The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 281: He didn't come!

"Sign it, you are Shancai!"

Mai Xiaoyu opened the gate of the sheep pen for the first time and waited for the lamb in front of him to enter the pen.

Chen Qiaoen shook his head: "I didn't mean that, and I never thought about being an actor."

She just wanted to tell Mai Xiaoyu that Maizi’s comics and Maizi’s novels are very suitable for adaptation into film and television dramas.

It’s just that it’s not easy to create long-length serial comics. You can’t expect Maizi to create one or more comics within a year and then adapt them into film and television dramas.

But wheat is fine.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" Chen Qiao'en is hard to say, but if "Why Sheng Xiaomo" is adapted into a film and television drama, I believe the effect will not be bad.

The most important thing is that when "Why Shengxiaomo" is finished, Maizi can write another urban romance novel.

Even if one book is published a year, it is equivalent to storing a classic script for Mengren every year. At that time, it will be adapted by Ah Zheng and filmed into a TV series, which will be of great benefit to the company.

"Mr. Mai, what do you think of my proposal?"

What the **** is this little lamb doing?

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Chen Qiaoen for a moment, then touched his chin and said, "It sounds reasonable."

"It makes sense." Chen Qiaoen continued, "I know that literary creation is not easy, and you need to collect materials to experience life. I am a journalist, and I used to be a freelance writer and accumulated a lot of materials. Mr. Mai, you can I arranged an interview with Teacher Mai. I told him the materials I collected in the past two years to provide ideas and inspiration for his creation."

Oh, ha ha.

When Mai Xiaoyu understood Chen Qiao'en's intention, he couldn't help but smile.

Shaking with me again?

Does wheat creation need to experience life?

Need to collect materials?

Just remember the content of the strange dream!

"Mai has autism and does not want to meet people. If you are really interested, you can sort out the material and I will pass it to him."

You scold yourself for having autism, is that okay?

Chen Qiaoen slandered, and his eyes rolled: "Well, then. But I can't give it to him for free. I want to see the deposit of the last few volumes of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". By the way, his deposit is up to which volume. ?"

Mai Xiaoyu didn't think much, and said casually: "The eighth book is almost finished."

The fifth chapter was only written that day, and now it's almost finished?

Chen Qiaoen looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement, and believed even more firmly in his own judgment that Mai Xiaoyu is wheat!

Only in this way will it be more convenient for him to come into contact with Maizi, Azheng and Xiaoyuer, and set up threats after gaining their trust.

"Mr. Mai, you also know that I am a fan of Teacher Mai. Since he has autism and is inconvenient to meet people, can you ask for an autograph for me?"

It's weird!

Mai Xiaoyu didn't know yet, Chen Qiaoen found important clues in his computer, but instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the other party.

"Yes. As long as you sign a contract with the company, when the company shoots "Hua Nan" and you come to play Shancai, I am confident that you will become popular in this drama. Not to mention the signatures of Maizi, the signatures of Maizi, Azheng, and Xiaoyuer. You want as much as you want."

"But I don't want to be an actor. Besides, isn't it good for Sister Tao to play Shancai?"

"The image doesn't fit the play, it's wrong."

"What about Cici, she is your sister, don't you leave such a good role to her?"

"Good may not be appropriate, and I have arranged it for her."

"Where is Lin Zhiling? She is very beautiful. During the filming of "Pink Girl", her heartthrob look was very popular on the Internet."

"Do you think she looks like weeds in her delicate appearance?"

"You mean, I'm like a weed?" Chen Qiaoen pouted, "I'm not happy!"

"You don't look the same, but you have good acting skills, whether it is weed or lotus, you can perform."

My acting skills are good?

What's the meaning?

Did he find something?

Impossible, I have always been very careful, and I haven't revealed any flaws.

Chen Qiaoen was up and down in his heart, and asked cautiously: "Why do you think my acting skills are good?"

"Intuition! Don't you think we are very destined? I will keep this play for you until the day you agree."

Who is predestined with you?

Talking weird, as if confessing to marry me.

Chen Qiaoen's beautiful eyes flickered, but there was a little inexplicable happiness in his heart, and he did not directly refuse for the first time.

"Then I will think about it. Say yes first. I don't know when I can think about it, and I won't necessarily agree to it."


National Day, the whole country celebrates.

The seven-day holiday is worthy of the name Golden Week. The tourism market is prosperous, and the overall supply and demand are booming. The people use real money for consumption to contribute their own strength to the country's GDP.

As the capital of China, Yanjing welcomes a large number of tourists at this time of the year.

The tourist attractions are crowded with people, and there are people who can’t see the scenery at all. However, the tourists complain and still enjoy the fun of holiday travel in their hearts.

However, not everyone can enjoy the joy of vacation.

October 3rd.

A flight from the United States landed at the Capital International Airport.

Tears full of comfort, holding the black urn, accompanied by his uncle, aunt, Wu Guodong and others, walked off the flight.

Wang Changgui, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, stood outside the exit in plain clothes. There are several people nearby, of different ages. Judging from their upright posture when they are standing, they are mostly police officers.

October 5th.

The autumn sky is clear and clear.

Wan'an Li, Xiangshan South Road, Wan'an Cemetery.

A brand new tombstone, piled with a lot of flowers.

Shu Chang stood in front of the tombstone, looking at the newly-built tombstone, and then at the slightly old tombstone that had experienced years of wind and rain.

Under these two tombstones are the two most important relatives in her life.

One is mother and the other is brother.

A middle-aged man walked over and presented a white gardenia in front of the tombs of Dong Ping and Song Ma. Then he hugged him lightly and said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Gardenia, gardenia, sorry.

Gardenia, gardenia, sorry.

Gardenia, gardenia, sorry.


There were males and females, old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, one by one they presented gardenias, lightly embraced and relaxed, dropped a "sorry", turned and left.

There was no conversation between them, not even eye contact, as if they didn't know each other at all.

Not far away, Wang Changgui silently watched those people, and sighed: "In the old days, they were brothers and sisters, but now they are strangers."

Wu Guodong's eyes were red, and he sneered: "President Gui, who do you think caused it?"

Wang Changgui silently pretended not to hear.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people in front of the tombstone. Shu Chang’s aunt walked to her and put her arms around her weak shoulders: "Chang Chang, don’t be sad. Your mother is alive in the sky, and she doesn’t want to see you cry. Tears."

Shu Chang didn't seem to hear her, but tears filled her and looked around, looking for something.

Upon seeing this, Wang Changgui asked Wu Guodong: "You didn't tell Mai?"

"Why do you want to tell him that he still feels that the pressure he has been carrying in the past few years is not enough?"

"Hirako's matter was an accident..."

"What about Wheat? He was detained for more than 60 days, expelled from the school, and beaten by the inmates..."

While talking, Shu Chang suddenly cried out to Wu Guodong: "Uncle Wu, he is not here!" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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