She stretched out her hand and placed it gently on Zelin's hand, carefully stepping onto the wooden boat, barely making any sound when the cloth shoes stepped on the deck, the boat shook slightly, and then restored its balance. Her staff and the package full of notebooks and books had been placed on the ship by Zelin in advance. She walked to the boat, smoothed the hem of her robe, and sat sideways by the bow.

"What are we going to do next?"

Zelin sat on the opposite side of Virginia, holding the wood pulp fixed on both sides of the ship's gunwale. "Our journey should begin."

The mage girl took a deep breath. "Both of us?"

Those bright eyes looked directly at the pupils of the demon hunter. Of course she knew that this trip was a journey for both of them, but sometimes, all she wanted was to hear an exact response from the man in front of her. .

"Of course." Zelin nodded. "It belongs only to the two of us."

The snow-capped lonely mountain stands on the lush plains, and on the sparkling lake, a wooden boat slowly sails towards the mouth of the river and into the gentle Anduin River. The shadows of Iruba and Longhu Town gradually disappear in Ann. After the dense jungles on both sides of the Duin River, the boats turned into shadows, and then into an imperceptible black spot in the river, disappearing behind the waves at the mouth of the river.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-nine chapters two people time on the river

Zelin didn't know how to describe such a journey.

Let go of all your thoughts and travel by boat with the people you like. When was the last time he traveled like this? It was probably more than ten years ago. Since he decided to accept the commission of the Warlock Order to guard the portal and get the abandoned castle, he has hardly stopped. The first North-South war, the collapse of the sect, the struggle in the South, the second North-South war, and the troubles of another world, whether it is Yanan's dream, or Milac in Southam, or Rodland whose flames are about to go out. Last time he went to Losric with the Dragonborn, but Losric at that time was definitely not as beautiful and friendly as Middle-earth.

They lay on the boat, sometimes rowing, sometimes lying together, looking at the sky, talking about the story before they met, and letting the river support them downstream.

"My parents never knew what their dear daughter was doing." The mage girl stared at the bright sky dreamily, and flocks of birds swept across the sky from time to time. "I told them that I went to Gaoyan province. There was a Brighton lord who wanted to hire me to be her magic consultant. The consultant’s life is very good. Gaoyan province is very safe. The war will not reach there. The lord opened The price allows me to live a prosperous life, and I found a very suitable boyfriend."

Having said this, she chuckled slightly. "Zelin, they said in their letter that I hope I can take you back to Cyrodir someday. They would love to see you."

"As long as you feel right." Zelin said. "We can go anytime."


"Everything depends on your arrangement."

The speed of the water is very fast, they don't need to detour, and they won't feel tired from the bumps like riding a horse. When night falls, they don’t need to stop. This section of the river is relatively spacious. According to Bain, the Anduin River is a friendly river until it crosses Lorraine. It is difficult to encounter shallows or reefs. People don’t use it. Worried about the danger of stranding or crashing.

On ships, the west bank of the river is mostly towering mountains, and the misty mountains divide the land in two, spreading south with the river into the territory of Gondor. On the east bank, many contour curves are hidden in the dense hills below. They are lush and green, as if they have just experienced a heavy rain. The fresh colors are refreshing. This is a dark and dense forest, a boundless woodland. Perhaps the entire territory of Tamoria is not comparable to this magnificent woodland. Zelin believes that if the tree spirits of Brokler know that there is a land where humans live. In fact, they will be very happy if they still maintain such a large forest.

For the first few days, Virginia remained excited. They kept chatting and talking about what they thought was interesting. The wizard girl would sleep sleepily when the bright moon was slanted and a bright red of the sun appeared on the horizon. Past. They often stop by boats, not just to make a fire to cook, but sometimes to find out what's on the shore, sometimes they don’t want to lie on the deck to rest, or they want to listen to natural music other than the sound of running water, so they will Go to the shore, set up a bonfire, sit by the river and go fishing together. After all the bait is wasted, the bacon carried in the package is taken out and cooked.

