If so, I'm afraid he must cancel his vacation plan with Virginia in advance, and let the mage go back to Mahakam first. As for the rest, he will consider what to do.

"Sauron has already succeeded once. He gave the nine human kings the ring of power and controlled them so that they became Nazgul, the ring spirit. The ring spirit has always held the ring of power. Sauron can Directly control them, and then Sauron was defeated. The ring spirits and the Supreme Lord of the Rings disappeared from people’s sight. They are dangerous and powerful warriors. In the past, I thought they would not appear again like Sauron, until When Thorin and his expedition team arrived at Lonely Mountain, Ring Spirit appeared in Dolgurdu, and Sauron's magic eye." Gandalf said slowly. "After that, I mounted my horse and rushed from the dark and dense forest to River Valley City, anxious to warn you."

"At the end of the Gushan war, not long after you left, we held a meeting, hoping to determine the whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. At the meeting, Saruman said that the Supreme Lord of the Rings had been washed into the sea along the river."

"But you don't believe it." Zelin retracted his gaze and looked at Gandalf. "Saruman, I still remember, you said he was a powerful white-robed wizard. Does he have evidence?"

"No. But the wizard has power and wisdom. I believe he must have his meaning in saying this. He knows what to do."

"Sounds like blind trust?"

"If you work with someone for a long time, you will believe him. We just said that the Lord of the Rings is not just the Lord of the Rings. A few years ago, it was reported that Sauron appeared in Mordor and was the ranger of the Black Gate. News of the return. That’s why I came here to discuss with Lord Celeborn and Mrs. Galadriel how to deal with Sauron’s actions. There is no doubt that it has returned and has begun to control the orcs and the ring spirits."

"You mean, this time the attack on Moria was controlled and commanded by the demon lord named Sauron from behind?" Zelin frowned slightly. "His army is nearby?"

"Everything is unknown, my friend." Gandalf took a deep breath, the wrinkles in his brows filled with confusion and anxiety. "People say that wizards will show up at the right time and then warn people. They all say that, and I know this statement. To judge by this sign, you are a more qualified wizard than me. I will stay here, Then go to Rivendell and discuss with Lord Elrond how to deal with the changes in the Misty Mountains, so I want to ask you one thing."

"What?" Zelin raised his eyes. "Don't tell me, your plan is for me to find the demon king and solve it. I must say that the enemy doesn't sound like I can deal with it."

"This is a decision that a stupid person can think of." Gandalf glanced at Zelin, he took out his pipe, but did not light it. "Mrs. Galadriel told me that Queen Marvin of Norn is visiting Saruman in Isengard. Her territory is in the Norn Inner Sea, next to Mordor. She may also be worried about Sauron's actions, so Go ask the wizard for help. If you want to talk about Mordor's information, Queen Marvin and the ranger of the Black Gate must know a lot. You and your friends travel, maybe you can meet Saruman, as I suggested before As before, then ask about Norn’s current situation, or when you go to Gondor, you can take a detour to the Black Gate, where the ranger is stationed, monitoring Mordor’s situation, and help me find out. Mordor recently What's the action?"

"Finally it's not a messenger." Zelin couldn't help but chuckle as if thinking of what he would often do after arriving in a world before. "Well, it doesn't sound too difficult. No problem. I will visit your Master Wizard and then the Ranger of the Black Gate. After I get news from Mordor, where should I go to see you? Come here?"

"No." Gandalf shook his head. "Go to the Shire. I'm also going to visit Bilbo in the Shire. Do you remember his magic ring? Then we will meet in the Shire."

"Good idea." Zelin nodded. "Just in time, I also want to meet our brave hobbit."

The first thousand six hundred and seventy chapters reveal the haze

Zelin chatted with Gandalf about recent events.

Of course, compared to the time when the Demon Hunter was away, there was a gap of several decades. While in the valley city and the lone mountain, Zelin did not hear any worries in the conversation with people, but in Gandalf's words, worries about the future and the spread of evil forces were flooded.

