The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 265: The lamb is ferocious

It is not so much a fake public for private benefit, as it is a kind of unspoken rules, and it also reflects the importance of the word "renqing" in the human relationship society.

You can cast aside contempt, but you can't get rid of being alone.

When a production company sells dramas, they will be treated differently because of their strengths. However, in the face of future payments, all companies will have to bear the same… "debts" that may come from the TV station.

There are only a few TV stations in the country that can execute the contract and pay in time. Most of them are first-line TV stations, and they have money.

Many second-line TVs have to line up for payment. Whenever you have money, pay a little, or when you buy the next play, pay off the previous one; if you don’t have the next play, just drag it.

And some TV stations with poor economic conditions will still delay payment for various reasons.

Some small and medium-sized production companies with poor operating conditions are very likely to have a cash flow rupture; and those large listed companies...Look at the high accounts receivable that they have increased year by year!

It can be said that two factors are inseparable from selling the film in the early stage and collecting the payment in the later stage: one is to watch the film, the quality is good or not; the other is to look at the face, but the face is not big.

Mai Xiaoyu brought in the tiger skin of Chen Qiao'en's family background, and it was easy to swindle a corner of the TV circle. Naturally, he wanted to create a better and more favorable situation and get through Wang Yunshi's line.

In late August, Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen returned to Yanjing and brought back the film purchase contract of Dolphin TV.

The exclusive premiere of the prime time and the price of a single episode of 500,000 yuan shocked the company and thundered.

"Oh my God, a single episode of 500,000 yuan, the exclusive premiere of the prime time!"

"Am I wrong?"

"Mr. Mai, are you too good?"

"Jon, how do you talk about Dolphin TV?"


From two hundred thousand for a single episode of Samsung's unicast to five hundred thousand for the exclusive first episode, the difference is that even those who teach in numbers and sports can understand, not to mention that Dolphin TV is still on the line!

The company was shaken everywhere, but what was even more shocking was another matter-former propaganda commissioner Chen Qiaoen was promoted to assistant Mai Xiaoyu.

Well, that is, the assistant to the general manager, or the general assistant for short.

Once this appointment was announced, a gossip storm was immediately set off in the company.

"Why did Mr. Mai suddenly promote Jon as an assistant?"

"It is estimated that Jon has done a lot to win the contract with Dolphin TV this time."

"She worked hard? Could it be that... I understand why Mr. Mai took her there. She is really pretty, so it's no wonder that she can win Dolphin TV."

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Mai is not that kind of person, and she actively asked to accompany Mr. Mai."

"Have you forgotten that Jon has a crush on Mr. Mai?"

"You mean the two of them... I understand, do you understand?"

"I also understand..."

"You guys are not good things. Look at your expressions. They are so cheap. Don't Jon and Mike match? How beautiful is Jon. Mr. Mike is so handsome and good. If I had Joe I'm half pretty, I've been pursuing Mr. Mai long ago!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Mai is not with Sister Tao..."

Gossip is a symbol of the entertainment industry and also human nature.

Mengren’s working atmosphere is relaxed, and employees often gossip in private, but they know the importance and the internal people and things involved in the company are very strict and never gossip.

Not to mention that this is the foundation of ordinary people in the entertainment industry, just talking about cute people's relaxed environment, generous benefits, and bright development prospects, no one is willing to lose this job.

Liu Xiaoli is also curious.

She contacted a number of second and third line TVs, knowing the difficulty of selling movies.

"Maizi, how do you talk about Dolphin TV?"

"Anyway, it's settled. Please arrange for someone to follow up on the follow-up matters..."

Mai Xiaoyu made a vague prevarication, and couldn't tell Liu Xiaoli about the turns inside. He only emphasized two points: First, Chen Qiaoen did not suffer any harm; second, nothing happened to him and Chen Qiaoen that shouldn't have happened.

Liu Xiaoli couldn't ask too much, but was fooled by Mai Xiaoyu and started to arrange follow-up work.

However, Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan, the two little friends, couldn't fool them.

In the general manager's office.

Xiaoxing Xi asked straightforwardly: "Boss, you ate the lamb?"

"It's not pumping."

"Then you let her be your assistant?"

"Thanks to her this time, or I can't get Dolphin TV. Brother Fork, don't look at me like this, I'm not that dirty."

Zhang Xiaoquan smiled, quite shameless Xiaoxing Xiaoxing demeanor: "I believe you won't, I'm just curious, is she big?"

Mai Xiaoyu nodded solemnly: "The director of the TV station's film purchase department wanted to touch her, so I was beaten up. I was beaten up early the next morning, and the Discipline Inspection Commission intervened."

Xiaoxing Xi: "..."

Zhang Xiaoquan: "..."

The brothers took a breath.

Xiaoxing Xiaoxing's back was cold: "It's too fierce, it seems that she was kind to us at the beginning."

Zhang Xiaoquan said with a stern expression: "Yu'er, are you still planning to circle her?"

"Why don't you circle? Just a short shot and circle her. Our company has one more powerful ally."

In the circle of Chen Qiaoen, Mai Xiaoyu is confident and determined to win.

Although it is difficult, this little lamb has successfully entered the game under his guidance

The only thing that bothers him is the destructive power of this little lamb...

That night.

Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao are preparing to have dinner and enjoying their rare time. Chen Qiaoen is here.

"It smells so good, you just had dinner?"

Liu Tao greeted enthusiastically: "Well, just made it. Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I'm in a bad mood and went shopping at the mall before I came back."

"That's just one piece to eat, try my craft."

"Thank you Sister Tao."

Ignoring Mai Xiaoyu's stunned gaze, Chen Qiaoen washed his hands, and while Liu Tao went to get the tableware, Mai Xiaoyu lowered his voice: "Is it suitable for you to eat and drink like this?"

Chen Qiaoen smiled proudly: "Introduce me to two teachers, Maizi and Maizi, otherwise I will come every day. Anyway, you don't like Sister Tao, do you?"


"You are not good again."

"Sister Tao is here, I'm afraid of you."

At this time Liu Tao brought a pair of tableware, and the two of them immediately fell silent.

Liu Tao served Chen Qiao'en a bowl of rice, and then handed her the bowl and chopsticks, like a virtuous mistress.

"Thank you Sister Tao, Sister Tao is so virtuous. If anyone marries you in the future, they will have a good fortune." Chen Qiaoen took the table and chopsticks, and Mei Mei glanced at Mai Xiaoyu seemingly inadvertently.

Liu Tao smiled and glanced at Mai Xiaoyu: "What did you just say?"


Mai Xiaoyu beats haha, but Chen Qiaoen refuses to give up, pulling Liu Tao's arm aggrievedly: "Sister Tao, he thinks I am eating and drinking and disturbing you."

Liu Tao said sympathetically: "It's okay, it's more lively for multiple people to eat."

"It's better for Sister Tao, unlike some people who kill the donkeys, I want to kick me away after using them in Hefei..."

Mai Xiaoyu couldn't help but fight back: "Are you a donkey?"

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