Amelia was wearing a shirt and a tight-fitting jacket. She also had leg guards and knee pads. A belt was slung around her body and the shoulder guard was fixed to her right shoulder.

Zelin noticed her strange dress from the beginning: "Are you going to become a swordsman?"

"No, it's because Joseph always wanted me to practice swords, so I prepared a set of clothes, so I said that I have been practicing diligently in Novigrad." Amelia hugged Zelin's arm and looked pitifully. Looking at the demon hunter: "You will tell Joseph when you go back and testify for me. I am really trying to practice swords in Novigrad, am I? I'm so busy now, I really don't have time to practice other things, but I I don't want to disappoint Joseph..."

Zelin sighed, "Only this time, don't you want to lie to her in the future."

A smile burst into Amelia's face immediately.

She jumped up and kissed Zelin's side cheek: "I knew you were the best! Let's go. Recently, a batch of Keville and Overiel delicacies came to the Tuna Inn. Oh, last time. During the gambling game, I went to the hotel with you and the fierce blond woman. In the end, I couldn't enjoy dinner at all. I always wanted to go again, but the people there didn't allow me to go. Once you are there, they will definitely not treat me as a kid and keep me out!"

The sun gradually sank into the western sea, and the sky was covered with a haze. Seeing Amelia's back happily leaving, Zelin sighed again and walked up with her.

Chapter 2563: Old Friend of Nuocheng

At night, Zelin did not go to the Temple Island.

He doesn't know if there is a spy here, and it is possible that his guess is wrong. Ladovide has nothing to do with this matter, and Novigrad has no renegade warlock behind the scenes, but anyway, a demon hunter. The hunter's entry into the temple of eternal fire is itself an extremely eye-catching event. He didn't want to attract attention. After having dinner with Amelia, he sent Amelia to the bridge of St. Gregory and went to the main gate.

Dandrien's inn is there.

Compared with the old, empty and unattended hotel before, the hotel now has a brand new look. The painted walls are clean, and there are no previous scribbles on them. This is the property presented to Dandrien by Hawthorne I, the father of Hawthorne II. Hawthorne I is both a **** and a hopeless art lover. Unfortunately, his son only inherited his first characteristic.

"It's unbelievable, Zelin, oh, I don't mean you will come to this incident, but Hawthorne II actually died on the Temple Island." Zoltan was also in the hotel, he and Dandrien He is a partner, but now he also has his own Gwent brand business: "I have been worried last month whether Hawthorne II will make trouble here. Because his father gave the hotel to Dandrien, and He always wanted to turn this place into a brothel. As a result, who would have thought that he actually died."

There are still no guests in the hotel, after all, it hasn't opened yet, and Dandrien is planning his business plan.

"Oh, by the way, don't tell other people that he died, this is what Dudu told me. I met Hawthorne's men that day, and they actually said that their boss invited me to drink. I originally thought, if He dared to do it, and I slammed a few punches on his corpse-like face." Zoltan clenched his left hand into a fist and smashed it on his open right hand: "What do you think? Hawthorne All his subordinates got out, and then they became Dudu in front of me!"

"In other words, the current Hawthorne II is Du Du?" Zelin was a little surprised: "Couldn't anyone doubt it?"

"Don't tell me, Du Du is quite business-minded." Zoltan stretched out a finger and turned around his temple a few times: "He has made a lot of money now. The more chaotic he is, the more he can make money. . His scumbags, as long as they have money to make money, let them recognize a dog as the boss willingly. Why did you suddenly come to Novigrad, Zelin? Hi, Dandrine, what are you doing? Stand over there. Come here quickly."

Dandrien stood by the window, looking down at the notebook in his hand.

"Wait, Zoltan, I'm writing poems, I'm creating!" Dandrien waved his hand and read a phrase in a rhythmic tone: "Chaoyang is facing the market, there are noisy cars and horses; suddenly glances at his sad face , Quickly put on black hemp. How do you feel about these few sentences?"

"I don't understand art. But I know that people who don't understand art can pay a big price to buy art." Zoltan sighed: "Then leave him alone. He has always been like this during this time, all day long. The soul is not there. It's not because a Corvill bard named Psilla has come here."

"It's not a bard from Cowell, great art belongs to the world. This is one of the world's best bards who came to Novigrad." Hearing Zoltan's words, Dandrien suddenly came. She is very talented: "She is very talented. Even if it is me, she must admit that she almost can catch up with me. Of course, it's still a little bit."

"A bard named Psilla?"

