The Central Academy of Drama is one of China's three major art academies, and it is also the "sacred place" in the hearts of countless art candidates.

Every year there will be many candidates for the art test, and they will be able to fight through the thousands of troops and squeeze on the single-plank bridge of the "pilgrimage to the AA saint".

19-year-old Tang Yan, from the East China Sea, is one of the best this year. She stood out from the huge art examination army and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and became an undergraduate of the 2002 performance department.

After class at noon, she and her classmate Tang Wenhui went to the cafeteria for dinner.

The two are roommates, and both are surnamed Tang. They were in the same family five hundred years ago, and they have been closer together since the beginning of school for more than 20 days.

After lunch and walking through the beautiful campus promenade, when she was about to return to the dormitory, a boy stopped her.

"Sugar Yan!"

This boy is sunny and handsome, with a bright smile... The eight hundred characters are omitted here. In short, the most indispensable art school is handsome guys and beautiful women.

"Senior Xu." Tang Yan nodded in response, smiling politely.

"Have you got a meal yet?"


"Oh, I also said to invite you to dinner. Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, do you have any arrangements?"

Tang Yan and Tang Wenhui looked at each other and shook their heads: "No discussion yet."

"That's just right. Our dormitory is going to have a group dinner and singing K, let's go together. There are so many people and fun to play."

Tang Wenhui smiled and said, "Are you inviting guests?"

"Of course, there is no reason for girls to pay the bill."

Tang Yan hesitated: "Well, we have to discuss it."

Xu Xuechang climbed along the pole: "Well, this afternoon you will discuss the results in your dormitory. I will invite you to dinner in the evening. Let's plan for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Senior, you only invite Tang Yan, what about me?"

"Next time, I will ask you for the next order."

Tang Yan was embarrassed: "I'm not feeling well these past two days, and it's not convenient at night. Why don't you two go to dinner."

After Xu Xuechang was finally dismissed, Tang Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Tang Wenhui whispered: "This senior Xu is not bad. He is tall and handsome, and he wears all famous brands. He should be quite rich. Why don't you agree?"

"I don't want to think about that too soon."

"Eat, eat, sing and sing. Even if you accept him as a gift and agree to date him, it doesn't mean you accept his pursuit? Girls, only boys’ pursuit can show their charm."

"If you like it, let him chase you."

"It's easy to say, I don't have the charm of you. Until now, I have received five love letters and three bunches of flowers as a gift. The total amount is less than half of yours."

"I don't have so many, there are only a dozen love letters in total."

"That's not good for you. If you are willing to accept it, there will be piles of flowers and gifts."

"How can it be so exaggerated..."

They talked and laughed when they returned to the dormitory, only to see that the oldest in the dormitory, Shen Fei, was dressed up and "applied yellow to the mirror."

"Sister Fei, did you go out on a date at noon?" Tang Wenhui asked curiously.

Shen Fei is putting on lipstick, applying it very carefully and attentively, and has no time to answer.

Another short-haired girl in the dormitory smiled and said, "Sister Fei is going to tease handsome guy AA."

"No!" Tang Wenhui started gossiping, "Tell me, which professional, how old is this year, is handsome or not, what is it at home, does it have a car, and what car is it worth Sister Fei? Pay attention to?"

At this time, Shen Fei had finished applying lipstick, took out the facial tissue and wrapped it around her finger, put it in her mouth, and pulled it out like a lollipop.

Tang Yan and Tang Wenhui were dumbfounded, and the short-haired girl exaggeratedly said: "Sister Fei, you are very proficient in business, do you want me to find another cucumber for you?"

"A girl with no full hair, what do you know. This can wipe off the extra lipstick on the inner side of the lips. This is what a makeup artist I know taught me." Shen Fei checked the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. , Stand up and turn around and pose a seductive pose, "How is it, is it beautiful?"

"Beauty, the mouth is more beautiful." The girl with short hair was as "dirty" as always.

Tang Wenhui praised a few words, and continued to ask: "Sister Fei, who the **** is it? Was it the handsome guy who drove Ferrari a few days ago?"

"What do you think about every day, who said I would go on a date?"

"Then what are you going to do, you still dress up so beautifully?"

Tang Wenhui and Tang Yan looked at Shen Fei incomprehensibly, and the short-haired girl who liked "dirty" came over.

"Or I said you are all a bunch of yellow-haired girls who don't know the world." Shen Fei flicked her hair, youthful, "I'm going for an interview."

"Have the crew informed you of the interview?"

"Sister Fei, you are too interesting. When did you submit your resume and why didn't you call us?"

"We are only freshman, will the school agree to let us go out to film?"

Shen Fei sat down and took out Moore's cigarette: "I didn't say to see the group, I will go to the film and television company for an interview in the afternoon."

Tang Yan: "..."

Tang Wenhui: "..."

Girl with short hair: "..."


You dressed up for more than an hour, dressed so beautifully, just to go to the film and television company for an interview?

Is it really just an interview?

The girl with short hair blinked a few times: "The boss will interview directly, right?"

"Yes. For this interview, I waited for almost two weeks. Their boss only flew back from South Korea two days ago and he has time to see me."

Shen Fei didn’t avoid it, lit a cigarette, and said straightforwardly: “I’m not afraid to tell you that if their boss really likes me, I’ll follow him. It’s fine to get married or to be in love, as long as he can praise me. I don’t mind."

The three women of Tang Yan looked at each other.

They have just entered university from high school, and they are still young, including the short-haired "dirty" girl, who just said it badly.

Shen Fei is different. She took the art exam for three times and was only admitted to the Chinese opera this year. Not only are they older than them, they are also rich in life experience.

"Do you know why I rejected Ferrari? He just wants to play with me and has no real feelings. In the end I get nothing but money. We girls, it's easy to get into the Chinese opera, whether you want to be a star in the future or If you want to marry a rich family, you have to build on your own fame..."

When Shen Fei said something, he was terrified when he thought about it, but then he thought about it, but he didn't know how to be sharp.

For a while, the girl with short hair tentatively asked, "Which company is famous?"

"Mengren Film and Television."

"Have not heard."

"Small company?"

Tang Yan opened her mouth, "Be careful of being deceived" but did not say the words.

Shen Fei breathed out smoke gracefully: "Have you watched "I Believe"? Have you watched "Crazy Stone" in the summer vacation? Have you heard of "Little Apple", "I Believe", and "My Skate Shoes"? What's the matter with small companies? Just because they are small, they like to use new people. New talents like us have the opportunity to get ahead."

"Their company is not easy to enter. If you want to become a contract artist, you have to pass an interview, pay 10,000 yuan to become a member, shoot a model card, and then shoot some commercials, movies and TV dramas. Only when you perform well, it is possible to sign... …"△≧miào△≧bi△≧gé△≧


Ten thousand yuan...


Model card...


Receiving commercial film and television series...

Tang Yan felt a familiar routine in her heart and blurted out: "Sister Fei, don't you be a scam company?"

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