Chapter 1723: The Wizard of White City

Idri didn't know how many orcs she knocked down.

It has been half a month since the orc army appeared out of thin air. They were besieged in the city, and the trees all over the mountains were still replaced by black and crushed orcs. As the captain guarding the city gate, she must ensure that when the orcs launch an attack, she will appear where she is most needed.

"Captain." A soldier with a bandage on his forehead trot over. "The orcs are retreating, we have repelled them!"

"No, they will come back." Idri sighed softly. She knew this was not the end, but she was relieved to hear the news of the orcs retreating. Wiping the drops of sweat from her forehead, she said to the soldiers who came to report: "Tell Barano as soon as possible that we are going to send the wounded to the inner city. Also, go and tell... General Castamo, our manpower. Insufficient, the eastern section of the city wall needs manpower, and we need a team of soldiers to stand guard at night. The people on the city wall have fought for a whole day. We all need rest and food."

Before Lingbing could respond, a low voice came from the other side.

"There are no more soldiers. We must persist as much as possible." A dark-skinned man walked over. He was carrying a sword. The enemy's blood was dripping down the sword. He gestured to the messenger. The latter saluted him and turned to leave. Idri knew him, Barano, one of the several guard captains in Minas Ihir. Unlike the others, he was born in the East, and his dark skin is one of the characteristics of his coming from the East.

Just like Sauron’s Eastern mercenaries, Barano’s fierceness on the battlefield is enough to scare the enemy, and his exquisite fighting skills help him take off the heads of many enemies. However, unlike other Easterners, he has already adopted actions. It proved that he was no different from the other Gondor in the face of the army against Sauron.

"Barano?" Idri lowered his shoulders: "What's the matter?"

"General Castamo sent all the soldiers guarding the inner city." Barano put his hands on the battlements and looked out of the city: "Some people say that we should abandon the outer city."



Idri knew why anyone suggested that way. Compared with the number of defenders today, the walls of Minas Ihir are too long, and they have too many places to guard. Although the orcs want to rush over the long bridge and open the array under the wall to start attacking the city, it takes a lot of effort. A big price, the corners are full of rotting and smelly orc corpses, but there are too many orcs, even if it is the price of ten orcs to kill a guard, the Gondor cannot afford it.

Compared with the wide outer city, the inner city built around the White Tower has an advantage. The towering and solid walls are enough to withstand the bombardment of orc siege equipment, and the smaller defensive area can ensure that the Gondor defenders can support each other, and Make it difficult to display the orcs' number advantage.

"But there are still many civilians in the city." Idri asked: "How can there be so many people in the inner city?"

"General Castamo began to arrange civilians to enter the inner city." Barano looked at the city wall worriedly. Most of the soldiers on it were wounded, and fewer and fewer people could hold their weapons. It stands to reason that this should be the strongest and most well-guarded city in Gondor. But just like the Black Gate Fortress, the number of soldiers guarding this place is declining every year, and the regent Dineser seems not interested in the defense of the Mordor border. People say that the regent has the blood of a Western royal family and can see what happened in distant places, but no one knows whether he has seen the war here.

"We can still hold it. The orcs have failed so many times, their leader is about to sit still, and today they even sent slaves to push the siege hammer to attack the city gate." Idri held his forehead, his blond hair in the sun. But it looks bleak. "Now, if they want to enter the city gate, they must first find a way to remove the wreckage of the siege hammer in front of the gate. When their leader launches an attack, as long as they kill it, the orcs outside the city will collapse."

"Half a month." Barano said: "General Castamo is preparing for the city to be broken."

"Oh, my God." Idri sighed, and she irritably scratched the ends of her hair hanging on both sides of her cheeks. "We have a wizard to help. You see, the orc is vulnerable to her witchcraft. With her, we will not fail."

Barano sighed, and he looked at Idri: "In any case, I will fight to the end with you."

"Of course, Barano, we will fight together to the end." Idri nodded, her gaze crossed Barano's shoulder and saw another person walking by. "Oh, the wizard is here."

Barano also turned his head and saw the wizard approaching. He nodded in greeting. Every soldier respected her, especially after her witchcraft successfully defeated the orcs and helped so many wounded. The wizard from White City, Minas Ihir's wall may have been breached by the orcs.

The wizard nodded likewise, her face was full of fatigue, but there was no movement in her eyes. She may be beautiful, Idri thinks so, but who can stay well-dressed in such a war.

"Does the general have a new plan?" the wizard asked, "has the messenger got news?"

"Not yet." Idri shook his head. "It stands to reason that the messenger should be back soon. Maybe Baicheng is gathering an army. It will take some time. When the messenger comes back, he may bring a large army."

"The general intends to retreat the civilians to the inner city first." Barano added, and he outlined the suggestions of Castamo and the other captains. "In this way, if the city wall cannot withstand the pressure, we can also retreat and go to the inner city to preserve our strength and wait for reinforcements."

"Well, I see." The wizard nodded, without commenting on Castamo's plan. At the beginning, Barano was also worried that if a wizard appeared in the city, her thoughts would conflict with General Castamo’s orders. The soldiers respect the general, but they also respect the wizard. Once conflicts arise between them, it will have a great impact on the soldiers. But later, Barano found out that he was completely wrong.

"When the messenger returns, remember to tell me."

"No problem." Idri said, "Wizard, maybe you should go to rest. You have been on the wall for a day and a night."

"I'm fine." The wizard wiped the corners of his mouth. "After the orcs retreat back to their camp, I will go to rest."

Suddenly, the shout of a soldier caught everyone's attention.

"Look over there!"

Idri and Barano looked out to the valley together. I saw wisps of thick smoke drifting slowly into the sky. The orcs in the distance kept running, and the cavalry riding wild beasts shuttled back and forth between the orcs, yelling and giving orders.

