Obviously, Zhang Ping is already extremely disgusted with the old man’s repeated persuasion…

What I said just now is not only straightforward, but even rude…

As soon as these words fell, the face of the golden old man immediately became difficult to look…

However, for the moment, he did not turn his face away, but fiercely stared at Zhang Ping. At a glance…

After all, this place is the other’s Sea Territory, and the strength of the two is almost the same. He can’t turn his face…

In fact, although this guy is like a shark The family relationship is good, but it’s not good enough to wipe their ass…

The real purpose is actually to take a fancy to the legacy of the Demon Sharks, and after Yi Fan was killed, his body All the resources of…

As for why I have always wanted to pull on Zhangping, it is naturally because Yi Fan is too strong. If it is just himself, even if he knows that Yi Fan has just gone through a big battle, it is probably just an arrow at the end of its flight, but he is not so sure that he can win Yi Fan alone…

So, he needs his comrades…

It is precisely because he needs comrades, He will always guide Zhang Ping overtly and secretly, let him stand on the united front with himself…

Because besides Zhang Ping, there are a few clan emperors and those with the highest level of strength, but only The eighth-level advanced, even if they get their support, it doesn’t make much sense…

After all, Yi Fan is the eighth-level Peak. Even with the increase of some external factors, it has reached a pseudo The powerhouse of the ninth order…

However, Zhang Ping is not a fool, and his personality is conservative, he is not adventurous…

Plus, Yi Fan The shock given by the extermination of the Demon Sharks was so great that he didn’t want to, and didn’t dare to mix it…

After all, this one didn’t even know about the Sea Clan ban, even The Sea Dragon Emperor who did not comply…

For this reason, he would repeatedly ignore the old man’s persuasion, even in the end he directly and rudely reprimanded..

In fact, when Zhangping Once this remark is exported, it means that the golden old man has no chance not to say it, and will even get into trouble…

However, even at this time, the golden old man still doesn’t seem to see clearly In front of the situation, he hummed: “Boy, if this is the case, you are lucky…!”

“However, breaking the Sea Clan ban is not a trivial matter. You are waiting to be killed by Master Yushu Let’s…!”

Yi Fan’s sneer at the corner of his mouth became more apparent as soon as this It’s a bit rugged…

You know, Yi Fan has never been a good-tempered person, let alone a submissive master…

even more how, the Yi Fan of this life , Has been in a high position, unconsciously, has the dignity of the emperor…

At this moment, I heard the words of the golden old man, but said with a smile: “hahaha, right? Hearing what you mean, I seem to have only one way to die…! “

Senran’s voice fell, and the crystal energy that had been slowly retracted once again bloomed to the extreme, and after a round of body shape, it had already slowly walked towards the golden old man…

Seeing this situation, I felt the extremely terrifying crystal energy on Yi Fan’s body. At this time, the golden old man finally became a little flustered: “You…what do you want to do…? “

Hearing what Jin old man said, Yi Fan immediately said solemnly: “What are you doing?” What can you do? “

“One break of the ban is broken, and two breaks of the ban are broken…! “

“Since you have shown your fangs, then my dragon Yi Fan is not very polite…! “

“Two styles! Broken Rock…! “

“shua…! “

When the voice fell, the golden old man only felt a dark red crystal light flashing in front of him, and a sharp dark red knife beam had already slashed like lightning…

Gengjin didn’t expect, and all the emperors who were present did not expect. This descendant of the sea dragon named Long Yi Fan, even so despised the ban on the emperor Yu Shu Hai…

One break is not enough, I even tried to break the ban again…

“Clang…! “

With a loud noise, in a hurry, this golden old man, who only took a knife in time, has already shot into the water like a golden cannonball…

The old man of Geng Jin was blasted into the sea with a knife, and Yi Fan’s low voice resounded throughout the battlefield: “Every clan emperor, Yi Fan has always been wrong with people. The current matter is my personal business with Jin Clan. Hope you all Don’t interfere…! “

“If you intervene, you should be the mortal enemy of Yi Fan. If you exhaust this life, you will be punishable…! “

Senhan’s voice resounded throughout the audience, and it also caused some clan emperors who had been a little stupid to stop them, and immediately pressed down Jingneng…

“Boom. ..! “

At this moment, the sea in the center of the battle circle burst open, and a ray of golden light flew out of it…

“Don’t listen to this kid, he Has violated the ban on Lord Yu Shu and will be killed by Lord Yu Shu…! “

“Now, he is even more openly attacking the old man. Everyone takes him down. Master Yu Shu will definitely reward me again…! “

“Zhang Ping, Haixin, help me…! “

Until this moment, the old man of Gengjin knew that the matter was big…

The boy in front of him was completely stunned, and he did not want the consequences.. .

Listening to the meaning of the words just now, this damn kid actually had a murderous intention on himself…

And the Gengjin old man was crazy and even vomited blood. The thing is, this kid’s strength is even stronger than expected…

Moreover, he doesn’t seem to be overspoiled after the war…

At this moment , If there is no one to support, I would be really dangerous…

Hearing this old man of Gengjin, a kind of clan emperor is dazzling again. Among them, Zhang Ping and a dark-skinned youth began to flicker in their eyes. Uncertain…

But at this moment, it was almost Gengjin old man tone barely fell, and Yi Fan burst out loudly: “Noisy! This incident originated from your evil intentions. After repeated provocations, why are you now afraid of fighting like a mouse? There is still a face to ask for help in such an act…! “

“Do you regard all the emperors present as fools?” Or, treat them all as your subordinates…? “

“This matter is yours and mine. It does not involve others or other people…! “

“As for Master Yu Shu, don’t say that he is not here, even if he is here, I, Long Yi Fan, dare to talk with him in person…! “

“Success in peace, five styles! Swallow the sky…! “

The words fall, the crystal energy aura on his body and the breathtaking Dragon’s Might have already bloomed to the extreme, and the rock tiger sword in his hand is raised…

View Battle Clan in a crowd The emperor was shocked, it was already the Person and Blade Unite who turned into a hideous Heavenly Dragon, and swallowed down the golden old man who had just rushed up…

“Roar…! “

The sword hasn’t arrived yet, the sharp and heavy power of its superior, and the fearful Dragon’s Might have made the Gengjin old man’s heart tremble…

“The golden front struck the sky. ..! “

As soon as he raised the knife, he screamed, “bully intolerably!” Zhang Ping, Haixin, help me! ! “

“Clang…Clang…! “

“Boom…! “

The two knives meet, in an instant, screams, horrible dragons, metal collision, rumbling sound of crystal energy, and chaotic noises, resounding throughout the battlefield…

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