The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 267: Entertainment tracking

"Maizi, where are Azheng and Xiaoyuer? You didn't invite them?"

"They went to Korea."

"South Korea? Which movie did your company co-produce with South Korea? Is Huang Bo's actor set?"

"Well, otherwise I won't cooperate with ihq."

"Not to mention, he played very well in "The Stone"..."

In the private gathering of Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Dehua, Lian Jin and Liu Tao rarely spoke.

The success of "Stone" has opened up the mainland market for Lianjin, and has now received a mainland production contract. Liu Dehua brought him here, mainly to thank Mai Xiaoyu. On the other hand, I also hope that in the future, if possible, Mengren can take more care of his old classmate in the training class who has been working hard but has ill-fated.

When Mai Xiaoyu brought Liu Tao, it was mainly because he was familiar...

"Your company is not easy." Liu Dehua sighed, "How many people have this "Stone" become popular, and Teddy has also benefited a lot."

"Stone" was released for more than a month. The director and several main actors have not only increased their popularity, but with the arrival of the golden autumn and September, they have also ushered in their own harvest period.

Guo Tao and Lian Jin have received a new offer, Guo Tao's value has soared, and Lian Jin has opened up the mainland market.

Gou Yunhao and Luo Xue won the favor of film and television companies and signed contracts with their wonderful performances in the play. Although the company is not big, it can be regarded as a real person who has truly passed the gate of the entertainment industry.

Wang Xun is a member of the repertory troupe. After the release of "Stone", he became one of the biggest names of the troupe. He will definitely appear in the publicity of the drama he performed, and the tickets are also very good, and the crew contacted him to film.

The biggest beneficiaries are Xiaoxing Xi and Huang Bo.

I have seen Huang Bo's performance in "The Stone", and I have nothing to say about ihq.

Mai Xiaoyu played both soft and hard, finally made ihq regress, and promised Huang Bo to play the leading actor.

Huang Bo has already obtained the script and is in preparation. In a few days, Mai Xiaoyu will take him and Li Xue to South Korea to negotiate a contract with ihq.

Xiaoxing Su is the best, with "Stone" among the ranks of new star directors, frequently appearing in the media and TV shows, several groups of people look for him to direct movies.

After more than half a month of selection, and weighing factors such as scripts, capital budgets, and investor and producer support, he finally chose a film with an investment of 8 million. The preparations for the crew have already begun, and Zhang Xiaoquan is a photographer who is doing his part.

Box office, word of mouth, directors, actors... a good harvest!

"How much is the box office now, don't you have 70 million?" Liu Dehua asked.

"A little more than 70 million. The stamina is insufficient, and it may be 80 million when it goes offline."

"At most 80 million...You are still not satisfied? Your total investment in this movie is only 3 million!"

"It's eight million, and there are five million in publicity expenses."

Liu Dehua looked at Mai Xiaoyu helplessly, and said to Lian Jin in a serious manner:

"Teddy, you have to be careful of this guy in the future, and be greedy. Did you know that when he came to Xiangjiang, I was worried that he would not have enough funds, and asked him whether I should invest, and he told me not. At the time I thought he had sufficient funds. Now I understand that he wants to eat alone and doesn't want me to split his box office."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

How to put it, from a certain point of view, Liu Dehua did say that Mai Xiaoyu's thoughts were in his mind at the time, but can Mai Xiaoyu admit it?

He laughed and said, "Brother Hua, don't bring me such a mess. Is it necessary to invest three million dollars in joint shooting? Is it necessary? At most, if there is a chance in the future, we two will cooperate once and come to a big show. Do you dare? "

"How dare you? How old do you want to come?"

"It's worth thirty or forty million, otherwise, I'm sorry for your identity."

"My identity is worthless." Liu Dehua smiled self-effacingly, his attitude became serious, "30-40 million is not a big problem, but I have one request."

"Azheng's notebook?"

"It's really easy to chat with you." Liu Dehua nodded, "I'm serious."

"I'm serious too. How many people can't ask for it to cooperate with Liu Tianwang."

Neither of them is joking.

Since his debut, Liu Dehua has starred in many blockbuster movies. However, he started his own company to make movies, but his acting path was not as smooth as his acting career, and he paid too much tuition.

The ups and downs of the 1990s are no longer mentioned. After entering the new century, the establishment of Yingyi Entertainment this year requires a heavyweight film to bid farewell to the bad luck of the past.

Although the cute person is small, it is called a grass-to-head company in the industry, but it has huge potential and is one of the best choices.

Mai Xiaoyu is also interested in cooperating with Liu Dehua, making Yingyi Entertainment a solid ally of Mengren Film and Television, expanding the network of Mengren Film and Television, and at the same time increasing the company's influence.

The two hit it off and reached a verbal agreement immediately, seeing Lian Jin and Liu Tao dumbfounded.

Didn’t it mean private gatherings?

How do you feel that you all came with a purpose?

is this okay?

Seems pretty good...

Unfortunately, Mai Xiaoyu hopes that Liu Dehua will play the leading role, and Liu Dehua is a model worker in the entertainment industry. The announcement has been arranged until next year, and there will be no schedule this year.

So the two parties agreed to find opportunities for cooperation next year, with an investment of 30 to 40 million yuan, um, Ah Zheng's notebook ~ ~ ten o'clock in the evening, the party ended, and the four people walked out of the club.

The moon stars are scarce, and neon lights flash in front of the clubhouse.

Liu Dehua's nanny car drove over, and the assistant got out of the car, and pointed to Xiali across the road: "Brother Hua, a reporter is taking pictures."

Generally speaking, celebrities don't like to be secretly photographed, because reporters who secretly photographed often have impure motives.

Liu Dehua frowned slightly, and Mai Xiaoyu said, "Brother Hua, get in the car first, and wait for me to drive over to see you away."

Soon, Mai Xiaoyu drove the Volvo to pick up Liu Tao and left the club after Liu Dehua's nanny car.

The Xiali followed closely behind.

When passing an intersection, Mai Xiaoyu deliberately controlled the speed so that Liu Dehua's nanny car passed the intersection smoothly, and his Volvo waited for the red light at the intersection. Xiali behind naturally could no longer follow Liu Dehua.

"Brother Hua, it's done."

"Thanks Maizi, don't forget our agreement."

The brief conversation with Liu Dehua ended. After waiting for nearly a minute, the red light turned green. At this time, the nanny car was no longer visible.

Mai Xiaoyu drove the car leisurely on the way home.

Liu Tao asked: "Maizi, are you really going to make a movie with Brother Hua?" ℃≡miào℃≡bi℃≡ge℃≡

"Is there a problem?"

"No, I just think it's incredible." Liu Tao said in a daze. "When I saw you on the rooftop more than a year ago, you still...I didn't expect to be able to cooperate with Brother Hua now..."

"You blame me for forcing you to sign?"

"Resent, blame you for not forcing me earlier..."

"Sit down!" Mai Xiaoyu suddenly increased the throttle to increase the speed.

Liu Tao was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Looking at the same speeding Xiali in the rearview mirror, Mai Xiaoyu cursed: "Nima, those reporters came for us!"

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