"Yes, we met at the court of the Duke of Westward. At that time, the bard game was being held in the court. She was my opponent in the final. She won the championship and I was second. Of course, it was me. I fell in love with her, so I let her deliberately, anyway, the game is over, I still have better prizes to get..." Dandrien walked over, looking thirsty for chanting poems for too long. . He picked up a glass of radish juice: "Have I told you about this before, Demon Hunter?"

"Maybe, but I don't remember." Zelin shook his head. For others, it was only one month, but for Zelin, the last time he came to Novigrad was a year ago. He has forgotten a lot of things, only some of them are still fresh in his memory.

"Devil hunter, you haven't said what to do yet." Zoltan reminded: "I think people like you, who came to a place must not be looking for commissions. There must be enough commissions near Mahakam. , Can let you work until the snow falls."

"Yes, I wanted to investigate some things in the bank." Zelin said: "Some questions about the flow of funds. This is not my problem, but I want to find out where and where some money came from."

"Vevadi Bank? Then you have to pay attention. Those guys will not let outsiders touch them, let alone let others check their bills." Zoltan touched his brown beard: " Before I went to find a bank loan, but they insisted on saying that the dwarves who voluntarily left Mahakam had credit taints and refused to give them any money. However, I know that there is a dwarf here who is very rich and a collector. , He has a good relationship with Vivaldi, if he comes to help, maybe Vivaldi will be willing to help you."

"Thanks, Zoltan, but I plan to use my method to solve the problem first." Zelin said: "Has there been any strange things or interesting rumors in Novigrad lately? For example, where to start recruiting? Mercenaries, someone distributes flyers on the street or something?"

He came here to visit friends and ask about what happened to Novigrad recently. If anyone wants to recruit a large number of renegade warlocks, Novigrad is definitely the first choice. Most of the warlocks who fled the order after the coup lived here, but in other places, a few cities may not find a warlock.

Zoltan clasped his mouth, rolled his eyes and thought: "There are not many strange things. Some things, such as the changes of Hawthorne II and the order of Eternal Fire, look strange to others. But in our eyes, it’s normal, because we know the reason. Recently everyone is talking about one thing. There was a homicide in the city. It was a homicide. Several times in a row, the body was lost after a few days. Discovered. The city guards have not found the murderer until now. People are panicked. Everyone is afraid to walk at night. Even if they have to go out, they have to walk in places with people or streets illuminated by flames."

The 2564th chapter evil beast rumors

"Killing beasts?" Zelin thought of something subconsciously: "Who are the missing people?"

"They? I just heard." Zoltan rubbed the tip of his nose: "One is a carpenter, a dwarf. I know him, a very honest man, and he has no extra hobbies. I like to go to the pub to play cards after work every day. Drinking. As a result, one night, he went home very late. His brother had been waiting for him at home, but he did not show up until the next morning. He disappeared for several days and the city guards couldn’t find him. Later , A fisherman took the goods to the market early in the morning and saw a corpse by the river below."

"In the river?"

"No, it's the drain of the sewer." Zoltan shook his head: "It is said that the corpse looks very miserable. The city guards also put up a notice on the street sign that they urgently need a demon hunter. Everyone thinks this bad luck is 80%. I accidentally walked in the wrong place, fell into the sewer, and was caught by the monster inside. As a result, a few days later, another victim appeared. The second time it was a worker, a porter at the dock, he My friend found out that he hadn’t come to work the next day, so he went to look for him after taking a break at night. It turned out that he was missing. Then one morning, someone saw a hanging body on a crane, which was his."

Zelin frowned: "It sounds like the murderer wanted to create panic, rather than rob or deal with the enemy? Is there a connection between the two victims?"

"Ah, Geralt is like you sometimes, suddenly became a detective, and I became a witness." Zoltan sighed helplessly: "This is just my hearsay, if you are interested in it, Zelin, you can go to the city guards. Recently, those city guards are so frustrated that they can’t wait for someone to investigate everything for them, and then take credit for themselves. If the murderer wants to cause panic, then he has indeed succeeded. Everyone was frightened, and the city guards were helpless."

Zelin stayed here for a while. Dandrien is ambitious to turn it into Novigrad's art center. He changed the name of the hotel to Chameleon Inn, Zelin didn't know what it meant, maybe this was art.

Not surprisingly, Philippa went to Triss, and Zelin planned to go directly to the Vivaldi Bank. He knew Velan Vivaldi. Although the bank manager here was not Velan, Zelin still remembered that Francesca had shortly mentioned that she had opened an account in the bank under Zelin's name, which was a special account. Zelin didn't remember the specific term clearly, he hoped it might be useful.

