The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 208: "Pink Girl"

"Oh, women's youth is only a few short years."

"Alas, the charm of a woman is shorter."

"How long is the average charm of a woman?"

"The length of the man's eyes staying on you is the length of your charm."


"To be honest, I have never counted how many times I have been in love."

"You better figure it out."


"It can be counted as a lover|women, but not a slut|women."


At the end of March, a four-frame comic series called "Pink Girl" quietly appeared on Maizi's Weibo.

The simple painting style and simple dialogue outline scenes of modern urban men and women in miniature.

One is a "marriage mad" who wants to marry any man; the other is a "strong woman" who wants work without love; the other is a "geeky" who wants love but not marriage; a "naive girl" who can't figure out anything about men .

The four distinct characters in the comics each represent four different views of love and life of urban women.

Relying on Maizi's popularity in the comics industry, his fame in the hearts of fans, as well as the promotion of Maizi, Azheng, and Xiaoyuer on Weibo, as well as free and other reasons, it has attracted many readers.

The simple dialogue points out the ups and downs of men and women in the face of love and marriage, as well as the humorous and pungent effects contained therein, which resonates with readers.

In less than a week, the number of Maizi Weibo fans increased by more than 100,000.

In response to the strong request of fans, three days after the comics were serialized, it increased from one to five per day.

Maizi's Weibo, since the official release of "I Believe", has returned to the usual dullness.

Now the four-frame comics were suddenly serialized, which immediately attracted the attention of the comics community.

Love Man Culture.

General Manager's Office.

Standing in front of the general manager Pei Pengbing, the new editor-in-chief of "Man Man Love" magazine respectfully said: "Pei, Mai Zi serialized "Pink Girl" on Weibo. It seems that the effect is not bad."

"What do you mean?"

"I think if feasible, we can sign and try to dig wheat into our company. Feiyang Publishing House is far worse than ours, and their bid is definitely not as good as ours."

In business, everything is to pursue more interests.

Even though Maizi and the "Manman Love" magazine once had a very unpleasant quarrel, there is no need to miss the hen who will lay golden eggs because of the anger?

In the final analysis, the editor-in-chief is also for the "Man Man Ai" magazine, for the interests of Ai Man culture.

Pei Pengbing is not a idiot. He thought about it for a while: "Do you think the four-frame comics are still messy?"

In the last century, four-frame comics were once popular, and newspapers specially opened special columns for serialization.

However, with the development of the times, especially the invasion of Japanese comics, four-frame comics, which use four frames to complete a short story or a creative idea, are gradually declining.

It is not that there is no market for four-frame comics, but the economic benefits brought by four-frame comics are far inferior to the long-form serial comics with hundreds or even thousands of words at every turn.

The comic carrier can't make more money, so it can only reduce the author's manuscript fee; the author can't make money, so he has to give up the four-frame comics and switch to the long-form serial comics direction.

Can Maizi's "Pink Girl" revive a four-frame comic?

The editor-in-chief is not optimistic.

He proposed to sign "Pink Girl" just to win over wheat.

Maizi is not alone. Behind him is a studio. This is the final conclusion drawn by the comics industry based on the completely different styles of "Hua Nan" and "Naruto".

The third style of painting shown in "Pink Girl" is the best testimony!

Sign "Pink Girl", daughter buy horse bones.

The "Flower Man" produced by Maizi Studio is serialized on "Flying Youth", and "Naruto" is serialized on "Shounen JUMP". Why can't another comic be published and serialized on "Manman Love"?

Everyone makes money, okay?

Pei Pengbing smacked his lips: "Can you contact Maizi?"

If he can get in touch, he would be **** out by beating him!

Since last year, Zhang Kai, his brother-in-law and Aiman ​​Cultural Security Director, has been looking for someone to inquire about Maizi's true identity, intending to retaliate. It's been almost a year, and I didn't find out any news.

If you can get in touch with him, it just saves me.

At that time, I will find someone to beat him up first, and then sign the contract!

The editor-in-chief is stupid and naive: "I will try and see if I can contact him through Weibo."


Yang Linfei has also had a headache in "Pink Girl" these past two days.

Like the editor-in-chief of "Man Man Ai" magazine, he is also not optimistic about the four-frame comic market, but the problem is that the author of "Pink Girl" is Mai.

For more than half a year, Feiyang Publishing House was able to turn over, relying entirely on wheat and wheat.

Now that Maizi is serializing "Pink Girl" on Weibo, will he seem ungrateful if he doesn't ask?

Just ask your daughter.

On Friday morning, the family had breakfast.

Yang Linfei asked: "Mi Mi, did Teacher Maizi say anything when he drew you a draft?"

Yang Mi picked the porridge and said weakly, "Nothing."

"Didn't you talk about serial publication or something?"


"You kid, you are listless early in the morning, what should you do if you go to school?"

"Stop eating, I'm going to school."

"You are not happy to hear a few words about you..."

Yang Qiuling stopped her husband: "Mi Mi seems to have something on her mind recently, and she has been depressed. Tomorrow weekend, let's take her to the amusement park for fun. When I return, I will find an opportunity to ask her."

"Okay, my daughter is older, you care more, I have to call Maizi and ask him about his intention to sign "Pink Girl"."

After breakfast, Yang Linfei drove to the publishing house, briefly explained, and dialed Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone.

On the phone, Mai Xiaoyu heard him ask about "Pink Girl" and casually said that he had never thought about signing a contract for publication. I just want to serialize on Weibo for free, which is a reward for fans who support me.

Hanging up, Yang Linfei couldn't help but wonder.

It seems that Maizi is not in high spirits, and Mi Mi has been on his mind for the past two days. Will they...

He thinks too much, but Mai Xiaoyu is not very interested because today is his mother's death day.

Wan'anli, Xiangshan South Road.

Wan'an Cemetery.

In front of Mai Xiaoyu's mother's grave, there are various foods that she loved to eat during her lifetime.

Mai Yingxiong's eyes were wet, he squatted in front of the tombstone and burned the paper money, chattering constantly.

"Hui my son is back, and I came to see you with my son..."

"You don't have to worry about him getting injured in a fight anymore. He has grown up now and is a boss..."

"He also found a girlfriend. I have seen him. She is very beautiful and gentle. He will definitely be as virtuous as you in the future. He is a good wife and mother..."

In six or seven years, this is the first time that Mai Xiaoyu and his son have come to pay homage to the grave together.

Mai Xiaoyu stood by, eyes flushed, watching silently.

Liu Xiaoli walked to him and whispered: "Mai, your father knows that you will come back to see your mother today. He is afraid that your father and son will quarrel in front of your mother and make her feel uneasy, so he chooses to come to you every year on Ching Ming Festival. Mom sweeps the grave."

Mai Xiaoyu trembled when he heard the words, walked over and squatted beside Mai Yingxiong, took the paper money from him and put it into the brazier, choked up and said: "Mom, my dad and I are coming to see you..." (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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