"About forty years ago, the ranger of the Black Gate warned that the Black Evil Tower in Mordor was rebuilt. It was once the fortress of Sauron. In the Battle of the Last Alliance, the army of humans and elves destroyed the Black Evil Tower. , Mordor’s orcs have also become a dish of loose sand. In the past few decades, the orcs have been regrouped, and the Black Evil Tower has also been built. Not only has Sauron returned, he is still gathering power."

Gandalf was smoking non-stop, the smoke in front of him.

"Maybe it can carry out a raid before it has a stable footing?" Zelin asked tentatively. "Since Sauron is likely to threaten the world again, why not unite the humans and elves of Mordor to form a coalition army, and destroy him directly before he can gather all his power?"

"It’s not that simple. Six years ago, the wife of Gondor’s ruling Prime Minister Dineser passed away. He loved his wife very much, but even by the standards of a loyal person, he has mourned for too long. He kept himself in the white city of Gondor for a long time, staring at Osgilias and Minas Ihir, but turned a blind eye to the forces that could fight against Sauron in other places, unless they were willing to kneel in front of him. , Swear allegiance." Gandalf shook his head. "Norn has been attacked, and the number of orcs on the Udon Plain outside the Black Gate is increasing, but how long can Minas Ihir stay alone? Prince Doamlos has been fighting against the pirates in Umbal Port, Luo Khan’s Hussar King Theotun might be willing to fight Mordor, but Dinese wouldn’t believe that he led the knight into Gondor just to cross the Black Gate to destroy the orcs. And the dark savages have been harassing Rohan, Xi Orton couldn't drop the threat at hand."

"And the elves are still in their forests, and their strength is not as strong as they used to be. Oh, this situation is too familiar." Zelin shrugged, which is the same as the North How similar the environment was before the imperial invasion. The powerful enemies are pressing on every step of the way. The kings of the North are unaware of this and have been in conflict and quarrel. Anything that is just a border dispute between Nilfgard and the Hinterland has nothing to do with them. It was not until after the Hinterland massacre that they realized that the southerners wanted not only the land of the Hinterland, but the entire north.

Only a **** lesson can make people who are content with the status quo realize that the world has changed. The kings of the north were very lucky, because later the warlock cult joined the battle, and a legion of battle mages turned the battle around at Sutton Hill. In most cases, people are unwilling to believe the warnings of an impending disaster at the beginning. They will find every reason to convince themselves. These warnings are just groundless worries, because they are afraid of drastic changes and fear of losing their comfortable life until A stick was hit head-on, but generally speaking, people who were startled by the **** lesson would never wake up anymore, and they would die by surprise.

"The forces threatening the world are ready to move, but most people are indifferent." Zelin knocked the ashes on the stone on the side. There are no fallen leaves in this forest, so he doesn't have to worry about sparks falling on the dead leaves and causing fires. "It looks like wizards are really hard work."

"Fortunately, I am not fighting alone." Gandalf coughed twice. "I have been persuading the Holy White Council to march towards Dolgurdu. It is a new fortress built by Sauron in the dark forest, but we don’t know if the fortress has been abandoned, Mrs. Galadriel and Radagast. While monitoring it, at first, we thought it was built by a returning ring spirit, but now, I suspect that Sauron might have returned to Mordor while we focused on Dolgurdu. ."

"Wait, I don't understand. Since you have determined that Dorgul is a fortress built by Sauron, why not immediately march towards it and destroy it?"

"We have already attacked once. Ladagast and I went to investigate and found that the owner there was Sauron. Then Mrs. Galadriel, Saruman, and Lord Elrond attacked the fortress together. We won, but The evil power of Dolgurdu is still deeply rooted in that land. Evil is everywhere, but we haven't been able to find the real goal." Gandalf was worried. "Our eyeliner is not enough, but Moria's attack is a wake-up call for us. We can no longer investigate in a low-key manner. Sauron will not leave us so much time. If you can help monitor the direction of Mordor, we will relax. Much."

