Zelin grabbed Siris' wrist.

"Actually, you are also very beautiful now. And you haven't failed yet. Don't forget, this world is not over yet. Ashes are attacking the two princes at the top of the library. As long as you defeat them, the flames will reignite. Now What needs to be done is to ensure to live and persevere, not to become a living corpse because of the blow of failure."

The demon hunter doesn't know whether the psychological change will speed up the progress of becoming a living corpse, but even if it is, it is estimated that it will not be the main factor. This reminded Zelin that when he first saw Frid, given the flame, she would get her soul to be resurrected. This is indeed very strange, but the soul of this world is different from what Zelin has seen in other worlds. It is very special, so special that Zelin is a little hard to understand.

Hillis pursed her lips, and after hesitating for a while, she wriggled away from her wrist and continued to write on the ground.

‘Dripping you into my troubles makes me uneasy. I can't continue walking with you. I may become a living corpse at any time. The knight should share the worries for the master instead of disturbing the master. I am forgetting, forgetting why I came here, forgetting who I am, forgetting where this is. I am very happy that you can come to me. May your path have...’ Siris paused. ‘May your journey be safe and I will pray for you until I die. ’

"Everyone in this world is thinking about how to live, instead of finding a place where no one knows to die. No matter what you are going to become, at least you are still Siris or the knight I know." He raised his head and watched the dim sunlight spill through the top of the wandering cave house. "We should go now, Hillis, this is not a suitable place to spend the night. We need to find a campfire. As far as I know, there is a place where campfires usually burn. Maybe someone knows what to do there."

Siris was silent, she wrote on the ground.

‘Are there any flames in the world that have not been extinguished? ’

"An unextinguished flame? Of course there is." Zelin picked up a branch next to him, snapped his fingers, and the flame burst out. "Look, I still have a fire here, how about we make a torch?"

Hillis, who had been low-faced, chuckled and laughed. But then she covered her mouth again, and her almost alive voice seemed hoarse and terrible at all times.

"It's okay, it's good to laugh more. Anyway, you won't lose a lot of laughter." Zelin stood up and patted the dirt on his body. A lot of dirt has been stuck on his body, and Siris is the same, the silver armor is much dim. Siris also stood up, looked at his reflection in the water beside him, and rubbed his cheeks. She seemed to want to block the necrotic skin on her face, but she failed and instead let some mud stick on her face. She raised her head, glanced at the banner holding the flag, and was walking towards Zelin, who cursed the corpse of the tree. He sighed softly and followed.

Zelin intends to go to the Fire Passing Sacrifice first, and then to Eredel, where the flames remain, and maybe he can help Siris. However, being able to find the whereabouts of Siris and make sure that his friends are still alive, it makes the demon hunter temporarily relieved, which is why he came here. Flame, flame, what is the soul of this world? He became more and more curious, but also a little regretful. If he were a mage, maybe he could find some reason.

It's a pity that the wave of chaotic energy here is so scarce that Francesca cannot help with telescope and directional navigation technology. And he didn't know where the portal appeared again, otherwise Zelin would rather send Siris to his world first. The chief priest of Imma said that the reason for the curse of the undead and the living corpses was that the flames were gradually extinguished, while Frid said that all of this was because the flames continued to burn. Maybe their different positions made them speak different words, but in Frid's situation, avoiding flames seems to be a way to prevent living corpses.

But he can’t take risks. The flames of this world are dangerous things. Frid can accept the flames because she was not burned out and turned into ashes when she entered the furnace, but Siris is not ashes. Contact with the flames is for her. Fatal, he must find someone who understands these things and tell him what to do.

Since you don't understand it, you should find a professional person to do it.

There is a living King Salary in the sacrificial ground, as the person closest to the flame, maybe he will know something.

This time, it was not the big bird that responded to Zelin’s call, but the pale demons who were used as porters. These demons were a few creatures that did not seem to be affected by the flames. They grabbed Zelin and Siris and flew to the fire-spreading sacrifice site. . After the world becomes what it is now, flying is the best choice.

But outside the sacrificial area, Siris was unwilling to walk in, and Zelin couldn't persuade her no matter what. I have already told the mother-in-law of the sacrificial field that she is going to say goodbye to other people forever, but now she wants to go back like this again. The knight's shame makes her unable to face the people in the sacrificial field, whether she knows it or not. In this regard, Zelin will not force it.

"Ah, you are back." Rudos rarely said to Zelin first. He folded his hands and propped his chin. The heavy dim crown seemed to press down his head. "Didn't you find it? Don't be sad about it. We can't make sure that everything in this world moves forward according to our own ideas. All we can do is to do our best and wait for the results."

Ash is not in the sacrificial ground, it seems to be out again. Ash's mission has already been decided, he can't stay in one place. At least, Zelin hadn't seen the ashes that would stand still somewhere.

