All camps are stationed along the edge of the forest, faintly sketching a main road. Hidden riding a horse, accompanied by his entourage, inspected the camp.

"Make way, make way for the king!"

"Salute to the king!"

"The king is here!"

When Hidden approached a camp, the voice of welcome and salute sounded immediately. Xiu raised his hand from time to time to greet the nearby soldiers and generals.

As he rode through the camp, Hidden kept asking every general he met: "Grimber, how many people did you find?"

"I brought five hundred people, Your Majesty."

"Gamlin, how many have you summoned?"

"Seven hundred people, Your Majesty."

"How many people came to the marshland?"

"A total of three hundred, Your Majesty."

"Where is the cavalry in the snow?"

"Four hundred people, they are all here."

One camp after another reported to King Haydon, Aragorn rode to the left of Haydon, while Legolas was one position behind on the right. After patrolling the camp, the king and his party rode horses and headed for the Black Man Temple Barracks above the hillside.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, the clearing was filled with white tents.

"There are more people here than I expected." Hidden put his hands behind his back: "We have ten thousand cavalry, and after a while, more people will join us. I expect to eventually be ten thousand and two. Thousands of soldiers."

"Every time there is a delay, Gondor is even more dangerous." Aragorn walked to Hidden: "It has been three days, and you must prepare before dawn."

"Wait for a while, and we will have more chances of winning, Aragorn." Xiurton took a deep breath: "No new people will join us anymore. We are the last reinforcements and the most important. If Rohan fails, who can help Gondor resist the invasion of the Mordor army? Who can resist Sauron?" Then, he patted Aragorn on the shoulder: "We have gathered enough people, but We are still weak, and the number of Mordor's army may be several times that of ours. I hope to gather as many soldiers as possible before the decisive battle."

There are not only riders in the camp, but also blacksmiths from all over Rohan. Before the king set off, the blacksmiths would carry tools and rush to the Black Man Temple to gather together with the soldiers to repair the armor and polish the swords for the soldiers who are about to set off.

"So many people." Xisali was a little surprised: "10,000 cavalry, unbelievable. To be honest, I have never seen so many people gathered together. With so many soldiers, I always feel that I might start in this war. It doesn't help much. Are there trees near the battlefield we are going to reach?"

"As far as I know, there should be none. I heard that there are only endless farms and fishing piers under the city of Gondor." Eowyn shook her head. Inside the tent, she drew out her prepared sword and observed carefully: "Xi Sally, can you help me find a blacksmith to polish this sword? A blunt sword can't kill a half-orc."

"You can try this." As he said, Hisalie took out a short sword: "This is what I used to keep for self-defense. Sometimes, the enemy may sneak attack when I am not ready, and the distance is too long. I can’t pronounce a spell even when I’m close, so I prepared this sword, but fortunately, it’s never been used. You can keep it and give it a try. There is magic on this sword, which can make you more powerful. Strong."

Eowyn put down the long sword in her hand, and some flattered hands took Xisali's gift: "Is this a legendary fairy artifact?" She held the hilt in one hand: "I, I feel a little warm in my arm. I have heard in the past that the elves in the northern golden forest have many magical things. Did the reinforcements brought by the elven general named Harda also use this kind of weapon?"

"I don't know." Xisali shrugged: "But when we go to the battlefield, I think this will definitely come in handy. I once had a knight friend who kept persuading me to buy a chain mail. Unfortunately, if I followed her advice back then, so I won't just give you a shabby gift like a dagger."

"No, no, this is the best gift I have ever received." Eowyn put the dagger into the scabbard: "I will wash it with the blood of a half-orc."

Suddenly, there was a slight disturbance outside the camp.

Xisally turned her head and looked outside: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Eowyn frowned: "Maybe the new troops have arrived. But my brother said that all the soldiers Rohan can summon have already arrived here."

"New reinforcements?"

"How could it be..." Eowyn stood up and opened the curtain of the camp.

The sun shone into the tent and reflected on her face.

Princess Rohan's light brown eyes couldn't help but widen because of the scene in front of him.

Many Rohan knights gathered at the edge of the forest, pointing to an army that suddenly appeared outside the forest.

Aragorn squeezed through the crowd and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise: "...what's going on?"

"Master Aragorn, our scouts didn't even find them." General Gamling said to Aragorn, "They suddenly appeared in front of us like this. The soldiers didn't know what to do. Does your Majesty have any orders? "

Aragorn frowned. When he saw a familiar figure crossing the bushes and approaching him, the confusion and vigilance on his face instantly turned into joy: "No, Gamlin, they are not enemies."

Zelin walked towards Aragorn, he stretched out his hand, shook Aragorn's palm with a light smile, and shook it vigorously.

