Zelin walked into the secret road, turning around and pulling back the wooden cabinet that was blocking the entrance. The steps are not long, he walked down about ten steps, and a secret room of about 100 square meters appeared in front of the demon hunter.

There are four torches hanging on the walls of the secret room, which are located on the four walls, but the brazier in the middle is the one that really provides the light. There are two vents on the top to provide air for the secret room, but even so, the air inside still looks a bit turbid. The only thing that is really eye-catching is the weapon rack placed on the wall—shield, long sword, short sword, scimitar, longbow, crossbow, flail, mace, and at least four polished shiny tiles. Among these armored weapons, a large map of Vizima was nailed to the wall, and some papers were placed on the wooden table under the map with records and wanted orders.

Zelin looked around and wiped the stubble chin. "Fighting criminals alone, secret bases and transforming ability, **** it, are you a superhero in a novel?"

"When the king's law cannot protect the poor in the temple area, the city needs a hero. I have the ability to fight criminals. Why should I hide at home and do nothing?" Vincent walked to the box in the corner and began to change his clothes. , Take out a new suit from inside. "To arrest a gangster, I have to submit a document, wait for the approval of the paper, and then endure one threatening letter after another to the garrison. In the end, every time I will end up with various interferences, any gang member can be safe. I’ve had enough of getting out of the prison. The lawyers and detectives can always find reasons and the evidence for releasing the prisoners is ridiculously false. I know who committed the murders in the slums, but the captain of the security team is helpless.”

"So if a werewolf kills the bandits who are active at night, it will only make them feel unlucky." Zelin looked at the armor and weapons beside Vincent. "But I don't know that werewolves still need to wear armor."

“It’s okay to appear once or twice with a werewolf. If every time it’s a werewolf, people will start to doubt, so sometimes I will deal with them as an ordinary person.” Vincent put a bloodless linen shirt on his head. Go up, and then throw the blood-stained sackcloth into the brazier. "So, when I attacked Lanmister’s mob, I was a member of the Salamander Gang. When I attacked the Salamander Gang, I was Lanmister’s assassin. Come here, I have some documents here. You should Take a look for clues about the Salamander Gang and their shelterers."

Zelin and Vincent walked to his file table and took a piece of paper from the captain of the security guard. Looking at the list on the paper, he frowned slightly.

"Do you think... the protector of the Salamander Gang is not the one in Vizima City Hall?"

"I have been dealing with them for two months." Vincent picked up a red pen and erased a line of names on the list pinned to the wall. "I can assure you that the person who really instigated the Salamander Gang is definitely not a professor. He is just a pawn. The real messenger behind the scenes is someone else, and that person's power is absolutely no less than that of the mayor of Vizima or The baron of the fief. Besides, don’t you think the edicts that came out of the Wang’s castle recently are weird?"

"It's really weird, do you think it's fake?"

"I don't know who has the courage to forge an edict. We all know how severe the punishment for forging a royal edict is. In the entire north, no matter what country he fled to, he is the most important wanted criminal, and his head will be rewarded. A large number of Novigrad Krones with the best fineness, once caught, will be immediately sent to the gallows, and then sent back to the country where he committed the crime." Vincent stretched out his hand. "Unless that guy doesn't want to live in the north, and there is still a way to escape safely with coins under the wanted of the countries. But if he has such an ability, he doesn't need to forge an edict to get what he wants. ."

The royal bloodline of the kings of the Northern Territory has lasted for thousands of years. From the initial landing to the present, every member of the royal family can find the same parents in history. Therefore, there are many differences in other aspects in challenging the royal authority and royal orders. The countries in the northern border rarely agree on this aspect.

"Perhaps, but after we wipe out all the minions he sent to the bright side, that person will have to go out in person...what's in your pocket?"

"Oh, my telescope." Zelin took out the faintly shining telescope.

"Who? Your mage employer?"

"No, my wife."

"Ah, I also have a good wife." Vincent smiled. "She lives in a slum area. If the Salamander Help can be solved, her life will be better. Go and communicate with your wife. Let's talk about it later. It just so happens. I want to sort out the new information I collected during this period. ."

"Actually, I don't think there is anything important. It's almost dawn. Let's sort out the information first." Zelin made a gesture, and the telescope dimmed immediately. "First, who are the suspects you summarized?"

Actually, don’t think about it, this must be Francesca’s message. She may be arriving at Vizima soon. This is not an important matter. Zelin wants to solve it before she and Gnaiya arrive at Vizima. Trouble with the Salamander Gang.

"Actually that's it." Vincent stood in front of the map wall, arms folded. Sheets of paper filled with personal data and information are nailed to the wall. Zelin stood beside him, looking at the list on the wall. "Next, I have to confirm this first."

Vincent's finger pressed on a list. Zelin's gaze moved to the name above the list information.