"Thank you, Rudos, but even if I know the results are not so good, I am not used to standing there and watching how bad things will turn out in the end." Zelin walked under the King's Throne and looked up at Rudos. . "I found her. She is still alive and sane, but she is about to become a living corpse. Do you know any way to keep her sane? Don't tell me anything to make her walk into the flames, I hope She can survive instead of betting on the possibility of becoming a scorched corpse or ashes."

Rudos' eyebrows seemed to move slightly.

"You don't like the world after the flame is extinguished, do you? Although for humans, it may not be the case." Rudos's voice gradually became low. "

Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Rudos. But Rudos did not continue, Zelin waited for a few seconds before he understood what the other party meant.

This is not something that can be said aloud.

The demon hunter walked to the spiral steps of the sacrificial ground, and walked along the steps to the back of the throne. The back of each throne is engraved with the name of a king who belongs here and where they came from. The undead team of Fran, the giant King Yum of the capital of sin, the sage Eldridge, the prince of Losric.

Except Rudos.

Behind Rudos' throne, there is only the name of an exile.

"Exile, a terrible title, isn't it?" Rudos's voice is hard to hear how much emotion, perhaps for a long time to endure the pain of burning the soul of the flame, it is already difficult for him to express emotions other than pain. The pain that goes deep into the soul can be unbearable, but the long-term pain that does not know how long it will last will only make people desperate.

Rudos closed his eyes slightly as if he had understood Zelin's thoughts.

"Don't worry, I won't leave here. I am the king of pay, and this is my throne. But in the past, I was really a king and had a real throne. It was a city that no one knew, and it stands to reason. Will never appear in the city before the eyes of the record and the world. Ah, don't mind my nagging, your female knight, as a human, is where she should be."

"What you said made me more and more confused." Zelin crossed his chest and leaned back behind the throne chair, asking Rudos, who was separated from him by a stone slab. "You mean, there is a city deliberately hidden?"

"Yes, this is a secret. In ancient times, it was known to everyone, but now, this is just a legend that only exists in the pages of a yellowed book. Maybe it is meaningless to continue to hide this secret, listen up , Knight, maybe you are the first and last person in this era to know this. It is a city feared by the gods, abandoned by the gods, and sealed by the gods."

"Huanyin City..."

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-three chapters of the dusty past

There is no flame in this world.

In ancient times, the world had not yet divided, shrouded in the fog of the earth, there were only towering ancient trees and huge ancient dragons like the foothills. In the dim world, this is everything. Surrounded by gray rocks, towering giant trees and immortal ancient dragons

Until one day, a fire appeared at the root of an ancient tree, and all the differences were born as a result. Cold and heat, life and death, light and darkness. Then, the species born in the dark were attracted by the flame and found the soul around the fire. Among them, there are four most powerful souls, known as king souls. The first deceased Nit, the witch of Izaris, and the sun king Gewen. The last one, a dwarf no one knew, got the last king's soul.

The soul of darkness.

"I know his name." Rudos murmured to himself. "He is Manus, the king of mankind."

"Human? You just said he was a dwarf."

"Because humans can only be called dwarves compared to the huge stature of the gods." Rudos muttered in a low voice. "You have never seen Gewen. If you have seen King Gewen's powerful posture when the flames are strong, you won't have any doubts about the name of a dwarf."

Zelin thought for a while, he thought of the nameless king at the top of the ancient dragon, he was the eldest son of King Gewen, and also the elder brother of Gewendelin. Although the figure of Gwendelin is similar to ordinary human beings, the size of the eldest son of the sun is only close to four meters in height, so it goes without saying that Ge Wen, who is more powerful than him, is self-evident.

"But the soul of darkness is completely different from the other three king souls."

Rudos continued his narration, telling this long forgotten legend.

The soul of darkness is the king soul of mankind, but darkness will bring more than just shadows. Unlike other pure king souls, dark souls are mixed with humanity, perhaps this is the reason why they are humans.

Just as Gwyn divided the souls of the kings to the four little Lund kings and White Dragon Hiss, Manus also distributed a part of the kings' souls to the human kings. They were called the dwarven kings, and the dwarf kings further their souls. Scattered, that's why there are so many humans in this world, and the people of other kings' souls have so few people. Every human being has more or less a little dark soul that can be called almost insignificant. This is exactly the soul that Ashes will get after killing an enemy.

Until later, because of some reasons that even Rudos did not know, the human nature in Manus was chaotic, and finally the Dark Soul became a more terrifying existence, which people called the abyss. Later, the wolf knight Alterius defeated the crazy Manus, but the polymer of human nature would turn into an abyss, which still made the gods who got the king's soul frightened and surprised. The abyss can swallow a kingdom, defeat the mighty wolf knight, and turn the knight under the Gewen throne into a twisted monster. This is just Manus, but if the soul of darkness turns into an abyss, can it swallow the entire world? ?

