The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 171.

Thus, a banquet began in the castle of Sazekos, the host of the tripartite meeting, which was the Underworld.

This banquet, the main invitees were the cadre level of the fallen angels and above, the cadre level of the heavenly realm and above, all the demonic kings, and of course, because it was a demonic territory, there were also many demonic names on the invitation list.

For a time, the castle of Sazekos became bustling with activity.

The angels and fallen angels were not there, and only the demonic famous doors were currently present.

As a banquet, there were always a few topics, and the most recent hot topics were only two, one was the discussion of 'Absolute Evil' Aziz Dakaha, and the other was about the death of this generation's [Red Dragon Emperor] soldier, Kazushige.

"The death of this generation's [Akatsuki Emperor] is an expected event now."

"It was indeed an expected event, after all, the opponent was that Az-Dakha-sama, after all, back then, the Two Heavenly Dragons all died miserably under him, but the [Red Dragon Emperor] who inherited the power of the Two Heavenly Dragons is completely hopeless to fight the opponent ah."

"But what a pity."

"Pity about what?"

"Although the loss of one [Red Dragon Emperor] doesn't have much effect on us demons, I still feel sorry for this generation's [Red Dragon Emperor], from what Lucifer-sama said, he was fighting His Excellency Az Dakaha in his Tyrannosaurus form, it's only been a month since he last challenged His Excellency Az Dakaha, a month, a month from only being able to use it in a normal manner to To be able to practical hegemonic dragons, the arcana of the artifact, what level of genius is this."

"You are indeed also right to say that."

"And the previous generations of [Red Dragon Emperor] weren't so miserable."

"That's because when the previous generations of [Red Dragon Emperor] survived, His Excellency Aziz Dakaha didn't appear in the human world, everyone didn't know about him and couldn't reach him at all, even if the previous generations of [Red Dragon Emperor] wanted to challenge each other, they didn't have a challenge ah."

"This generation's [Red Dragon Emperor] is really unlucky."

"It reminds me of a human saying: if you don't do it, you won't die. What if he doesn't go and challenge His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, nothing will happen."

"It can't be helped, the first generation [Red Dragon Emperor] was killed by His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, the grudge of death has always been in [Red Dragon Emperor's Caged Hand], it's impossible not to take revenge, we pity this generation [Red Dragon Emperor], why don't we think about how the next generation [Red Dragon Emperor] will die."

"That's right, that's right, how will the next generation [Red Dragon Emperor] die, I'm also curious, as expected it would be better to challenge His Excellency Aziz Dakaha and then die."

"The proceeds make sense."

The demons quickly established the same point of view, and just a short distance behind them, Az Dakaha was dressed as usual, with Orpheus sitting on his shoulder kicking his little feet and pointing his finger at the dessert on the side table, gesturing for Az Dakaha to help her with it, and Az Dakaha was silently helping her with it inside her plate and handing it to him together.

Standing beside them, the few Demon Kings who had been listening also had a bitter smile on their faces.

"The [Red Dragon Emperor] is really pitiful."

"It's not just [Red Dragon Emperor], there's also [White Dragon Emperor], but this generation's [White Dragon Emperor] has already lost an arm ah, if it wasn't for someone saving the scene, it probably wouldn't be different from this generation's [Red Dragon Emperor], it would have died under the fist of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha."

"I'll leave you guys alone for now, Seraphim, please take care of His Excellency Az Dakaha and His Highness Orpheus, I'll go out first to greet the guests, I have a feeling some guests are coming."

"Oh, go on, leave this place to Livia Charcoal!"

However, before Sazekos could move, the door was pushed open, and in walked the cadre of the heavenly realm, the four angels, who of course were accompanied by many more angels who couldn't possibly attend the banquet alone as cadres.

"Yo! Sazekos, here we are."

The lead Michael raised his hand in greeting to Sazekos as if he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Oh, Michael, you've finally come, I've been waiting for you for a long time, so that leaves only Asahel and his party, I guess."

Sazekos also smiled back at the others.

