An owl flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky that was dyed red by the setting sun.

Zelin stood on the mud beach by the boat, looked at the Punta River rushing in front of him, and lit a pipe.

"You really got me a dangerous job, Demon Hunter."

The sturdy captain pinched his waist and walked to Zelin: "These warlocks can always find mysterious places, right? I have been floating on the Ponta River for so long, and I have never found that this swampland can hide. The next ship."

"Water rat?" Zelin showed an unexpected look: "You actually started to work for the Warlock Order?"

"Isn't that what you introduced?" Water Mouse stretched out his calloused hand: "The company I was in before closed down, alas, this **** war, everyone has no money in their hands, naturally no one needs to ship the goods. A letter from an elf warlock said that the warlock order was recruiting experienced and loyal captains. She had heard that I drove you to deal with the Knights of the White Rose and saved people from Willen. You told her. So I went. Let me say, this job is not bad, although most of the time I don’t know the meaning of what I do, but the warlocks never hesitate to pay the bill. Thank you, otherwise I really don’t I know where to make money to support my wife and children."

"You're welcome, you are a good captain."

Obviously, this was a decision made by Francesca herself.

But this decision is now viewed, and the result is very good. Zelin knows about water mice. He has been running on the Ponta River for 20 years. In the past, Zelin often took his boat. Geralt also spent several months as an **** on his boat to make money.

Zelin handed him a cigarette, and the water rat took it gratefully. The demon hunter snapped his fingers, and the flames of Igni's Seal rose and lit the cigarette.

He took a deep breath, and after a few seconds, the water rat exhaled a long breath.

"How long shall we wait here?"

"It's impolite to urge a lady." Zelin sighed, "I don't know, who knows? But I suggest that it's best to be ready to leave at any time. I don't want to see the chase appear from a distance. , The boat stopped in shallow water and couldn't get out."

"Well, prepare everything in advance? You are right. I will turn the boat around first. I'm afraid I don't need to stay close to the shore. I don't think the lady needs to come up. They always have all kinds of things. The same way to get your feet off the ground."

Water Mouse chatted with Zelin a few more words, discussed some interesting anecdotes that he had recently heard in the captain, and then left.

There are rumors that King Bran of Skelliger may not be able to live long. He often falls into a coma, and rarely meets the patriarchs of other families in the mead hall. No one knows what the death of Skelliger’s most respected king means during the most anxious time of the war, but for the Nilfgaards, they can breathe a sigh of relief and don’t have to worry about King Bran leading the long ship to continue the robbery. Scavenging the coast. Before the new king is elected, Skelliger's plunder will temporarily stop.

"It's almost the same as I expected." Suddenly, an unexpected voice appeared in Zelin's ear: "Our demon hunter has indeed come to Redania. I originally thought that I would see it in Willen. You."

Zelin's hand is on the hilt and he looks in the direction of the sound.

"Dikescher?" He wrinkled every day, looking at the spy chief who came out of the reed stilt with five followers: "What's the matter? The second most wanted criminal from Rydania arrived only a few minutes from the capital. A kilometer away?"

"Because there are some things that are worthy of me personally. I don't worry about giving them to the people below." Dixie opened his arms: "After all, some things are bad, and you can't save them if you kill them."

"Your intelligence capabilities have always exceeded my expectations." Zelin did not see more people appearing, only five people who looked like members of the gang followed behind the spy chief. But Zelin believed that it was impossible for him to leave his lair with only five entourages, especially after being assassinated once: "How did you know that I was coming here?"

"You and I are both smart people, so don't ask these stupid questions." Dikoschi took out a ring engraved with a red eagle emblem: "I'll give you an invitation. If you Yes, I can go to Tritog tonight. Some other people and I want to see you and talk to you. Go to Tritog’s Eagle Inn and show this ring to the shopkeeper, and he will take you there. Place."

Zelin lowered his eyes, looked at the ring in his hand, raised his gaze again, and stared at the spy chief: "Your head is worth a baron. Don't you worry about me betraying you?"

"Our intelligence personnel have always been good at choosing partners." Dikoscher laughed: "People who can't choose are sold out when they are at the bottom. No more than tomorrow noon at the latest. Time is not waiting for anyone, believe me, This trip is definitely worth the money for you."

Chapter 2552: Tritoge

Zelin didn't know what reason he had not to go.

Dikoscher is the best spy leader of Redania, and he is willing to cooperate with Zelin, including cooperation in intelligence. Zelin didn't understand why Dikoscher would find him. It really didn't make sense. In terms of intelligence, his only source of intelligence was only a little bit of news he got when chatting with Francesca. After all, in the past ten years, he has been out of his own world for half of the time, let alone in some worlds, he will stay for four months or even six months.

