Suddenly, Zelin noticed that a white figure appeared in the woods.

"And we may disturb the master here."

"You come to my tower." The white figure walked out of the woods, holding a staff carved like ivory in his hand, as if using a staff, walking towards Zelin step by step. His voice was sometimes low and sometimes loud. For a moment, the demon hunter couldn't help but think of the voices of those scholars who taught the students, full of wisdom but not losing its majesty. "Osanke has many uninvited guests, good and bad, with special purposes, but Gandalf sent a message. Unless Shire’s tobacco leaves his head not working well, the one standing in front of me should The humans who defeated Smaug in Long Lake Town?"

Deep eyes stared at Zelin who broke into this place, as if to see him thoroughly. The demon hunter carefully looked at the wizard in front of him.

There is no doubt that although the other party did not say his name, Zelin can be sure that this is the Saruman mentioned by Gandalf before.

White robe Saruman.

Just like what he called it, a bright white robe was spotless, like a light walking on the earth under the gloomy night. His beard and hair are as white as his robe, and only a few beards appear black and gray, which is particularly incongruous in the bright white of the whole body.

"Yes, it's me. Then, you are the White Robe Saruman?"

"Unless there is a second wizard named Saruman on this continent who is still wearing a white robe." The wizard walked to the front of the demon hunter. "Gandalf told me you came here, but he didn't tell me why. I think he might feel that you would tell me personally, or his friend Radagast forgot to tie a piece of letter paper to his crow friend. ."

"I think he hasn't forgotten, because I came here because I heard that Queen Marvin of Norn is visiting you here. The shadows are expanding, not just Mordor, near Dol Guldur and the Lonely Mountain to the north, and near Misty mountains within easy reach. Gandalf would like to know your opinion and the recent situation of Mordor."

"The situation? I thought Gandalf could already understand everything that happened in the world, and he still came to me to ask about his views, can he not solve the problem by himself." Saruman said coldly, and after two seconds, like a rock The stiff face suddenly relaxed again, like the melting ice in spring. "Oh, I have known Gandalf for a long time. He has been running around on the mainland, helping all kinds of people. He will always be the first to spot any threat from the dark. Since he has sent you here, he must be there. Reason."

"Yes, just a few days ago, Moria's dwarves were attacked by orcs. Gandalf believed that there was a ring spirit pushing behind them." Zelin directly told the news he knew. In Saruman's eyes, Zelin not only saw wisdom, but he also saw anxiety. The white-robed wizard seems to be worried about what happened. Perhaps like Gandalf, he has also seen the dangers that have recently emerged in various places.

"Dwarves? The dwarves are too greedy and dug too deep underground to cause disaster. They were attacked? Was it because they dug up something underground?"

"No, the orcs began to gather in the Misty Mountains and march directly on Moria. The dwarves have just begun to reorganize Moria, and they have not had time to start the excavation."

"That is, they didn't find anything worthy of attracting the orcs. Are the orcs actively attacking?"



Saruman nodded, then turned and walked towards Asanker Tower.

"His friend is my friend. Come with me and tell me what else Gandalf found? Queen Marvin is indeed here. You are here very quickly, because tomorrow, Queen Marvin and her entourage will have to Leaving here to return to Norn. What did Gandalf find? Letters? Rings? A few years ago, he had been trying to enter Gondor's library. I know about it, but he should show more to the Regent Dinether His humility, maybe this way he can get the qualifications to enter the library to look up materials."

"I heard that the regent has been in grief for too long."

"But he is also the regent. If Gandalf doesn't know how to give enough respect to others, he will hit the wall in more places." Saruman used his wand as a walking stick and quickly walked towards the dark tower. "So, what did Gandalf find recently? The ring?"

"Why the ring?"

"It can also be tobacco. Maybe Gandalf would be willing to turn all his hair into tobacco, or a specialty from the Shire." Saruman strode up the stairs, but his seemingly old body was not old at all. "My guest wants to visit another of my guests. Only he can think of this kind of thing."

"Gandalf has been thinking of ways to deal with Mordor."

