“Master, the two Great Demon shark emperors are dark attributes, and they have extremely terrifying devouring beasts, and the opponent has a numerical advantage…!”

“Long battle is extremely disadvantageous, The master should do it quickly…!”

At the moment when the two sides separated, in Yi Fan’s consciousness space, the voice of the burning angel sounded at this moment…

Hearing the words of Burning Angel, he looked at the exquisite rock crystal Tyrant Dragon that was rapidly consuming his crystal energy. Yi Fan immediately responded: “I know…!”

The words fell. Yi Fan no longer has the slightest trace of ink, and under the power of his body crystals, two black formation marks, one positive and one negative, suddenly appear on the palms of his hands…

“Gravity body formation-open!”

“Tianyan original magnetic warfare body-open!”

Between the two shouted in a low voice, the gravity array and the Tianyan original magnetic warfare body have been fully turned on…

Under the overlapping of the two formations, the entire Sealand mainland seems to be sinking…

Several hundred meters apart, the two emperors of Mo Ni and Hong, who have just stabilized their figure, are in An instant feels an extreme horror of gravity pressing on them…

This horror of gravity seems to be wrestling with the entire planet with its own strength, even with their eighth-order Peak Sea Beast The body feels extremely strenuous…

While the body sinks slightly, it already needs to explode the crystal energy with all its strength to hold it quietly…

Don’t care about them How to pretend, under the terrifying gravity, the actions of the two are already greatly affected…

Take advantage of their illness to kill them, this is Yi Fan’s battle book along the way…

Almost at the moment when the two of them sank, the silver rune between Yi Fan’s eyebrows appeared again…

In the next instant, Yi Fan suddenly disappeared and reappeared. At that time, it already appeared on the head of the demon shark emperor named Rainbow…

“Six Types! Falling Moon…!”

Nothing is polite, almost appearing In an instant, Yi Fan’s hand rock tiger knife was already carrying extreme terrifying pressure, passing a half-moon afterimage, and blasting the neck of this demon shark emperor…

“Be careful, you dare…! “

Almost at the moment when Yi Fan disappeared, the demonic clan emperor burst out loud…

Then I saw the dark red half-moon flash, grabbing The sword of life has already been cut to the neck of the partner, and in a hurry, he can’t help but change his words and threaten…

Of course, Yi Fan naturally turned a deaf ear to the threat of the opponent in the battle, and the sword in his hand was a few points faster, and the dark red moon light flashed…

“When…! “

In the sound of metal collision, the’Moonlight’ was blocked, because a black halberd was placed under the moonlight…

In fact, the demon named Rainbow Shark King, after seeing Yi Fan’s ability to move instantaneously, he has been very cautious…

Especially at the moment when gravity was added and the opponent disappeared, his divine force has been increased to the extreme …

Therefore, it was almost the moment when the moonlight flashed, she almost instinctively flicked the long halberd, blocking behind her neck…

But at this moment , The immense power on the rock tiger knife is like the last straw that crushes the camel…

Although Hong took the horrible fall of the moon, he was also under the weight of several forces. Kneeling down…

With this opportunity, Yi Fan will let it go. In a flash, the rock tiger knife is already like a strand of thunderbolt, and it shoots into his vest at a rapid speed…

“Reverse Demon Halberd-collapse…! “


At the moment when Yi Fan’s Rock Tiger Sword was lifted out, the wind rang in his ears, and the black halberd in the hands of the Demon Emperor already swept like a shark tail…

This is a halberd with an extremely broken angle. If Yi Fan insists on slashing the enemy with a single knife, then there is bound to be a headshot by the black halberd. It can be described as a relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. …


At this moment, Yi Fan drank brazenly, holding a knife and holding his right hand motionless, and slammed into the heart of the rainbow emperor.. ..

The palm of the left hand is facing the Demon Emperor. The original terrifying gravity changes into repulsion in an instant…

“pu chi…! “



Blood spattered, silhouette fluttered, Yi Fan right hand stabbed When the Rainbow Emperor’s heart, the Demon Emperor was already in a low roar, flying out like a kite with its string cut…

However, at this moment, this The Rainbow Emperor, who was stabbed into the heart by Yi Fan, did not give up resistance. She even made a move that was unexpected by Yi Fan…


Under a loud noise, Yi Fan only felt that the knife was light, and the rainbow emperor who was kneeling in front of him disappeared suddenly, replaced by an extremely terrifying black magic shark 100 meters high…

Such a change of trick is really beyond Yi Fan’s expectation…

Even, more than that, the moment it turned into the Sea Beast body, it was already a giant tail With a flick, the shark rushed forward, obviously wanting to get out of Yi Fan’s attack range…

However, after finally creating an opportunity to not seriously injure the opponent, how could Yi Fan give up…

Almost at the moment when it rushed out, Yi Fan had already shaken his profound wings, and once again flew onto the head of the Rainbow Emperor…

This time, Yi Fan was even more polite , Is already holding knives in both hands, carrying the horror knives, and piercing down at the eyes of the Rainbow Emperor…

“Reverse Demon Halberd-True Spirit Destroy…!”


At this moment, just as Yi Fan’s sword was stabbed at high speed, there was a sudden sound of wind in front, and a black halberd was already flying at high speed… .

Its speed, Like a ray of black light, it has not yet reached the body, Yi Fan already feels its demonic energy…

As before, if Yi Fan insists on stabbing, this shark’s Demon Halberd will definitely Swallow him in an instant…

“Five types! Swallow the sky…! “

“Clang…! “

In the sound of a violent metal collision, Yi Fan did not insist on stab this blade this time, but his feet slammed on the head of the Rainbow Clan Emperor, but his hand immediately raised his sword to welcome him. The halberd swallowed the sky in one go…

“Bang…! “

“hong long long ….! “

With a loud noise, Yi Fan’s momentum is big, power is deep kick directly slammed the head of the Rainbow Emperor into the Rock Crystal Mirror Lake…

“Clang…! “

It was a positive situation, but it was beyond Yi Fan’s expectation. The giant sling of Tyrant Dragon created by his this style swallowing sky was penetrated by Demon Halberd…

Even, Yi Fan’s figure was flew away by this anghua shark Demon Halberd and strikes…

“shua…! “

At the moment when Yi Fan left the Rainbow Shark Emperor, the latter once again transported the real body of the Beast King, and Human Transformation flew away without turning his head…

Instantly reunited with the Demon Shark King…

Although it was a little embarrassed, the two major Shark Kings of the Demon Shark Clan did not suffer any fatal harm…


Even the Rainbow Shark King, almost the moment Yi Fan’s Rock Tiger Sword pierced, even before the bursting blade of Blade Mountain, he had already transformed himself and escaped…

In general, under the confrontation between the two sides, although the two demon sharks suffered a small loss, they still did not hurt their roots and still maintained extremely complete combat effectiveness…

The battle between the two sides, the one to emerge victorious, is still unknown…

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