
Huabei and Yinbei were hearing this, and they responded solemnly…

Then, the two immediately turned around, Called shouted behind him: “Xinluohuang, and all the clan emperors who participated in this battle last time, please help me two more…!”

The words fall, Dozens of Sovereign immediately stood up in the voice of the two, and then, with the acquiescence of Holidia, everyone rushed into the thick fog…

Where? Naturally, it means losing one’s direction, or even losing oneself…

Formation, the main means of defeating the enemy, is actually a “mysterious” word…

Of course, The word’fan’ is mainly derived from the sky-covering colored fog…

These colored fogs are not simple colored fogs. This is the formation flag and drawings made by Miss Ruoxue herself, and then Yi Fan then inspires the misty poison mist formed by the Water Attribute crystal nucleus and crystal energy…

These poison mists, under the guidance of Yi Fan, have the effect of causing the enemy to lose their way and extremely powerful ecstasy. , Plus the numerous water mist Avatars derived from another formation flag, it can be said that you can’t guard against it…

Even the 7th grade evolutionary creature, if you don’t constrain your mind seriously, It is very possible to lose yourself in this three-pronged combination of punches…

Of course, this is just the previous Lost Realm. In the current Lost Realm, Yi Fan has been mixed up again. Entering the gravity array makes the Formation more perfect and more difficult…


In the mist, Huabei punched one The mist Avatar, who couldn’t see his face, said to the silver shell emperor beside him: “Yin shell, the situation is not right, do you feel it, the closer we get to the formation eye, the heavier the body, and this big array seems to become more Strong..!”

The silver shell emperor next to him was also exploding a mist of Avatar while roaring loudly: “It doesn’t seem to be, it’s for sure, this big formation is too evil. What should I do now…?”

Hearing the words of Emperor Yinbei, a fierce stern flashed across the face of Emperor Huabei: “At this time, what else can we do? Similarly, the cone array rushes straight into the formation eye, as long as the main formation flag is crushed, the formation will be broken…!”

The silver shell emperor hearing this immediately sank: “Okay, Just do it, my emperor is behind us, but I can’t afford to lose this person, everyone, fight it!!”

The voice fell, dozen 7th grade, the Bei clan emperor was already shouting in unison , Turned into a huge sharp cone, crazily twisted towards the center of the big array…

“pēng pēng pēng …!”

in an instant, the water mist filled the sky, The entire space is already shrouded in colorful mist, and countless water mist Avatars, under this huge cone, explode and disappear…

However, it is at the tip of their transformation. Cone, when it was about ten meters away from the center of the formation eye, dozens of Dao Idol, as the solid water mist Avatar, had already rushed towards them…

This is not over yet, also At this moment, the gravity felt by everyone’s body suddenly increased, and the sudden increase in gravity caused the sharp cones they had turned into a meal, almost scattered…

“pēng pēng pēng pēng…! “

At this moment, dozens of Dao Idol suddenly launched a terrorist suicidal offensive as a solid water mist Avatar…

Amidst the endless explosions, The colored mist exploded, and the sharp cones made by the clan emperors were already dispersed in this rapid explosion…

Even two of the clan emperors with relatively weak divine force, His eyes have already turned white, and he has obviously lost himself and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness…

Under such circumstances, Yi Fan, who is at the center of the massive array, suddenly pressed it between the virtual grips of both hands. Gravity increases again in the Lost Realm, but this time Yi Fan Yinbei and Huabei are both staggered…

As for the guy who is slightly weaker than them, it is even more like a geese. It’s lying on the ground…

Except for a few people who were able to stand up struggling, the others were squeezed by the huge gravity and couldn’t even stand up. …

Obviously, Yi Fan wants to try such a repressive method early. The strength of the Bei Emperor Haolidia is now…

At this moment, if Holitia doesn’t take action, the next moment, or under the next wave of Avatar’s strikes, these guys will lose themselves in an instant and lose their combat power completely…

“shua ..! “

At this time, the orange-yellow dazzling light flashed, a group of almost overwhelmed clan emperors, only felt lighter, there is already a tall alluring figure in front of them…

In this brief moment, they knew that it was a shame and lost home this time, and the Bei Emperor Haolitia finally shot…

Even if it weren’t for her The dozen clan emperor almost fell on this big formation…

Yi Fan also opened his hands lightly, with the eighth-tier Holitia intervening, Yi If Fan is thinking about doing it quietly, he will have a great chance of being insight from the other party…

So, he didn’t intervene anymore, he just maximized his self-perception extremely obscurely and wanted to see The performance of the Bei emperor Holitia…

As for the emperor, Yi Fan did not disappoint. Almost at the moment he appeared, his whole body burst into dazzling golden light. , Forming a golden light scallop, completely isolating the colorful mist, and enshrouding everyone…

