The Changhe River Basin, the Suzhou-Hangzhou boundary…

The departure of the two eighth-order high existence clan emperors did not have any impact on the army…

At this time, the remaining six clan emperors, including the many clown emperors who recovered, all believed that the two clan emperors must have gone after the enemy…

After all, since the two clan emperors After the pursuit began, they were not attacked anymore…

In this way, they were more convinced of their guess…

Neither would they have thought of the two The eighth-order high-ranking emperor is now in a situation of one death and one prisoner…

They are still leading the team, and they are going fast…

Of course, at this moment, how many of them are With some vigilance, after all, I have suffered extreme terrorist attacks before…


The water waves are rippling, and the crab army is like a strip of light Belt, drifting through the long river…

Under the sun, the originally turbid river water also seems to show a faint colorful halo, quite strange…

The six big crab clan kings, all covered in armor, crystal power lingers all over the body, walking on the water, they are also quite mighty…

It’s just a little bit less than before. Fearful self-confidence, a little more cautious after fear…

Obviously, the invasion of the terrorist winged wolf was somewhat shocking…

After all , The horror of the clown queen after the arrow is still vivid…

Although he saved his life in the end, no one wants to be the next him…

However, there are some things that you don’t want to happen, they just won’t happen, like now…

“ao wu…!”

When entering the end of the river basin in Suzhou, the sound of wolves reappeared in a different phase. It’s almost the same as the previous raid…

Three tricolor wolves broke through the air, targeting the clown crab king and the two crab kings next to him…


The clown king and the two clan kings around him still didn’t have the slightest time to react. Winged wolf swallowed the three of them as soon as they appeared…


The huge rumbling sound resounded through the entire sky again, and three huge mushroom clouds steamed up…


“Huh! …!”

Amidst the violent wind mixed with screams, two silhouettes fluttered out of them…

Under such circumstances, these two figures naturally That is to say, the two clan kings around the clown king. As for the clown crab king, who was seriously injured and has not fully recovered, it was directly lost in the horrible mushroom cloud and never came out…

“Be careful , The enemy attack…!”

Amidst the sound of horrified roar, the three clan kings of the crab clan who had not been’cared for’ by the wing wolf just now surrounded the two clan kings who were about to be thrown away… .

Obviously, the two people who were thrown away at this moment are already injured…

Although their injuries are not too serious, they are only arrows in their arms. The impact of combat power is not big, but everyone’s expressions are still gloomy…

In fact, under such circumstances, it’s no wonder that their faces are gloomy…

After all, the King of Clown has not come out, and his breath is quickly dissipating, obviously he will not survive…

Under such circumstances, how can their faces not be gloomy…

Even, even if it’s not the Joker King, it’s just this arrow that will be shot at any time,

Here again!

This terrifying arrow is here again! !


Xingluo and Blue Devil, two big clan emperors, aren’t they going to pursue them…?

Why did they appear again…?

Are the two clan emperors being thrown away…?

How is it possible? Those two are eighth-order high-level existence…!

If this is the case, what should they do…?

Now that the opponent is attacking this kind, they can’t even determine which direction they are, how to defend, how to counterattack…?

Is it such a living target for the other party…?

Thinking about it this way, the remaining digital emperors are all trembling in their hearts, not knowing what to do…

You know, the clown crab emperor proved that horror with his life With the formidable power of the arrow, the hearts of the remaining few clan emperors naturally panicked…

In the panic, the crystal energy finally escaped on the court, and the clown emperor fell really fast The broken limbs were finally introduced into the eyes of several clan emperors…

The upper body, including the head, has completely disappeared. I am afraid that it will burst into dregs long ago…

A clan emperor who was just alive and kicking again, after being hit by an arrow again, eventually fell. Such a scene made the panicked clan emperor shudder…

They have completely forgotten about it, and now they only have fear…

Such a terrifying arrow technique threat, several clan emperors are already trembling in fear…

After all, none of them wants to be the second clown crab king…


The king crab stopped the team, of course, this It is also the collective decision of the frightened clan kings…

Stop the team, this is not enough. The remaining five clan kings, in order not to be named one by one, immediately sank to the bottom of the river and began to discuss The countermeasures are…

Shuzi, Qinghua, Xuanyue, Red Spot, Bailu, the five clan emperors, as soon as they entered the long river, they dived into the depths of the river, and then they began to discuss…

“Everyone, the arrow came from in the sky, don’t you think it’s okay if you sink to the bottom of the river…?”

