The Last Days

Chapter 112

"Nan Lixiang, are you really going inland? Are you crazy!" In an office at the airport, a middle-aged man in a black combat vest with the bed owner's police station was looking at him with dismay Standing in front of him was a beautiful woman with a dark complexion and plump buttocks who also wore a combat vest like him.

"Imagawa, I'm not crazy, I have my own reasons, I must go back inland!" Nanlixiang wrinkled and didn't look at Imagawa Naoki who was spitting at her, if it weren't for the part of staring at the system. On, she had long been squashed at the man who dared to spit at her.

"You still said you are not crazy? I think you are insane! Do you know what is going on in the interior of Japan?" Imagawa Naoki thought that Minami Rika still doesn't know what is happening in Japan.

"I know." Nan Lixiang wondered if I knew the news that even you knew?Although the team that came this time was led by Naoki Jin, the two are at the same level at the official level!

"You know you're going to go?" Jin Naoki's eyes widened, he really wanted to pick up what was in the head of this beautiful colleague who had been secretly peeping for a long time.

"I said I have my own reasons! Now there is no threat of zombies here at the airport, and I am applying for a temporary departure." Nan Lixiang actually wanted to leave the team and go back inland a few days ago, but at that time the airport was back. Not very stable, the zombies are still being cleaned.After a few days of Zierji's experience, the entire airport's zombies were finally wiped out by the warehouse. "Lian, Nan Lixiang can't wait anymore.

"I don't allow it! Your application was rejected!" Today, Naoki doesn't care what the reason Nan Rika is. At this time, although there is no zombie threat at the airport, Nan Rika is now an important combat force. Naoki Imagawa still Not wanting her to leave.

Let alone the problems that may arise at any time, Nan Rika is such a beautiful girl. "No, she is a strong and violent beauty. Naoki Imagawa is not willing to send her to death!"

"Imagawa, I'll come over and tell you that I respect you because you are the team leader this time. Don't be too much! I'm at the same level as you. You have no right to decide where I go!" Nan Rika replied very unhappy after seeing Naoki Imagawa's refusal.

"Xiang, don't be impulsive! Now the inland has become the world of zombies, and we have lost contact with the headquarters for a long time. It is not suitable to act without authorization at this time." Whether it is a man who admires Nan Lixiang or the whole team Leader, Naoki Imagawa would never agree to Nan Rika's request.

"Don't call my name directly. Please pay attention! And whether you agree or not, I have already told you anyway. From now on I will leave the team temporarily!" Before I finish Naoki Imagawa's reply, Nan Rika A straightforward and unrestrained one turned and left the office that originally belonged to the airport leader.

Naoki Imagawa, who wanted to stop her, simply ignored him.

"Jingyou, are you still alive now? No! You must be alive! You won't die so easily!" Shizuka who walked out of the office looked at the blue sky outside the window and missed her close sister infinitely. The relationship was so good that she almost wanted Lily's Marikawa Shizuka.

Twenty minutes later",

"What!? Didn't I say to control all the weapons, otherwise the woman took it! What's the matter with you guys!" Naoki Imagawa roared at his only three team members. He just received it. Nan Lixiang's message is gone.

And incidentally, two pistols, a sniper rifle and a semi-automatic rifle were taken away, and a very considerable amount of bullets were taken away.

"Captain, there is nothing we can do!" A team member looked at his boss grievously, thinking that there are leaders on both sides, no one can not afford to offend, the little soldier caught in the middle is the most pitiful!

"Useless things!" Naoki Imagawa screamed secretly, but when he thought that the team of more than twenty people now had only three men in front of him, he suppressed the anger in his heart, after a few words of comfort, he returned to his room. .

"Nan Rika! Stupid woman! Even if your skill is in the top ten of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, marksmanship is even the top three, but in the zombie group all over the world, even a superman will be dead! What a pity such a person Beauty! The two groups on the chest are very rare! I was thinking about developing it later. Forget it, let her go!"

While Naoki Imagawa felt a pity in his heart, Nan Rika drove a small boat quickly toward the coast, and the sun was slowly setting westward.

"Gongyue Lvhao, point the knife." Nan Lixiang looked at his watch and calculated the location where the person he missed should probably exist now that eight days have passed.

"Don't die! Shizuka! You still owe my old lady your first night!"

On a highway leading to the east coast, there are some car accident scenes after a while, and there must be more or less zombies not far from these places.But apart from these vehicles and zombies that were either abandoned, damaged or even burned, there were no living people.

But at this moment, a sound that was not light but very clear broke the tranquility here.

The surrounding zombies raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. Although they were invisible, they subconsciously made their heads turn in the direction of the sound.

"How far are we from the sea airport?" A bus drove by bumping all the way, and it was Li Ye and his party who escaped from the Dayong Supermarket.

At this time, everyone was asking Li Ye who was driving.