"The power of Mordor is gathering, the Doomsday volcano erupts again, and the eyes of the Black Evil Tower are watching the entire middle-earth. Orcs, evil wolves and evil humans are gathering under the banner of the Dark Lord. Sauron's power is recovering, His strength has not been fully recovered, but it is no longer to be underestimated." Saruman walked up the stairs, Zelin followed behind him, listening to the former's words. Unlike Gandalf, Saruman's footsteps are always so fast, as if he is in a hurry to do something all the time. "His soul has a powerful magical power. The Nine Rings are ready to go. Queen Marvin came to me for help. I can only find a way to ensure that her people will not fall into Mordor's claws before everything starts. In."

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seventh chapter Isinger's guest

Saruman may not be considered a hospitable host, but Zelin doesn't think he should be unhappy about it, because Saruman does seem to be busy.

Very busy.

Saruman didn't make any comments on the intelligence brought by the Demon Hunter, and he shut himself up in the top of Asankerta. Originally Zelin thought that Virginia might ask Saruman for some questions, or her understanding of magical power. But Virginia did not do this. According to her, Saruman gave her a very bad feeling. Rather, it was his voice that sounded so wonderful in Virginia's ears, as if when she encountered an intractable answer in her studies, a scholar happened to solve her puzzles. This is very abnormal, she has never encountered such a situation, so in the Asanker Tower, Virginia just walked around within the allowed range, recorded the structure and internal structure of the tower, and drew it on the drawing. .

The demon hunter met Queen Marvin of Norn in the Asanker Tower.

"Gandalf asked you to come? Oh, Gandalf the gray-robed wizard, I've heard of his rumors. It would be my honor to meet him."

Queen Marvin is a woman in her forties, and years have left heavy nicks on her face. The gray eyes were dim and muddy, the gray hair was braided at the bottom and hung over her shoulders. The golden ring on her forehead seemed to belong to her crown, but Marvin's aging body seemed to be unable to support the crown. Weight. Before leaving, Gandalf told Zelin that in the rumors he heard, Queen Marvin was an energetic and enterprising tribal queen. The humans of Norn had a tradition of pirates in the past, although most of them are now in Norn. It is cultivated on the fertile land on the inner coast, but Marvin has always wanted to restore the tribe’s tradition of pirates. She once led her commando team to the southernmost Harad area, and personally walked onto the battlefield.

But now, the demon hunter saw only an old woman.

Two dark-skinned guards stood guard beside the queen. They stood upright, looking straight ahead, without saying a word.

"Gandalf wants to know about Mordor." Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly. "How bad is it?"

"Very bad." Marvin said slowly, her head hanging down, her eyes widening as if she couldn't see anything. "Mordor, the orcs used to be scattered sand, sometimes attacked and sometimes harassed, but my soldiers can deal with them, and they have never broken into the forest of Norn. Coast towns and boat castles are also in our hands."

She breathed heavily, saying these words as if she had exhausted her strength.

"But more than ten years ago, the Doomsday volcano erupted again, and there were more and more orcs, like ghouls crawling out of the ground, countless enemies. Our villages and towns far away from the coast have fallen, and the orcs have captured my people. As slaves, we don’t know how long we can last in the villages of the Norn Inner Sea... I have to ask for help. Dinese of Gondor refused to accept us, so I came to Isengard, hoping that the white-robed wizard would tell me that What to do." Marvin lifted her head vigorously, her fingers like dead tree bark, covered with black spots. "Gandalf, will he come to Mordor to help?"

"No, Moria was attacked, and the dwarven gathering place in the Misty Mountains was destroyed. He is going to Rivendell." Zelin glanced at the two guards standing next to the Queen from the corner of his eye. They had no face. The expression, even when the queen mentioned that their place of residence was gradually being eaten by orcs and people were captured as slaves, there was no emotional fluctuation in their eyes. "Is the ring spirit attacking Norn?"

"Jie Ling? If it were Jie Ling, we might have been destroyed." Marvin shook her head slightly, she closed her eyes and sighed again.

