The druid leader of the archipelago with a red robe under a linen jacket, a top hat, and a beard was standing at the agreed meeting place. When seeing the Druid high priest of Vizima, Ermia opened her arms. , Gave him a hug.

"So are you, Olney."

Compared with the druids of the archipelago, the costumes of the druids of the north are not much different from the sacrifices of other faiths. Their brown-gray robes and crown make them look like a pine tree.

Ermia looked at the person who was walking with the high priest, and he nodded to Molin. "Ceádmil, Wedd Brokiloéne (welcome, son of Brokilo). Also, a demon hunter, welcome."

"May nature walk with you, Druid." Molion reached out to Ermia.

"I am Zelin, a demon hunter of the Griffin School. I am glad to meet you, Master Ermia."

Zelin noticed that there were four druids wearing dark black robes nearby. They should be members of the Ring of Druids of the Islands who came here with Ermia. This number is just right, because as far as he knows, four druids can release extremely powerful spells.

"I have seen one of you." Ermia pinched her waist and said to Zelin. "White Wolf, the most famous one of you. It was a long time ago. About seventeen years ago, we worked together in Sintra. I was very impressed with your skills as a demon hunter. Ah, you know Ge Virtue?"

"Actually, we solved a frost giant on the islands three years ago."

"Oh, yes, it's you." Ermia slapped her hands. "I almost forgot. I am familiar with your name, but I didn't remember it for a while. Very good, we must regain the sacred oak tree. My crow has already contacted the Priestess Anita, and she will be there soon. Here, I hope they will not be delayed on the road."

As soon as Ermia's voice fell, Zelin heard a slightly indifferent voice after hearing the bushes nearby.

"We won't delay, Ermia, I have asked the crow to tell you that we will arrive soon." A tall and slender woman came out. Long steel-gray hair hung from her shoulders, and a sparrow was tattooed on her forehead. Like other druids, there were no signs or decorations on the white robe of the southern druids. Walking out with the woman with long steel gray hair, there were also two apprentice druids. "It's nice to see you again, Ermia, Olney. The sacred oak tree provides you with shade."

Her face is very thin, even haggard, but the pale cornflower-like blue eyes are full of friendliness: "I see two allies, I am glad to meet you. Now that we are all here, let's set off. Well, the rest of the preparation work can be solved on the road."

"Wait, in fact, there are not necessarily only two allies." Zelin said, and he suddenly thought of something: "If you don't mind waiting a little longer, I have a friend who might be willing to help."

Chapter 1540: Hunter's Aid

"Yes, that's right, Hillis, help me send the telescope, the thing you can talk to me in your hand, I have something to say."

"Just say, it's something very important for me. If I don't see other people, I want to meet me."

"Well, I heard that you don't want to see anyone lately? That's not a good sign. I know, I understand, you hate those people, but everything has already happened. You can't give up on yourself because of the fact that you can't change it."

"Oh, yes, I'm in trouble, so please help me, okay? The enemy is very difficult, and I need your help."

"So, there is a lack of someone like you here. Would you like to come? Changing a place, I think it might be good for you. This is a good place, and the things to do are suitable for you."

"...The local ruler? Ah, I didn't expect you to think about these issues? Don't worry, the local baron’s tax officers will not walk into this swamp, and they don’t care what the local people believe in."

"Okay, that's it."

"For combat, I don’t think we can use it, ah, at least we will start offensive soon. It won’t take too long. Yes, it’s very simple. I think you should use that channel. If you have any questions, ask Hillis, she has experience."

After finishing the communication, Zelin put the telescope in his jacket pocket and looked at the friends in front of him.

"I'm afraid I will trouble you this time."

"To deal with large monsters, or sinister and cunning monsters, you have found the right person." Gascoigne pulled the scarf around his neck. "This place looks very desolate. This is where you lived before you came to Yanan?"

"The scenery is good." Crow Irene looked around, sticking out the tip of her tongue and licking the corner of her mouth. "The environment is good. The place where the snow is raging is much better than last time. Well, life here is not unacceptable. I somewhat understand why Dr. Yusevka is returning to Yanan less and less."

"I don't think that things to destroy evil and demons are troublesome, these things are just, and they can't be limited to the Yanan area." Alfred moved his shoulders, and the huge wheel-shaped weapon was in his arm with his movements. Spinning up. "I'm very happy that my skills can still be useful after that nightmare is over. Recently, Yanan is too peaceful. The nightmare has killed the good people and the evil beasts that were active near the city, or let them Hidden, I haven't been able to fight the dark things lurking in the dark and threatening the city for some time."

The demon hunter chose to use the resonance bell to summon Yanan's friends.

The last time after seeing flesh and blood puppets, the demon hunter thought of the townspeople of Yanan who had been tortured and transformed by the beastization plague, as well as the warped creatures of the priests and Yahagul. The hunters of Yanan have fought with this creature for a long time, and they have corresponding confrontation experience. Although Rodland's friends can also help, their world has just gone through a catastrophe and they need to rest. Zelin doesn't want to disturb them for the time being.

"It's a good thing that there are no dark monsters." Irene glanced at Alfred. "I told you that if you plan to explore those dangerous places again, just to find the dark monsters that may exist, I will definitely solve you before you cause more trouble for Yanan. Sumeru's Underground Labyrinth Must be completely enclosed."

