Cauliflower nodded: “Well, there has been a bit of anomaly on the Crab Clan recently, and this matter seems to involve an opponent who was wiped out by Tianyan City…!”

Yi Fan startled immediately asked: “Anomalous phenomenon, an adversary that was wiped out before? What anomaly…!”

Cauliflower immediately said solemnly: “Although I’m not sure yet, it looks real It’s very similar…!”

“Master, do you still remember Fu Sheng and his overbearing heavenly demon inheritance…?”

As soon as these words came out, Yi Fan There was a thud in my heart, and he immediately said: “Fu Sheng, I remember…!”

“The man of the original Black-Turtle City City Lord Luo Yaqi, the dark element evolver, has inheritance, he Didn’t he die in Fina’s hands…?”

When this word fell, Cauliflower immediately opened the mouth and said: “Well, it stands to reason that he should be dead, but now the crab clan In some situations, it is very similar to its style…!”

“And I asked Sister Fina, she is not 100% sure that the other party is dead…!”

“Sister Feina’s original words are that this person has a reincarnation soul, and anything can happen. If I find out, I will report it immediately…!”

“No, you just came here , I would like to ask you to see for yourself…!”

The voice fell, Cauliflower’s wrist flicked, and a wisp of black demonic energy appeared in his hand…

“Hu …!”

The sound of the wind whistled, this demonic energy just appeared, and immediately rose up, seeming to want to take off the palm of the cauliflower…

However, the cauliflower is just a palm. Shrinking slightly, the demonic energy is firmly imprisoned in the palms of the cauliflower…

“This is the demonic energy I extracted from a demonized crab within the body. , You see if it’s that guy’s breath…!”

The cauliflower’s voice came from this moment…

Yi Fan hearing this immediately Leaning over, then he stretched out a finger and slowly reached into the dark demonic energy…

For a moment, maybe less than a breath, Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “Although the breath is wrong, It’s no longer the breath of Fu Sheng, but this demonic energy definitely comes from the Seven Spirits heavenly demon inheritance. There is no doubt…!”

I heard this from Yi Fan Cauliflower immediately said solemnly: “So, that guy Fu Sheng really died…? “

“The surviving guy is just the reincarnation soul of his within the body, so shall we still pay attention to this guy…? “

“This guy has been quite active recently. I don’t know how he got into the crab clan. It seems that his status is quite high…! “

Hearing what the cauliflower said, Yi Fan condensed slightly, and then solemnly said: “Since the crab clan is currently the enemy of your shrimp clan, continue to pay attention to him…! “

“The reincarnated souls are all refined creatures, but it does not rule out what they will do for the dead Fu Sheng..! “

“Just pay attention to the starting direction and see what he wants to do…! “

“When I come back again, if we have time, we can take this guy and ask, the inheritance of that kid is pretty good…! “

When I heard Yi Fan’s words, Cauliflower had a bottom in her heart, and immediately responded: “Understood…! “

At this point, Yi Fan asked again: “Okay, then I will go now…! “

“When I come back, I will leave a mark on the reef of this small island. After you see it, just come here as soon as possible…! “

Cauliflower immediately said: “Yes…! “

Seeing cauliflower like this, Yi Fan naturally no longer inked, turned around and turned into a glare lasing away…


Night, light clouds covering the moon…

After meeting cauliflower, Yi Fan returned to the mainland almost non-stop.. .

Finally, after Yi Fan observed around a lone mountain near the South Sea, he stopped immediately and quickly escaped into the earth…

Obviously, this is him The chosen place of absorption…

Are you alone, and knowing that there will be a big movement, Yi Fan will naturally make a perfect plan, otherwise it would be too hasty…


In fact, after retreating into the ground, Yi Fan first opened up a suitable underground space, and then spread it to several Formations, and then settled in the formation…

Next, without hesitation, he immediately took out the shards of the sacred stone in the ring of Heavenly Rock, and began to absorb…

In an instant, it melted like water…

Then, under Yi Fan’s surprise, it turned into a rune stream, which quickly merged into Yi Fan within the body…

At this time, in the Yi Fan dantian space, the rune of the Tyrant Dragon seed crystal surface reappeared, again showing a fascinating look…

Next, like the previous four times, Yi Fan is fifth I fell into a mini-state again, and the whole starry sky appeared again in Yi Fan’s consciousness space…

The starry sky flickered, the rune was dazzling, and the silver-red energy exchange within the body was compared to the previous four times. The whole process of this time actually made Yi Fan feel extremely comfortable…

