However, at this moment, the sprout has already been included in the Space Secret Treasure, and the burning angel, who is no longer affected by the mysterious sprout, is not a peak state, but it is no longer the weakened look just now…

When the huge suction power is coming, the burning angel full of red crystal can fully bloom, the sacred angel king armor twelve wings shook, already staring at the suction power, diving quickly…


With a muffled sound, the deep-sea anchovy that flew at extremely high speed collided with the angel giant sword on the right hand of the burning angel…

It is the eighth rank. Although Burning Angel is slightly weaker than the opponent at the crystal level, it will never be so easy for the opponent to take Burning Angel, or even stop her…

When the two sides collided, the body of the burning angel even dived at a faster speed under the sea tides induced by crystal energy…

Of course, treasure was robbed, two seas Beast, naturally won’t let it go, but naturally followed up quickly…

Not to mention the Netherworld River jellyfish, this guy is too big, although he is so powerful, he can act at a very fast speed. Slowly…

It’s the deep-sea mob, although it is not small, but its streamlined body makes his speed not affected by receptors…

Lightning, constantly invading the scorching angels who are diving at extreme speed…

But the dive at this moment is not the previous dive. The scorching angels need a lot of consideration and should not be disturbed…

The Burning Angel at this moment, it is a fast dive…

And most importantly, while the Burning Angel is diving, Yi Fan is diving at a fast speed. ..

So, but in a moment, Burning Angel was above him, and saw an extremely terrifying dark red demon star…

“Xiaozhi, you go up first, Leave it to me next…!”

“Seven styles! Falling stars!!”

In the sound of violent roar, a terrifying monster star in the deep sea, like a nuclear warhead , Locked onto the deep-sea mob and the Netherworld River jellyfish, blasting towards them…

It’s okay to face the dark red’Demon Star’ deep-sea mob that was unexpected and frightened them, Regardless of the red sun-like Netherworld River jellyfish, they are all trembling in fear…

You must know that the Yi Fan at this moment is no longer the eighth middle class when he came last time, but the eighth peak …

The level of crystal energy between them is already two levels different. With such a huge gap, they immediately stopped chasing and started to speed. Avoid…

However, Yi Fan’s Star Falling Slash is so easy to hide. Between the violent undercurrents, the demon star has not yet reached the body, and the pressure on the two of them suddenly increased thousands of times. ..

Originally a flexible body, it seems like a tortoise crawls while swimming…

Under such circumstances, the two naturally have no choice but to be hard Fighting a path…

Amidst the seabed, the red sun blooms, and the silver glow is like electricity, interwoven into a silver red light net in an instant, covering the two…

” Bang…! “

“hong long long…! “

The demon star fell, the undercurrent surged, dark red, crimson, bright silver, three-color crystal energy, completely infecting the Sea Territory here…

The red sun fell , The silver knife is stained with blood, the Netherworld River jellyfish and the deep-sea silver beast are already sinking toward the seabed like a stone…

Of course, the two beasts at this moment are naturally no longer intact …

Above the nine umbrellas of the Netherworld River jellyfish, there are already a hundred holes and sores, which is truly miserable…

As for the deep-sea silver-fish, it is even more miserable. The second half of his body has been cut off by a sharp weapon, and it looks extremely weird and extremely miserable…

A knife is just a knife…

Netherworld River jellyfish is also good, Regardless of the deep-sea beast, the two beasts have already understood that there are too many of them, and there is no chance for oneself…

“Dare to chase and die! ! “

At this moment, a loud shout came from above, letting them know the attitude of the other party…

So, where are the two beasts? I dared to stay more, and immediately dragged the wounded body and fleeed far away…

From beginning to end, the two beasts did not even see their opponents clearly, and they were already defeated far away…


As for Yi Fan, seeing this situation, naturally he will not chase anymore, and immediately turned into a dark red demon light, diving at speed…

“pu…! “

When Yi Fan appeared again and broke the water, in the underground space of the hot spring blessed land, the cauliflower and all the members of the dark screen team have all gathered here…

” the host..!

Seeing Yi Fan’s appearance, Cauliflower immediately greeted him…

As for the Burning Angel, he immediately controlled Mecha and turned it into armguards and returned to Yi Fan’s hands…

Looking at a large number of dark curtain squads, Yi Fan immediately knocked on his hand to protect the wall, and said happily: “Xiao Zhi, not bad, you have done countless contributions this time. ..!”

The burning angel hearing this immediately showed light and shadow, and said happily: “Thank You Master praises, not only as one with the master, Xiao Zhi is proud of the master’s worries…! “

Yi Fan smiled lightly: “You are the mastermind, to be honest, I don’t even know how to reward you…!”

