Virginia sits on a horse with her legs close together. The road on both sides of the Silver River is still smooth, but once it leaves the beach, the road will immediately become a rugged rocky road. There are many curved, low fir trees on the edge of the woodland. Their hanging branches are the biggest obstacle when riding a horse, and the moss-covered rocks become very slippery in the early morning dew. Perhaps when no one is riding, ghost horses can walk on this land. Flat ground, but when someone sat on its back, Zelin had to consider whether he would fall.

"If it's just like this, it would be great." Zelin took the reins of the ghost horse and walked step by step along the river beach covered with fine pebbles. "But did you know, Virginia, this underground city has been occupied by orcs for hundreds of years since the dwarves lost Moria. When it comes to going home, they are more likely to return to Moria? ."

In the beginning, Virginia was able to keep up with the demon hunters, but soon, when Zelin moved forward for about half a day without interruption, Virginia was about to use the staff as a crutch. Fortunately, after the orcs entered the Lorraine Grove, they kept walking along the Silver Light River. Their canoe cannot go upstream, so it would be easier to rely on two legs, so the demon hunter summoned the ghost horse, he let Virginia ride on the horse, and he took the reins and followed the forest. Traces left by the orcs.

"Warning your friends?"

"Yes, and I hope it's still too late... Look, another camp."

Zelin stopped and pointed to the empty beach in front of him. The river was swiftly rushing, and the water slapped against the rocks in the river bed, accompanied by clattering sounds. The dense Lorraine woodland obscures the sky, only the canopies on both banks of the Silver River are not in close contact with each other, causing the morning sun to spill in through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

"How's the situation?" Virginia didn't look at it because she knew she couldn't see any valuable information. "I'm listening."

"It's getting worse." Zelin slowed down and walked forward with the ghost horse. "The number of them has increased."


"I guess they may not only have a team of soldiers."

The riverbank is empty, but in the eyes of the demon hunter, he can already imagine the outline of the orcs when they set up their camp here. He walked to the center of the camp in his eyes, stopped, and looked around.

"The orcs we were tracking encountered another group of soldiers here. There was no conflict between them. I guess it was because they were of the same race and their stomachs were not hungry for the time being." Zelin scanned the two obvious depressions beside the river beach. Subconsciously touched his chin. "They stand together and gather in a line to remove the influence of the trolls. Judging from the density of their footprints, the two teams of orcs are of the same size, so they should now have fifty to eighty people, fully armed and well-equipped. "


"Maybe it was a day ago. I believe that when they converge and the team becomes large, the coordination between the leaders of the two different teams is definitely not very good. Their speed is slowed down, which is good news for us. If they continue to slow down, we will be able to catch up with them soon."

Zelin did not choose to follow the orcs all the time, but went straight into the Lorraine Woodland and headed to the Silver Light River. After all, his purpose is not to track and destroy the group of orcs, but to go to Moria and tell Bahrain the news of the orcs appearing here. In the end, he found the remaining traces about 3,000 meters away from the junction of the Yinguang River and the Anduin River. Obviously, the orcs went all the way along the river and they did not venture across the forest. Such a detour wasted a lot of time, but it also gave the demon hunter a new idea.

"If we go straight through Lorraine Woodland, maybe we can get there before the orcs reach Moria." Virginia glanced at the map in her hand, raised her head, and suggested to Zelin.

"Yes. The Silver Light River is almost all the way south in the Lorraine Woodland. If the map is correct, the river will not suddenly turn to the north until after crossing the woodland." Zelin looked at the lush Lorraine. "If the orcs continue to advance along the river, they will have to walk south along the river for a while before turning to Moria."

"Are you worried?" Virginia saw the worry in Zelin's eyes. She followed the demon hunter's line of sight and looked towards the forest. "What did you see?"

"Those orcs probably also know that they can go through Lorraine and attack Moria directly, but they still choose to take a detour. Why are they afraid of the forest? What kind of creatures are there in the forest?" This woodland reminded Zelin to be in Long Lake Town. The outer dark dense forest. Although there is a woodland kingdom in the dark dense forest, more places are occupied by spider communities. The creatures that stray into the woodland can easily get lost under the dense and endless canopy, fall into the spider web, and become the food for the spiders. "I don't worry about powerful enemies, but I worry about unknown enemies."