Under the golden light scallop, everything seems to be unaffected by the stray array, gravity, poison mist , Even the water mist Avatar, the moment it touches the mask, it disappears into the invisible…

I also know that at this time, the two emperors of Hua Bei and Yin Bei immediately came to Hao Li. Next to Tia…

“Sorry my emperor, you are incompetent, plus this terrifying array, the power is several times stronger than the previous time, so we wait…”


“Okay, less gossip, tell me the key to breaking the formation…! “

Under the golden light, the Emperor Huabei was about to explain, but was interrupted by Holidia…

The meaning of Holidia is very simple and clear. Right now, everything else is imaginary. Breaking the formation is the key…

When the Huabei emperor heard this, he immediately said solemnly: “Understood, less than 100 meters ahead, the algae There are concealed colorful flags, as long as you destroy one or two of them, the formidable power will be greatly reduced, and then you can break them at will…! “

The words of Emperor Huabei came to an end. Hollydia first glanced at the scallop quite casually, and then said very seriously: “Defensive Array all retreat quickly, after I break the formation, then Keep up…! “

The voice fell, and the Bei Emperor Haolidia seemed to have completely lifted the ban, and his whole body was almost wrapped in golden light in an instant. The two sides of huge golden scallops are like wings covering the sky, from behind. Expand…

“shua…! “

Then, without waiting for the reaction of the emperor of the clan, almost in the blink of an eye, the emperor of the bei clan Haolidia turned into a golden glare, flying at the algae where the emperor Huabei said.. .

Of course, Yi Fan, who has seen everything in his eyes for a long time, naturally prepared some surprises for the Bei Emperor…

The algae area where the formation flag is located. , Densely packed hundreds of solid water mist Avatars, waiting for her arrival in a strange formation…

These Avatars, almost all of them are like entities, and their strength has reached the 7th grade level, even if they are The existence of an ordinary Tier 8 is absolutely difficult to penetrate this terrifying Avatar formation in a short time…

However, under such circumstances, the Bei Emperor Haolidia is not There was a slight pause…

Almost at the moment when I saw the Avatar formation and the rather obscure formation flag from the center algae, I was already in the process of flying with the double shells on my back, fast Revolving and flying down…

The scallops close together, the golden light blooms, and the bei emperor Haolidia, turned into a terrifying golden light giant wheel, with terrifying waves, frantically sweeping down… .

“hua hua wow…! “

in an instant, the waves are rolling, the golden light is overflowing with dazzling colors, the golden roulette is spinning, the eighth-order sharp crystals bloom, and the Avatar array is almost disintegrated at the moment of contact with it. one after another Color ink dissipates in the waters…

Not only the Avatar, but even the formation flag in the algae, under this horrible golden wheel, it falls apart and turns into one after another Crystal core fragments…

This emperor is the emperor. First of all, its strength has reached the eighth level. It seems that it is not an ordinary eighth, but the eighth-level peak state…

Under this shot, even Yi Fan is quite amazing, or quite unexpected…

The eighth rank is medium. In the words of cauliflower, it is definitely a Sea Clan pyramid There is at the top…

However, if it is only an eighth-level middle-level, it will not scare Yi Fan…

It’s just that he is a little confused. Before cauliflower I have clearly said that there are at least ten people in the eighth rank of the Bei people, but why this time, there is only one strongest emperor…?

Of course, only Holitia is alone It doesn’t matter if they are here, in this way, the strength of the two sides is completely unequal…

The strength is not equal, and Yi Fan immediately has several more plans in his mind…

After all, Yi Fan’s goal has never been the shellfish in the Ten Great Imperial Families that is almost at the tail of the crane, but the sacred stone in the space ring in Holidia’s hand…

If possible, Yi Fan would of course be more willing to get the sacred stone without blood…

Generally speaking, it doesn’t matter if he is, even if other powerful eighth-order emperors of the Bei clan come or not, it doesn’t matter. As long as Holidia is here…

Because, the key figure in Yi Fan’s recovery of the God Stone is her, but she…

Think of this, Yi Fan Already, the bright eyes looked towards and broke the formation flag. In an instant, the elegant Holitia…

The formation flag was destroyed, and the Sea Territory, three kilometers across the island, was suddenly cleared, 2nd floor The more profound Sea Territory appeared in front of Holitia…

At this time, the scallops, silver scallops, etc., the digital elders of the shell clan who just lagging behind, also appeared again On his side…

“Huabei , Yinbei, how to say, these two big formations, where is the key to breaking the formation…! “

Seeing everyone following, Hollydia, who seemed to have been waiting for them, immediately asked questions again…

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