Bernese and his men were so happy that they danced on the spot, but I and their men were not as happy as they were.

I am delighted to have defeated the Demon King Dagon, and the Dagon corps has been scattered as a result of the defeat.

I'm glad, but I couldn't express my joy when I saw the back of a dusky bower on the battlefield.

I approached him and called out.

"It was a stunning arrow blow."

"That was the best magic."


After that, silence continued, but it was Robin who survived the silence. He said that he was smiling and said:

"Thanks to the Demon Lord for all this time, the Dagon was able to be destroyed. Thank you."

"Your lion's rush was also working."

"Maybe, but that's until today."

"Are you going on a journey?"

Robin abandons his bow and turns his back on me, but I speak to him.

"I'll be back again. You are the only captain of the Ashtaloth army."

Robin stopped and said "Thank you". I walked up to him and finally asked for a handshake. I wanted to hug you too.

"Well, I don't have such a hobby."

Robin, playful, I was serious.

"In my hometown, shake my hands and hug my friend and swear a reunion. Make it my way."

"I think it's a wonderful home, but I can't."


"I'm not eligible for your handshake or hug."

"That's what I decide."

"No, it's up to me to decide, because I've tried to kill you many times in battle, trying to save Fianna by taking your neck. You have had many opportunities to betray you. I was aiming. Such a man is not worthy of a friend. "

"Well, she confessed me well, Robin, beat me."


Robin loses his words and asks if he has heard it wrong.

"No, I don't hit you. You hit me."

"Isn't it the opposite?"

"Not the other way around. In fact, I was suspicious of you. When I pierced my heart, I suspected that I would aim for anything other than my heart until the very end. There is no. ''

So hit me and keep going.

"That's this line. You hit me first. I'd be more rebellious first."

Robin says I hit him without hesitation. I thought it was a way to reward his trust. I thought it was a way to develop friendship with him.

Degassi, a heavy blow reaches his cheek. Red blood spills from the mouth. It looks like she cut her lips and mouth.

"I hit a person after a long time. My hand hurts."

"Naturally, your fist is not capable of hitting people."

"Now, you're next. Robin, beat me. Beat me hard. Give me the right to hug you. Give me the right to shake hands with you. Make me your friend."

I'm beaten by him. Full of power.

The sound was as loud as before, and I died, but when I regained my posture, I smiled a bit.

"It's a good beat. It's a demon."

So Robin and I had a hot hug, then clasped both hands.

"Surely come back someday. In that case, please add me to the last seat of your subordinate."

"I'm looking forward to that day"

After such an exchange, Robin was a journey. For some reason, Carbuncle, who always took me, did not move from under my feet.

So Robin and I broke apart, but it was only my body that separated and I felt like my heart was connected somewhere.

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