Zelin didn’t know how Francesca learned about Maria’s existence. Maybe in the morning, she used it when she forced Zelin to ask who was more beautiful and attractive. Mentality. It must be admitted that no one can resist the temptation to use mind reading. You only need an idea and a simple gesture to read the other person’s thoughts from the other’s eyes and understand a person’s true heart. Although the Warlock Order banned this behavior on the surface, privately, everyone knew that this ban was just a dead letter.

At first, the elves felt very uncomfortable with Maria's existence. A ghost, a beautiful female ghost, sounded like an illusion and a monster created by some forbidden black magic. After a long, sincere and emotional conversation, Francesca agreed to meet first before making a judgment. Because she had dealt with a similar situation. About twenty-five years ago, the Elf Warlock and Sabina went to Kerviel on behalf of the Warlock Order to deal with the most powerful blood curse that erupted in that kingdom and were divided. The blood curse of the queen of the fourth level of blood curse. Francesca successfully found the caster of the blood curse, a man named Roda Rega Reid.

Not many people know the process. Francesca and Sabina defeated Roda Rega, but everyone knows the result. The blood curse still killed hundreds of members of the Kovil Sessin royal family. People connected by blood are not immune, and this led to the fall of the Saixin Dynasty and the establishment of the Tysen Dynasty.

"Oh, I received a message from Triss last night." Francesca said suddenly. "Her positioning found two peculiar magical fluctuations in the trade zone. Since I can't divert your attention from the Salamander Gang, I decided to tell you about it. One of the places is in the trade zone. Near the district market, the other is near the gate of the temple district."

"Very well, I will investigate." Zelin smeared ketchup on the bread with sausage. Compared with the elf, his appetite is very good. "I originally planned to solve the trouble before you come to Vizima, and then we can enjoy the leisure time of these few days."

Francesca smiled slightly, she stood up, walked around the dining table, walked to Zelin, put her legs on his shoulders, and put her hands around his shoulders, so that Zelin had to look at herself. "The plan can't keep up with the changes, but we can still find opportunities to make up for it."

Zelin raised his eyebrows.

"Not a few days, but we can still have a few hours. Remember to come back early. I have customized a leather jacket for you to wear at the banquet. Come back and try it." The elf whispered while leaning against his ear. "Now, start to please me and praise me."

"Oh, I dare say that today is the shortest day I have ever had."

"Why do you say that?"

"Good times are always short."

Chapter 1585 The King's Hideout

It was already dusk when Zelin left the residence and headed to the scheduled survey location.

Taking a deep breath of the slightly moist air, Zelin stepped toward the market where life is still noisy. Thanks to the convenient river transportation, any goods that can appear in Novigrad can be transported to Vizima's market through the Ponta and Ismina rivers. Here you can see not only the goods from the northern countries, the strange pearl treasures from the desert, the birds and beasts from the Hackland Prairie, but also the weavings, spices and musical instruments of Overiel on the other side of the sea. Of course, Zelin doesn’t like the practice of dividing the residents of the city into two parts artificially with a pass, but when everyone in a city is rich, educated and has a certain social status, even if It’s a place like a market that doesn’t appear too crowded and noisy.

The sound of flute and dulcimer came from several directions. There were people in the crowd blowing suona intermittently, and the loudest voices came from the bards and acrobats in the market. Zelin held the detector handed to him by the sorcerer. Last night, Francesca expressed contempt for the detection function of the Demon Hunter's badge more than once. In fact, it is true. The wizard's spells are very good. No matter how she uses mind-reading, the Griffin badge will not react at all. It's like broken. Zelin looked at the detection crystal lying in the palm of his hand. The crystal was emitting dim light. He squeezed into the market against the crowd who was leaving the market. But there were too many people. He avoided a cat stall and was almost hit by a furry creature.

"Sorry, sir. I'm so sorry." The man in the white turban smiled awkwardly. "I'm packing up the goods, and I forgot to hold him. Would you like to take a look at my goods, it's from Serekania."

Zelin slapped his shoulder, avoiding the strange creature that wanted to bite his hair.

"Nothing. What is this?"


"Sell it?"

"Uh...Guest, I have to rely on it to go back."

"That's it." Zelin's gaze rested on the Serekania vendor's stall. He thought that Gnaiya would be at his and Enid's residence tonight, and he and the Dragonborn had not seen each other for almost a month. So when he left the booth, there were some souvenirs and small jewelry from the desert in his package.

Zelin has already inquired about it. Another place where magical anomalies appear is a high-end brothel called the Queen of Night. Francesca believes that it is very likely that some people use magic techniques to get more happiness, which is not surprising. The other place is located on the edge of the market, in an inconspicuous small room. The demon hunter asked others who the house belonged to, but the answers were the same. No one can tell the owner of every house in Vizima, just as no one can tell who the owner of this house belongs to.

As the sky darkened and people in the market gradually left, Zelin stood in front of the house and looked around, trying to find out if there were people watching him nearby. The demon hunter scanned the roof, stalls, crowds and benches until he was sure that there was nothing unusual, he put his hand on the door panel, and cautiously pushed inward.

The Griffon badge vibrated slightly.

