After victory in the field, we besiege the castle of Ismalia.

This is a small number, but the enemy's morale is low and the siege will be established unless you hit the castle.

Expressing such insights, Toshizo, returning from the battlefield, asked a question.

"Husband, where is the purpose of the Ashtaroth army? Would you like to siege the castle as it is and attack it, or will you attack it and drop it as it is?"

"You have the option of setting fire and looting the castle town."

"I don't have it, my husband is not such a ball."

"Well, surely. Hunting is not my hobby."

Joke back, I state my strategy.

"If you besiege the castle as it is, you will surely be able to attack the army, but it will still last for three months, in the meantime if other demon kings are aiming for my territory, it will be troubled. May come. "

"Sure, the situation does not allow foresight."

Eve confirms.

"If so, do you want to attack? Here and there are huge damages."

"It would be nice if Ismaria is a strategic landmark, but it's not worth it. The Ashtaroto's army is so thin that it cannot be forcibly taken."

"What then?"

"I'm leaving the Castle of Ismaria with the Count of Ismaria.

"I mean?"

"We're in negotiations and we're going to give the other party a good deal. Well, maybe a war-free treaty, the opening of borders, and materials and gold coins."

"Is talking peacefully?"

"That's right. It's a castle castle."

When I say so, Eve argues.

"I think it's good to force the castle, but it's the opposite of the master going to negotiations."

"Wait, why do you think I'm going?"

"Why are you going?"

"That's right"

"I'm the opposite. Earl Ismalia is being cornered. She may kill her master without making the right decisions."

"Maybe, but the messengers are likely to be killed."

"Can I cut myself?"

"Eve, my life as a New Demon King comes to my life because I always fight on the front lines, because I buy out dangerous missions. I don't want to break down. ''

"Okay, so this Eve is also with you."

"I can't do that, but I know that it's dangerous, so I'll take Jeanne and Robin to age three.


Says Jeanne to Eve, who still shows difficulties.

"The maid is selfish. I had a play by the Demon King. I couldn't take me to the castle of Ismalia, and I just ended up joining."

Jeanne inflates her cheeks with full of anger.

"I'm sorry, sorry."

It would be an idiot to say that he had completely forgotten Jeanne. Take a mood.

"Since Jeanne was rampaging outside, security was reduced. I was saved."

"Yes. I heard from Kotaro that the Demon King had been caught, so I came to my head and played a guerrilla battle in the castle town."

Jeanne boasts.

"But I didn't bother the civilians. I just went rampaging in a soldier camp."

"It's a daring saint. Well, take my spooky men in my army like this, give me relief."

Eve wouldn't be convinced by that, but he wouldn't want to squash any more in the military. In the end he will approve.

I changed my clothes at Eve's recommendation and tried to go to Ismalia Castle, but I couldn't.

It was stopped by an unexpected person. When he appeared like the wind, he told only facts at a wind-like speed.

"Ismalia Castle has just fallen. It has been dropped by a mysterious group emerging from underground."

When I looked up, smoke was rising from Ismalia Castle. Some soldiers open the gate and flee.

"What do you mean, master?"

Eve is unusually confused, but only me and Toshizo have roughly understood the meaning. The old man I met earlier must be involved.

The old man who helped us underground may have attacked this castle. Perhaps from underground-

However, it is still too clever. The old man was the best warrior, but unknown as a commander. It feels another to boldly drop the castle.

And there must have been some troops to drop the castle.

Soldiers do not spring out of space. There must be something behind it with a sword and a soldier.

However, there is no point in thinking here. I change the strategy in a hurry.

"Talks with Count Ismalia have been canceled. I will go to help him instead."

"Are you helping me?"

Eve confirms.

"It's not a ball that will give you a favor."

That's three years old, but that didn't make me want to abandon the Earl.

"The Earl and his daughter have suffered badly, but that doesn't mean they should be abandoned. And securing an Earl would be a political advantage."

"After the fall of Ismalia, you will have a good cause to retake this castle."

"That's right. Now it's time for all-out warfare. All hero-level commanders will participate."

Toshizo, Jeanne, Robin, and Kotaro nodded.

I was worried that Eve was rolling up the sleeves of the maid outfit, and when I ordered him to leave, he looked disappointed.

However, without further mentioning my selfishness, I brought my old name long sword with Mamoru Izumi Kanesada of Toshizo.

We receive it.

Toshizo puts Morizumi Izumi on his waist as if chewing. After all, he seemed lonely without his beloved sword.

"Look, this is a thousand people. You're all 100 heads."

The other heroes smile with a bitter smile, but now Toshizo was really terrified that he would kill 1,000 people alone.

I kept my hands on the shoulders of Toshizo to take care of that extravagance and went straight to the castle of Ismalia.

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