The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 260: Invade the television circle

At about 11:30, Liang Pei, who was busy with "work" in the morning, came to the office of Deputy Director Wang Yunshi.

"Nana, is Chief Wang still busy?"

Liu Nana, Wang Yunshi's secretary, is young and beautiful in her twenties.

She nodded, and smiled apologetically at Liang Pei: "Brother Liang, Director Wang specifically ordered it not to be disturbed. If you have anything, come back in the afternoon."

I'm not here to report to him this time...

Liang Pei looked at his watch: "It's almost twelve o'clock, don't the leaders have any orders?"

"I don't dare to ask." Liu Nana said aggrievedly, "I just transferred to an appointment call and was scolded by the leader. He has never scolded me like that."

It really is a big fish!

Liang Pei's eyes rolled: "It's time to eat. The health of the leader is very important. You are the secretary and have the responsibility to take care of the health of the leader."

"I know, there is still a meal at noon. I made an appointment the day before yesterday and I dare not ask him."

"This matter is very important and can't be delayed. You have to remind the leader."

Liu Nana thought for a while and picked up the landline on the table: "Then I'll make a call."

"Don't call, you just go in."

"Is that okay?" Liu Nana glanced at Liang Pei, and asked meaningfully, "Brother Liang, are the two young people with good backgrounds?"

"As long as you talk a lot, go ahead."

"I owe it personally."

Liu Nana smiled sweetly, got up and went to the door of Wang Yunshi's office and tapped twice.

Hearing Wang Yunshi saying "come in" inside, she smiled and opened the door and walked in.

"Taiwan Chief Wang, Mr. Zhao from Longtong Cement has called and asked you when you will be there."

Longtong Cement, a large-scale cement plant in Hefei.

Due to the pollution problem, it was exposed by reporters recently, and the pressure was a little bit heavy.

In order to alleviate his own pressure, Mr. Zhao contacted Wang Yunshi the day before yesterday to arrange a meal specially, and wanted him to help press down on the media.

"Tell him, I have something to do now, another day. Xiao Liu, didn't I tell you that there is no important thing, don't you bother me?"

"But it's almost twelve o'clock. Your stomach is not good, and the doctor told you to eat on time."

"That's it." Thanks to the secretary's reminder, Wang Yunshi realized that it was almost noon. "So what, you call the cafeteria and ask them to arrange a room on the third floor and make more of our local specialties. Contact us by the way. Rich man, let them reserve a private room for me at night."

After confessing to the secretary, he said to Mai Xiaoyu: "Let’s go to the cafeteria to have a bite at noon. In the evening, let’s go to the rich and powerful and taste the fine dishes there. Don’t mind. I’m just starting to see you. The analysis of each David’s own position is very thorough, and I also want to hear your views on the future development direction of the TV station."

"Brother, you exalt me ​​too much, I'm all nonsense."

"If you want to say this, I have to criticize you. Little comrade, overly modest but proud..."

In less than an hour of conversation, the relationship between Wang Yunshi and Mai Xiaoyu quickly got closer.

In addition to Wang Yunshi's suspicion that Mengren has a strong background in film and television, there is also the factor that Mai Xiaoyu's own professional qualities are sufficiently hard.

At first, Mai Xiaoyu proposed to change from two episodes to three episodes of the nightly prime time TV series, which attracted Wang Yunshi's attention.

Then, Mai Xiaoyu analyzed the current self-positioning and development status of many satellite TVs.

For example, CCTV dominates, with unparalleled resource advantages and the support of national administrative power, occupying a dominant position, using the dual power of market and administration to suppress competitors, and having a huge market share.

However, in recent years, with the release of phenomenon-level hits such as "Returning the Pearl Gege" and "Deep Love in the Rain" and other popular dramas, coupled with novel and unique variety entertainment programs, Mango Satellite TV in Shonan has sprung up. Grab market share.

The market share determines the status of each TV in the industry, as well as important advertising revenue.

Many Shanghai Satellite TVs have introduced reform measures to reform the traditional positioning of the "News Comprehensive" channel, forming their own characteristics with their own unique advantages, and grabbing market share.

For example, Yanjing Satellite TV at the foot of the emperor still insists on a comprehensive news-oriented channel with a high position; Xiangnan Satellite TV focuses on TV dramas and variety shows; and Hui'an Satellite TV has clarified the channel operation direction of "main TV drama".

At present, the weekly broadcast volume of Hui'an TV series steadily ranks first in the country, forming a group of stable ratings. This is one of the reasons why Mai Xiaoyu attaches great importance to the trip to Hefei.

"Your station takes TV dramas as the main direction. I think you can build a few more characteristic TV theaters so that the audience can closely link your station with TV dramas. When you think of Dolphin TV, you think of TV dramas; when you think of TV dramas, you first think of Dolphin TV."

"In addition, variety shows cannot be released, and it must be like a rejuvenation reform, to win more young audiences, and cultivate a younger audience..."

While having a potluck in the cafeteria at noon, Mai Xiaoyu continued to talk about his views and put forward his own suggestions and opinions for Dolphin TV.


Four cold dishes: lotus chicken, candied lotus root, spicy skin, cold spicy cucumber.

Four hot dishes: iron plate smelly mandarin fish, Jixi Yipin pot, saddle eel, Wenzheng mountain bamboo shoots.

A soup: stewed turtle with ham.

Four cool, four hot and one soup, where is it?

This is the third floor of the Dolphin Satellite Canteen, not a large dining area on the first and second floors.

The third floor is a small stove private room, which mainly receives leaders at all levels, large and small.

If the level is not enough or the relationship is not strong enough, you can't get up if you have money!

After having lunch in the cafeteria and taking a short break, the three returned to the office to blow on the air conditioner.

Chen Qiaoen was sleepy and closed his eyes on the sofa to take a nap; while Wang Yunshi, 40 or 50 years old, was full of energy and took Mai Xiaoyu to continue chatting.

"...TV stations pay attention to resources to win, and most of the TV stations have not realized this."

"Like four-star co-broadcasting, multiple satellite TVs broadcast the same TV series at the same time, although they reduce costs and reduce risks, they also greatly reduce revenue. And independent TV shows help TV stations to be unique and get rid of the homogenization of TV series competition. ."

"Future TV stations will sooner or later enter the stage of brand winning..."

Wang Yunshi listened very carefully to Mai Xiaoyu’s novel point of view: “As for the brand, we have determined in the first half of this year: to build the best TV hypermarket in China.”

Force|The grid is too low.

Mai Xiaoyu gave a light cough and said, "Brother, what do you think of the brand positioning of'The Drama Traveling in the World, Love Passing Wanjia'"?"

Play the world, love to pass on to thousands of families?

It sounds like a higher-end atmosphere than "to create China's best TV series hypermarket"...

Mai Xiaoyu has something to say, and his analysis is reasonable and well-founded; Wang Yunshi is fresh in his ears, and he has his own small abacus.

In this way, the two took the Dolphin Guard as the starting point and chatted about the future development direction of the TV station for an afternoon.

After the nap, Chen Qiao'en was stunned and watched Mai Xiaoyu talk in front of Wang Yunshi. His heart was ups and downs:

Am I doing something wrong?

Is he lying again? (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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