"In short, there is a shortage of manpower." Zelin directly explained the reason for the current predicament. Gandalf often haunts the Shire. Elrond, the lord of Rivendell, watched the Misty Mountains. Lady Galadriel and Radagast jointly monitored Dolgurdu on the opposite bank of the Anduin, and watched for the dark land, Sa Ruman is stationed at the southernmost point of the Misty Mountains, where Isengard is on the border between Gondor and Rohan, but they have no remaining reliable and capable people to listen to Mordor's movements.

If Sauron's strength converges in Mordor, they know nothing.

Gandalf thought for a while and nodded. "You are right. If there are more than a dozen wizards on the mainland, then we can begin to unite the power of good people and prepare to fight evil before Sauron appears. But instead of lamenting the lack of manpower, it is better to act immediately. After you see Queen Marvin, remember to ask her about the expansion of the orcs in Mordor, whether they have united, and it is Sauron or the Ring Spirit that drove them. There is also news from the Orientals that Queen Marvin and The mercenaries in the east have some connections, and Harald is also ready to move. They used to be Sauron's servants, the orcs' ally, and they have been with Gondor."

"It sounds like a strong enemy is waiting, don't worry, I should be able to do this, and I just want to go to Gondor."

Zelin frowned. It might not be that difficult if it was just to inquire about the news. The Black Gate was under the control of the rangers, and Norn was the gathering place for humans. This would not delay too much time. He would be with Virginia. Go to Isengard together, and then go to Mordor with Queen Marvin who visited there.

"But how should I meet Queen Marvin? She may have left Isengard. I can't run to Norn and stand in front of the palace gate and tell the guard that I have something to ask your queen." Zelin spread his hands. "I guess in this case, half of the guards will think that I should be sent to jail, and the other half will call a doctor. I need something to prove that I am going to see Queen Marvin on behalf of the gray-robed wizard. The wizard doesn’t know me either, I can’t break into Isinger directly."

"Oh, that won't be a problem. A sign can let Queen Marvin know that you are from Lothlorien, she will welcome such guests, and her land is at stake, otherwise she would not normally leave Norn."

The logo Gandalf said was a gray-green cloak worn by the Lothlorien elves, with a special pin on the collar. Next, Gandalf will go to Rivendell, and Zelin will go to Isengard to see if Ms. Marvin is still there, and visit the local wizard Saruman by the way. After he collects Mordor's news, he will go to the Shire, meet Gandalf and visit Bilbo, and finally return to the Lonely Mountain. This journey will not be too short, but considering the different time between the two worlds, the demon hunter is not worried about waiting for him to return to his own world, only to find that he has missed important things, and once it happens What, Francesca can contact him at any time.

When leaving Lothlorien, the demon hunter saw another person who was about to leave.

"This is our biscuits, Rambas, or road bread. Lord Lord and Lady Galadriel know that you are meeting Gandalf and are about to embark on a more distant journey, so they ordered me to give you this thing."

Altariel handed Zelin an emerald green leaf wound with silver-gray string. Zelin took it, and the touch on his palm indicated that there seemed to be chunks of hard biscuit inside.


"Yes, this will satisfy your hunger better than any food you humans make. Few humans are lucky enough to taste this kind of food." Altariel seems to carry this kind of food on her body, and she wears a cloak. , Two short knives stuck in the waist.

"Are you going to travel far?" Zelin asked curiously.

"Go to Mordor." Altariel said. "The shadows are gathering in Mordor. Mrs. Galadriel ordered me to go there and hunt the evil. It is reported that at least three ring spirits have appeared in Mordor, and the lady believes that the orcs who attacked Mordor There may be shadows of ring spirits behind me. I want to defeat them before they continue to do evil."

