Gnaiya pushed aside the chair and stood up, muttering something in a low voice, and turned to the stairs. She supported the handrails and walked down the stairs. It was raining outside today and the weather was gloomy. It was the same in the lobby on the first floor. Through the windows, people on the streets outside could be seen speeding up, for fear of encountering a downpour outside. Heavy rain. Usually this means a cold and a high fever that can be fatal.

Putting her hand on the wooden handle, Gnaiya gently pulled back and the wooden door opened.

A white-haired woman stood outside the door.

Looking at Gnaiya's scrutiny gaze, the woman took off the pointed hat with feathers on her forehead, held her left hand on her chest, and put her right hand behind her back, with a polite smile on her face, bending slightly.

"Good day, ma'am."


"I accepted the invitation of Ms. Francesca and Her Excellency Zelin."

"Excuse me, are you..."

The white-haired woman put on the pointed cap again.

"I am Mary, you can call me Mary of the Star Clock Tower, or Mary of Cain Hirst."

Chapter 1592: The Conspiracy of the Squirrel Party

It wasn't just Francesca's residence where the uninvited guests appeared.

The gloomy weather seemed to make the lake water black. The canoe pushed away the lotus leaves floating on the lake, and gently hit the muddy shore.

The figure in the emerald green cloak stepped off the ferry, and his boots stepped on the muddy shore. After turning around and making a gesture to the wizard on the ferry boat behind him, the ferry boat slowly backed up, turned around, and sailed to the other side.

The figure lifted the hood, revealing the pointed ears hidden in the braids. The elf stood on the shore, folded his hands together, placed it in front of his mouth, and then took a strong blow. The voice like a night owl quickly swept across the gloomy woodland in front of him.

She stood there, waiting.

A few seconds later, a similar sound appeared in the dense woodland.

The elf took a deep breath and whistled again.

This time, it was no longer a whistle that responded to her, but a rather magnetic voice.


A handsome elf walked out of the bushes, and the double knives hung around his waist shook with the collision of the branches.

"Yaiwen." Toluwell raised his hand to the person who came and made a greeting gesture that would only be used by elves.

"I thought that you and your weak queen have been indulged in the drunkenness of mankind, and have long forgotten our fellow citizens who are fighting in the forest and suffering in non-human settlements. Toruvil, since you have decided to lay down your weapons and hold Hoe and spindle, why bother to come back here again?" Yaiwen looked up and down his clan in front of him. "Aren't you afraid that the filth of the swamp will stain your gorgeous clothes?"

"I feel sad for the clan who chose to follow you, Yaiwen, they followed a suspicious, mean and kindly ignorant leader who insisted on walking into the abyss." Toluwell utterly confronted him unceremoniously. "I re-assembled the assault team to accept the order from Baihua Valley. The queen knew what had happened in the old Vizima, and she was willing to provide help to save the people who were imprisoned in it who lacked water and food. You Do you want to refuse, Yaiwen? You insist on taking your team members who are holding wood axes and short bows, dressed in animal skins and wooden shields, and starving in the woods all day long, to launch a hopeless attack? Your opponent is the heavily armed Vizima guards and the elite knights. Don't pretend to be so confident in front of me. I know that you are in a conflict with the Flame Rose Knights in the woodland and you are defeated."

The corners of Yaiwen's mouth twitched. "A small failure doesn't mean anything..."

"How many minor failures can you experience? How many of the wounded do you have no care and treatment, lying in the damp swamp, suffering from the ulceration of the wound? Can you help them? If you can't even help your team members What about saving the same people trapped in the old Vizima?"

"This is the reason why you see me here." Yaiwen waved his hand vigorously. "Tell me, what price do we or I need to pay for your assistance?"

Toluwell spread out his hand and pointed to the neighborhood. Yaiwen breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to her.

"Come with me."

The camp of the Squirrel Party is still in the swamp, in fact, they can only be in the swamp.

The Knights temporarily won in the swamp, but they couldn't stay in such a harsh environment all the time. Their supplies had to be transported through dense forest trails, and this would be the best chance for the Squirrel Party to counterattack. Siegfried was not unable to see the trap that Yaiwen set for himself. After winning the conflict with the Squirrel Party and hitting the enemy severely, he chose to retreat quickly, not giving the Squirrel Party any chance to fight back, and set the main The energies shifted from fighting the Squirrel Party itself to attacking the private lords and smugglers who provided supplies and transactions to the Squirrel Party.

Siegfried’s tactics were very effective. After causing some casualties to the Squirrel Party, he immediately set out to attack the Squirrel Party’s sources of supplies. Without enough drugs, the Squirrel Party will suffer greater losses than defeat in the battle, and will seriously affect morale. When the Knights retreated to the city, the Squirrel Party was unable to launch a counterattack, let alone ambush the Knights’ supply convoy to obtain necessities. When Siegfried had dealt with the Squirrel Party in the past, he sent a large number of troops to the woodland to encircle and hunt. Instead, he used more elite squads to fight the Squirrel Party. Most of them were used to block any possible means of transporting supplies to the Squirrel Party. .

Facts have proved that Siegfried succeeded.

This is also the reason why Yaivin must see Toluwell now, their guerrilla tactics have become embarrassed under such a sudden attack.