The towering giant trees in the forest are dense and boundless. Compared with these trees, the tall oak trees, poplar trees and pine trees that usually look tall look like bushes in the forest. The woodland looks very peaceful, with rows of giant trees like a high wall, shutting out outsiders. The sun in the sky is already close to the middle position, but the tree canopy is too dense, only a little sunlight can pass through the cracks of the leaves, bringing a ray of light to the shrubs and grass on the ground. Compared with the brightness of the outside world, the interior of Lorraine Woodland seemed to be always between dusk and night.

Virginia rolled over and got off her horse. She walked over to Zelin and took his arm.

"Don't worry, we are together, aren't we?" She smiled. "Back then, none of us knew what was in Labrinxian, but we could succeed together, this time too. Let's go, let's warn your friends before it's too late."

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-three chapters attackers

"Floy, how did you keep up?"

Bahrain clamped the axe under his arm, while adding tobacco to the pipe. Hearing the sound of footsteps catching up behind him, he turned around and saw Floyd catching up in the corridor behind him. The latter was holding his axe, and the blade of the axe made a spark on the ground.

"I should be following you." Floyd rubbed his side beard and wiped off any crumbs left on it. "Oh, I mean, you see, I'm full. Jingying Lake is my responsibility. I don't need to lie down in the hall and sleep, waiting for the second and fifth halls to be completely cleaned out. We can lead the water from Jingying Lake into the canal. Ou Rui said that the water in the western flooding hall is very sticky and strange. I can't wait to drink normal water."

"You might as well say, I'm old, and I have to be watched by a young man when I go out, in case I accidentally fall to the ground and break my neck." Bahrain laughed, and he put his hand into the left side of his clothes. Fumbled in the pocket for a while, then reached into the pocket on the right side, and then took out a poked tobacco leaf. "Try this, Shire's tobacco. I went back to Shire some time ago to visit our Bilbo friend. He gave me the tobacco. I seldom want to come up with such a good thing."

"The Hobbit? I have never seen a Hobbit." Floyd took the tobacco leaf and took two breaths under his nose, exhaling with satisfaction. "Good things, Shire must be a good place."

"After we turn Moria into the next lone mountain, I will invite you to visit the Shire together. You will definitely like the hobbits there." Bahrain took a deep breath and hid his pipe in his mouth. The corners of the mouth under the white beard squirmed slightly, and with a sudden blow, a complete circle of smoke floated out.

The dwarves walked in the hall corridor on the upper floor of Moria. On the top of the mountain, huge windows were once cut out to introduce sunlight into the cave. These huge windows were either destroyed in the past wars or fell into disrepair for a long time. They have long been blocked by rubble. Only a little light can be poured in, so that people in the mountains can know whether it is day or night. Compared with the shadows in Moria, it pales in comparison.

To start from the West Gate and cross Moria to the East Gate, it takes about two or three days to advance through the sloping and winding steps and corridors. Only those who are familiar with the road can avoid getting lost in the same halls and corridors. In the few days they had just arrived in Moria, they had been living in the second hall inside the east gate, using it as a base to explore the dark and dusty caves, until they found the still complete Masabur Hall and the historian After the lobby, the stronghold was moved. There used to be tens of thousands of dwarves in Moria, but now, there are only more than 20 dwarves in the huge underground city. Walking on the slopes, it is inevitable that they look a bit empty and cold.

"Do you see the figure of the orc, or is it some kind of strange shadow?" Bahrain asked casually, biting his pipe. "Is it in Jingying Lake or near Lorraine Woodland?"

"It's Jingying Lake. I found some traces, much like the orcs would stay in camp." Floyd's face was serious, and the hand that was stuffing the tobacco leaf into the pipe stopped in mid-air. "I remember the order you said before, don’t go too deep into the Lorraine Woodland, so I will come to you as soon as possible after investigating the traces near Jingying Lake. You know how far this road is, look at me. It was the second hour after sunrise when we arrived at the camp site."

