The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 223

In the dim sewers, illuminated by the light, Aziz Dakaha looked at the man who was smiling kindly before him.

He was the so-called elder that the little girls were talking about.

After Orpheus had just been made to look confused by the little girls, Orpheus and Aziz Dakaha were brought into this dark sewer and then met this old man.

"It really surprises me, so there are adults who are also cursed... But you shouldn't be called a cursed child by them anymore... Never mind, I don't know what to say about it ...."

The old man looked at Orpheus with an even more regretful expression after looking at Az-Dakha.

"I heard from the children that you father and daughter came in from the outside, but I hadn't seen you two before and it's a shame to see you two."

"I've always said it's only children that turn out like this, but I didn't know there was such a thing, and you turned out like this without knowing it, or you wouldn't have been with her mother to have her born, but you really love her, I heard the children say that you seem to take her everywhere with you, and it's nice to want to protect her well. "

Matsuzaki let out a small sigh.

"Ugh, like I don't believe it, I've been taking care of these kids for some time now, but I've never been able to give them a good life, and I can't do anything to give them a good life, the world is so unfair to them, and other people are so unkind to them, there's nothing I can do about it, I can't help them much at all on my own. "

"You, on the other hand, don't ever go to the inner circle of Tokyo again, it's no place for you there ...."

PS: I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning. I'm too busy during the day and don't have time to write much at night, so... That's all for today. Sorry.

Chapter 3: Into Town.

The world, ten years ago, erupted in a horrific crisis with an outbreak of a virus known as the protozoan virus.

Insects and animals all over the world were transformed into horrific monsters called protozoa.

Protozoa are creatures born after being infected with a horrific virus that has the ability to rewrite biological DNA with high infectivity through blood, and suddenly broke out all over the world in ten years.

The infected creature mutates in a short period of time and mixes the DNA of the infected with the DNA of other animals to become a horrific and ferocious monster. The more DNA of different species is mixed, the stronger and tougher the proto-intestinal animals become, and the stronger they become, the tougher their skin becomes, and they are basically divided into I to IV classes.

On top of that, there are the super strong V grade proto-intestinal animals that are collectively called the Zodiac. There were eleven sightings of these monsters around the world, and they were on the verge of extinction during the Great War of the proto-intestines.

With a huge body far beyond the size of Stage IV, a hard outer skin that was completely ineffective with normal weapons, and molecular grade regenerative abilities.

They attacked en masse at human gatherings and eventually defeated the humans, losing 80% of the area to war. The humans were banished to narrow territories, scraping by with fear and desperation, and researched holmium metal to restrain proto-intestines, thus building tall holmium metal enclosures to protect themselves, variant of captivity.

For example, the city of Tokyo, where Aziz Dakaha is now located, is one of the human colonies or captivity sites.

These little girls with the same red eyes as Aziz Dakaha, on the other hand, are known as the Cursed Ones.

These children are born to mothers who ingest the protozoan virus during pregnancy, causing the virus to accumulate in the fetus, and thus have certain protozoan abilities, and the children thus cursed are hated and persecuted by most people. Originally, the sex of the fetus could not be chosen, but due to the effects of the protozoan virus, all known children with protozoan virus are girls. Since Protozoa began to appear after the Great Protozoa War, so now all cursed children are within 10 years of age.

Some of the cursed children will excel in their abilities, so they are captured and nurtured to be able to use their abilities to fight the protozoa. Their eyes turn red when they use their abilities, and when they free their abilities or are injected with bodily fluids the protozoan virus erosion rate will gradually increase, and when the protozoan virus erosion rate in their bodies exceeds 50% they will protozoanize, so they are injected with inhibitors every day.

The ordinary cursed sons who cannot draw out their abilities, due to being rejected most live in the peripheral area. For example, in the outer area of Tokyo today, this place called the 39th Ward.

After learning about this series from the old man named Matsuzaki.

Aziz Dakaha unexpectedly did not go to the city of Tokyo, but stayed in this 39th ward.

When it comes to the reason, it's quite simple, because there are a bunch of children here! Or a bunch of lollies!

Of course, it wasn't Aziz Dakaha who wanted to stay with the group of loli, but rather Orpheus beside Aziz Dakaha.

Once an idol in the underworld, Orpheus, who could sing and dance, was already on good terms with the other loli as Az-Dakaha asked Matsuzaki for information about the world.

