This is how the Ant War ended.

The citizens didn't suffer much, though. Instead, there were holes everywhere in Ashtalotto.

An army of ants dug a hole, but they struggled to fill it.

I instructed the dwarf Godfrey to fill a hole, but the next day he proposes to use one of the holes effectively.

"What is Effective Use?

"I found the source of the hot spring right next to the hole that the ants dug.

I want to dig it up and take it to the ground and build a public bath. "

"That's not bad. Like a public bath in Rome."

"I don't know about Rome, but it's a break for citizens."

"I see. Then I will raise the money, so please dig up the hot springs."

Godrieve walks away with "good intentions," but I'm worried about how to convince Eve.

Eve, Lord of the Treasury, stared at the national household books every day.

Ant raids took less human damage, but they did a lot of damage to the city. We have to budget for it to be repaired.

There were also a large number of refugees from Ismaria. It is not just what feeds them.

Unfortunately, after consulting with the treasurer, she gave her permission unexpectedly.

There were a number of reasons, but first of all, the idea was that there were things.

If there is a hot spring right next to the hole, it is cheaper than digging from scratch.

It will also be a means of comforting the soldiers injured in this battle.

Eve gave me permission to build a public bathhouse on those grounds, but it wasn't enough.

Eve knew I had entered the hot springs in the basement of Hijikata and Ismaria. She is sluggish, and presses herself to come in with her.

Mass baths are separate for men and women.

I try to say no, but Dwarf's Godfrey says something extra.

"I set up a space for a family bath. There was no men's or women's bath before it was opened to the public. The best bath is for two."

Eve takes a light guzzle pose, but I...

"Don't do anything extra."

And I lick it.

The Godreeve

"Jinji is an extraneous creature."

And, well, we started the construction work.

The restoration of the city and the construction of the public baths were the sole arena for Dwarves' engineers.

I don't feel comfortable complaining that I am watching their troublesome work.

And Eve's words would be like jokes. Since it wasn't Jeanne, such childish promises must soon be forgotten.

I was also immersed in the restoration project, and when I let it go, I waited for the city to be restored and the public baths to be built.

In the meantime, it's been weeks, so I'll be patrolling the city with Jeanne.

The inspection was also carried out.

The city of Ashtalotto was in a state of deterioration yesterday.

The reason is that the population has grown rapidly. Refugees had arrived from all over the country and were in trouble with the residents who had lived there before.

There are many things I would like to say to indigenous people, but many refugees have lost their property in disaster and war destinations. No, there were a lot of things I lost, not just property, but even my family.

They were so excited that many of them stained their hands on crime.

It was their role as rulers of the city to soothe their hearts and educate their citizens.

I look at a group of young people who have migrated as refugees from neighbouring countries today.

Even though it was daytime, they drank alcohol without even working.

It wasn't a crime or anything, but I couldn't watch the town girl pull her hand and force her to pour alcohol.

It's the same with Jeanne, and she jumps out herself.

"You guys, stop messing with the bad guys!

Beautiful, beautiful, clean.

The Virgin's proclamation was elegant, but lacked strength.

Blonde girls are more adorable and cute than majesty.

The young men try to make Jeanne drink, but the angry Jeanne sanction them.

He pulled out the holy sword on his back and slashed the belt on their pants.

The pathetic young man who had his belt slashed ran away while keeping his pants from falling off with both hands.

"It's settled down."

Jeanne, whose nose is rough, declares victory. The town girl thanked me politely.

"Those young people aren't mean either. It must have been tough in other cities."

She was a very good daughter. I won't punish them any more for being looked after by her. However, later on, we will investigate patiently and provide instructional guidance.

I was going to have Dwarf's architectural firm get a job and get his roots back together.

I thought that if I worked with sweat, my bad memories would diminish and I wouldn't do anything unhealthy.

This settles the matter, but Jeanne pulls my hand.

Looks like we found a new store on the corner.

I thought so at first, but it wasn't the restaurant where Jeanne brought me.

It was a small bookstore.

She said that she would enter the bookstore.

"Demon King, Demon King, it's a present. I'll buy you a book of your choice."

But I'm going to push you to be careful that you can't.

I don't buy such a product because it is not a child with lots, but I don't care what kind of blowing is used, so I ask.

"It's unusual for Jeanne to be a present. I spend all my pocket money buying and eating."

"I want you not to lick it. I also give presents occasionally. It's a symbol of everyday appreciation."

"The other day, when I went out to buy food, I didn't think it was the word of the Virgin who ate my share."

"It just so happens. I paid for the book today."

She takes out a bag of gold coins from her pocket. Quite a lot.

At first, I thought I would refrain, but I thought it was an act of putting water on her mind.

So I looked around the store and decided to buy only one book.

Well, what shall I buy?

When I buy a book, my tension suddenly rises.

I am a book-loving demon king. Every day I read a book, I was a typewriter.

Jeanne would never have imagined what would happen if she brought such a demon king to the bookstore.

I've never seen a bookstore before, and I've been watching the bookstore shelves for an hour. Along the way, Jeanne searched the shelves to the extent that they were lacking.

The behavior revealed that this bookstore had the best assortment.

This bookstore has everything from novels to technical and military books, but the narrow shop is full of famous books that I like.

It was as if I was looking at my bookshelf.

Looking at the bookshelf, Jeanne got tired of it. You may have to find the book before you can get it out.

I'll get the right book. When I flipped the cover I liked, I bought it.

When I bought it, Jeanne gladly put out her wallet and asked.

"What about the book?

I answer.

"This book is a self-funded publication written by an individual."

"Publishing at your own expense?

"It's a book written by an individual without the help of a publisher or a bookseller."

"Are you enjoying reading a book like that?

"I don't know, but this book looks interesting. First of all, I want to tie it up."

Lightly grip a book with a fine tie.

Looking at him, Jeanne said, "That's good," but he doesn't seem to know what makes him happy.

Well, this was a sense of exhilaration divided only into book lovers.

I hope I can share it with Jeanne one day, but I'll go back to the castle with that in mind and read a book.

It's quite an interesting book, and I can read it until dinner, but I remember it.

"Well, you can publish your own book."

Once again, when I was a reader, I thought about publishing, and after dinner I took a brush.

It was to make a copy of a book. Do everything by hand. It became a ritual after work, and it became my lifework.

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