Slightly tilted his head, watching the light blue glare coming from the extremely fast shooting, and the powerful aura of the parties approaching at extremely fast speed, Yi Fan’s eyes are already cold light…

The appearance of the audience means that the mission of the two emperors of the magic shark is over…

In fact, the engraving of them, as early as the’Starburst’, the horrible chaotic repulsion exploded Down, surrounded by the so-called reverse Demon God armor, it can be said to be a cocoon…

Except for the full burst of crystal energy and the terrifying starburst force to resist as much as possible, it can be said that there is nothing to do …

Take advantage of his illness to kill his life, in such a situation, how could Yi Fan, who has already been murdered, easily let go of this finally created opportunity…

the thoughts got to this point, the silver rune suddenly appeared at the center of the eyebrows, and at this moment, at the moment when the rune at the center of the eyebrows appeared, its silhouette has disappeared…

The next moment, it almost disappeared in its silhouette At the same time, Yi Fan’s body and mind suddenly appeared before the eyes of the two magic sharks…

As for the two magic sharks, they only felt red light flashed, and there were already a pair of strange silver-stripe black eyes in front of them. …

A pair of silver-patterned black eyes, a pair of eyes with endless magic power…

A moment, just a moment, the two sides can look at each other for only a moment, the two magic sharks are two kings People’s minds suffered a huge impact…

Then, they didn’t even have a chance to react, and they were completely lost under the black eyes of the silver pattern, and fell into a color full of colors. The Land of Primal Chaos of the chain…

“ka ka ka…!”

Until this time, the two emperors of the demon sharks reacted, but they did not wait for them As for the resistance, the minds of the two of them were already flooded by chains that swarmed in an instant…

As for the real world, under the eyes of Yi Fan, the audience was in awe, the magic The Life Aura on the Sharks is slowly dissipating…


At this moment, there was a sudden cry from a distance, as if I want Yi Fan to stop…

But at this time, how could Yi Fan stop…

On the contrary, at the moment when the other party’s cry , The body of the Demon Shark Double Reed has completely turned into a dark red artwork-like rock statue…

At this moment, the Life Aura of the Demon Shark Double Emperor completely disappeared…

This means that the two emperors of the Demon Shark Clan have died…

At this moment, Luohu and Xiaoyu who just arrived were dumbfounded, and several other clan emperors who had just arrived were also dumbfounded…

These are the two clan emperors of the magic shark clan, among the five powerful shark clan emperors, They just died like this…

This is simply unexpected and unbelievable…

They are the Sovereign of the Inner Five Races, and they are killed when they say they are killed. ..

It’s crazy…

“pa ..! “

However, when everyone was stunned, Yi Fan didn’t care about that many. It was almost a statue. The moment everyone was stunned, they raised their hands and snapped their fingers…

“Boom…! “

Under this snapping finger, a huge explosion sounded, and the rock statues of the two demon shark emperors burst into pieces…

Among the dark red fragments in the sky, Yi Fan waved with one hand, and the two silver Space Secret Treasures have already been picked up and received…

“shua…! “

At this moment, when Yi Fan accepted the Space Secret Treasure, a golden light finally shot into this battlefield…

“Boy, old man Let you stop? Didn’t you hear…? “

A blond old man appeared in Yi Fan’s field of vision, and opened his mouth as a questioning. It seemed that he had an old relationship with the two dead magic sharks…

With the breath of the eighth-order Peak, Yi Fan, who is possessed by the god armor at this moment, smiled indifferently and said: “hahaha! When life and death are struggling, is it your Excellency to stop and stop…? “

“old man, you can’t help but care about being too wide…! “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, the blond old man said angrily: “Arrogant, just now the two demon shark emperors have clearly lost their resistance, why do you want to hurt their lives…!” “

“Master Yushu’s Sea Clan ban, you dare not respect it, you are dead…! “

“Don’t respect the ban, all emperors will punish them…! “

When the blond old man said this, it made Yi Fan dumbfounded…

Master Yushu?

Sea Clan ban…?

All the emperors have been condemned…?

These are three new terms…

Yi Fan has never heard of the so-called Yushu adults, Second, I’ve never heard of the Sea Clan ban, and third I’ve never heard of all emperors…

Look at this blond old man, who said he has a nose and eyes, it seems something is true…

At the moment, I still shouldn’t expose my non-Sea Clan identity, so Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “hahaha! What Sea Clan ban? My family retreat is new, but I don’t know what Sea Clan ban…! “

“Furthermore, this battle originated from the greedy hearts of the two emperors of the demon shark. They wanted to devour me for evolution. Should the emperor sit and wait…? “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, the blond old man didn’t seem to expect that the cause of the matter would be like this…

However, since he and the magic shark The two emperors have old times, so naturally they must be biased towards the demon shark clan…