"Morning! The best way to get to the sea airport is to take the expressway, but we need to turn back to the city to get on the expressway. In order to avoid encountering large groups of zombies, we can only find some remote paths to move forward. This is bound to increase our distance." Li Yebian drove the car to avoid the junk cars on the road while answering Ding Yun who was asking.

"Then how long do we expect to go like this? Will we be able to arrive before dark today?" "If it goes well!" To be honest, Li Ye didn't know about it. It has been two hours since I got out of the Dayong Supermarket, but I just left. Li Ye didn't reach a quarter of the route planned.

"Are you going to spend the night outside halfway?"

Text Chapter 84 We are passing by

On the first day of the outbreak of the zombie outbreak, Du Yuan was pregnant with the survivor Du Yuan. The threat of zombies was not immortality, nor was it a terrifying appearance, nor was it a powerful body.It's quantity!

The number is the biggest threat to mankind by zombies.Since the virus began to erupt globally on April 10, this virus that only infects humans has spread rapidly in the human world, very quickly.

All the medical methods used by mankind before, whether it is Western medicine with quick results and certain side effects, or traditional Chinese medicine with long curative effect but relatively mild, or even some indigenous witchcraft in Africa. The new virus is completely helpless.

There is no means or medicine to kill this virus, not even to slow down the speed of the virus's damage to the human body.I can only watch a living person die quickly, and then become a walking corpse who has no thoughts and no consciousness, who only knows to eat people.

The humans who lost their protection began to become zombies in groups in a short time.In the 21st century, the earth lacks everything but there is no shortage of population.

In the face of absolute numbers, any resistance is futile, so the most serious injuries are generally the most densely populated large cities. These places where a large population can form a sea of ​​zombies may have been heaven or hell in the past.But in this eschatology, it is definitely a hellish place!Because there are hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of zombies there.

Although the bed owner city is only a small and medium-sized second-tier city with more than one million people, no matter where the zombies are placed, there is a threat of fear.

However, most of the zombies are concentrated in cities, while in some suburbs, villages and other places, there are not many zombies.So in this last days, as long as you don't enter the city.You can still survive in the suburbs.

"It seems that we need to find a place to spend the night today. Looking at the darkening sky, Li Ye said helplessly to the surprised child beside him.

I left the supermarket at noon, but after walking for most of the day, I didn't even finish half of the journey.There were not many zombies on the road, usually in small groups, and Li Ye passed by just one throttle.

Anyway, the outside of the car was covered with minced meat and blood, and Zheng Liang's original self-coloring car body was so neat.It's all turned maroon, and now I don't care about adding a little more dye.

And many times it is actually difficult to meet zombies on the road, in the wilderness, there are usually no people.

But zombies are not threatened, but the road is difficult

Li Ye considered that he would need to pass through several small towns and villages along the way. Although these places are sparsely populated, the number of zombies cannot be as scary as the bed master city, but tens of thousands are just the minimum.

For people in the entire car now, let alone tens of thousands of zombies, even a few hundred can weaken their legs!

With this in mind, Li Ye must avoid the small towns and villages on the road by detouring.This requires a lot of distance.

The long detour is fine, but there is not much more.But Li Ye never drove a complete road all the way down.

The scene of the car accident at Ba Fu made the road width that was originally wide very poor.Many times Li Ye needs to drive the car carefully.

In this way, time will naturally be delayed for a long time.

"Don't worry, I think Xiao's mother and Miyamoto's parents must have been safely at the sea airport. You don't have to worry too much." The surprised child thought Li Ye was complaining because he couldn't see his mother right away.After all, she didn't know that Li Ye traveled, thinking that ordinary people, especially a high school student who was only seventeen years old, no matter how mature they are, they are still very attached to and care about their parents.I must be very worried about my mother's safety.

"Ah? Oh. I know." Li Ye knew that astonished Zi had understood it wrong, but didn't point it out.It is better to let this misunderstanding continue.On the other hand, letting astonishment know that Li Ye's affection for Xiao Shi Cai is not deep will only cause more problems.

In the end, the decision to stay overnight was passed unanimously. No one is a fool, and they feel that there may be various dangerous night walks around this without street lights.People cherish their lives!This is especially true for people who have survived multiple deaths.

The location is very easy to find, it used to be ten rooms and nine empty spaces during the war, but now, you can find the house at will!All empty!Of course, if those zombies are not excluded.

Li Ye finally found a satisfactory overnight place before dark.

Close to the highway, there are only three or four houses in an open area around, the most important thing is that there are no zombies around!It's so satisfying here!

"Everyone stay in the car first, just in case you need to check it out in detail." Although Li Ye looked around and found no signs of zombies, and the sound of the car moving did not appear as Li Yehua wanted to hide in the house Zombie.

But it still can't be a big collection. The only situation like this is, yes, Jiaqili is indeed very safe and has no foreign worries, with the existence of high-level zombies!

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