Looking at these angel Yuncong, who immediately stopped their movements after he got out of the circle, Yi Fan, who was thinking like electricity, had completely turned the Rock Tiger sword into a dark red crystal sword…

Obviously, Yi Fan has already secretly used the crystal power, and condensed it to the extreme and attached it to the sword…

Then, as before, without the slightest hesitation rushed into it again …

“shua~ shua~ shua~…!”

However, as before, it was the moment when Yi Fan rushed into the range of the silver cloud, All the mechanical angels on the front, once again uniformly raised their swords with one finger, and shot out one after another silver white bright sword…

The same movements, the same postures, the same swords, gathered in In the same direction, it is also condensed into a very bright chain, shooting towards the extreme speed…


a dragon roaring suddenly sound , Tyrant Dragon bloodline Battle Armor was added, and Yi Fan, who faced this sword again, did not sway sword energy to greet him. Instead, he thrust his sword back up…

“Tianyan II The type of gold-cutting…!”


In the low groan, there is no knife threw away, no violent energy explosion, completely restrained The blade gang, pushed by Yi Fan’s body, flashed past the sword gang, and instantly divided into two…

and, Yi Fan this blade broke through the angel cloud from the massive angel At the time of the joint attack, he still cast his momentum and cut down at the nearest angel Mecha next to him…


The one Angel Mecha’s reaction was not slow. Almost at the crucial moment, he held his sword in front of the Yi Fan Rock Tiger Sword…

Unfortunately, it underestimated this blade after all. The formidable power of the angel Mecha suddenly fell in half amid the sound of cutting.

The defensive ability test is over. According to Yi Fan, the defensive ability of this angel Mecha is quite outstanding. …

Although he is not full at the moment, the sense of hindrance on the knife still makes him know clearly that these angels Mecha are powerful…

“ka ka .. click…! “

In an instant, dozens of angels were beheaded, and Yi Fan also began to move towards the belly button of the Golden Archangel…

In a completely restrained melee state, Yi Fan has almost no weakness in his whole body…

Strong to perverted physical defense, in a restrained state, no stronghold one cannot overcome the crystal power of the terrifying rock system, and it is extremely domineering. It’s unreasonable…

But in a moment, the angel Mecha group, dozens of hundreds of Mecha were cut in half by Yi Fan, and fell on the silver cloud-like building. Up…

But even in this situation, that day Zhiyun never lost the way, and implemented the intensive tactics of use point to break surface…

They began to look for Yi. Fan is weak, but unfortunately, in this state, coupled with bloodline Battle Armor, under melee combat, Yi Fan has almost no weak points that can open up their situation…

So, they Started to change tricks again…

“shua…! “

While Yi Fan was slowly moving forward under the obstruction of a large number of Mecha angels, the golden Archangel statue suddenly bloomed ten thousand zhang golden light…

“Ka ka ka…! ”

In the golden light, the machine sounded again, and the massive Mecha angels, like the deformed Vajra, began to merge and deform without any violation…

in a flash , The angels who were only three or four meters tall disappeared completely, only the large angel Mecha, who was more than ten meters tall, was reduced by 30%…

Grasp the grass! Deformed Vajra!!!

This wave of operation by Angel Cloud can be described as blinding Yi Fan’s eyes…

To be honest, this fusion and deformation really surprised Yi Fan…

Not to mention the super fast fusion speed. After fusion, it is completely integrated, without any traces of links, as if Mecha was born…

And what moved Yi Fan the most is that those who were previously affected by themselves The smashed Mecha, when it fell to the ground, it merged…

What kind of fusion is that? It’s completely regeneration, and it’s still mechanical regeneration…


This is too unimaginable. It refreshes Yi Fan’s cognition. He has no idea why even inanimate machinery can be regenerated…

“Dang…! “

A huge metal collision sound interrupted Yi Fan’s shock and dragged him back to the battlefield…

“Hhoo…! “

While Yi Fan was stunned for a while, the Rock Tiger Sabre in his hand was already blocked by two giant Archangel broadswords, and the wind whistled behind him, four or five giant broadswords poking out…

In this situation, Yi Fan didn’t panic. Under the twelve-bladed rock profound wing behind him, his body spun flexibly and his legs slammed out…

“bang bang…! “

The horror makes the entire space have twisted legs. In an instant, the two angels holding the Rock Tiger Sabre will fly…

However, Yi Fan is a little surprised , And even smackingly, the two archangels that were blown into the air were not damaged at all under the condition of Yi Fan’s leg…

Just like an ordinary person, they shook slightly. The head immediately flew up again and continued to participate in the battle…

It seems that after this fusion, the increase is not only the body shape, but the three-dimensional growth of all aspects…

First of all, they have been greatly improved in strength. Although the individual is still inferior to Yi Fan, it is already extremely terrifying, at least belonging to the existence of this level of hadron…

Attack strength, and crystal strength The actual degree has also been greatly improved. Although it does not meet the 7th grade standard, it also reaches the sixth rank or even the Peak level. It is extremely scary. They seem to be upgraded from the inside…

, Due to body size, flexibility is not as good as that of a small model…

In general, there are pros and cons, but although there are also disadvantages, the advantages are obviously greater than the disadvantages. It is definitely a Heaven Defying Level. Ability…

“Dangdang…! “

“Shhh…! “

“Crack…! “

Clanging, cutting, harsh rubbing, loud and messy noises, resounding across the battlefield in an instant…

The large angel Mecha after fusion, Yi Fan can do It’s less than a cut, and even because the opponent has a quantitative advantage, it’s almost impossible to move a single step…

Of course, although Angel Cloud has temporarily stopped in this state Yi Fan, but I want to hurt him, but it’s not that easy…

It’s just that if he keeps fighting in his current state, Yi Fan wants to complete the mission to the entrance of the main hall. But don’t think about it…

It seems that even if it’s just a first test, it’s really impossible to stay true to life…

“Hoo…! “

the thoughts got to this point, Yi Fan is no more polite amid the howling of Heavenly Dragon, when he is about to soar his crystal power to the extreme…

Jing Tyrant Dragon, Yu Tianheyun raised his head…

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