Immediately opened the mouth and said: “hmph, I don’t even know the ban on Sea Clan of Lord Yushu, I have reason to doubt you identity of…! “

“At the moment, the two emperors of the demon shark are dead. You can be confident that you are distorting the facts, but you are saying, who can prove your words…? “

“Furthermore, you said that your race just came out of retreat, but you are telling me what kind of race you are and where you were born in Sea Territory…! “

Hearing what the other party said, Yi Fan immediately said with a smile: “hahaha, ridiculous…!” “

“The demon shark clan has always killed, is this kind of thing twisted by the emperor…? “

“As for who I am, where do I come from, and what do I do with you, why does the emperor answer your question…? “

Hearing Yi Fan’s words, watching the blond old man deflated, among the many audiences who came, a silver-haired young man from the west seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed by the madness of Yi Fan, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “haha, Sea Clan is really vast, didn’t expect even the golden old man would have a stale day…! “

“More didn’t expect, there are powerhouses that are not only banned by Sea Clan…! “

“It’s just a few days of retreat, not only sneaked into the magic shark family, but even sneaked into a Little Brother who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth…! “

“It seems that my Sea Territory is really a Treasure Gathering Pot..! “

“Little Brother, let me introduce to you, this is the master of the radiated fin fish clan, Lord Gengjin…! “

“Although you are good at strength, you have to keep your eyes open. This old fellow is very vengeful…! “

The silver-haired youth’s words fell, and before Yi Fan spoke, the blond old man immediately said solemnly: “Zhang boy, you should have also seen just now, this boy has indeed violated the Sea Clan ban. The emperor can be condemned…! “

“How to say, you brat, are you scared…! “

Hearing the blond old man’s words, the silver-haired young man looked at it. The imposing manner in front of him still hasn’t become Yi Fan at all, but then he said rather slippery: “haha, golden old man , It’s useless for you to stimulate me…! “

“The demon shark clan is well-known, and it is not a day or two. What Little Brother said just now has yet to be verified…! “

“Your decision to punish you is a bit sloppy. In my opinion, wait for Master Yu Shu to come back to make a decision…! “

At this point, the silver-haired young man turned his head to Yi Fan again?: “But, Little Brother, how can I say it again, the lives of the two magic sharks are no joke…!” “

“And this thing happened in my Sea Territory, don’t say anything else, your ethnic group and origin must be explained today…! “

“If not, Master Yu Shu will blame it, it would be quite difficult for me..? “

Hearing this, Yi Fan can understand…

It seems that at this moment, he is touching the real Sea Clan core…

The so-called Master Yushu should also be Sea Clan’s most powerful house, or deep-sea fish, the Uncrowned Sovereign of the inner five families…

Even if Yi Fan didn’t guess If it’s wrong, it should be the ninth-order old man I saw when I was absorbing the shards of the sacred stone…

The golden-haired old man was the spoke-fin fish king. As for the silver-haired young man, it should be Octopus King…

As for the content of the ban, it should be the Master Yushu, in order to control the Sea Clan Civil War…

Sea Clan is vast, let’s say There is no civil war at all, it is absolutely impossible…

After all, if there were no civil war, the entire Sea Clan biological chain would collapse on its own under the stimulation of dark energy…

If the ecological chain collapses directly, the reproduction of the entire Sea Clan will be greatly affected, and even lead to huge disasters, which is naturally undesirable…

So, civil war is inevitable and can only be controlled. …

weak are prey to the strong, this pre-disaster Sea Clan survival mode is still applicable to the evolution of Sea Clan, which is the survival rule of the entire Sea Clan…

It’s just that this weak are prey to the strong, it only applies to the low, middle and high level, not the top level…

As Sea Clan’s five-ethnic emperor, blond old man, and silver-haired youth, including The Demon Shark King who was killed by Yi Fan before, these guys are no longer weak are prey to the strong rule…

Because these guys are extremely important strategic forces for the entire Sea Clan …

That’s why Yushu-sama made the so-called Sea Clan ban, in order to prevent them from killing and killing Sea Clan for no reason…

At this moment, after receiving a lot of information from the silver-haired octopus emperor, it can be regarded as good..

I immediately said quite solemnly: “What the emperor said is true. If you need to confirm, the Bei clan The clan emperor Holitia, should be able to testify for me…! “

“As for my race, even if the emperor confessed, you may not have heard of it…! “

At this point, Yi Fan had a sudden, sudden breath, but it was only a moment, but it was even more violent…

However, that is Upon a burst, a Dragon’s Might suddenly burst out of his body, a terrifying Dragon’s Might that made the surrounding tribes body trembled…

At this moment, everyone in the room felt Yi from in the bones. Fan suddenly has a kind of aloof and remote, inviolable majesty…

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