So King Gewen established a new city, Ring City, far away from the flames, in a place that could be called the end of the world. Gewen personally crowned the most powerful of the dwarf kings. After losing Manus, all the dwarven kings without a head of dragons gathered in the city of Ring Seal and regarded it as their territory. Finally, he took his own The daughter Felinor was sent there to monitor the Dark Soul in Huan Yin City in the name of marriage. The dwarven kings were accepting Gewen’s reward and comforting Manus’ death in name, but in reality, they were imprisoned at the end of the world. There is no road to the outside world in Huan Yin City, and there is no way to enter or go out except for the pale demons that can fly.

"I still remember the scene when Ge Wen put the crown on me. I half kneeled in front of Ge Wen, and Ge Wen put the pure gold crown on my head."

Rudos seemed to be lost in memory, but his words couldn't help but surprised Zelin. His dry fingers tapped the crown on his forehead that had become scorched and dark. "The sculptor was beside him, carve this scene into a stone sculpture, and placed it in the ring seal city. Behind the coronation ceremony, the other dwarf kings have been glaring at me. They thought I was bowing to Gewen. We should It’s right to sit on an equal footing with the gods. But what can we do at that time? Without Manus, we have no power to resist those gods. When fighting against the ancient dragon, we are allies. After defeating the ancient dragon, allies will be susceptible to each other. Confrontation, maybe, we might not be better than those ancient dragons."

"Sometimes, I really wonder whether the chaos of human nature in Manus's body and becoming the Lord of the Abyss was done by Gewen? By this way, the human who threatens him the most can be eliminated, and the wolf knight Altriu can be eliminated. Si, just like he did to the Eagle Knight Gove? Because compared with the old witch who is addicted to magic research, and the sleeping death lord Nit, we humans can compete with Gwen and his knights for world control. Race. Killing with a knife can not only remove the humans who threaten him the most, but also weaken those powerful heroes, because of the four horsemen under the king, Artreus and Kiaram have a very good relationship, which sounds like a factor of instability. , What do you say?"

"The result was very successful. Alterius and Manus both died. Kiaran abandoned his knighthood because of the death of Alterius and left. The dwarf kings were placed under house arrest in the Ring City. Humans began to worship and worship Ge. The Wen clan, not the real human king. This is definitely different from what you see in the literature, right? But Ge Wen can banish his eldest son and destroy everything about him just because his eldest son has made friends with the surviving ancient dragon. These records can be modified, just as Gewen wanted to let humans not know that they had a group of kings who had a king’s soul, and eliminated the record of another sun princess Feliano in history. ."

"Heh~ It’s really funny to say, I still remember that after finishing the coronation ceremony, Gewen promised to Felinuoer before leaving, that one day he would come here and pick her back. As a result, all about it was erased after leaving. Felanor’s record, until he himself plunged into the furnace, and did not send anyone to take Felanor back. You have been to Janor Lund, and you have seen any Princess Felanor’s in the city of the gods. Portraits and sculptures?"

Zelin recalled, and finally shook his head. He always thought that Gwendelin had only one elder brother and one sister who was married to Fran, the **** of fire. It seems that Gwendelin doesn't know these things either.

"According to you, then the matter of the Sun Princess marrying Vulcan Fran..."

"This era originated from flames. Who has the right to call himself a **** of fire? No one. Only those who have the king's soul have the qualifications to be called a god, but there is no **** named Fran who has the king's soul. The so-called Fran is the human being who established the kingdom near the fire-spreading sacrificial site that year. The first king of Losric. If there were no undead heroes that year, the born prince should be the second after Gwen. A salaried king. But who can imagine that there is really an undead who has successfully left the Northern Immortal Court and accomplished so many impossible feats? If a ruler puts the hope of saving the world on someone who does not know when it will appear That’s too stupid for the hero of, but at that time, it wasn’t called Losric.”

"Haven’t you ever wondered why Ashes have to hunt so many King Kings and seize so many souls before they can be qualified to become King Kings? Why can only the most powerful heroes in the world, those with the most powerful souls, become King Kings. And the prince of Losric is born to be the King of Salaries. That’s because they are children of humans and gods. But...it’s always hard to tell a princess to do this kind of thing, isn’t it? The princess is going to be a jailer. Isn’t it the best reason to marry Vulcan Fran?”

Zelin thought for a while, then sighed softly. He knocked on the stone slab leaning behind him and motioned Rudos to continue speaking, he was listening.

"I can't comment on Ge Wen. Everything he did was to maintain the rule of his own ethnic group. In the end, he was willing to sacrifice himself for this, using himself as firewood, and throwing himself into the first fire. This may be a great sacrifice, maybe just The Gewen clan struggled lingeringly, but since he is dead, then there is no need for us to comment on him anymore."

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