"Can you kill the ring spirit?"

"No." Altariel shook her head, but she raised her hand and clenched her fist firmly. "They can only be expelled, they cannot be killed. Their souls are in Sauron's hands. Unless Sauron's soul is destroyed, no one can completely kill the ring spirits, but defeating them can exile them. In this way, It takes decades for them to recover themselves."

"Can't kill it, can only delay time?"

"Yes, human." Altarel nodded. "In a war against evil, a draw is also a victory, because we have blocked the evil in their shadow."

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-one chapters are just the beginning

Perhaps compared to Zelin, Gandalf was better able to persuade these dwarves what to do and what not to do.

Compared with Zelin, Gandalf knew better how to deal with the dwarves here. Demon hunters know how to deal with the dwarves of Mahakam. They are a group of pragmatists. Zelin only needs to put the advantages and disadvantages in front of him, and they can naturally distinguish between the advantages and the disadvantages, and then decide what to do. Although the dwarves of Mahakam are similar in height to the dwarves here, they are not exactly the same in their style of work.

After consulting with Gandalf, Zelin left the Lorraine Forest and returned to the gate of Moria. It was getting late, but Virginia hadn't slept yet, she had been waiting near the gate.

"Do they still disagree to leave?"

"Yes, they don't want to leave Moria."

Next to Jingying Lake, the demon hunter lighted a bonfire. He took down the wooden sticks that had been inserted by the bonfire. The wooden sticks were wearing a fish, which had turned black under the burning of the fire. Zelin handed one of them to Virginia. "They insist that this is the homeland of the dwarves, and some orcs will not scare them away. When the army of Gushan arrives, they will be able to sweep away the orcs inside."

Virginia took the grilled fish and took a small bite. "Do you think they can do it?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Zelin shrugged. "Bahrain thinks this is a simple attack. Just like in the past, the orcs are greedy and bloodthirsty. They will not miss any chance of looting and killing. Thorin may send hundreds of dwarf soldiers. If it is normal, These hundreds of soldiers can almost defeat the orcs inside."


"But it may not be that simple." Zelin took a bite of the fish, chewed slowly, and then spit out the thorn. "It’s been decades since I left this world, but this world doesn’t seem to have changed much better. I thought that the previous war killed the orc king, and swept away the orcs in the north. , The dwarves and the elves have long-lasting peace under the powerful alliance. But now it seems that I was wrong. The previous wars were just a prelude to the emergence of more powerful enemies."

After discussing the matter in Moria, both Zelin and Gandalf believed that Bahrain had better stop his decision to recolonize Moria and withdraw to Lonely Mountain with the others. Gandalf has been running on the mainland. There are signs that the chariot people among the Dongyi people in the area east of Tieqiuling are ready to move. The latter once fought with Gondor and was one of Sauron’s human allies. The ancient king Kehamuer once received the nine precepts of mankind and was one of the precepts.

Instead of using the power of Lonely Mountain to hide and seek with the orc tribe in the Misty Mountains, it is better to guard against enemies in the direction of the Iron Hills. With the elves of Lothlorien and Rivendell, it is not easy for the orcs in the Misty Mountains to kill them. Of course, as expected, Bahrain and the other dwarves were not interested in this proposal. It happened that Gandalf was here, so the matter of persuading Bahrain was left to the gray-robed wizard who knew better how to deal with dwarves. Zelin could spare more time to talk to Virginia about their next journey.

"You said that Sauron, didn't you?" Virginia swallowed the fish from her mouth, then wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. "It sounds like a powerful mage. It used to do a lot of evil and was eventually defeated. Now it is making a comeback? Well, I understand the worries of the old wizard. Although I am no longer in Winterhold Academy, if I know Anka In fact, Nuo is not dead, and also brought the ancestor Shenzhou's wizard mage back to do something to the academy, I will definitely go back to help immediately. Where are we going next?"

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