No one knows how much confidential information is in Dijkstra's head, of course, no one dares to look down upon him. Zelin thinks that few people know his itinerary, but now it seems that Dijkstra will appear here to prove that his intelligence capabilities are still not much different from when he was a spy leader.

Francesca was right. An inclusive organization meant full of loopholes. She had to establish a magic organization belonging to the elves in order to keep the secret of the continuation of the Ain Sidi clan while avoiding malicious enemies.

After confessing something about the water rat, Zelin recalled what Dijkstra had confessed, and walked in the direction of Tritog. The Great Eagle Inn, in Redania, people like eagles very much. On the portraits of many kings, the kings usually look into the distance like hunters, with a loyal falcon on their shoulders, and those famous nobles, Most of them also like to regard themselves as a falconer. He didn't know what Dijkstra was going to tell him, or what would happen to him, but Dijkstra didn't seem to be boring enough to make such a joke. ,

Tritog has been the capital of Redania for less than a hundred years.

Once, the capital of Redania was Novigrad, which was also the capital of Shabuk, the first human kingdom. But the oldest heir, King Redania always wanted to unify the northern humans like their ancestors. In the eleventh century, Vestibo, the proud king of Rydania, launched the Northern Alliance with nearby neighboring countries such as Tamoria, Kodwin, Humphus, Maruel, and Kangon. A series of territorial wars, that war was called the Seven Years’ War, and the result of the war was the defeat of the Redanian side. The Northern Alliance occupied the fertile valleys near the Buena, Nimna and Ponta Rivers. The capital of Nya, Novigrad, was incorporated into the territory of Temoria, while the capital of Redania could only be forced to move eastward into the city of Tritog, named after the royal family. It was not until later that Novigrad was called a neutral and free city after Radovide III negotiated with Tamoria.

The Redanians have always been ashamed of this history. As the most powerful country in the north, their capital has no characteristics.

Tritog is like other large human cities, built in the ruins of elves. The most famous building is the huge church in the center of the city. Standing outside the city wall and looking at the city from a distance, you can see the towering spires on the top of the church and the surroundings. The church that originally seemed to be an elf, but humans didn't know what the elf worshiped in it. Later, with the change of human beliefs, missionaries of the eternal fire now occupy the building.

The evening sunlight dyed the distant city walls in the sky golden, and the red eagle flags hanging from the towers of the city walls were listless in the breeze. There is only one farmer in a thin linen coat on the road. Two professional soldiers in heavy armor stand at the gate of the city. There is a wooden crate on the left side. An eternal fire missionary stands on it and surrounds the citizens in front of them. Preach the doctrine. The farmer in front of the demon hunter stopped in front of the missionary. After listening for a while, he walked up to the missionary and fumbled for a while before taking out an Oren and putting it in the wooden box in front of the missionary. Inside.

"Welcome to join us, brother." The missionary enthusiastically opened his arms: "The flame protects the world. People standing in the light will never be harmed by evil. This is the flame of a great man, when the heat of the flame ignites Without your heart, the darkness will leave you. Only humans can easily accept the influence of the flame, because we were born in the light, and the races that spread from the darkness will only feel fear and hatred of the flame. Look at the walk just now The mutant of the past! Facing the doctrine of the holy fire, he didn't even dare to look directly at him, because the flame would purify his filth. Those tools created by evil witches with magic to satisfy their selfish desires.. ....."

Zelin stood under the city gate and looked up at the stone arch. The red eagle logo carved above the arch became a little fuzzy in the wind and sun. The guard glanced at Zelin, yawned again, and cast his gaze to the other side.

The Eagle Inn is located near Tritog’s Cathedral. The city has only two central districts, one with the cathedral as the core and the other with the King’s Castle as the core. Near the former are mostly hotels, taverns and markets, while the latter is surrounded by courtiers, wealthy merchants' residences, and many guilds and associations. Residential areas are built around the city, at the outermost part of the city.

Entering the city gate, there are houses of varying heights on both sides of the narrow street, made of rocks, and the white paste on the walls becomes dim and yellow in the wind and sun. On the second floor of the houses on both sides were hung clothes to dry, and curtains propped up by the brackets cast mottled shadows on the streets.

Zelin rarely came to Tritog, and went to Ridania. It was better to go to Osenforte and Novigrad. He asked passers-by about the location of the hotel on the street. At first, the guidance he received was very vague. Most of them went left or turned right after crossing the intersection. It became clear later that Zelin saw the inn with the name of the giant eagle hanging in a circular square beside the main church of Eternal Fire. On the curtain above the hotel, an eagle falling on a rock is depicted.

