The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 201

"My purpose? My purpose is to summon a powerful ambassador who can accompany me, ah!"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's right."

"You do not have enough grandeur, and I am disappointed in that."


"But in return for Thou summoning me to this world, for a certain amount of time, I will, as Thou wished, become Thou's ambassador and accompany Thou, but after that time, I will leave Thou."

"Ah? How so!"

"Thou hast no right to refuse, for thou hast no grand wish commensurate with mine, and if thou hast a grand enough wish, I have no problem being thy ambassador forever."

"So, how long is that time?"

"Based on your performance."

"According to my performance..."

In the personal dormitory of the Torristine Magic Academy, Louise was lying on her bed in her pajamas, looking at the tent on top of the bed and recalling the conversation she had with Aziz Dakaha during the day.

"What grand wish, what other performance, why is it that I had a hard time summoning an enchanter but it's such a problem! Ahhh!!! Bother!"

Thinking for half a day without coming up with a reason Louise decided it was better to sleep first, turned over, put the blanket over her body, closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Aziz Dakaha although Louise summoned over to the demon, according to the rules should stay in the same house with Louise, the demon must be taken care of by the master, but in the face of Aziz Dakaha, Louise could not say, Louise felt that speaking such words would absolutely be sprayed, so did not say, and Aziz Dakaha could not stay there, sitting there watching a little girl sleep, impossible, do you think everyone is Orpheus, can boldly and safely nest in Aziz Dakaha's lap to sleep, and even use the flag of 'evil' as a sheet to cover it.

Now Orpheus was doing just that.

When we first went out, it was night in that world, which means that before traveling through the world, Orpheus was sleeping, then was brought to the dimensional gap by Az-Dakha before waking up, and has been tossing and turning since then to this world, so now that it's night, Orpheus immediately falls back to sleep to reverse the jet lag.

But then again, that world of demons is a big deal right now.

Because of Az-Dakahar, all the god systems are starting to research it, because what the Box Court is ultimately can't remain unknown to the God Flock.

So the God Flock, after asking for information, began to research Box Ting, and the way to do so was to purchase a book called "Are All the Problem Children from a Different World? The novel to read, because it is currently the only book in that world can study the Hakutei, a time, all the divine system are buying, making this book fire, the author Ryu no lakes Taro expressed great excitement, and then began to work even harder on the mouth of the beard, the setting all messed up also does not matter.

The world's major gods all knew about the existence of the Box Court, and began to think of ways to contact the Box Court, because you are well in this world as a king of the mountain, suddenly found that they are actually in the eyes of others can be crushed with one hand, and also the parallel world of their own, this is not fair, so the gods began to be like the original Lezevim, trying to reach the new Box Court, for a time, the world was chaotic, but those gods no matter how chaotic, the biblical gods side are particularly stable.

Because those god systems all thought that Az-Dakha still existed here, however as far as the demons knew, [Absolute Evil] Az-Dakha had already disappeared along with [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus.

Anyway, the situation there at the demons was like this for now, Az Dakaha's side, the first night in this new world.

Because in return for promising to be Louise's ambassador for a period of time, Az-Dakaha didn't wander around, but stayed at the Torristine Magic Academy, but instead of going into the dormitory, he stayed in the courtyard of the dormitory.

Returning to his human appearance, he sat on the floor and let Orpheus sleep on his lap as before, the banner of 'evil' still being used as a cover for her.

He was observing the world, although after coming to this world, Az-Dakha had found out that it didn't have any powerful spirits or natural born gods or Buddhas, but that was still not understanding the world, it was a big world, and even Az-Dakha couldn't just understand it all immediately, so he needed time to observe it.

Looking up at the sky, Az-Dakha saw not the white moon he knew, but two paired moons, one large and one small, one red and one blue, one Ram and one Lem.

"Two moons? and it's still red and blue in pairs, it doesn't fit with the human cosmology, but at the same time it's not the mythical cosmology, which means that the world's dominant deity system and human history are both completely out of line with the existing human history I know."

By looking at the astral divisions, one could basically know that the basic cosmology of a world belonged to that mythical concept, and so did Az-Dakha, but unfortunately, the astral divisions here were completely different from what he knew, even the moon even had two of them, which made Az-Dakha certain that he had come to a world that was very different from the major deity systems as well as the human cosmology.

This was a rare situation.

As we all know, the box court is established at the intersection of the multiverse, is the third cosmology, is constantly influencing the existence of the multiverse, the development of the outside world, more or less will receive the guidance of the box court, for example, the mythological cosmology, will influence the development of the outside mythology, and the outside mythology indirectly influences the development of human history as well as the development of the world, the human history of the box court is also the same, the human history of the box court will also influence the outside human history, thus influencing the whole world, this is the meaning of the existence of the box court.

But this world is so far removed from both the mythological and human cosmology that it shows little sign of being influenced by the Box Court, so that means.

"This world is the world that has not been linked by the Box Court!"

Az-Dakha immediately came to mind.

While the Box Court was said to influence the multiverse, there was a part of the world that the Box Court could not influence, and that part of the world was few and far between, but that part of the world was indeed the most surprising, as they were going in a completely different direction than what the gods in the Box Court had predicted, and it was for that reason that those worlds were often full of color, and their histories were full of differences from those that received the influence, giving them a sense of novelty, and many called them otherworldly.

Az-Dakha, who had thought that this world had no powerful existence that might not quite suit him, was still a little disappointed, but now it was not at all.

How interesting it was to have an alien world that had nothing to do with the Box Court in the slightest, everything was different from what one knew and needed to be explored and discovered on one's own.

Pleased with this, Az-Dakha began to wonder about the world.

Just when Az Dakaha was in a rare moment of joy, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"May I sit down here, please?"

Az-Dakha turned his head to see an old man with long white hair, standing behind himself with a huge staff pinned to his back, pointing to the clearing beside him, and the mentor with the glasses that he had been summoned to today.

Az-Dakha nodded silently.


The white-haired old man walked over to Az-Dakha's side and sat down.

Placing the long staff across his lap.

"Mr. Az-Dakha, is it alright if I address you as such?"

The old man inquired, his voice soft, supposedly taking into account the sleeping Orpheus in Az-Dakha's lap.

"No harm."

Az-Dakha responded, in a soft voice, again with Orpheus in mind.

At Az-Dakha's agreement, the old man began to continue speaking.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the head of this academy Valier, my name is Ousman, he is a teacher, Grubelu, I think you have met him."

Ousman, the headmaster of the Torristine Academy of Magic, was one of the number one magicians in this world, and could be considered a powerful representative.

Az-Dakha didn't reply, but simply nodded his head.

"I learned from Grubelu that you were summoned from the Otherworld by our academy as Valier-sama's enchanter, but you are too special compared to the other enchanter and the characteristics of the enchanter's mark are similar to one of the recorded legends, so I would like to come see your enchanter's mark, is that alright? "

"Is my Messenger's mark? It is better to call it a contract rather than an enslaving mark, I can touch this mark at any time, if it is an enslaving mark."

Az-Dakha said showing his left hand directly to Ousmane, a special series of words were manifesting on the back of Az-Dakha's left hand.

"Oh, thank you very much indeed."

After thanking first, Osman looked at the imprint on Az Dakaha's left hand.

But after seeing the imprint, he immediately stared at it.

"This can't believe it really is!"

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