Hammer stayed in Edoras and stood there until I was killed. I will neither run nor leave unless the invaders step over my body and occupy the Golden Temple." Eowyn didn’t explain much, as if this wasn’t something to explain at all: "Hurry up, when the sentry comes back, let him see me immediately. Order all the civilians to bring food and water for six days and gather at the gate of the city. Don’t bring any extras. Prepare the carriage. You don’t need a horse when defending the city. Let the elderly and children go to the carriage."

The guard saluted again, and after he left, Eowyn looked to the west worriedly.

The gunpowder is full of smoke.

If an army of half-orcs appeared here, the only result would be the defeat of the Hussars at the mouth of the Eisen River. If thousands of horsemen can't stop the enemy, how long can Edoras have less than two hundred guards? That is Rohan's most powerful force. A rider on the grassland can defeat an enemy several times his own. But after so many days, since the Hussars set off, Edoras has not received any reply. Eowyn was more willing to believe that this was because of the stalemate in the battle, so that King Xiuton did not have time to send manpower to deliver the battle report to Edoras. She has been praying in her heart that the king and brother are safe.

But when people saw the gunpowder smoke rising near the royal city, their worries immediately turned into panic. Perhaps the reason why the army has no news is not because the war is stalemate, but because the battle has ended.

But Eowyn didn't feel any fear in her heart, she didn't have any extra emotions, as if everything was just a step-by-step process. If the king and prince were not there, it would be the prince's turn to perform her duties. And her only fear is not to go to the battlefield, but when everyone is fighting for Rohan in the front, she can only stay behind and do nothing.

Suddenly, Eowyn's eyes noticed that a figure appeared on the hills east of Edoras.

Slightly squinting her eyes, Eowyn rubbed the corners of her eyes, the sky was dim, and the figures in the distance became imperceptible under the shadow of the scattered rocks. The figure staggered on the hills, and when it reached the top of the hills, it paused for a few seconds, as if looking up at the city on the distant hillside, and then continued to walk down. But he seemed to trip over a stone hidden in the grass, fell on the hillside, and disappeared among the weeds on his knees. Only the overwhelmed weeds disappeared all the way under the hills.


She yelled to the guard under the stairs: "Let a person mount a horse immediately and go to the east side of the hill. I seem to see a person over there who is heading here."

Half an hour later, before the rider who was investigating the gunpowder in the distance returned, the horse sentry returned to Edoras, and the exhausted Boromo came back with him.

Poromo brought even worse news. The road to the east of Rohan was also blocked. An army of Ruen people was marching upstream along the river, approaching Edoras, completely blocking Rohan. The road between Gondor and Gondor.

No one can escape to Gondor, they are surrounded.

Chapter 2447: Friends of Mordor

The narrow cave is filled with low white candles, layered on top of the rocks of different heights, and the flames will brighten the hidden dark caves. There was a stone platform in the middle of the cave. Several men in black cloaks gathered together. One of them took out a map and laid it out on the stone platform.

Gondor established many outposts along the Anduin River west to monitor Mordor's every move. When the power of Gondor was completely driven away from the east of the Anduin River, these outposts were not only responsible for monitoring, but also became nodes of the river's defense line. Mordor’s half-orcs can attack Gondor’s line of defense from every corner, and Gondor’s main force can only stay in the capital of Minas Tirith in order to avoid being exhausted. After the warning is issued from the outpost, they will assemble to defend against Gondor. Mordor's invasion.

"What's the news?"

The inquiring man looks about in his twenties, less than thirty, with short wavy dark blond hair, a brown leather armor on his chest depicting a blooming white tree, and a quiver fixed by the cloak behind. , With a long bow slung in front of him. The remaining longbowmen gathered around him, and the map gradually unfolded, depicting Gondor and Rohan, as well as the terrain of Eastern Mordor.

"According to the spy's report, Saruman has joined the demon lord's camp." A gray-haired veteran stretched out his hand, and his fingers wrapped in black leather handguards pressed Isinger's position on the map: "He summoned one. An army of orcs is attacking the Khanate of Rohan. King Haydon has led the cavalry on the expedition and may have a decisive battle with Isengard at the mouth of the Eisen River. We must defend the border, Faramo, Mordor’s half-orcs are about to move. Sauron is here. Gather the army. The savage tribes of the Great Wasteland and the East gather at the Black Gate with the Harads."

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