The door of the hotel was open inward, and it was deserted and there were no guests. The setting sun shines through the windows on the floor of the hall, reflecting the shadow of the cross window bars. Behind the counter, a simple-dressed man lay on it, dozing off. The table was wiped clean, and the wooden chair was turned over and placed on the tabletop. Generally speaking, Zelin would only see this appearance in the early morning, but now the evening should be the busiest time of the tavern.

Zelin walked to the counter and tapped his fingers.

"Are you the master here?"

The man lying on his stomach raised one eye and saw a man standing in front of him wearing a cloak with a weapon behind his back and his cheek hidden in the shadow. He sat up slowly, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Yes, it's me. We only have beer and bacon here." He stood up and said in a businesslike tone: "There are also fish caught from the nearby river. They are definitely the freshest."

"That's the only way?" Zelin took out the ring in his pocket: "I recently lacked money, so I want to change a ring. How many crowns do you think this ring can refer to?"

After seeing the ring, the shop owner showed an unexpected look.

"Uh...I know someone is buying such jewelry." He said, his relaxed tone became a little nervous: "Come with me, I know a place."

Zelin watched him walk around behind the counter and walk towards the kitchen.

There is a stove in the kitchen with chopped firewood stacked on the side. There is no flame, and there is no food being cooked. There were a few bottles of beer in a wooden box on the side, most of which were empty. The wooden beams under the ceiling were hung with dried meat, but not many. Several woven bags were piled dry in the corner, and a few thin apples fell out of the unsealed mouth.

There is a staircase leading down in the kitchen, and down the staircase is a narrow basement. There are two torches in the basement, providing a faint light.

"I knew that our demon hunter would definitely make the right choice." Dijkstra stood inside, pinching his waist with one hand, and swinging his other hand to the innkeeper. The innkeeper bent down as if bowing, and then trot back to the stairs: "I was still thinking about how long you will be delayed on the road."

"It's smoother than I expected." Zelin calmly looked at the others present, besides Dixie, there were two others. They were all wearing cloaks, one crouched forward slightly, the eternal fire symbol hung on the necklace hanging from his chest, and the other stood behind everyone, stubbornly motionless: "The control of this city even Not as good as Novigrad, honestly, I thought the guard at the gate of the city would ask me for a pass."

"Everyone is listless. Although there are no bright spots in this city, it is the first time I have seen him look so lifeless in so many years." Dikoscher said: "Ladovide was sitting on his battleship. The gold jewels that were scouted, the battleship ordered from Corville. Do you know why he stayed on the ship, surrounded by only witch hunters guarding? Because he knew that if he stayed in the castle, maybe he would not be able to see the first place alive. The sun on the second day. I don’t know how many people wanted him to die, after he searched everything in the country to support his war."

"I've seen that ship before." Zelin took off his hood: "I remember someone proudly telling me at the time, the patriotic crystallization of those Ridanians. Why not introduce me to the other people here? I think you came here for me, not to invite me to dinner, right?"

"If it's dinner, I would prefer to stay in Novigrad, but for some reason, it is difficult for these two people who met you to leave Tritog." Dijkstra made a fist with one hand and coughed in front of his mouth. A cry: "Ladovide is very close to anyone who might threaten his rule. This is Bishop Villemore of the Eternal Fire in Tritog, and this is His Royal Highness Dalimila. Let’s make a long story short, there are quite a few Radovide’s eyeliners in Tritog."

Chapter 2553: Dijkstra's Snooping

Zellin knew Villemore, who was also known as Vermelius, was the high priest of Vizima. He represented the interests of the church in the Royal Commission of Tamoria. When Vizima fell, he returned to Redania and became the local bishop of Tritog again. Compared with the northerners, Nilfgad has a low tolerance for other religions. They only believe in the sun god. Except for the Great God Cliff, who represents the sky, there are no other beliefs in Nilfgad. They closed all the monasteries, most of the priests of Eternal Fire fled, and the monastery was full of nuns Meritelli who had been hanged.

"Earl Dikoscher has a great plan, and he thinks you can play a very important role in this great plan." Villemore cleared his throat and raised his chin arrogantly. He looked in his forties. , But his pale face and gray hair make him seem like he is fifty years old. There is a protruding chin on his thin cheeks, and his pale beard at the corners of his mouth is neatly trimmed: "I believe that sometimes even created by magic, contrary to nature Regular races can also show their strengths at certain moments to prove that they are as kind as ordinary humans."

Dixie sighed.

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