"Trace? You mean that some orcs walked through the Lorraine Forest and then ran outside the east gate of Moria to camp?"

Bahrain furrowed his brows and sucked **** the pipe. The red light of the tobacco leaves illuminated the dwarf's white beards hanging down to his chest. There is no doubt or questioning factor in his words. He believes that the dwarves who followed him to Moria are all good hands in all aspects, and Floyd is second to none in detection and combat. If he suspects that there is an orc camp outside the east gate of Moria, he must have seen it with his own eyes. Floyd is a dwarf from Iron Hills, and he knows orcs.

"I can't judge, there are too few clues." Floyd shook his head. "To be honest, Bahrain, I don’t really believe this. The elves’ eyeliners are scattered throughout the woodland. As soon as I walked into the forest, I felt the back of my neck chilled, as if someone had been staring at me. , And his hand is still on the bowstring."

"But everything should be done carefully."

"Yes, this is exactly why I have to come to you in a hurry." Floyd said in agreement. "This ghost place hasn't been inhabited for almost a thousand years. The ghost knows if there is anything weird living in the hall that we haven't unearthed yet...Oh! My tobacco!"

Floyd's hand shook, and a large piece of tobacco fell to the ground. He hurriedly bent down and picked it up, and took a couple of blows to blow off the dust on it.

"Be careful, my friend." Bahrain laughed. "In the future, I would rather give you gold than to give you tobacco. I don’t have much in my pocket. Let’s go, just in front of the east gate, we can pass by the weapons arsenal and show my friends inside. Say hello."

At the end of the tunnel is a simple wooden door, which is made up of pieces of wooden boards and iron nails, which looks out of place in this rocky city. In fact, not only here, many halls excavated by the dwarves are equipped with such simple wooden doors to block the cold wind from other places, so that they can sleep on the rocky ground without being affected by the cold. Trembling.

"When we finish the project here, we must carve the most beautiful and strong rock gate."

"Of course, at that time, we will all be carved on the door, so that later lads will remember how we reopened Moria back then."

Bahrain took off his pipe, looked at the door in front of him, and sighed lightly. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door panel, pushing the door to the outside.

An arrow buzzed deeply, deeply embedded in the soil.

"Who is there?!"

The demon hunter drew out the ebony blade, looking in the direction of the arrow, and subconsciously shielding Virginia behind him. The black blade seemed to dim the scarce light in the forest.


Virginia leaned against Zellin and squeezed the wand in her hand. She made a gesture, and the light blue magic shimmer covered her body. Stone Armor Technique, this was the hand that Professor Toldiv gave her. Many wizards always like to use powerful destructive spells to destroy the enemy, but few wizards realize that without the protection of spells, their bodies are no different from ordinary people.

"No, it should not be."

Zelin looked at the feather arrow that was about one meter away in front of him. "I guess it's a warning. Something seems to be following us just now."

"Orc's scouting team?" Virginia made a new gesture again, and a cloud of white light flew in the direction the demon hunter was staring at, stuck to the branches above, and magic light illuminated a piece of woodland. "They may have found us and want to use this trick to stop us? You said that orcs don't like light? Maybe this trick can make them move, do you see anything?!"

"Don't be nervous, Virginia, I can't make a decision yet, but..." Zelin made a gesture of the Quinn Seal, and the bright orange Seal shield wrapped him up.

"Who is here?!" He asked loudly at the woodland again. "We are travelers passing by here. We are going to Moria to visit my dwarf friend. If you are a kind and good person, there is no need to hide. We have no malice against this forest and any creatures living in it! "

The breeze stroked the forest, and the forest rustled.

"Virginia." Zelin whispered to the mage girl. "If an orc rushes out, you can ride the ghost immediately."

"How about you?"

"You can cover me with a spell, don't worry, I have dealt with orcs and know what to do. If the number is less than a hundred, we will deal with them."

"Too many people?"

"We run away, avoid them before we warn Moria."

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