"Oh, no, you didn't just bring bacon and kippers?" Virginia looked at the food that Zelin had taken out of the package in amazement. They had been enjoying beer and bacon these days. For Virginia's doubts, Zelin showed the same confusion.

"Is there any problem with this?"

Zelin likes this kind of food combination very much. It can provide enough energy and salt, and it can be stored for a long enough time. He doesn't need to eat them in a hurry before they go bad, and then spend money to buy new foods. In the past, every winter, the demon hunters had to rely on the dried salted fish and meat accumulated in the second half of the year, as well as some wild vegetables, to spend the months when they could not find a commission. Of course, the most important thing is that compared to skewers made of roasted tree roots and rat meat, this is really delicious on earth.

"Holy spirit, don’t you know, Zelin? It takes years of attention to stay in shape, but it only takes a few days to destroy it! I don’t want to spend devastating days on such a beautiful journey, or go back. I never dared to look in the mirror again."

Virginia rubbed her belly and sighed heavily.

"Is there no other food?"

"There is still some bread, but I don't think it will fill my stomach..."

"No, that's enough."

"Are you sure? If you feel hungry, I have some jerky here."

"This is enough for me." The mage girl waved her hand firmly.

No meat, not at all!

As a result, for several days, Virginia spent most of her time eating dry bread to satisfy her hunger, or drinking more water. The reason she gave is very simple, because they have been staying on the boat and have little activity. If they eat meat, it is easy for them to have fat on their abdomen. However, Zelin still couldn’t understand this decision to stay in shape when she would rather starve herself, but women were like this, caring about their waist and breasts, so that some kind of clothing called corset appeared in the southern empire. It is painful, but it is still very popular, because it can make women's waist look very slender and make the chest beautiful and protruding.

For several days, all they could see was the endless woodland and the towering mountain cliffs, and Virginia's interest was gradually wiped out in this uniform scenery. They didn't see some human settlements until they arrived at the old ferry. They followed the road to the ferry to the west and could directly reach the town of Bury, and then into the Shire. However, after thinking about it, Zelin decided to hand the letter to the expedition team in Bahrain first.

In the following days, Virginia prefers to sit under the canopy of the boat and read, write notes and summaries on Iruba’s experiences, and make specimen bookmarks from the beautiful leaves collected before going ashore, or to read her likes for Zelin. The story and novel she read, her favorite is "Dancing in Fire", which tells the story of the dismissed salesman from the construction team of the Imperial Capital who went to Weimu to find business and orders. There is also "2920", a book A historical storybook describing the last year of the First Era, as well as "A Brief History of the Empire", from time to time she picked out some of her favorite paragraphs to share with Zelin.

"...Mrs. Pask disappeared into the dirty cave, which was actually her hotel. After a while, she took out a piece of paper with Jarus’ familiar scribbled notes, and Decomms picked it up. Reading to a ray of sunlight through the cracks of the leaves..."

"Zelin, you said that if Mrs. Pask hadn't given this letter to the councillor, De Koms would not have known the whereabouts of poor Jarus." Virginia put the fourth volume of Dancing in Fire. On his lap, he said to Zelin. "What do you think? I think this description of the wood elves is great. They live in broken houses that we humans think are dirty, but they will remember every promise. I think the author must be...Zelin ?"

The mage girl noticed that the demon hunter's attention was not on her.


She called again.

However, the demon hunter did not show the appearance of waking up from a dream. She has seen this appearance too much, both at Winterhold College and at home. She took her favorite story with the book to share with others, but They always look drowsy or impatient. But Zelin just put his finger in front of his lips and made a quiet gesture.

"What's the matter?" Virginia closed the book and looked at the direction the demon hunter was staring at. "What did you see?"

The other side of the river was dark, and the sky was getting calmer. Behind the bushes and piles of weeds, the mage girl could not see anything, there was only a black shadow in her eyes.