The camp of the Squirrel Party was built in a hidden low-lying area, surrounded by dense bushes. If there is no one to show the way, it is difficult to find that there are so many elves and dwarf warriors hidden here. But compared to before, there was an uncomfortable feeling of depression in the camp. The wounded with bandages lay in blankets and sleeping bags. The injured accounted for almost one-third of the entire assault team. The appearance of Yaiwen and Toluwell made some of the elves raise their heads, but soon they lowered their heads again to deal with the matter at hand.

"I need medicines, bandages, weapons and equipment, and food." Yaiwen said to Toluwell.

"The queen has already thought of this. She sent me to contact you. If you agree, the latest batch of supplies will be here tonight." Toluwell took a deep breath. She doesn't like this kind of battle, which is why she chose to return to Hundred Flowers Valley back then, but in the eyes of many elves, such behavior is no different from surrendering. She was unwilling to mention these things. Before the war started, she vowed to drive mankind out of the sea, but then she accepted the canonization of mankind and bowed to the empire. It was like a deserter would do.

"The price? What is the price?"

"When this operation is over, all of you elves must swear allegiance to the queen and Dole Bretner. You, and the elves who were rescued from the old Vizima."

"The queen is going to attack the old Vizima city?" Yaiwen raised his eyebrows. "Crazy action, is she going to declare war on Tamoria?"

"No, it was the Squirrel Party who attacked the old Vizima." Toluwell said seriously. "Everything is done by the Squirrel Party, and has nothing to do with Hundred Flowers Valley. Her Royal Highness is a guest at Vizima, and the Squirrel Party will choose to demonstrate to her at this time. Yes, it is an offensive action. As for the details I will tell you the plan."

"I can't control other people's will." Yaiwen shook his head. "But I can assure you that our commando team will join the Valley of Flowers, as long as what you say is true, not a blank check. But, is the queen really in Vizima?"


Francesca was indeed in Vizima City. Few people know this, but Dansau’s Siegfried is one of these few.

"The squirrel party outside the city is getting more and more active. I am worried about what is the relationship between them and the Queen of Hundred Flowers Valley. I feel like sitting in a mage laboratory about to explode, but I don’t know the point of stopping the explosion. Where." At the headquarters of the Knights, Siegfried said to Zelin with excitement. To be precise, the young knight has been very excited since the end of the action in the swamp. Victory is achieved at the first command in life, which is a memorable event for any young man.

"Don't worry, I don't think she will hinder your war with the Squirrel Party." Zelin opened his hands. "You know, in the first year after the end of the war, all the squirrel parties who were willing to lay down their weapons left the forest."

"Are they sincerely surrendering? Or did they decide to temporarily preserve their strength in the face of human military pressure and wait for a chance to attack again in the future?"

"Siegfried, if all the elves and all the non-humans can get a place through their own labor, who would be willing to fight with swords and lives?" Zelin shook his head. "One is a thief, and the other is a robber, but when thousands of elves have to walk into the forest and exchange weapons for survival, who is wrong? History has no way to change, and we can't go anymore. Those who died in the past will be held accountable. So, when the world war is over, why not give everyone a chance to start again? For example, I heard that hundreds of elves and dwarves were imprisoned in the old city of Vizima?"

"That's the plague." Siegfried said. "The royal edict states that a plague broke out in the old city of Vizima, so no one is allowed to enter or leave."

"Since it is a plague, why no corpses have been transported out? No incineration pits have been cleaned up? Isn't this allowing the plague to spread? Don't tell, the people who issued the royal edict would think that the wooden fence can stop the spread of the plague."

"I'm also surprised." Siegfried touched his chin and sighed softly. "Tomorrow, the big team leader will issue a badge for my victory in the swamp, and personally issue a badge for me. Then, I will have a chance to meet him. Have you met our big team leader? He will definitely tell I, is there any way to solve the old Vizima’s troubles."

Speaking of Jaques in Adburg, Siegfried's tone brought a trace of admiration. "He is simply a perfect person. He can always give us the wisest advice when we are in trouble. He can prepare countermeasures every time before the trouble arises. If there was a war between the North and the South, the king of Aden Or the Queen of Livia is willing to ask him to be a commander, at least on the Eastern battlefield, we will never be beaten so badly by the Nilfgaards."

"Really? I'm really interested, to see your leader." Zelin nodded. "When the banquet comes, I might be able to see him."

"I don't know if the head of the delegation will be willing to attend a social banquet, but..." Siegfried hesitated. "You didn't actually go to prepare the banquet today. I remember you said that you would also attend, right?"

Zelin smiled bitterly at this.

"It's just that something unexpected happened. Well, a little accident."

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-three chapters

"This is my guest, Gnaiya. Go and prepare a new tea set. Yusefka, thank you for your tea."

In Francesca’s mansion, Maria sat on the sofa, nodding steadily to Francesca’s invitation.

"Thank you for your hospitality. It is my honor to be treated by the hostess here." Maria said modestly to Francesca. "When I was fighting with Zelin, in his spare time, he would sometimes tell me, what a beautiful, smart, and kind-hearted lady you are. I am very happy to see your kindness firsthand, but , I can be sure that Zelin didn’t tell me the truth in some respects."

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