The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 222: The enemy is progressing

? "Moe Ren Film and Television once again launched a low-cost sincere work..."

"Liu Dehua appeared on the crew of "The Stone"..."

"Friendly guest..."

"Sing the theme song..."

"Huang Bo wants to hammer Liu Dehua..."

"Brother Chopsticks turned against each other..."


After Liu Dehua left the mountain city, Mengren Film and Television took advantage of his Dongfeng to carry out the pre-publicity work of "Crazy Stone" in a high-profile manner.

In the following days, "Crazy Stone" related news frequently appeared in the newspapers, and various headline party news appeared in endlessly.

Although some readers have cursed the "Title Party" for killing a household register, the crew has earned enough attention and attention and topics have soared. More and more people know that this low-cost film is being filmed, and Liu Dehua, the king of heaven, has a guest starring.

When interviewing Liu Dehua, many media would ask him why he appeared in "Crazy Stone". Every time Liu Dehua laughed without answering.

It's not that it can't answer, but it's not time to announce it.

There are five goals to be achieved in film promotion: first, to arouse interest; second, to actively pay attention to film information; third, to generate consumer desire; fourth, to enter the market for consumption; fifth, to spread word of mouth.

Mengren’s current publicity work is only to increase the reputation of "Stone" and arouse public interest.

To put it bluntly, it means getting a familiar face in front of the public.

The real large-scale publicity and promotion work has to wait until the film is finalized, with the help of shooting highlights, trailers and other methods, through TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and large-scale activities, and the publicity company is completed.

Recently, Mengren has been on a publicity campaign. In addition to "Crazy Stone", there is also "Pink Girl".

When the comic version of "Pink Girl" was first serialized on Maizi's Weibo, it was strongly recommended by three good friends: Mai, Xiaoyuer, and Azheng, and attracted many readers on the Internet.

The comics' humorous and pungent comments on love and marriage in reality aroused the resonance of many readers, and many sentences were spontaneously used by netizens in the online world and promoted in disguise.

Subsequently, under the secret operation of Mengren Film and Television, there were continuous media reports on the comic version of "Pink Girl". When the time was right, Maizi first announced on Weibo that the comic version of "Pink Girl" would be adapted from Mengren Film and Television into a TV series.

Mengren's official Weibo immediately updated Weibo, saying that he had invited Ah Zheng to write the "Pink Girl" script, and Xiao Yuer to create the theme song of the TV series. "Pink Girl" will be launched soon!

Immediately afterwards, a number of media reported the matter...

Routines are routines, and there is nothing unusual about the common propaganda methods in the entertainment industry.

What's strange is that Sky Sky Group suddenly released its own attitude towards Huanyu advertising through obscure means-all its artists will not cooperate with Huanyu Advertising, and will not take any advertisements shot by Huanyu.

As a result, Moeren publicly announced the ban on Huanyu years ago, and was turned over by insiders again.

Are the two related?

No one can tell if it matters, but one thing is certain, Huanyu is beginning to go downhill.

Kinsky Entertainment is one of the leading entertainment groups in the industry, with great influence and wide scope.

And Huanyu is not even 4A advertising, and its influence is limited to Yanjing.

Comparing the two, Qingtian's statement will make his colleagues use the world to make an operation and sell Qingtian's face.

Just as when DynaSky blocked Moeren’s advertising business, other advertising companies and film and television crews interrupted their cooperation with Moeren. Even Shi Hao of Tiandi Film and Television was willing to help him after seeing the potential of the cute person, or secretly.

The world is scorching, and it is normal for the entertainment industry to hold high and step low.

In the future, it will be difficult for Universe to get advertising lists from large and medium-sized companies and brand companies because they cannot invite big-name celebrities to shoot advertisements in accordance with corporate requirements. I can only accept small orders from small and medium-sized companies and barely support the company. It would be ridiculous to talk about ambitions.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Liu Lei immediately contacted Bed|Ban Tian Ye, but Tian Ye did not answer the phone.

Then he contacted Ning Shibin again and cried out on the phone; "Young Master Bin, how could this be? I do everything according to your instructions!"

"Shut up!" Ning Shibin said in a huff, "It's just that there are no celebrities to take photos of your company's advertisements, and it won't go bankrupt. You just pick up some more small orders, isn't it all right?"

"Shao Bin, our company will be over in this way. Didn't you introduce our company to join the 4A Advertising Association before?"

"Before was before, now is now. If you can't do something, you are embarrassed to cry with me?"

"then what do I do?"

"What to do and what to do! Wait until the recent limelight has passed. I won't call you in the future, you are not allowed to contact me!"

After finishing speaking, no matter how Liu Lei reacted, Ning Shibin hung up, looked at the old man in front of him, and complained: "Did those old guys have their brains flooded and are helping the cute people to block Huanyu?"

"You know what a fart!" Father Ning Shibin took out the Chinese propaganda poster of "My Savage Girlfriend" and photographed it in front of Ning Shibin, "see for yourself!"

"What can I see?"

"Watch screenwriters and lyrics."

"Azheng, Xiaoyuer..."

Ning Shibin looked at his father in amazement, who nodded: "The group has confirmed that there is Mai Xiaoyu's investment in this movie, and he provided the script and theme song."

"Isn't it possible, that's a grass-to-head company, why should I cooperate with South Korea?"

"So, you look down upon this grass-to-head company. Recently they invested in the filming of "Crazy Stone", and they invited Liu Dehua to appear as a guest and sing the theme song. Do you think ordinary companies can do it?"

"This...then my hatred will not be reported? I grow up so old, you and my mother are reluctant to hit me, he not only hit me, but also interrupted the bridge of my nose!"

Father Ning Shibin patted his son on the shoulder: "Bin' You are also big. You have to have a long-term vision and mind. Don't always be obsessed with those nasty methods. Isn't he making movies and TV shows? You just use dignified means to defeat him."

"Dad, you mean..."

"That's right. Outsiders think that the entertainment industry is full of gold, making TV dramas and movies seems to make more money. In fact, they don't know how many small and medium-sized companies have suffered huge losses because of investing in movies and TV dramas, and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Understand what I mean. Yet?"

Ning Shibin nodded vigorously: "I know what to do!"


How Ning Shibin and his son negotiated and decided that Mai Xiaoyu had no idea. He only knew that the current situation of Mengren Film and Television was very good. In particular, the advertising business that has been blocked for more than half a year has been reopened, and even Shancheng members have received auditions from local advertising companies.

He originally wanted to stay in the mountain city, and waited until the "Stone" crew came back to Yenching together. However, the changes in the "Pink Girl" crew disrupted his plans.

At the beginning of May, he returned to Yanjing from the mountain city and dialed Wang Chuhan's phone as soon as he got off the plane: "I'm back. See you tomorrow morning, I have something to ask you..." (To be continued.)

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