The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 185.

In this world, the Tooth of the Godslayer also had the power to restrain the gods, and not only that, it also had the power to ignore any defenses, which was why Fennel's ranking was so high.

So, since this belongs to a powerful boon, even the boon of the Godhead, and it's not a Zoroastrian owned thing, with no human cosmology involved, this is something that Az-Dakha can replicate to counteract.

Imagine if Az-Dakha had copied and pasted this boon and then possessed this power in himself, not that he had to have teeth to possess this power, his own claws, fists, and teeth all possessed this power to ignore defenses and be able to inflict serious injury to the gods to the point of death, that would have been a very good thing.

If it was the original Az-Dakaha would never have thought of this, but continuously because of bearing the lightning released by the Black Rabbit's [Mock Divine Grid - Vajra Pestle] that he had received from the Emperor, he hadn't been able to counterattack, and had only been injured, Az-Dakaha thought of using lightning to fight the lightning when he returned to the Box Court for the second time, so Az-Dakaha received the [Mock Divine Grid - Star Bull Thunder] that was blessed by the Sun Sovereignty of Taurus, a powerful boon that symbolized the original form of the Thunder of the Supreme God among the gods, the boon of the most powerful attack in the twelve signs of the zodiac, as well as the Sun Sovereignty of Taurus.

It was the first time Az-Dakha wanted a boon outside of himself.

In the past, although battles with the gods and goddesses had been fought with their own simulated star creation charts [Avesta] that copied the other side's cosmology and then offset it with the other side's bounties, they had never wanted to obtain them.

Because Az-Dakha believed in his own power, he used his own power to defeat the crusaders again and again, never failing, and although he was sealed a few times, he also made the other side pay a terrible price, and he has not died yet.

On the first successful crusade, Az-Dakha died a contented death at the hands of Sixteen Nights, but the second time, it was a different story.

Sixteen Nights did not grow excellently, and Az-Dakaha encountered the Star Beast first, as a being who absorbed the complete 'evil' of a world and possessed the spirit grid of 'evil', while also being the 'absolute evil', Az-Dakaha wished to be crushed by the brave human beings, just like Sixteen Nights, she did not want to always face the servants of the gods, such as the clan of moon rabbits, the dependents of the Emperor, and the desire to achieve the great heroism of mankind drove Az-Dakaha to start thinking of ways to resist the power from the gods, most importantly the Emperor, who originated from the same Zoroastrian religion as Az-Dakaha, and his thunder!

So Az Dakaha chose to get [Simulated Divine Grid - Star Bull Thunder] to thunder at each other.

And this time, in this world, Az-Dakaha had obtained the tooth of the Godslayer.

It was even easier to face the gods, even the Zoroastrian gods.

By copying this grace of the tooth of godslayer directly, Az-Dakha's teeth, clawed fists immediately possessed the same power as the tooth of godslayer.

This was deadly to the gods, but the difference was not much to humans, as no human could currently take the attack of Az-Dakha's claws, fists head-on.

Even the right hand of Sixteen Nights had been crushed by Az-Dakha, using the same fist. So facing humans, it made no difference whether or not they had the power of a godslayer, but once they faced a group of gods, it was a very useful thing to have. Having a claw that can ignore the defensive regicide power added to it can easily hand tear the gods.

After enabling [Avesta] replication, Az-Dakha tried a few times, just like when he learned the Sixth Universe Speed Transformation into Star Body, it wasn't that he would use it forever after replicating it, he had to remember that feeling by himself and then recreate it perfectly, that was the real success, after a few battles, Az-Dakha had thoroughly learned the Star Body Transformation as well as the Sixth Universe Speed fighting style.

The natural need for the power of the Godslayer was the same.

In this uninhabited part of the underworld, Az-Dakha used his [Thousand Types of Magic] in a rare instance, this time not to detect, but to perform his own magic to build a boundary that could temporarily trap the gods, and it came in the specifications of a box court, which very few would be able to break if they were in this world.

After the boundary was erected, Az-Dakha recalled the feeling he had when he had just copied and pasted it, and then extended his own claws and stabbed at the boundary.

The boundary, strong enough to briefly stop the gods, was pierced without a hitch when Az-Dakha's claw touched the evil, and the boundary thus began to crumble and shatter, disappearing for a moment.

"It seems to have worked very well."

Az-Dakha was satisfied with the result, and succeeded in bringing the power of Godslayer to fruition on his own.


"That's congratulations, Your Excellency Aziz Punch aka, such power is a powerful help."

Behind him came applause as well as the voice of Sazekos.

This was of course, Az-Dakha was staying in the castle of the Demon King Leviathan Seraphim because of Orpheus, and as a super heavyweight, his travels were being watched constantly.

The moment Az Dakaha went out with Orpheus, Seraphim, who was in charge of the twenty-four hour attention, immediately informed Sazekos, and then followed Az Dakaha himself first to see where he was going.

