When Shaun’s words fell, Tasha, Anna, and even Dennis naturally followed suit. They immediately bowed on one knee and saluted, and then agreed…

Yi Fan It seems that I am also used to this state of Sean and the others, and immediately said indifferently between raising his hands: “You guys are interested, get up..!”



Hearing Yanhuang’s words, everyone immediately got up in response…

Seeing that all four of them stood up, Yi Fan asked, “How about this? During the month, has anyone found here…?”

As soon as these words came out, all four of them shook their heads, and Xiao En immediately responded: “No, the subordinates have never left. One step here, you can guarantee that no one has entered here..!”

Yi Fan hearing this lightly said with a smile: “Okay, do it well, if so, you will continue to be here, After I take down the brain, I will meet Tianyan with me…!”


Sean, Tasha and Anna People immediately responded solemnly, Yi Fan saw this, naturally no longer stay, and immediately reincarnated towards the ruins…

But at this time, Dennis spoke hurriedly: “Rock Your lord, please wait…!”

Hearing this, Yi Fan turned around again and said in a puzzled way: “Mr. Dennis? Is there anything else for you…?”


When these words fell, Dennis immediately gritted his teeth and said solemnly: “Master Rock, I want to join your power…!”

Hearing this, Yi Fan smiled quite unexpectedly. , But he guessed the intention of the other party in an instant, and immediately said with a smile: “Yes, I allow you to join…!”

“Sean taught him “Twelve Standard Channels”.. .!”

The voice fell, he already pulled Xing Jie, and walked towards the end of the slightly vague mine without looking back..


“many thanks Lord Yanhuang..!”

Amidst the solemn response and the joyous greetings, Yi Fan and Xing Jie have disappeared at the end of the mine…



Angel Cemetery.

When Yi Fan and Xing Jie came to the entrance of the main hall, Seraphim’s main brain was already waiting there…

The two sides met, but the Seraphim main brain spoke first: “It’s only one month, didn’t expect your strength to be so diligent…!”

Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Well, how to say, this retreat is indeed somewhat Unexpectedly smooth…!”

Seraphim’s main brain is hearing this, but it is nodded and said: “If so, get ready to start…!”

The voice fell, Seraphim’s main brain , Immediately turned around and walked towards the depths of the main hall, Yi Fan and Xing Jie naturally followed immediately…

Dark Space, when Yi Fan stood in it again, he felt confident in his heart Exactly…

You should know that for the eighth-order, apart from the seed Great Accomplishment, the divine force also has explosive growth…

Plus, Xing Jie has also been promoted to the 7th grade. Under the fusion of the two, the divine force is as huge as an invisible ocean…

If this is the case, it can’t After passing the test, it is basically impossible for Yi Fan to pass the test…

“3…2…1, start…!”

Seraphim The main brain sounded, and in the Dark Starry Sky, a little starlight flickered, and the sky began to slowly emerge…

Yi Fan immediately closed his eyes, and the boundless divine force burst out, in An instant renders the entire starry sky…

The order of the stars shining, and their respective trajectories, began to be a bit inconsistent. Now the Divine Sea is refined in the ocean, as if it is concrete…

Thirty seconds passed in a flash, almost at the moment when the last star appeared, Seraphim’s mastermind’s voice resounded through Dark Space again…

“Time is up, start copying…! “

The words fall, but there is no more nonsense on Yi Fan’s side, and the divine force begins to bloom immediately…

Stars slowly become concrete, but in a moment, The entire Dark Space is once again transformed into a starry sky…

In this starry sky, every star is rotating while it is revolving along its own orbit…

The whole picture and before The shining pictures of stars in Dark Space are almost exactly the same…

Only a moment, Seraphim has identified the answer, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Very well, you did not disappoint me, congratulations. Passed the second test..! “

Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “Well, putting it that way, finally entering the third test…! “

Seraphim immediately said solemnly: “Yes, it’s finally the last level, please follow me…! “

The voice fell, the Dark Space transparent door opened wide, and Yi Fan immediately walked out…

After a while, when Seraphim’s main brain stopped again, Yi Fan and Xing Jie People have already come to a huge circular arena…

Seeing Seraphim in the center of the arena to stop, Yi Fan glanced around before noticing, and immediately asked: ” How to say, this is the venue for the third test, it seems to be hands-on…! “

“The first test is the crystal power, and the second test is the divine force. Is the three barriers the ultimate battle strength…? “