Hearing this Yile:” Haha, the master’s wish is also Xiao Zhi’s wish. If possible, in the future, give Xiao Zhi a star of life that can be completely managed by himself..!”

So-called, the speaker has no intention, The listener has the heart, the words of Burning Angel weren’t too serious…

But after Yi Fan heard these words, he immediately agreed: “haha, repeat the glory of civilization, it is your place Wish, that is what I want…!”

“Your request, I agreed…!”

I heard what Yi Fan said, Zhi Angel Immediately solemnly said: “So, Xiao Zhi thanked his master…!”

So far, the exchange between Yi Fan and Zhi Angel is over…

At this time, Yi Fan looked towards Cauliflower and the dark curtain team behind them…

Of course, at this time, Yi Fan has no ink marks anymore, and immediately opened the mouth and said : “Everyone, congratulations…!”

“The mission of the dark curtain team is temporarily over, you can return to the city with me…!”

“You are all Heavenly Rock City, and even the heroes of the entire Rock League, after returning to the city, I will reward you for your merits…!

As soon as these words are spoken, the faces of the members of the dark curtain team will all be revealed. My heart smiles…

I can finally go back…

This day, they can look forward to it for a long time…

Sea Clan is Sea after all Clan, even though I am impressed here for a few months, I have already had some feelings, but it is not their home…

Now that they can go home soon, they are naturally quite happy…

However, in this entire dark curtain team, only one person has a deep face, and seems not very happy…

This person is naturally cauliflower…

Even, after Yi Fan’s words fall At that moment, Cauliflower asked immediately: “Master, what happened, why did we leave so hastily…! “

Hearing what Cauliflower said, Yi Fan knew immediately that Cauliflower didn’t know the inside story…

However, for the moment, he didn’t explain much. Just rather solemnly said: “Cauliflower, I know that letting you give up the sea snake clan that has been in business for a long time will make you a little unwilling…! “

“However, the retreat is now a foregone conclusion, and it is also the only way to preserve the sea snake clan. As for the details, let’s talk slowly on the road…! “

“By the way, you guy, after having been outside for so long, don’t you want to go home…? “

Hearing what Yi Fan said, Cauliflower naturally didn’t have the slightest objection, and immediately said lightly with a smile: “Uh, I see, master…! “

Hearing what Cauliflower said, Yi Fan immediately ordered: “Well, since everyone is clear, there is nothing to say, let’s go…! “

When the voice fell, Yi Fan no longer had the slightest trace of ink, and immediately turned into a glare, heading towards the exit of the underground space, rushing away quickly…

….. .

Rock League, Tianyan City, Rock Palace…

When Yi Fan appeared at the door with cauliflower At that time, Fina, Ruoxue, Xing Jie, father, Mother, as well as Mo Yi, Mo Ling, Hualing, and Xueli, the whole family has stood quietly at the door to welcome…

This scene, I am very moved by Cauliflower…

Home! This is my home…

Perhaps, only those who really own will know how it feels like , I will at all costs, to guard all this, to guard my home…

Look at the front, smiling family members, and then look at the owner with a warm smile on her side …

Until this moment, Cauliflower really understands what is the real guardian…

I finally feel, until now, the pressure on the owner’s shoulder, in the end How heavy it is…

In this brief moment, Cauliflower secretly swears that no matter what happens in the future, and no matter what he faces in the future, she will definitely be with her master to guard this home…

After some greetings at the door, the Yi Fan family quickly entered the restaurant…

In the familiar and unfamiliar restaurant, there is already a table full of dishes that cauliflower likes very much. , Let the cauliflower, the happy ones almost can’t find the North…

The joy of reunion and the sumptuous dinner make the Yi Fan family fall into a happy atmosphere…

At this moment, everyone in this family is happy and happy…

However, when the Yi Fan family was enjoying themselves, the distant Sea Clan fell into Amidst turmoil…

Of course, amidst this turmoil, some unpredictable dangers are often born…



In the vast Pacific Ocean, on an isolated small island, four sea Clan Sovereign with extremely rich atmosphere gather.

If yes At this moment, Yi Fan is here, and he must be able to recognize the silver-haired Zhang Ping at a glance.

Ocean Ten Great Imperial Families, the Imperial Family of the inner five clans. Again, the other three Sovereign identities will not It’s hard to guess…

They are naturally whale clan, shark delirium, jellyfish clan, and the other three clan kings.

As for the radial fin fish clan that was originally the inner five clan , Because the clan emperor was suddenly killed, there was chaos in the clan…

In a short period of time, it was naturally impossible to recommend a Sovereign who could dominate the entire clan, and naturally could not participate in this original In the grand gathering of the five tribes and emperors…

Seeing that the three were present, the convener, Zhang Ping, immediately said solemnly: “Since everyone has arrived at Sea King Island, now I believe I already know what the situation is..! “

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