The next morning, Zelin saw Amelia, who was already waiting there, in front of the Saint Gregory Bridge. Seeing her wearing the clothes of a clerk, Zelin couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Who can imagine that the little girl he found in Yanan back then has now become such a unique person. Although she was healing the bishop of the church in name at that time, no matter how she considered it, such a young girl was unlikely to have real power. But later facts proved that it was indeed the case. The Healing Church was just a cover, and the real core figures came from the choir and Ahagul.

At least in Zelin's eyes.

"You actually got up so early today?"

Amelia held a piece of letter paper, and when Zelin walked up to her and the shadow was on the letter paper, she came back to her senses: "Whose letter are you reading?"

"Ah, here you are." Amelia folded the letter paper and put it in her waist pocket. She scratched her white curly hair: "It's little Uther's. Uh, this is related to Osenfurt. , She wrote to ask me about the Osenfurt Academy, you know, Ladooved recently closed the academy and sent the students to the battlefield. He lacked soldiers."

"I have always started early, but when I was in the castle, I didn't know what I could do, and there was nothing to do."

Although it is early morning, many workers have appeared on the street. Most of them walked to the pier, or carried the clothes from the upper city and the temple area to the washerwomen outside the city. There are only a few gorgeously dressed men and women yawning, holding their pipes and taking three steps by the bridge, enjoying the scenery. On both sides of the long bridge, the vendors who woke up early were busy placing goods on the stalls.

"You should have told me." Zelin sighed: "At that time, you could totally say that you want to do something instead of staying in the castle every day and doing nothing."

"And then I didn't know what I could do." Amelia blinked: "Are you going to the bank? Let's go together. Chapei has a sum of money in the bank, and I want to withdraw it. Alas, I think the bank’s idea is very good. People put money in a safe place. They don’t need to put heavy coins in their pockets. They only need a credit note to go to another place. Take out the money. But now everyone in the temple wants to get genuine gold coins with their own hands."

"Zha Pei employs a lot of people?" Zelin asked: "Is he paying the witch hunter now?"

"There are many people who need to be paid." Amelia did not say clearly: "Let's go. If you are interested, you can go and chat with Chapei. He will be happy to suggest you visit him."

The Vevadi Bank is located on the Piazza del Duomo, which is the most prosperous place in Novigrad, where most of the shops and vendors gather, and the city council announced that the resolution will also be carried out there. "By the way, do you know the recent murders in the city?" Zelin asked.

"I heard." Amelia nodded: "Chapei wants to find out who did this, but no one has a clue. He has increased the number of patrol guards in the city, at least not recently. Things like this happen again."

Zelin squinted at Amelia. The latter noticed Zelin's gaze, raised his hands and shook: "This matter has nothing to do with me. I guess someone wants to trouble Chapei. But I still No evidence was found. This time when I went to the bank, I had to use a portion of the money to pay to the people I hired...Uh, I mean, Cha Pei entrusted me to pay for the people he hired. You can talk to Chapei about the matter. He is now devastated by this matter. If it can’t protect the citizens, the church can have a new reason to replace him. Okay, let’s stop talking about it.”

She found a reason to change the subject: "The bank is coming soon. Tell me what you are going to investigate. Maybe I can help."

Chapter 2565 The dead can't speak

Along the way, Zelin gave Amelia a general description of the trouble the demon hunter was facing now.

Last night, Amelia talked a lot about Middle-earth with Zelin in the tavern. Originally, she wanted to go, but due to the reason of the Dragonborn, she ran back after not staying in River Valley City for long. Obviously, Amelia is more accustomed to staying in this familiar environment and doing familiar things than to take risks outside.

She said that Chapei wanted to register the list of warlocks in the city recently, but this matter encountered a big obstacle. The warlocks did not trust the eternal fire and were unwilling to deal with the eternal fire. So whenever the registrar showed up, those warlocks were always not at home. As a result, after a long time, no one knew whether there were still warlocks living in those apartments and villas with closed doors.

"Kalkestein went to the Warlock Order to report. Recently, another red-haired woman came here. As a result, the warlocks were even more reluctant to see people in the eternal fire." Amelia walked, looking down at her hands. His notebook was full of various Kronor expenditures: “Oh, I miss the situation a bit. At least the enemy will stand up directly, and all I have to do is defeat him. As a result, I’m going to investigate now. Who did these things, Cha accompanies the only people who can't do things."

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