Hearing this, Seraphim’s main brain looked at the same Yi Fan in surprise, and then at the two people who had been holding hands, and said coldly: “I have to say, you are really me. The strongest and smartest examiner who has been in contact…! “

“To be precise, the content of the final assessment depends on the master who decides the fate of the entire sacred angel civilization, that is, I…! “

Hearing this, Yi Fan’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and he said solemnly: “Haha, right? Does this mean that as long as you recognize me as your Lord now, it means Now, the whole ruins belong to me…? “

Seraphim’s main brain is hearing this, and immediately nodded and said: “That’s right…! “

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan said solemnly: “Then what are you talking about, come on, draw down…! “

“Okay, let’s get started…! Seraphim hearing this slowly turned around, and then asked an irrelevant digression: “But before that, I have to ask you, who is next to you, but is your wife… ? “

When these words came out, it was Yi Fan startled, and Xing Jie made a big blush…

However, it was only a moment, Yi Fan immediately came back to his senses, said resolutely: “Well, yes…! “

These words made Xing Jie’s face flushed a little bit, and at the same time there was a ray of joy in her heart…

Seraphim’s mastermind was the evil spirit said with a smile:” haha, wife…? But most of the male humans I know can’t talk about specialism…! “

“If, now I let you choose between her and the entire holy angel civilization, how would you choose…! “

“What…! ? “Seraphim’s words fell, and Yi Fan immediately said in surprise: “Are you sure you are serious?” Isn’t it cracking a joke with us…? “

Seraphim hearing this didn’t say much, just smiled indifferently: “Of course you are serious..! “

“There are two choices in front of you…! “

“First, kill her and leave with me and the entire angel civilization…! “

“Secondly, ignore the test and take your wife away…! “

As soon as these words fell, Yi Fan and Xing Jie’s expressions changed drastically. Obviously, both of them didn’t expect. The so-called Seraphim mastermind, the final test given turned out to be a multiple-choice question…

There is even such an embarrassing multiple-choice question…

However, after experiencing the initial surprise, Yi Fan immediately tightened Xingjie’s novel. Then, Almost no hesitation gave the answer…

“I choose the third…! “

Seraphim startled: “The third? I don’t have the third option, only two options. You have ten seconds to consider…! “


Seraphim started to report the number mechanically, but Yi Fan interrupted with a scornful smile: “It’s better than using the report. You don’t have one, but I have one…! “

“Wasting a month of my time, and finally playing around with me like this, just as we are stupid, since we have come in, you can either go out with me…! “

“Or, I can only take you out after scrapping you…! “

“Jie’er, do it!” ! “

This tone barely fell, Yi Fan’s terrifying eighth-order crystal energy has already exploded in an all-round way, terrifying pressure, instantly crushed towards Seraphim…

With Yi Fan’s words, Xing Jie was even more direct when he was moved. There was a black thunderbolt lingering all over his body for an instant, and between his hands, a horrible black thunder needle had already shot the eyebrows of Seraphim’s main brain…

Under terrifying pressure, even if it was Seraphim’s mastermind like light and shadow, it was immediately figure stopped. That is to say, the thunder needle has been shot into its brain in an instant…

“Boom…! “

a light sound, black thunderbolt burst, Seraphim’s main brain, the entire light and shadow, also burst open in an instant…

“Success…? “

The light and shadow disappeared, Xing Jie said suspiciously…

“This is just a projection that’s all. It is not that easy to destroy the main brain…! “

As if to confirm the voice of Yi Fan, the golden ring is at the center, Seraphim projection resurfaced, she even sighed: “Ai, since you are not willing to give up your humanity, how can you control my sacred angel like this? Civilization of mechanical life…? “

“Do you know that complex human nature is absolutely forbidden in a mechanical life civilization like ours…! “

“For the sake of you having passed the two tests, I will give you another chance to kill the woman around you, destroy the human form, cultivate the divinity, and become the king of our clan…! “

“If not, I can only destroy you by myself…! “

Hearing what the other party said, Yi Fan immediately said with a big smile: “hahaha! A program is a program, and given another ten thousand opportunities, the answer will only be one…! “

“impossible! ! “

“Human beings are human beings, possessing all kinds of complex emotions. Without these, how would they be different from your cold machines…! “

“This is no longer your world, but the human world. Regardless of your previous mechanical life civilization, when you come here, what you should learn is acknowledge allegiance..! “

“acknowledge allegiance to human beings…! “

Under the domineering declaration, Yi Fan’s dragon armor is added, the crazy knife is in hand, and he is fully armed…

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