They were even teaching them how to dance and sing and whatnot, and just like that a new idol group was forming.

If you're having fun with Orpheus, Aziz Dakaha doesn't want to disturb her nature, so he simply stays here and watches the situation around him.

It's really a completely isolated area, this 39th area, because the outer 40th area is outside of those huge monoliths, in other words, outside is all kinds of proto-intestinal animals, those "big spiders" and "white rabbits" that Orpheus was talking about.

But because of this, Aziz Dakaha knew for sure that this world was a world that was undergoing the ultimate trials of mankind.

Why do you say that.

Just like what the original Mother of Evil had said, humans would eventually destroy themselves, and the destruction of themselves by humans was one of the ultimate trials of humans, and this world was a world of science, where no special power existed, then the ultimate trial of humans in this world was humans themselves! This is how mankind will end up destroying itself!

Az-Dakha even lamented a bit that he, who had resolved to become an absolute evil by not wanting to see humanity destroy itself, was now watching a world of humanity destroy itself.

It was impossible for those proto-intestinal animals to appear out of nowhere, just as it was impossible for Az Dakaha to become the final test of mankind in the first place.

Az Dakaha had become the Final Trials of Humanity in the first place largely because of humanity's misuse of the Third Star Particle, the Third Perpetual Motion Pass, so Az Dakaha had been given a powerful Spiritual Grid, and then had taken over the banner of 'Evil' from the Mother of Evil and become the Final Trials of Humanity.

In this world, then, the appearance of proto-intestinal animals was definitely also a death-defying abuse of something by humans, or else they wouldn't have appeared as if out of nowhere ten years ago.

Perhaps the so-called protozoan virus was an existence that humans had abused, such as for random experiments or something.

Aziz Dakaha was sure that this was the reason why the world had become such a disaster.

And now the humans of this world were still carrying out the final trial of humanity that belonged to them, if they could cross this trial and wipe out all the proto-intestinal animals, then it could be said that they would be able to do the evolution of their species and develop in this world, but if they couldn't cross this trial, Az-Dakha could only regret that this world would be destroyed and the history of humanity would come to an end.

However, this was a trial that belonged to this world, and Az Dakaha had already given up his identity as the Absolute Evil, so he was no longer qualified to interfere, so he could just watch how the humans of this world would deal with this final trial.

However, this was the first time Az Dakaha was able to observe a group of humans facing another human final trial as a former human final trial, and only Az Dakaha could taste the taste of this.

The Orpheus and the cursed sons were laughing, while Az Dakaha was standing on the ruins and raising his eyes to look out over the prosperous city district across the river, there, was the people facing this trial head-on, through excellent vision, Az Dakaha could clearly see the smiles on the faces of most of the people across the street, there was no distress in the face of adversity, nor was there fear, but rather a smile that was at peace with the status quo.

Under these circumstances, could the humans of this world really make it across this trial?

But Az-Dakha was also just empty sorrow, as an existence that once fought against all of humanity, Az-Dakha faced humanity with an attitude of caring for humanity, but now it wouldn't be so, so it could only be described as empty sorrow.


As Az-Dakha pondered, Orpheus suddenly jumped from behind and then secured Az-Dakha's neck.

"Orpheus, is there something wrong?"

Aziz Dakaha inquired without turning around.

"They wanted me to finish dinner with them, so I came to call for my father to come with me!"

As a good daughter who loved her father, Orpheus knew that Aziz Dakaha would be there every time she ate by herself even though she didn't need to eat, so naturally she had to come and call for Aziz Dakaha to go to dinner with her instead of eating together.

Since Orpheus had said so, it was only natural that Az-Dakaha needed to accompany her there.

Carrying Orpheus on her back, Az-Dakaha walked all the way above the shadow of her own dragon and followed the group of loli to the restaurant where they were eating.

The same place as before where they spoke, still the same dim sewer, an off-dry like place with a huge table where all the loli were gathered around, Matsuzaki old man slowly distributed food to them, but it was pathetic how little food everyone was handed out, only the most basic to fill their hunger, not to mention nutrition.

Matsuzaki walked up to Aziz Dakaha and handed him two loaves of bread.

"This is the only kind of food that the children can hold up because of their peculiar constitution, I'm sure you two will be fine, I'm so sorry."

Orpheus took the bread, took one look at it and didn't want to look at it, and just threw it back.

"This stuff isn't good."

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