The blue and white crab king, always cautious, At this time, it was the first one to speak. Hearing what he meant, it seemed that he was still very worried about his own safety…

When he heard this, the red spot crab king immediately said solemnly: “Now it is There is no other way. Everyone is in one place, and the crystal power bursts to the extreme. You can only watch out at any time…!”

When I heard the words of the Red Spot Crab King, so did Xuanyue Crab King. Immediately echoed: “Yes, blue and white, under this situation, there is no way to do it…!”

“Apart from this, can you just turn your head and not run away? …!”

“You know, Xingluo and Blue Devil will probably be here soon…!”

“At that time, damn it. The archer of Xingluo and Blue Devil will inevitably be broken into pieces…!”

The words of Emperor Xuanyue Crab fell, and the King Bailu Crab on one side said solemnly: “You That’s nice to say…!”

“At this moment, we don’t know at all. At this moment, Xing Luo and Blue Devil The current situation of people…! “

“Now I found out that we don’t even know anything about our opponents…! “

“The ghost knows, how many groups are there for this Winged Wolf Archer? What if there are many groups…? “

“His…! “

The last words of Bailu Crab King came to an end. All the Crab Kings took a breath…

Winged wolf shooter! Many teams?

If this is true, Sea Clan will not be confused…

Of course, it was only a moment, and everyone would react…


After all, the guy who can shoot this kind of arrow must be 7th grade higher, or even three human evolver over 7th grade, to be possible…

This Although Yanmeng has no specific information, they have briefly learned about it before…

But they still have a certain understanding of the development history of the entire continent after the disaster…

What is certain is that at the moment, the 7th grade is more than moderate, and in the entire human world at the moment, it is definitely a minority of the minority…

That is to say, this assumption, It’s definitely not true…

Thinking of this, the King Swimming Crab who spoke at the end immediately said solemnly: “Don’t think about it, there are one or two groups that are up to the sky. This is the human world. Think of it as Ocean world, 7th grade is full of ocean…? “

“The existence of the 7th grade in the human world is already extremely powerful and extremely rare…! “

“Let’s think about it, what should we do next…! “

When these words came out, it made the emperor more at ease. After all, under the command of the emperor, but there are many ethnic groups living on the eastern coast. Naturally, he said a little more. Persuasive…

And his last sentence finally came to the point…

What to do!

Death, they are facing a naming crisis, and the two eighth-order high-level emperors are not there. What should they do, and what should the whole team do…

“In my opinion, since we don’t know Xingluo, Master Blue Devil and the specific situation there, we might as well take it easy..! “

“Stop the march temporarily, wait for the return of the two adults, and then make a decision…! “

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Xuanyue Crab immediately echoed: “This is also a way. You only need to pass the order to stop the advancement at the river mouth…! “

“And most importantly, since we entered the river, the other party has given up on sniping…! “

The Xuanyue clan’s emperor’s words have fallen, and all the clan emperors have agreed…

Obviously, in this situation, everyone is inclined to temporarily stop marching and wait for Xing Luo , Blue Devil, the two clan emperors are back…

It’s the king crab who once again opened the mouth and said: “To be honest, it’s okay to be silly, but also not our only way…! “

“My opinion is, since we dive and the other party did not launch a sniper, why don’t we proceed cautiously in this way…! “

“After all, what we do right now is the focal point of ten thousands. If we stop like this, I am afraid that we will suffer countless ridicules from Sea Clan in the future..! “

As soon as the King Swimming Crab’s words fell, it immediately evoked this string in everyone’s hearts. After all, there is no fool who was there…

Before, it was just a shock. , At this moment, the King Crab mentioned it, and immediately remembered this…

At this time, if we stop directly, even if this battle is finally won, they are afraid of the opposing Wingwolf archer, Things that dare not move forward will inevitably spread to Sea Clan…

At that time, the many clan kings present, even the non-existent Xing Luo and Blue Devil crab kings, will become the mouths of others. A joke…

“haha, the King Crab is still thoughtful. Under such circumstances, we really can’t show our cowardice..! “

“I support the King Crab’s opinion, and under the premise of caution, I will move forward slowly…! “

After a lot of scrutiny among the crab kings, it was the blue and white crab king who has always been cautious. The first to speak, the first to express support for the king crab…

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