A gap appeared between the door panel and the door frame. Zelin took a deep breath and slid in sideways.

There is no extra furniture in the house. This is a square house of about 100 square meters. Since there was no furniture blocking, Zelin saw at a glance that in the innermost part of the room, a mirror was erected, and a bald man in a knight armor was standing in front of the mirror. There is no extra light source in the house. The only light comes from the magic light emitted by the vertical mirror. The faint blue light casts the bald man's shadow on the wooden floor, stretching it very long.

"...I'm fed up with formality, what do you want?"

A firm and arrogant voice came to Ze Lin's ears. The distance is a bit far away, and the mirror is not directly facing the door, but the pupil of the demon hunter still sees the figure in the mirror in this dim room.

It is a salamander gang.

"Our base in Vizima was destroyed." The magician of the Salamander Gang said eagerly. "Nilfgard's spy got in!"

"Your heads are full of shit, why do you want to contact?" the bald man said impatiently.

"My lord, we need financial assistance."

"Why should I help you?!"

"We have a common enemy..." The salamander gang warlock was a little bewildered by the bald man's words, he stammered. "And we are selling our lives for people close to you."

"You must think I'm crazy." The bald man's voice became cold.

"But, my lord..."

"You have passed, all, your experiments, your anesthetic powder factory. Our cooperative relationship is everywhere, understand? Your request has already bored me!"

The bald man took off the magic spar from the telescope, and the only light source immediately dimmed.

"Very good performance." Zelin drew his sword and walked towards the bald man. "But as someone connected with the Salamander Gang, don't you feel that this kind of performance is too coincidental and too rigid?"

The bald man turned around abruptly. He looked at Zelin who walked in, frowned slightly and revealed a trace of confusion, then he shook his head.

"Well, demon hunter, I didn't expect this hideout to be found so quickly. I guess you must have been helped by the sorcerer Francesca? Well, maybe in public, I should call it Is she a queen? I really don't like to know that a witch will be on par with the royal family."

"Do you know Francesca?" Zelin stood less than five meters away from the bald man. He didn't see any weapons on the opponent, but his armor appeared hard and well-made, and could sell at least thousands of Oren.

"I know many female warlocks, although I have not included Francesca. I have heard of her, but I know her colleagues. One of the most outstanding citizens of Ridania, half of them used bribes, confuses, and bullies Ridania. Sorceresses who have influential citizens to gain power belong to the same group as Francesca."

Zelin looked up and down at the man in front of him. The opponent's knight armor must be specially made, because there is no badge on it to indicate identity.

"Who are you anyway?"

"I grew up in the court of Redania." The bald man raised his chin and said proudly. "My father was assassinated during the war with Nilfgaard. After that, I lost interest in toys. I chose to regain my inheritance rights, find the murderer of my father, and introduce the Knights to me. Territory. It’s a pity that I am always surrounded by evil rebels, ambitious female warlocks, and the embarrassed priests of Eternal Fire."

"I think I understand." Zelin nodded. "The king of Ridania, Ladovide V, is really surprising."

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters Wang's secret meeting

"Is it surprising? No, this city now has all kinds of people in power who want to see Princess Yada's face and make a good impression in the eyes of the future queen of Temaria. Of course, there is another meaning to me, I am very happy to be surrounded by rebels, sorcerers, and eternal fire priests."

Ladovide flicked his finger lightly, flicking off the imperceptible dust on his shoulder armor.

"Then came to a dark place and talked with the Salamander Gang. As far as I know, all the guests who come will bring invitations to the place where Princess Yada has prepared to stay." Zelin looked around and saw that there was only one. Table room. "Not here. I don't think hardship and simplicity will leave a good impression on Princess Yada."

"Ha, because in my opinion, Vizima has become as dangerous as Tritog." Radovide stretched out a finger and shook it. "I don't know who or who was involved in these conspiracies, but have you seen those weird Vizima edicts? The edicts are stamped with the seal of the royal family, but some people doubt the authenticity of those edicts. In fact, , That person came to me yesterday, hoping that I can help identify."

"The result?"

"Of course it's fake." Radovide waved his hand. "Foltest did not sign these edicts. I recognize his signature. The edict can be forged, and the seal can be stolen, but the signature can't. As Teller said, some people committed treason, but he couldn't find it. To any suspects."


"I would be an idiot if I didn't know the head of Temoria's intelligence." Radovide sneered. "Oh, yes, you may not know it. I thought your elf lover would tell you everything. She still has reservations about you, doesn't she? Believe that the behavior of the ambitious female warlock is incredibly stupid. Sorceresses believe that they can control the destiny of the world and race. As long as it is profitable, they will immediately betray each other. Don’t despise the female warlocks. They show themselves beautiful, smart, and useful, but one day, I will let them go. In the right place."

Thaler is the intelligence chief of Tamoria? Similar to Dixie's position in Redania?

The antique dealer who once pursued Xia Ni?

Unbelievable, but compared with the well-known identity of Dick Sicher, Taller hid his identity deeper, and he lived directly in the most chaotic temple area. But precisely because of this, no one would think of the well-informed Taler as the intelligence chief of Tamoria.

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