"It seems that Gondor has already turned to Rohan for help." Zelin said, "I hope it's not too late for me to come."

"Of course not, my friend." There was a smile on Aragorn's mouth, and he patted Zelin on the shoulder: "We just need you."

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ps: Watching the Lord of the Rings, I forgot that it is already six o'clock... Sure enough, the code word is unrealistic while watching the movie.

The 2500th Chapter Canyon of the Dead

When this army of different races joined the camp as reinforcements, Rohan's morale rose significantly.

This reinforcement composed of humans and elves immediately received a warm welcome. The news that the northern coalition defeated Sauron's minions and sent troops south to support spread like wildfire. Before a big battle, nothing was more inspiring than the news of another battlefield victory.

"His Royal Highness, please allow me to introduce to you. This is my good friend, Ms. Altea Eberlock." In the camp in front of the Black Man Temple, Xisali took Altea by the hand and pulled her to In front of Eowyn: "This is Ms. Eowyn, the princess of the Luo Khanate. Elune is here, and she will go to the battlefield of Gondor with us in the future."

"Hello, Ms. Eberlock." Eowyn bowed his head and greeted: "I see you leading an army, and people are talking about the news that you defeated the soldiers of Sauron."

"It's an honor to see you, Your Royal Highness." Altea curtseyed: "Yes, Sauron's offensive in the north has been disintegrated. Now, we are here to support the war in the south."

"Unbelievable, you must have won three months ago, right?" Eowyn took out a new cushion and placed it in the tent. There are only sleeping bags and blankets for rest in the tent. There is not much luxury and enjoyment in the Luohan Kingdom, and it is even more so as a temporary assembly camp: "Please sit down, you must have gone a long way from the north to the south."

"Yeah, it did take a lot of time." Altea and Xisali looked at each other and nodded: "I'm glad we are here at the right time."

"Are you going to the battlefield too?" Eowyn looked at Altea, who was wearing chain mail with a dagger around her waist, and a shield on her back. The shield was painted with golden border lines: " I heard Hisalie told me about you, that you were participating in the war against Sauron’s minions in the north."

"No one is spared when the war comes. I am just doing what I should do." Altea tilted her head: "Aren't you going to do the same thing as me?"

The smile on Eowyn's face gradually turned into a serious and determined look: "That's right."

The number of reinforcements is only a drop in the bucket compared to the Rohan. There are 500 mutant knights in Jaques, and Toruvill also brought 500 Hundred Flowers Valley guards and archers, including a certain number of beasts. Division and war trolls. But no knight underestimated how powerful these tall, heavily armored warriors had. The height of the orcs can only reach their waist. Hearing that a battlefield against Sauron has been won, and more and more people know the identity of Aragon, more people are beginning to believe that they will win in Gondor instead of embarking on a life and death Unknown expedition.

In addition, a group of humans from River Valley City also came here.

"They are here for you, Aragorn." Zelin and Aragorn walked on the road between the camps. The busy and silent atmosphere in the camp has now become full of joy and confidence: "The Emperor returns, People think that you are the key to defeating Sauron. The humans in the north also want to see the descendants of the human emperor, and follow you, and follow you to attack Sauron."

"The key is not with me." Aragorn said flatly: "The key is with Frodo and Bilbo. They carried the ring into Mordor. As long as they can throw the ring into the Doomsday Volcano, we will have won this war. We have won. What they have to do is to hold the line of defense before they succeed and prevent Sauron’s army from ravaging the land. This support army...where did you find it? I know that there is a team in the north that is hired by River Valley. Legion, but these elves are not under His Majesty King Thranduy."

"As for this matter." Zelin had already thought of his words: "You are going to ask Gandalf."

Aragorn was a little surprised: "Gandalf? Could it be that there are new elves in the more east?"

"Whether it is or not, their living area is shrinking, and crisis is pervasive." Zelin answered noncommittal. He did not deny Aragorn’s conjecture, but simply summed up Ainshidi’s situation in a few sentences: "Now, they are here, hoping to fight for more living space and future."

"The enemy of Sauron is my ally. The power of the Dark Lord is unprecedentedly strong. If we cannot unite all the forces, we will lose everything we cherish..." Aragorn pondered for a few seconds before raising his head: "Gandalf let you Are you staying in Luohan to find this support army?"

"Maybe, unless he can predict the future." Zelin shrugged: "This is an accident to me. I originally planned to go to the southern seaside to find the Norn tribe. I still remember the one who escaped from Mordor under your cover. That group of humans? I think their leader, Queen Marvin, should be in her sixties. It is said that she still controls the tribe. If Gondor continues to help, her humans are good warriors."

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