"Ah, that's right, but don't worry, they're right behind us, I just saw Assashel when I came to the underworld, they seem to have something to do, I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"Oh yeah, then it looks like the banquet will start soon."

"Ahahahaha~ It doesn't have to be soon, we can start now, we're already here."

A cheerful laughter came from the doorway, it was Assashel's voice.

"It really says Assashel, Assashel will be here soon."

"Hahaha, I just happened to run into an old friend, so I simply brought my old friend with me, Sazex, do you mind."

"If it's an old friend of Assashel's, then of course I don't mind."

"That's really nice na!"

Along with the voices, appearing in the doorway were Assashel and an old man with white hair and polite robes.

"Isn't this Lord Odin, it's surprising that he has the time to come to our underworld."

"Hahaha, no surprise no surprise, this old bone of mine has nothing to do at home every day, so I came out for a stroll, I just happened to meet Assashel, I simply followed him and wanted to rub up against this banquet, you don't mind, Sazekos."

The old man smiled cheerfully.

"Don't mind, didn't I just say, don't mind, rather I'm glad you came."

Sazekos smiled as well.

"Well~ Of course, coming to rub up against the banquet isn't the main thing, the main thing is that I wanted to come and meet the legendary one, that [Demon Dragon of Destruction] Aziz Dakaha."

The white-haired old man, Odin, the main god of the Norse gods group, grinned.

"From what Asahel said, that one, however, still has the name 'Absolute Evil', but I'd love to meet him."

Well, some book readers in the comment section said they wanted to see me write about Master Dragon going to fantasy land .... Well ~ after all, he was the only one who said it, I can't just decide, so what world do you want to see can tell me in the comment section, I will refer to then the next world to start writing, and there is the extra, a punch of extra will still continue to write, that's it ....

Chapter 55, Norse Gods [6000 words]

Odin, Father of the Gods Odin, the supreme god of Norse mythology, god-king of the Asa clan, personification of the sky, ruler of the world, known as the father of the gods, is in charge of war, power, wisdom, magic, and death.

In the Court of Boxes, even the Norse gods of the Max Payne group, whose main god Odin is equally a two-digit being as the Buddhist Siddhartha, the White Nightmare of the Star Spirits.

Because he gave his left eye to the Fountain of Mimir, he became one-eyed, but he has acquired a great deal of magical knowledge, and his weapon is Gungnir, the Spear of Eternity, and his mount is Srepnir, an eight-legged horse.

The Norse gods were known as the Twilight of the Gods, so to prepare for the Twilight of the Gods, he had the Valkyrie collect the souls of the dead in preparation for the final battle, the "Twilight of the Gods".

In the prophecy about the Twilight of the Gods, he was to be killed by Fenrir, the wolf-killing wolf and eldest son of Loki, the god of evil.

In the Box Court, the Twilight of the Gods did occur, but it was prevented, and in order to stop the prophesied Twilight of the Gods, the Gods chose to take the initiative and fight against Fenrir, who, unlike the Fenrir of the outside world, is the same as Az-Dakha, the Fenrir who played the most crucial role in the prophecy of the Twilight of the Gods, and the Final Trials of Mankind, the same as Az-Dakha of Zoroastrianism, Orochi of Shintoism, and the Bull of Heaven of Sumer.

Fenrir, as the final trial of mankind, had immense power, and as the oldest demon king, he could fight the gods group head-on, but for the other him, the heavenly army led by the Buddha chose to descend into the sky as a man, although powerful, but not as powerful as Az Dakaha, Fenrir was eventually crushed by the heavenly army led by the Emperor, and became the corner of the terminated trial.

But the Odin of this world, while sharing nearly the same heritage as the Odin of the Box Court, seems to have a completely different personality.

Compared to the legendary wise Odin, the Odin in front of him, while having the same reiatsu, does not have the same wise feeling, but instead seems more frivolous, as well as four digits.

This was what Az Dakaha said about this Odin.

"Wow, is this the legendary one [Destroyed Magic Dragon], what a remarkable physique."

Opposite Az Dakaha, the one-eyed Odin was smilingly surveying Az Dakaha and speaking with a familiarity.

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