Sazex had the guts to talk and laugh with Az Dakaha, but Seraphil didn't have that guts, she only had the guts to talk to Orpheus and talk about things regarding the idol, now Orpheus was a new star among the idols of the underworld under Seraphil's leadership, after all, she was a cute loli, and had a nice voice and could dance, don't you love it? You know this is the world's strongest loli!

So Seraphim stayed behind Az-Dakha, and Az-Dakha didn't mind having someone behind him, let alone his own landlord.

After arriving at a suitable location, Az-Dakha concentrated on starting to replicate the power of the Godslayer, and it was at that time that Sazekos came over.

"Sazekos, are you coming over as well, but yes, it's normal for you to come over as the head of the Demon King."

Az-Dakha naturally knew that Sazekos had come over to see what Az-Dakha was doing.

"If I'm not mistaken, Your Excellency Az-Dakaha, what you have in your hand should be the tooth of the Godslayer that Fenrir dropped in the first place."

Sazekos pointed at Az-Dakha's right hand.

"Indeed, this is the tooth of the Godslayer that I originally struck down."

Az-Dakha admitted generously.

"Then, the power that you have just exerted should be the power of the Godslayer's Tooth."

"That's right, that is the power of the Godslayer's Tooth, since you know the [Avesta] that I possess, you should naturally know that I can duplicate favors, this Godslayer's Tooth is equivalent to a favor that I have bestowed on myself, and now I also possess the power to ignore any defense and directly cause serious injury to death."

Az-Dakha said also throwing the tooth of the Godslayer at Sazekos.

Sazekos was confused when he caught those huge teeth.

"Your Excellency Az-Dakaha, what are you?"

"It is no longer of any use to me, it is gifted to thee, it is at thy convenience to use it however thou wilt."

Az-Dakha said and left, having experimented successfully he no longer needed the tooth of the godslayer, the tooth of the godslayer could be used as a weapon, but it wasn't as convenient as Az-Dakha's own possession of the power of the godslayer, it would be better to give it to Sazekos, that kind of thing was a very good thing for demons ah, a weapon made from the tooth of the godslayer was very powerful when facing a powerful being ah. This is the grace of the Godhead, not a God extinguishing tool, but there's no such thing as adaptability, Sazekos itself can use it, and it's even more intimidating in Sazekos' hands than if it were put in Fenrir's mouth, because the two are completely incomparable in terms of agility!

With a huge body, Fennel, who was suitable for frontal ramming attacks, was completely two different ways of attacking compared to Sazekos, who had an average body size but was flexible and adaptable.

In Sazerx's hands, the Godslayer's Tooth was like a mortal dagger, when others didn't notice it, they would suddenly attack, and the other party wouldn't know that it was the Godslayer's Tooth, it would easily cause a mortal blow, and it would be too late to defend, because the Godslayer's Tooth was oblivious to the defensive shield.

Sazekos who had obtained this powerful weapon was clearly pleased.

"It's a great gift."

"It is indeed a great gift."

Seraphim also understood the reasoning behind it.

"Go back and ask Achuka to start working on making these teeth into daggers, so each of us Demon Kings can take one, it's an overall improvement for us."

"What about the angels and fallen angels over there?"

"If you say so, I do recall, also make two to give to the angels and fallen angels, after all, they will be allies in the future, we should always have something to show, shouldn't we, the last time we repaired the city, they helped us with a lot of things ah."

Sazekos carefully put away the tooth of the godslayer, it was an existence that could change a person's strength or weakness, especially after the demon king level character, who already had a good strength, with the tooth of the godslayer as a weapon, he could be among the world's front row, because Fennel relied on this thing, but he didn't expect that his tooth would have the day to be broken several times by someone's punch, and it was also picked up to be made into a dagger, it was something that could change part of the world's pattern ah.

The demon's side was springing to life, but the other side, not so much.

Cao Cao failed once again to return to the Scourge's compound, and Cao Cao kicked the door right in.

From the time Orpheus left until now, the Scourge's group hadn't had a good day, of course, said Cao Cao, so long, has been frustrated, three times in a row to escape, is also no one, Cao Cao didn't know that now should be proud, can escape three times in the hands of Az-Dakha.

But after kicking in the door, Cao Cao saw someone he didn't know at all.

When he heard the kick on the door, the man turned around, a small wine glass spinning in his hand.

"Are you Cao Cao?"

By the way, for yesterday's chapter push, I'd rather recommend reading Sun and White Night's Fantasy Land, because the main character is that gentleman from White Nightmare, but I don't quite recommend reading my other one about Pureblood of the Dragon, because that one is a bit different from this Hegemony's style, and it's a transformational text, and I personally don't recommend reading it for those who like Hegemony, and that's it.

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