"I saw something wrong, I hope it is my illusion." Zelin murmured. "Virginia, we are docked. I want to confirm. You are waiting for me on the boat. I will be back soon."

"Is it a monster?" The wizard girl asked back. "Your enemy?"

"I don't know." A trace of confusion appeared in Zelin's voice. "Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

The first thousand six hundred and fifty chapters of the woodland magic shadow

This is a **** buried under thorn bushes, vines and shrubs, and the river beach is full of fine pebbles. Pulling aside the bushes, the demon hunter narrowed his eyes and stared at the figures moving in the bushes in the distance. It is difficult for him to tell whether this shadow is a human figure or a squirrel jumping between the pine trees. All of this is possible. Perhaps he is a little suspicious, like a warrior who has been adventurous all year round. It is difficult to suddenly relax and face anything. The shadows that flashed by would feel suspicious, even the rats running by in the garbage dump. But soon Zelin realized that Groin or the experience of the dwarves was correct.

You can smell the stench of the orcs within a hundred meters.

The demon hunter puts light on his feet, avoiding the weeds and short wood branches under his feet, so as not to step on it and make a sound, which may alarm nearby unknown creatures. The disgusting stench was incompatible with this woodland. He cautiously squatted behind the bushes, observing the situation in the forest in front of him. The shadows of the dark dense forest bathed in the moonlight were mottled, and the branches swayed slightly with the stroke of the night wind, and the shadows sprinkled on the ground full of weeds and gravel changed.

He stared at the strange shadow among the bushes. He did not drink the cat potion, because the moonlight was bright and the bright light was enough to make him see through the haze spreading on the target.

The demon hunter heard slight footsteps behind him.

"What is this?"

Virginia squatted gently behind Zelin, looking at the darkness in front of her in confusion, frowning slightly. "What did you find?"

"A camp that shouldn't have appeared." Zelin stood up, stepped across the grass, and took seven steps forward. After removing the hanging branches, a small abandoned temporary camp appeared in front of him. The burning bonfire with only black coke, Zelin kicked the coke away, which was mixed with some charred bones. There were no traces of tents, no sleeping bags or blankets, but a large area of ​​weeds nearby was crushed to the ground. The demon hunter swept across the overwhelmed range of weeds, and quickly estimated in his mind the past. There are about thirty people stationed in this woodland.

"Campsite? Did any other travelers pass by here?" Virginia tightened her mouth, covering the tip of her nose. "They should at least clean up the **** here before leaving, it smells bad."

"I don't think the owner of this temporary camp will know to do these things." Zelin pointed to the large charred object near the coke pile. "Intelligent creatures who know how to clean up garbage can't eat such things."

Virginia took two steps closer, her face turned pale after seeing the outline of the scorched object.

"What have been eaten here, they are either the poor people caught from somewhere, or they have eaten the same kind who were killed." Zelin walked to the campsite, squatted down, and began to check the extinguished campfire. What's left in it. Virginia took two steps back. She was thankful that she hadn't eaten much in the past two days, otherwise she might not be able to suppress her tumbling stomach. However, unlike the past, she did not show much discomfort, but looked around vigilantly to prevent other enemies nearby. She raised her hand and made a gesture to the nearby branch. A cloud of white light floated from her hand and touched the branch. Magic light was like a bright lamp to disperse the nearby shadows.

"Leather that was chopped up." Zelin picked up the leather that had been burnt in half. In the place where the edge of the leather had not been burnt, you could still see the neat notches cut by the sword and the blood stains on it. "Infighting? Or was someone killed during the quarrel and used as food? The orcs shouldn't leave prisoners..."


"You can think of the snow elves of Skyrim. They are fierce, aggressive, and contain a variety of intelligent races in their recipes, but they do not live underground. They are divided into different tribes, led by the king, very dangerous, and Cunning." Zelin pointed to the cold white light. "Extinguish it, Virginia, this will reveal our position."

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