A giant wrapped in flames and suffering. Dagon's army is disturbed by being hung on the back. It seemed that the victory was decided at a stretch, but it was not that sweet.

When the surviving moss giants cover their main Dagon, they use their water to extinguish the flame.

I watched it silently. He couldn't hit the second shot because he put all his energy into the magic.

And I can't concentrate on magicians. He was in a position to lead Bernese's army while guiding reinforcements from the cities behind him.

First, tell Jeanne and the three-year-old unit that allies have appeared, and improve their morale. When they seem to be getting pushed back, they send a message to Ryoma and pinch it. Then, the enemy troops struggling to the point just before are destroyed one after another.

"Wonderful line. Master."

Is the word of Eve.

"The enemy doesn't have eyes on his back.

"However, it is the master's skill that has drawn him into the enemy line."

"Is my pretend dead good?"

"Yes. I thought I was really dead and this Eve's heart was about to tear."

Eve holding down the heart.

"That's not a problem. I really want Eve to make a tomb if I die."

"The master is invincible; he will not die."

"It's a good word. Should I keep it in my will?"

When I play, I stare at Robin.

He was just staring at the place just above. The lover's death must have been so shocking.

"I understand the feeling, but if you leave it as it is a good target of the enemy."

"Well, I don't want to fight, but I want you to go backwards ..."

Leaking such a wishful observation reveals that there is a green creature under his feet.

The creature that Robin calls Su, stood close to the Lord, must have reached the same conclusion as us. I climbed over my shoulder and wiped Robin's eyes.

So Robin notices that he is on the battlefield and has a bow again, aiming at the Dagon.

His fighting spirit does not seem exhausted. No, maybe it became deeper by knowing the death of his lover.

He looked at the Dagon with unusual eyes.

Dagon escaped from the flames of Purgatory due to the dedication of Moss Titan, who was acting, and stared madly at him.

There is no longer a majesty as a sea giant. He comes here with an expression as if only the fear of the sea was embodied.

A blow with only murderous intent is swung right above me. I avoid it.

It runs along its arm and runs up the giant's body, but there is something following it. Robin.

"Ashito. I will fight the Dagon. Kill him with this soul!"

I was grateful for that, but it was going to burn out. I didn't want this bow hero to die.

So I turn my murder on the Dagon as well. It's time to kill Dagon before Robin burns out.

――I made such calculations, but the Demon King, Dagon, was quite powerful. All the arrows Robin fired from his arms were not fatal.

All arrows penetrated deep into Dagon's face, but stopped short of the skull.

"A monster! But if you can't use ten, just stab the arrow! If the arrow runs out, stab this dagger.

Robin did not loose his attack.

On the other hand, I do not loosen my magic attacks. He used fireballs, lightning strikes, water currents, wind blades and all sorts of attacks to support Robin, but it seemed useless in front of the giant.

(The only way to kill this monster is to hit a powerful blow into the stake)

I realized that through years of experience and changed my strategy. They decided to stop and leave everything to Robin. Move away from the giant's body to stay away and prepare for casting spells. Use forbidden magic. But use that magic? When I was worried, I noticed a whisper in my ear. The green creature that was caught on my shoulder whispered. In human language.

"Asito-sama, his weakness is the liver. The liver plays a role like the heart. "

She stared at Carbuncle, but she was still a pretty little animal.

I wondered and asked Eve.

"Eve, have you heard this Carbuncle voice now?"

Eve slowly shakes her head. Apparently it was only me who could hear that voice.

"... Hearing?"

There are many considerations, but it's not the time to explore Carbuncle. It was first decided to believe in the words and go through the liver of Dagon.

I cast the magic of Giant Growth to kill the Dagon. This was the magic of expanding material. Although it is a forbidden magic, it is originally a magic that is not very useful in battle.

However, depending on how you do it, it can be more powerful than the magic of dropping meteorites and fusion. I was going to prove it.

However, this magic was one of the forbidden magics that took a long time. Will the Dagon miss it? It was a bet.

And the bet failed. The Dagon ignores it as if paying for the flies, and comes here. He may have noticed the magical threat I cast as a Demon King.

It is killed as it is. I thought so, but I can't stop chanting. You won't win unless you cast this magic.

I glanced away from Eve, but she didn't move at all.

The determined expression seemed to be determined to me, but her determination was in vain.

Two shadows appeared to stand between me and the Dagon. They were Saint Jeanne d'Arc and Deputy Director Shinsengumi, Toshizo Hijikata. Jeanne shouts and adds a flash of the Holy Sword to the Dagon.

"Devil! You came to help!"

Toshizo cuts an enemy fishman who was about to jump into my pocket with a sword and adds a kick.

"I don't want to die here. My husband hasn't fulfilled my promise yet."

Is the promise to eat 100,000 arrows? Certainly, I have never met such a splendid battle.

I shake my chin slightly while spelling spells, thanking them for their loyalty.

"If the Dagon is the Demon King, we'll block for five minutes. In the meantime, will you throw your special moves?"

I shake my head vertically.

"It's reliable, but can you fight this giant for five minutes?"

Toshizo cut the giant's feet with a cold sweat, but Dagon was calm to the blow.

When Jeanne sees it, he corrects, "I'll make it into three minutes." And I wanted to concentrate on the spell for four minutes.

The two heroes who saw it in my atmosphere challenge the giant in a wonderful combination.

Even though I usually have a bad relationship, they just breathed well. I wanted it, but if I did, they would say:

"Don't be with such a player!"

"I can't have a perfect breath with a saint of such a big eater"


I spell forbidden magic while imagine saints and samurai bending the navel. Already half cast, conversely half still left.

I want to complete the spell quickly. I was impatient, but I had to be cautious as the success of this spell would determine the fate of many.

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