With that said, Irene seemed to have thought of something, and she shuddered slightly. "Don't let the creatures living underground bring their blood out. Blood has caused enough trouble."

Zelin knew that there was still no cure for Irene's blood addiction. To be precise, there was basically no cure. It has brought some benefits. For example, Zelin can’t guess what Irene’s age is now. She behaves like a young woman in her twenties, but Zelin believes that such a young person will definitely not be able to be a hunter. His identity, and the perseverance needed to be a sober survivor in a nightmare. Perhaps over time, the negative effects of addiction on the body will gradually subside, but no one knows how long this will last.

"How are you now, Irene?"

"How? Very good." Irene smiled slightly and pressed the brim of her hat slightly. "It would be better if life were not so boring. Ah, I kind of miss the days when we used to fight together in nightmares, looking for clues, and solving puzzles."

"The premise I want to miss is to know that the nightmare will end in our hands."

Irene shrugged; "I hadn't hoped for a long time, but sometimes if there is a comrade in arms, it will definitely be easier than fighting alone."

Irene’s situation has improved a bit recently. She used to need a portion of her blood to get through the abnormal reactions that occurred from time to time after forced hemorrhage. Now those reactions are no longer so intense, and she can endure the past by her own will. That kind of reaction is absolutely uncomfortable, because it has also appeared in Sister Yusevka. But Irene's is more serious, because the blood in her body has replaced normal blood in countless dreams.

"Doctor Yusevka hasn't returned to Yanan for a while. I think she wouldn't mind if I take the initiative to call for her and ask for her blood and help?" Irene pulled the collar of the trench coat. "Yanan is too big. It's too cold to live alone in such a big clinic. I feel my body is getting weaker and weaker."

"Is it cold?" Alfred frowned. "Isn't Yanan getting hotter and hotter?"

"Shut up, Alfred." Irene replied indifferently.

"You and Yusefka have a good relationship. I think she won’t refuse. You can come to see her in the clinic. Recently, she has been busy with her work. As long as Yanan’s clinic is not abandoned, you can go to Come here to help her." Zelin thought of Yusevka's tired look before leaving the castle. If she can have an assistant, someone she and Zelin can trust, maybe she won't be so tired when encountering something.

"The rest, we said as we walked." Zelin gestured to the three hunters and motioned for them to come with him. "We have to deal with a group of enemies. They may be more difficult to make the monsters of Biyanan."

Compared with the lives of Irene and Alfred, Gascoigne is obviously much better. He and his family left Yanan and settled outside. Although there are also many powerful beasts in the outside world, most of the time, he does not need to wield a sword to protect the safety of his family like in Yanan, and the living environment outside Yanan is better than Yanan before the nightmare. Much. Zelin thought that Gascoigne would continue to use his craft to feed himself and his family, but Gascoigne finally decided not to do such dangerous work. The dream lasted for a long time, and today's priest prefers to stay with his wife and daughter.

"Ah, I hope my business doesn't bother you too much."

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." The priest coughed heavily. He looked almost fifty years old, but Zelin knew that it was only because of the gray hair. In fact, Gascoigne was not there yet. Forty years old. "I told Vilao that you seem to be in trouble. She just told me that when the trouble is resolved, don't forget to go home as soon as possible and don't stay outside for too long. What happened to you? I really want to If it doesn’t come out, what’s the trouble? It’s even more difficult than that of Nanan’s nightmare.”

"These enemies are more cunning and dangerous. Bianan's monsters are dangerous, and more importantly, they are no different from humans in terms of intelligence, maybe even smarter. I would never care about such enemies. If I can, I will make sure that they cannot escape when I do it, or prepare traps and launch a counterattack against us."

"It's like catching a piebald snake hiding in the grass?"

"Yes, and it's the piebald snake that is ready to bite you." Zelin nodded.

No one knows what tricks the three Madams in the forest have. Maybe they are just like those sacrifices, some strange and difficult to deal with but not so powerful. Maybe they have the same destructive magic as the powerful female warlock. Although Zelin now has three powerful druids to help, he still thinks that the druids here may have underestimated the enemy they are facing.

"Attention, the enemy we are going to face may possess weird magic. I don't know exactly what the situation is. Therefore, we must be careful before encountering an enemy."

"If it is arcane, we can avoid it. Unless many people release it at the same time, that kind of magic is not very threatening to us." Alfred touched his smooth chin, as if he was about to tighten his chin. "Do we have any helpers? Except for the four of us."

"Four to three, we have the advantage." Irene said, she put on her crow mask. "The enemy may use weird moves, but I understand arcane magic. As long as the arcane magic is not faster than the hunter's shooting speed, it is meaningless."

"Relax, we also have helpers. Three... who can be called arcane masters will help us."

The druids are doing their spell preparation activities, which will take a while, according to Ermia, the druids will attack at dusk. Perhaps this is not the best time, because their time is limited. Wait until the evening, Willen's jungle will be the world of monsters, but if the spell waits until the next day, the effect will be greatly reduced, and they will inevitably not be discovered by the enemy.

So, the plan is a quick fight. Hermia said so.

"Right, Zelin." On the way, Irene touched Zelin's arm. "If your other friends ask where we are from, how should we answer?"

Zelin waved his hand and said without hesitation: "It's Serekania, or Zerikan. Both of these names refer to the same place."

The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters are both undesirable

The druids set up a simple camp outside the Humpback Marsh in Willen.

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