Queen Marvin told Zelin about what happened in Mordor recently. The orcs are gathering, and the tribal flags of the orcs have been re-established in the ruins of many abandoned castles and towns in the past. Norn's strength is not so strong, their number is not large, and there are fewer fighters who can swing their swords. In the past, they could take advantage of the contradictions between the orc tribes. The orcs themselves were a group of murderous creatures, and they were suspicious. The number of times they attacked the Norn humans was not as frequent as the number of attacks and mergers between the tribes. But now, they are gradually gathering together, which makes Norn's humans tired of parrying. They are losing more gathering places and are surrounded on the coast of the Norn inner sea.

"We have no retreat. Behind us is the Norn Sea, and to the south of the sea is the Shadow Mountains." Marvin panted slowly. She held her forehead like a sickly old man, tired and listless. Zelin could hardly imagine how Marvin dragged such a body away from Mordor and came to Isengard. "My warriors and I can reach Minas Ihir and then to Isengard, but my people, there are too many orcs, and we can’t even choose to abandon our homeland. If there are not enough warriors, we will Was wiped out on the way to transfer. Sorry, I'm too tired, please allow me to rest."

"Of course, queen, of course."

Zelin watched as a guard assisted Marvin to get up from the wooden chair and walked back to her room in the Asanker Tower. After Queen Marvin disappeared from the stairs of the tower, the demon hunter looked at the other guard.

"You escorted Queen Marvin all the way here, right?"

"Yes." The guard said coldly.

"The Queen's body is so bad, it must be very difficult to get here," Zelin said casually. "Are you killed from Mordor?"

"No, there are not so many orcs in Mordor. We walked out along the road. The queen was in good health when she left Norn. She became ill on the road. The white-robed wizard Saruman provided treatment for the queen. Otherwise we won’t be able to make the return journey tomorrow."

The demon hunter frowned slightly. The guard must have heard what the queen was saying, but his words now seemed to prove that the queen was only deliberately exaggerating in order to get help. There are also diseases. What kind of disease will make a tribal leader who can personally kill the enemy and plunder become like this?

"You are leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes. Ms. Lisa Riel guards Norn when the Queen is away. She is the Queen's adopted daughter, but the Queen thinks that she is sometimes too impulsive, so she can't worry about staying outside for too long. Tomorrow we will go along the west. Vold went to Gondor." The guard said blankly.

Zelin glanced at the direction of Queen Marvin's disappearance. He frowned. For some reason, his instinct told him that something went wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Some things are not quite right.

Chapter 1678 Farewell


The tower is tens of meters high, standing at the top, you can overlook the entire Issinger Valley and the Fargon Forest in the distance. The snow-capped misty mountains lay across the horizon in the distance, disappearing to the south in the thick fog that spreads between the foothills in the early morning.

The internal space of the Asanker Tower is very large. There are wide rooms on each floor of the tower, which are connected by spiral staircases. At the top of the tower, you must climb more than fifteen floors to reach the highest point. Room. Saruman often sits in the studio at the top, conducting his research and planning. Gandalf said that thanks to Saruman’s research on the Dark Lord, they realized that Dolgu, the southernmost point of the Dark Forest, was the fortress of Sauron, and that Gandalf would break into Dolgu’s capital and find Sauron. Lin Oakshield's father.

"I thought about it all night last night. Before leaving, did Gandalf tell you where he is going?"

Saruman was standing in front of a snow-white carved dwarf stone pillar. On the sloping wooden board at the top of the pillar, a heavy book was placed. Saruman turned his back to Zelin, pinched the pages of the book with his fingers, and looked at them one by one.

"Rivendell, I'm going to warn Lord Elrond there about the recent movement of the orcs in the Misty Mountains." Zelin calmly looked at Saruman's studio, which seemed to be the same as the wizard in the impression of the demon hunter. The study is not much different. There are old scrolls stacked in books and high earthen jars. It is quiet here, only the sound of Saruman turning the pages of the book. In the center of the studio, the top of a stone platform was covered by a black cloth. Through the outline, Zelin saw that what was covered seemed to be a ball. "Then he was going to the north, saying that after I heard about Mordor, he would go to the Gushan area to meet him."

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