"They are going to attack?!" Barano clenched his fists and smashed the battlements: "Damn! These **** want to be beaten a little bit more painful, then let's let them taste it! Idril, I'll summon me Soldiers, you are careful here..."

"No, it's not an offense." Aside, the wizard said calmly. "Barano, Idril, look at them, the teams that the orcs and wolf cavalry ran by, they are all retreating."

Idrir supported the city wall with both hands, poking out his head and looking into the distance. She squinted her eyes and looked at the enemy army. After a few seconds, there was a hint of joy on her face: "Yes, the orcs are retreating!"

"The smoke came from the valley behind." The wizard continued, "I've seen the scout's investigation report before. If I remember correctly, which direction is the orc camp?"

"You mean, our reinforcements are here?" Barano raised his eyebrows: "Great, it should be our reinforcements are attacking the orc camp! It must be the army of Gondor! I'll tell Casta about this. General Mo!"

"Perhaps we should attack?" Idri said: "If we can flick back and forth, we can destroy this tribe of orcs in the valley!"

"The soldiers are exhausted, Idri." The wizard rarely disagreed with a captain's opinion, but her next words caused Idri to swallow the retort: ​​"Send a few soldiers and go with me, if it is true. The thing is that our army is attacking the camp, and my spells can completely destroy them."

"No problem." Idri drew his sword: "I'll summon people, I'll go with you, wizard."

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-four chapters

Flames and thick smoke swept every corner of the orc camp.

The orcs who had been smoked out of the camp were hit by a sword blade before they had time to see exactly what attacked them and fell back onto the burning tent. The orcs were like headless flies, smashing in the smoke and fire. They did not know what launched the attack. When the army surrounded Minas Ihir for so long, no one thought that they would be located in the rear camp. There was a surprise attack without any warning.

Zelin stretched out his hands, and the stream of flame formed by Igni's Famark gushed out and swept across the lower level of the watchtower. The flames entangled under the wooden tower like tarsus maggots, greedily devouring every dry wooden stake. As the flames spread, the under-supported watchtower creaked and fell heavily to the ground, sparks and sawdust scattered all over.

There were more than 20 orc corpses lying on the ground, mostly overseers and orcs. Many orc slaves left their work at the moment when Talion and Zelin were killed, and fled like a headless fly. Zelin didn't care about them. Under the whip of the overseer, these slaves were timid and cowardly, and would not pose a threat to anyone at all.

"Has it been resolved here?"

Talion's voice came into his ears, Zelin turned his head, and the ranger was walking out of the billowing smoke holding a torch.

"Perhaps, did you find their granary?" Zelin snapped his fingers at the tent on the other side, and the flames immediately appeared from the corner of the camp. "We must burn their grain and food."

"Yes, I found it." Talion threw the torch towards another tent. Soon, the dry canvas and the dried meat piled in it burned together. "And their drinking water..."

"I burned part of it." Zelin bent down, picked up a bucket of orc drink, stepped forward, and threw it at the burning barn. The next moment, a violent explosion echoed in the fireworks-filled camp, and the flames under the flowing liquor, like the outstretched tentacles of monsters, would inevitably end up being engulfed by flames wherever they were touched. "Use the remaining part to ignite all other places. We have to hurry up, before the orcs come back."

Not far away, in a cave, countless wooden crates and canvas bags were shattered and twisted under the burning fire, and thick pungent smoke emerged from the entrance of the cave and rose into the sky, like a towering tower in the bright sunlight. The black tower corresponds to the white tower in Minas Ihir.

There are many orc armies, and they are well prepared. Demon hunters find a lot of food, meat, and spirits in their camps, or bad wine. Zelin really doesn’t know what kind of drinks will cause such a serious explosion. , But this provides a lot of convenience for the demon hunter-he can more easily destroy the food and supplies hoarded by the orcs. The demon hunter does not have an army in his hands, and he does not think that he can defeat the tribe of thousands of orcs alone, but if he loses food supplies and cannot get enough supplements in time, the army will collapse in a few days.

A thousand orcs and their wild beast mounts, the food consumption in a day is not a small amount. Zelin thinks this method is more effective than directly breaking into the city and helping the defenders kill the enemy.

"Well, I think that should be it." Zelin slapped the ashes that fell on his body. "Let's retreat to the hillside behind."

"Don't enter Minas Ihir?" Talion raised his eyebrows slightly: "The guards in the city need help. If the orcs desperately attack the wall, they may not be able to stop it."

"Listen, Talion." Zelin spread his hand and pointed at the burning cave. "It stands to reason that before the fall of the Black Gate, there was only an underground tunnel from the Shadow Mountains to Minas Ihir, but that tunnel could not carry so many supplies in such a short period of time. The orcs must have found one that can be used. The passage over the mountains, if this passage really exists, then the orcs will see that the supplies are destroyed, they will not launch an attack on the city, but send a messenger back to Mordor, requesting more supplies from the rear. If so. , All we have done is just to delay the city for a few days, and there is no way to get out of the siege."

It is easy to enter the city. Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the sneak attack behind the orcs, he and Talion can find a way to cross the front line. But when the chaos subsides, it is not so easy to leave the city and enter the back of the orcs. Unless the battle line disappears, this usually means that the orcs are repelled, or the human walls are lost. But Zelin did not think that the defenders in Minas Ihir could do the former.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Tarion nodded: "But how do we know..."

The first thing that appeared was the howl of the wild beast. Three wolf cavalry mounted the wild beast. They crossed the burning fence and burst out of thick smoke. When the mount fell on the clearing and saw the ranger and the demon hunter standing here, the wolf The cavalry froze for a while, and then they urged their mounts and raised their spears to charge.

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