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ps: Friendly recommendation:

Calling for love in this magical cyber world

"...Then who will tell me the correct way to get out when encountering a gangster who has done a considerable amount of cyber modification on himself?"

"Secretly send a help message to the local police or corporate security, and negotiate with him to delay time until rescue comes."

"A witty choice, Laila adds three points."

"Immediately lock the opponent's cyber modification part to launch a data attack, and directly put the ○ piece in his cyber eye, and at the same time make his sense of smell and taste experience feel like shit, and then..."

"Ludwig, get out of here!"

Lucy rubbed his temples, suppressing the upturned corners of his mouth because of the funny memories of studying under a pseudonym, forcing himself to focus on the thugs at the door.

"Fortunately, you only have one Faye and one bricklayer."

He muttered and locked the orc leader's cyber arm.

——So the orc involuntarily raised his hand and touched the buttocks of the dwarf aunt next to him.

[Cyberpunk + Metropolis Fantasy (Magic) World View]

Chapter 1582: Vizima's New Visitor

The Salamander Gang disappeared temporarily.

For at least these two days, Zelin didn't hear anything about the Salamander Gang. Geralt had been trying to find Yavin, but Yavin gave everyone a surprise.

"I, I don't know what's going on, they said they would take me to a place far away from Vizima, I think I might never see you again, Geralt, I don't want to be like this." Yawenjie Said stutteringly. "So I always wanted you to take me to the rest house, the village where we first met, and Xia Ni. Then I felt so sleepy. I rubbed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I found out There."

On the third day after Yavin disappeared, he suddenly appeared in a village on the outskirts of Vizima.

The village was already empty now, and only the cottages were gradually covered with cobwebs and dust. Of course, Yavin was not lost, nor was he taken away by the beasts that haunted the night, because he happened to run into other people.

He happened to run into Francesca's caravan.

"This kid has a very strange magical power, you actually ignore it, Triss, I hope political issues have not completely blinded you." Sitting in Triss' double-storey mansion in the trading zone Inside, Francesca took a sip of fruit wine. "With such a powerful magic power, he should receive appropriate magic teaching to prevent the magic power from getting out of control."

"I will, I will teach him magic personally. Originally, he should have been sent to me three weeks ago. I have prepared Devil's gold amulet for him, but it was delayed because of other things." Triss Shaking her head, she looked at the apple in her hand, sighed lightly, and put it back in the fruit plate. "Thank you, Enid, if Yavin disappears, Geralt and I will be very sad. Thank you for sending him back."

"With a little effort, don't care." Enid smiled politely. "Please tell me something about Vizima's political situation. You know what I am here for. Tell me, what kind of person is Princess Yada? What does she like? What is Foltest's attitude towards her? Yes. How many powerful barons support her? Who are her competitors?"

"I will tell you. Actually, Princess Yada's status is now unshakable. No one can compete for her position. At least for now, Foltest does not have a recognized illegitimate child, but even if there is, Yada's inheritance rights to Tamoria are also unquestionable. The representatives of the nine powerful barons and the three princes did not express opposition to Yada's current regent status in the royal council. I think even if she ascended to the throne and became the queen, she would not Some people have rebelled, and most importantly, Marshal John Natalis is loyal to Foltest’s bloodline. This Brenner hero has a very important influence in the country. As long as he doesn’t oppose Ata, the army You won't raise your sword against Yada, and we know that our marshal is a loyal soldier, not an careerist. Not to mention that our Princess is now making the Knights of the Flame Rose his own private soldier. I dare say that she will become the most powerful queen in nearly a hundred years."

Triss waved her hand, leaning on the armrest of the wooden chair with her other hand, and began to talk to Francesca about the recent political situation in Temalia. On the first floor of Triss' mansion, Yavin, who was released by two witches, was haunting Geralt, asking him to play a game called chasing Nilfgaards with him. Geralt borrowed Triss's mirror and rubbed wound medicine on the corners of his purple eyes.

"What's the matter with you, Geralt?" Zoltan folded his arms and looked at the luxurious decorations of the majestic mansion somewhat uncomfortably. "Did you go boxing?"

"No, because Dandrien...his—"

"Oh, Dandrien, I guess, which girl's bed did this kid climb on again?"


"Then he was kicked out."


"Something left the girl's house?"

"It's his lute."

"He asked you to help get it back?"

"Yeah, he told me that girl's dad was a businessman, but who knew he was actually a veteran of the Battle of Brunner. He ambushed behind the door and punched me. Of course, I won in the end." Lott re-blocked the potion bottle with an oak stopper. "Zoltan, did he ask you like this before?"

"Of course, and more than once." The dwarf's lips hidden under his beard squirmed, but the waxed marble floor prevented him from moving forward. He turned his head and sipped out the window. "Have you returned the lute to him?"

"Yes, Dandrien will also invite me to watch the show at the Old Naracourt Pub at 8 o'clock tonight."

"Are you still investigating today?"

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