The radiation distance of the rune starry sky seems to be farther away, and it seems that there is an appearance where Yi Fan’s mind can reach Another starry sky…

The starry sky looks extremely strange. From a distance, it looks like a huge lion, extremely spectacular…

Of course, with Yi Fan’s current ability, naturally, has not yet been able to observe the lion-like galaxy in detail…

Moreover, the Starry-Sky Diagram volume of this time comes fast, and goes fast, in a moment In time, the entire starry sky suddenly disappeared…

Then, it appeared in Yi Fan’s consciousness space, but it was an extremely delicate and beautiful blue star…

Just a glance, Yi Fan immediately saw through the true face of this blue star, because It is Earth, the homeland where I live…

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the silver dots representing the shards of the sacred stone appeared again…

This naturally attracted the attention of Yi Fan. Almost in an instant, Yi Fan’s thoughts immediately converged on the remaining four silver dots…

However, this time did not let it. Yi Fan was disappointed, almost at the moment Yi Fan thought of it, four volumes of clear pictures immediately appeared in the spiritual space…

In the First Volume picture, a huge seabed palace, one A middle-aged man with black and white hair sits on the throne…

In his hand, there is a dark black unremarkable ring, but it is this ring that is now In Yi Fan’s eyes, there was an unusual silver light shining…

Then, something mysterious happened. Yi Fan’s gaze seemed to have broken through the barrier of space and passed directly into the opponent’s space ring. Among…

In the dark space ring, a little silver light dazzling…

The god stone, that is the god stone, that is the god stone he is bound to get…

Very good, the sixth sacred stone, I finally found you…

Yi Fan immediately remembered the person’s appearance, but then withdrew his mind and turned to the 2nd Scroll…

The style of the 2nd scroll is beyond Yi Fan’s expectations…

The scene shown in the scroll is a beautiful beach. ..

On the beach, several lounge chairs are lined up…

On one of the lounge chairs, a big girl with a very hot body, who is above 36D, is positive Lie on your back and soak up the sun…

It can be described as sunshine, beach, beauty, bikini, a beautiful view…

However, in this view, Yi Fan also On the 36D girl’s left hand, I found a ring that bloomed with silver light…

Breaking through the space barrier, Yi Fan also saw a piece of silver light blooming in a pile of huge cups God stone…

The seventh stone, lock it…

As usual, Yi Fan remembered the appearance of this big wave girl, and then without the slightest hesitation withdrawing the mind, turned to 3rd picture scroll…

This 3rd picture scroll, the scene is back to s again Eabed, a silhouette of a black-clothed youth greeted Yi Fan’s eyes…

This black-clothed youth has a rather vulgar face and is surrounded by dozens of strong players. The aggressive ones seem to be going Whose trouble is he…

Of course, whether he is looking for trouble, or even who is troublesome, has nothing to do with Yi Fan…

Because from start to finish, Yi Fan’s attention has been in his hand, and a dazzling silver light stone is blooming in the deep blue ring…

Remember the other’s features and unique Life Aura fluctuations, This eighth sacred stone is considered a successful positioning…

Finally, in the fourth picture, Yi Fan did not see any creatures, only a rather messy warehouse…

In this huge warehouse, he has countless kinds of secret treasures, and he also saw several kinds of Space Secret Treasure…

However , That is, in these various Space Secret Treasures, on a bright yellow necklace, a little silver light also appeared…

Then, as before, it was almost just a moment of thought. , Yi Fan’s gaze broke through the space barrier, entered the secret treasure, found and recorded the exact location of the Ninth Fast Divine Stone Fragment…

In this way, the accuracy of the remaining four Divine Stones The location and even the appearance and atmosphere of the holder are all controlled by Yi Fan…

In this way, when he sees the cauliflower again, he only needs to share the four scrolls he saw today, immediately You can determine the identity and even the power of the god stone holder…

Once you know the identity and power of the opponent, Yi Fan will save a lot of hands and feet…

Even, you can start to formulate targeted plans to seize the god stone…

I have to say that the absorption process of this fifth god stone is really helpful…

Moreover, what surprised Yi Fan was…

For a long time, the four scrolls in this consciousness space showed no signs of disappearing, as if they were recording everything instantly So, once again, I was shocked by Yi Fan, and it also increased my confidence in taking back the stone…

The consciousness gradually became clear. Yi Fan is about to wake up, which means that the absorption of the stone is approaching. At the end…

However, at this moment, Yi Fan’s attention is still completely immersed in the four scrolls in the consciousness space…

He wants to see if these four navigational scrolls will disappear after he wakes up…

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